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Thread: Marilyn Manson Sexual Abuse Allegations

  1. #31
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    I'm hoping that the timing of this is deliberate... he comes out with an album that people kinda liked and then she does this to torpedo him and send him to the depths to be forgotten...

    Sure, it could have happened any time up until now, but the reception of other releases before this haven't anywhere near as positive.

  2. #32
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    ERW's instastories have far more detailed accounts from each of these women. I think I'm going to be sick. This is awful. My heart breaks for these people, and all who suffer from domestic abuse. I hope they can find some justice and healing. I'm glad they found a way out of the nightmare.

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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    ERW's instastories have far more detailed accounts from each of these women. I think I'm going to be sick. This is awful. My heart breaks for these people, and all who suffer from domestic abuse. I hope they can find some justice and healing. I'm glad they found a way out of the nightmare.
    Her red flag post is really worth reading, for everyone to know what to AVOID.

    Also, a big FUCK YES to this:

    People will keep insisting that you immediately leave. But it's never that simple. There has to be a plan in place; it's like escaping Cuba or something, you have to secretly move all your mail, bank deposits, bank accounts, all kinds of shit way in advance, so that when you're finally leaving, everything is all ready to go, whether you're leaving for another secret apartment or a shelter. Because the first thing they do when they find out you're leaving is lock down all your money.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-01-2021 at 04:31 PM.

  4. #34
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    I’ve been on a deep dive into the Manson stuff today and, from what I’ve seen, expect a lot more stories to come out. There’s also a few women out there saying Lindsay was complicit in their abuse. - latest thread in what I’ve been reading. The top has a good overview of what’s been going on with drama regarding this over the last year.
    Last edited by slave2thewage; 02-01-2021 at 05:15 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Her red flag post is really worth reading, for everyone to know what to AVOID.

    Also, a big FUCK YES to this:

    People will keep insisting that you immediately leave. But it's never that simple. There has to be a plan in place; it's like escaping Cuba or something, you have to secretly move all your mail, bank deposits, bank accounts, all kinds of shit way in advance, so that when you're finally leaving, everything is all ready to go, whether you're leaving for another secret apartment or a shelter. Because the first thing they do when they find out you're leaving is lock down all your money.
    I grew up in a household with a person who was abusive to me. It's a different dynamic because it was my sister. She ratfucked the deep wiring of my brain starting at age six. How the fuck does one escape from THAT? Reading those accounts literally made me sick to my stomach. This stuff is never as simple as people think. I don't even tell people my situation because they nearly always give me some version of, 'Yeah. Siblings fight like cats and dogs, huh? My brother was an asshole too.' Was your brother a mentally abusive sadist with psychopathy? It just gets dismissed, especially because it's coming from a man, but that's the unique dynamic of my particular abuse, I guess. The only reason I'm saying it here is because it doesn't really matter. In real life? I almost never tell anyone.

    I would note, based on that link, that I do tend to attract abusive people into my life because of all of this. So, it did tweak me a little reading about the red flag where people have "crazy" people in their life. I don't call the string of abusive people from my past crazy though, but I probably used to. A lot of therapy and many years later I've realized I'm constantly subconsciously trying to resolve the situation. Now I'm very conscious about the people I pick to include in my life, but I still default to seeking approval of assholes who deserve neither approval nor attention from me.

    Sorry, I don't mean to make this about me. I'm triggered. I hate all of this. Really fucking hate it.

    I think I'm going to go on a drive.

  6. #36
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    Comments on Facebook about this are astounding in their stupidity, ignorance and misogyny. Conservatives are defending Marilyn Manson in the year 2021, in the name of the hill they are all seeming to die on, "cancel culture". Don't they have BIGGER fish to fry right now?

  7. #37
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    I started typing a post, and deleted it all. It just wasn't worth it. Bastard is not the one who needs the real focus on them right now. His words are useless, the victims' are not.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    I’ve been on a deep dive into the Manson stuff today and, from what I’ve seen, expect a lot more stories to come out. There’s also a few women out there saying Lindsay was complicit in their abuse. - latest thread in what I’ve been reading. The top has a good overview of what’s been going on with drama regarding this over the last year.
    So, I feel like a nut right now because I am sucked into this hole now too, and it confirms my suspicions that he's got an assistant or something (does Judd still work for Manson?) with a bunch of alts constantly running interference on people talking about the accusations.

    I've come across several accounts on reddit and other social media platforms who only have post history defending Manson and literally nothing else going months back. I got into a couple of arguments with such accounts today, and suddenly got suspicious because the style of writing for all these accounts were very similar, down to some of the same grammatical mistakes across accounts.

    It's probably just an overzealous fan with a disturbing devotion to Manson, but the whole thing felt off. I obviously need to take a break from this story, because I sound like a Q-Anon conspiracist right now lol

  9. #39
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  10. #40
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    Starz has now dropped the upcoming scenes starring Manson from the new season of American Gods and will be replacing him with a different actor.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    what an absolute piece of shit.

    i am so, so proud of ERW for speaking out, for surviving, for being unabashedly her in the face of this bullshit.

  12. #42
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    It's really a disgustingly dismissive way to respond to the allegations she's laying out in detail, and his defense doesn't really feel too impressive or convincing, especially considering his comments about how he fantasized about killing her with a sledgehammer every day.

  13. #43
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    I guess I'm fortunate in a way that while I love the albums he has released, I've never been fond of him as a person so that 'disconnect' between art and artist was already there much like how I love the Smashing Pumpkins but Billy Corgan to me is a piece of shit. But just... ew. Poor ERW. She's been sitting on this for so many years and the fact she finally mustered up the courage to publicly name him is admirable and she hopefully gets a little bit of relief or liberation from doing this.

  14. #44
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    Oh and I went onto the Provider Module forum out of curiosity to see how people would react and some of the comments are as disgusting and degrading as I would expect.

  15. #45
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    Marilyn Manson Sexual Abuse Allegations

  16. #46
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    I really hate it when people disguise their abuse as a kink.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I really hate it when people disguise their abuse as a kink.
    Yeah, that includes people who’ve had their lives completely ruined by abuse and PornHub.

    I watched a TV documentary about this and thought, “how are these sites legal? How is this happening?” Apparently, for the same reasons people believe Brian Warner is just a kinky guy.

  18. #48
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    I had an ex who was sexually assaulted simply because she looked a fair bit like Tori Amos. She was in her first year of college and he used that to his advantage. She broke down and told me, and immediately thought I would leave her and be disgusted. I didn't and her parents didn't when she finally told them. Her sister and her were emotional messes. No one questioned, no one accused her of attention seeking, we believed. That's one of who knows how many stories that have come out. Who knows how many more victims the abuser above had... And this is in college, where you have to look at them in classes every day.

    But that's going a little off topic. I've seen a few defenders online with just disgusting takes. Reversing roles, blaming women, misogyny, "she liked it", MGTOW juvenile bullshit. "That's what happens when you give women a voice! They destroy us men!"

  19. #49
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    After reading Dan Cleary’s tweets it’s clear that the music industry really needs to clean up its act, especially when he was talking about Manson being shitty to Lindsay Usich as late as 2015 and everyone just quiet about it. But who would be responsible for this and where does the buck stop? Like who would you even report this to if you’re a worker at a venue and see some shit?

  20. #50
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    I still cannot believe how much people will defend this shit as "clout chasing" they have ANY idea what kind of personal risk victims open themselves up too by raveling this stuff? Of course they don't, they just want to be able to keep listening to their music or watch their films guilt free. What makes it worse here is anyone who actually read his quotes from book or comments have known that this was coming FOR YEARS.

    What's annoying as fuck is the same people defending him for "cancel culture" are the same people who were laughing at how washed up he was, but now a women was abused? Ah no can't be having that, Manson for life...fucking pathetic!

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Comments on Facebook about this are astounding in their stupidity, ignorance and misogyny. Conservatives are defending Marilyn Manson in the year 2021, in the name of the hill they are all seeming to die on, "cancel culture". Don't they have BIGGER fish to fry right now?
    Well, he did say back in 2000 that he would have voted Republican.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    ALL abusive partners say this. They say nobody will believe us, it’s all in our head, etc. When an old friend of my ex tried to help me, my ex publicly went after him and then that friend publicly apologized... TO MY EX! Because he was afraid of him.

    Lindsay has a twin sister. She likely has other friends or family who’d help her. She needs to understand, first, that it’s abuse. Because the abuser keeps telling you it’s normal, and there’s something wrong with YOU.

    Because they are afraid of him, too. Abusers are manipulative bullies.

    All's I know is that I read that book (which he didn't even WRITE, btw - Neil Strauss wrote the book) and I was HORRIFIED at his disgusting level of blatant disregard toward women that came across as male supremacy. It was just staggering. And I'm not talking some "rock star" excusable shit. I've read plenty of "rock star" books and NONE of them had this shit. This was some level of psycho that was inexcusable. He made Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee, who led the most debauched lives on the planet, look positively chivalrous. There is something seriously WRONG with Brian Warner that only many years of psychotherapy can begin to fix. He's a danger to society.

    The dude is, seriously, one of the most unattractive humans to have ever lived. The only way he's gotten dates is by association and his money. If he was an accountant, he'd be an incel who'd likely be in prison for burying the bodies of hookers in his back yard by now.

    Neil Strauss literally has a company and a few books that teaches rich incels how to convince hot chicks to sleep with them. He’s not far behind Manson himself as far as being a decent human.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Well, he did say back in 2000 that he would have voted Republican.

  24. #54
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    It's ironic how many of my (now ex) friends on facebook who lambasted Donald Trump for his rape accusations and who held the torch for the Me Too movement and spouted "believe her" automatically started calling ERW a stupid bitch and immediately said all 5 or 6 women were liars who regretted consensual sex. He's the Donald Trump of shock rock.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Perhaps my ignorance, but was this a first step into actually taking him to court? I keep reading it and it just comes across a "I'm here for you" in the form of a formal letter.

  26. #56
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    Ugh, remembered randomly about that shitty MM forum Provider Module or whatever it's called, decided to peruse for the first time in years. Naturally, the VERY small number of people with brains in their skulls are being lambasted by the 'it's cancel culture!' clown shoes. Just a collection of the shittiest morons alive.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    I had an ex who was sexually assaulted simply because she looked a fair bit like Tori Amos. She was in her first year of college and he used that to his advantage. She broke down and told me, and immediately thought I would leave her and be disgusted. I didn't and her parents didn't when she finally told them. Her sister and her were emotional messes. No one questioned, no one accused her of attention seeking, we believed. That's one of who knows how many stories that have come out. Who knows how many more victims the abuser above had... And this is in college, where you have to look at them in classes every day.

    But that's going a little off topic. I've seen a few defenders online with just disgusting takes. Reversing roles, blaming women, misogyny, "she liked it", MGTOW juvenile bullshit. "That's what happens when you give women a voice! They destroy us men!"
    I had to look that up and found this: "Males Getting Triggered Over Women" sounds about right.

  28. #58
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    So I don't know why i decided I to try to find this music video I've seen mentioned, where Manson apparently beats up someone who looks like ERW. Maybe it's morbid curiosity. I'm guilty of that sometimes. Maybe it's because I want to see if it's as blatant and horrible as others have said. I didn't know what the song is called though, so I tried a few google searches for things like "abusive Marilyn Manson music video" and stuff, and the first thing I stumbled on was some age-restricted video for a song called Saint. So I watched that, and like many things on the internet, wished i hadn't. I'm not even sure what it was all about, but that's where my search attempts ended.

    Anyway, not recommended.

  29. #59
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    it's maddening is what it is.
    Last edited by allegate; 02-02-2021 at 10:23 AM.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    So I don't know why i decided I to try to find this music video I've seen mentioned, where Manson apparently beats up someone who looks like ERW. Maybe it's morbid curiosity. I'm guilty of that sometimes. Maybe it's because I want to see if it's as blatant and horrible as others have said. I didn't know what the song is called though, so I tried a few google searches for things like "abusive Marilyn Manson music video" and stuff, and the first thing I stumbled on was some age-restricted video for a song called Saint. So I watched that, and like many things on the internet, wished i hadn't. I'm not even sure what it was all about, but that's where my search attempts ended.

    Anyway, not recommended.
    i don’t remember the name of the song but i remember watching it and thinking “why would you want to market yourself as someone who abuses women?” i remember commenting on twitter or facebook that he should redo the video because it’s not a good look.

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