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Thread: Marilyn Manson Sexual Abuse Allegations

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    Neil Strauss literally has a company and a few books that teaches rich incels how to convince hot chicks to sleep with them. He’s not far behind Manson himself as far as being a decent human.
    Yes, The Game! Ugh.

    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    Perhaps my ignorance, but was this a first step into actually taking him to court? I keep reading it and it just comes across a "I'm here for you" in the form of a formal letter.
    I think it’s demanding an investigation? It’s from a Congresswoman and to the DoJ and the FBI. I assume she’s going that route because he’s crossed state lines, so it becomes Federal.

    I assume they’re looking at him, with multiple victims from across the country coming forward, with charges that include what could legally be considered kidnapping (locking victims in a room is kidnapping), as a dangerous predator in the same vein as R. Kelly but without the underage part. Kinda like Keith Raniere.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2021 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #62
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    So many comments out there saying shit like, "what did you expect dating someone like him?" Disgusting.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yes, The Game! Ugh.

    Yea I actually worked for his company for a minute as a video editor... and peaced the flip out when I realized what was going on. Its gross men trying to act like they're helping others. when really its just a nasty cash grab. exploiting men by teaching them how to exploit women. anyhow I digress.

  4. #64
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    Officially dropped from CAA now, too.

  5. #65
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    I actually read that book, The Game. Not because I was looking for a manual to brainwash women into having sex with me, but a female friend recommended it to me, saying it was creepy and hilariously ironic, and "unfortunately fascinating." I agree with that, and it is also in equal parts intriguing and infuriating. Also, a lot of the stuff in it has to be complete bullshit. Besides how strangely gripping it is in parts, it's also this kind of guidebook to dehumanizing, tricking, and manipulating women. Some of the "techniques" described in it are really just about breaking down a woman's self-esteem, making her feel embarrassed or left-out, making her feel inferior in various ways. It was a long time ago that I read this, but one of them was some kind of psychological ploy where you deliver a random and "seemingly playful" insult, and then follow it up with a compliment. And like my friend who was "recommending it" said, after you read it, you could see people trying these "tricks" and she wanted to spot all the red flags.

    It's so weirdly self-aware and yet completely oblivious to the implications that what it's suggesting is tantamount to abusive manipulation.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-02-2021 at 11:37 AM.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    An interview with Tucker Carlson, of all people, in Talk Magazine I believe, though he backpedaled later.
    Last edited by botley; 02-02-2021 at 11:33 AM.

  7. #67
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    FWIW, Laney Chantal (Jeordie White’s wife) publicly supported ERW, saying on IG that he’s an abuser and she’s seen it for over eight years.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    FWIW, Laney Chantal (Jeordie White’s wife) publicly supported ERW, saying on IG that he’s an abuser and she’s seen it for over eight years.
    I thought those two split up? Am I remembering wrong?

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  9. #69
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    Oh did they? I'm not exactly up to speed lol. I remember they were married at least.

  10. #70
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    Now Shudder is reshooting the scenes from an upcoming Creepshow featurette that starred Manson. This is good news... I always look forward to any new Creepshow offerings, hit or miss, but I don't want this guy's presence tarnishing the series.

  11. #71
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    It's ... um ... "interesting" that Asia Argento is found to have been liking and commenting on a lot of Manson's posts in IG and saying hi to Lindsay; Asia Argento, she who capitalized on the "MeToo" movement, who was later reported to have sexually assaulted a young boy on a film set and then her bf Anthony Bourdain had to pay the then-adult victim to go away so he wouldn't wreck Argento's "career," then Argento was such an asshole Bourdain committed suicide, and Rose McGowan completed distanced herself from Argento and now McGowan is publicly supporting ERW and all other Manson victims. What a fucking web.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2021 at 12:40 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's ... um ... "interesting" that Asia Argento is found to have been liking and commenting on a lot of Manson's posts in IG and saying hi to Lindsay; Asia Argento, she who capitalized on the "MeToo" movement, who was later reported to have sexually assaulted a young boy on a film set and then her bf Anthony Bourdain had to pay the then-adult victim to go away so he wouldn't wreck Argento's "career," then Argento was such an asshole Bourdain committed suicide, and Rose McGowan completed distanced herself from Argento and now McGowan is publicly supporting ERW and all other Manson victims. What a fucking web.
    I think it’s a bit much that Rose McGowan talks of Hollywood / music being a cult when you look at the cult surrounding her and she’s milking it to the max. Also the Manson thing to my mind is actually quite a bit worse than Harvey Weinstein, awful though he was

  13. #73
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    Legit conversation I just had with an acquaintance online.

    "Why are we worried about Marilyn Manson right now? We have more important things to worry about, like CoVid!"
    "We do have to keep other things in focus, sure, but just because there's a pandemic does not mean abuse like this just vanishes. We have to "worry" to no end about abuse by manipulative people looking for their own gratification or pleasure.
    "That's just stupid, you're looking at it pretty wrong. Look at the guy, they knew what they were getting into. The dude wanted to shock everyone, and now he does and it's a bad thing?"
    "That was 25 years ago... A lot has changed since then, and who knows what else has been done over those 25 plus?"
    "Bullshit, he should embrace it all. How many chick fans would line up for that treatment? That man is what many aspire to be, a real rock star. If she didn't like it, leave."
    "Yeah, I'm going to go now."

    I took out a few of the more colourful lines, especially the one quoting that John Lennon song.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    Legit conversation I just had with an acquaintance online.

    "Why are we worried about Marilyn Manson right now? We have more important things to worry about, like CoVid!"
    "We do have to keep other things in focus, sure, but just because there's a pandemic does not mean abuse like this just vanishes. We have to "worry" to no end about abuse by manipulative people looking for their own gratification or pleasure.
    "That's just stupid, you're looking at it pretty wrong. Look at the guy, they knew what they were getting into. The dude wanted to shock everyone, and now he does and it's a bad thing?"
    "That was 25 years ago... A lot has changed since then, and who knows what else has been done over those 25 plus?"
    "Bullshit, he should embrace it all. How many chick fans would line up for that treatment? That man is what many aspire to be, a real rock star. If she didn't like it, leave."
    "Yeah, I'm going to go now."

    I took out a few of the more colourful lines, especially the one quoting that John Lennon song.

  15. #75
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    I don't know how to embed Twitter on here, but I found this thread, and within it another thread about his ties to neo-Nazis.

    Fascism and misogyny are intimately connected

    Misogyny and sexual violence are a core part of the fascist project, and always have been.

    Manson is just one in a long line of examples.

  16. #76
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    Mr. MGTOW's take on women is extremely frightening. He was smitten with a waitress at a bar and grill, and we somehow got them to start talking to maybe hit it off. We went back to a buddy's place thinking he needed that to release some anger. No lie, 15 minutes later he shows up with this huge grimace on his face. We had our thoughts why, but his reason was (paraphrased), "She's just a waitress, guys. All she wants is my money because I make far more than her. (Rant about women)"

    Attraction to her was good enough, but blah otherwise... leech. It was 2018. He was speechless when buddy's wife told him to just shut the hell up and make HER a sandwich.

  17. #77
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    Sometimes I think it’s just ingrained in men from socialising or upbringing or both to protect other men

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's ... um ... "interesting" that Asia Argento is found to have been liking and commenting on a lot of Manson's posts
    She also apparently directed that [S]Aint music video, and there's some weird stuff going on there... all of it feels confused, slimy, and sloppily grotesque... and it feels like there's a TON to unpack there, but I am not going to even start doing that.

  19. #79
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    These allegations were always discussed in the Manson thread, certainly none of this is a shock to anyone who's read things over in that tread. Same with his serious addiction issues as well, it's all been well documented here for years.

    He's clearly become a monster now, and the part I'm having reconciling is whether or not he always was. I remember watching interviews with him back when he was making good music, being impressed and believing that a lot of the controversy around him was rumour and showmanship, and thinking that underneath that was a real decent person trying to make a point.

    And maybe that was just me being a naïve teenager, wanting something to be true that really never was. Or maybe he started that way, but turned into the monster he is now over time.

    I don't know. I just know that he's turned into an addict and an abuser now and without massive amounts of therapy and rehab, he'll never stop being those things.

    Clearly, he's living in denial about having problems, and he's got someone new to abuse, and money and fame to feed his addictions, he's probably not going to stop. Unless this investigation really picks up and he ends up in jail, it's probably going to continue. And jail really is the right place for him at the moment.

  20. #80
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    Wasn't Saint the one they put with the greatest hits CD because it was so controversial? Wait... did I just see cunnilingus on YouTube? Oh yeah, well adjusted individual, I don't see how these statements are legit. Oh, what is going to come back on him is going to be an even larger stone to drag him down.

    Man, that video is like if Trent decided use the Closer video treatment for every single, trying to draw attention more and more to, well, his real self-destruction. Then it shows diminishing results each time. "It's not a pig's head this time, it's a giraffe with the neck! How about TWO hearts?"

    I think I need to just unwind from this all with some mindless YouTube for the rest of the day. Take care of yourselves!

  21. #81
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    I hope Trent writes something to ‘properly’ distance himself from this shit because that autobiography of Mansons totally paints him as culpable in this shit, people are pointing this out on twitter and they’re not wrong to do so. Come on Trent, in an interview on Radio 1 UK just before their Fragile tour he said some stuff about Manson shitting on him and how everything he did was consensual. I have it on tape somewhere but I need to work out how to transfer it to digital. Trent has about a billion times more to lose in this shit. I mean what does Manson have to lose? His fans would be done a favour from the effort of pretending any of the shows were good to begin with, Hazekiah would save a fortune and maybe get his life back
    Last edited by WorzelG; 02-02-2021 at 03:18 PM.

  22. #82
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  23. #83
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    You're good people, ETS.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I hope Trent writes something to ‘properly’ distance himself from this shit because that autobiography of Mansons totally paints him as culpable in this shit, people are pointing this out on twitter and they’re not wrong to do so. Come on Trent, in an interview on Radio 1 UK just before their Fragile tour he said some stuff about Manson shitting on him and how everything he did was consensual. I have it on tape somewhere but I need to work out how to transfer it to digital. Trent has about a billion times more to lose in this shit. I mean what does Manson have to lose? His fans would be done a favour from the effort of pretending any of the shows were good to begin with, Hazekiah would save a fortune and maybe get his life back

    I was curious about this yesterday, so I downloaded a PDF and ran a search for every mention of Trent. Most of the mentions were a) Manson fangirling over him or b) saying "*various slurs about women* - Trent seemed to feel sorry for her, I guess he has a soft spot for the ugly ones" and things to that effect. c) Manson going sulky when Trent started to distance himself in order to record TDS. d) Manson being jealous of Courtney Love existing around Trent.

    Saying that, I'm not pleased that Jeordie got a thank you during the Hall of Fame speech.

  24. #84
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    was just informed of this. this is horrifying. he needs to say something.

  25. #85
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    I do have to say, I am getting a little tired of people all over the place saying "HOW did you not see that he was horrible and abusive!? He's been for years! The writing was on the wall! Didn't you read this interview from 200x?!"

    I'm not going to say that's as logically flawed as victim blaming, and it's definitely not as awful in intent, but it is annoying. I dunno! I kinda grew up, stopped listening to music like that really, and every time I turned on the news he seemed like a repulsive, flailing human being, and so I stopped paying attention to his life story. At this point, it's not about him it's about his victims. And so this similar sorta thing, where people are saying "she should have seen what a horrible person he is!!! Why didn't she read this interview or whatever" are missing the point a little I think, and being awful. That stuff actually is victim-blaming, and it's disgusting.

    For the past 20 or so years I have been pretty much actively ignoring what he's been up to though, so I just thought he was a shitty person with a clown shock act who did a lot of drugs. And apparently he hangs out with Johnny Depp, I remember hearing about that. There really hasn't been any reason for me to "keep up" with Manson
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-02-2021 at 03:55 PM.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I do have to say, I am getting a little tired of people all over the place saying "HOW did you not see that he was horrible and abusive!? He's been for years! The writing was on the wall! Didn't you read this interview from 200x?!"
    It's especially frustrating if you spent 20 years screaming that it was happening and nobody listened to you - people see what they want to see. It's always the person that wouldn't do it. One little slip of the mask and the real monster comes out.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    You're good people, ETS.

    I was curious about this yesterday, so I downloaded a PDF and ran a search for every mention of Trent. Most of the mentions were a) Manson fangirling over him or b) saying "*various slurs about women* - Trent seemed to feel sorry for her, I guess he has a soft spot for the ugly ones" and things to that effect. c) Manson going sulky when Trent started to distance himself in order to record TDS. d) Manson being jealous of Courtney Love existing around Trent.

    Saying that, I'm not pleased that Jeordie got a thank you during the Hall of Fame speech.
    Exactly, but Trent needs to say it! It’s so frustrating because it seems like when ERW was talking about how MM shits on people, blackmails them and ruins their lives and engages in social media ruination of them, Trent was one of the first people he did that to!
    Last edited by WorzelG; 02-02-2021 at 04:01 PM. Reason: OMG I wrote too when I meant to

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    It's especially frustrating if you spent 20 years screaming that it was happening and nobody listened to you - people see what they want to see.
    That's totally fair... and I've excused people for being dumpster fires in their personal lives to say that the work is still good, but that's a philosophical can of worms that I think we already have another thread on.

    I guess with him, I just stopped paying attention to his personal life and everything about it. I heard stories and crazy anecdotes about him from people throughout the years, but you never know how much of all that stuff is true, and it wasn't spelling out this sort of abuse.

  29. #89
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    I just feel like an idiot for supporting him and genuinely hoping he'd get it together all these years. What to do with my memories of concern and financial support for a violent rapist who helped me survive youth? He fooled almost everyone, but that doesn't stop me from feeling like a fool.

    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    These allegations were always discussed in the Manson thread, certainly none of this is a shock to anyone who's read things over in that tread. Same with his serious addiction issues as well, it's all been well documented here for years.

    He's clearly become a monster now, and the part I'm having reconciling is whether or not he always was. I remember watching interviews with him back when he was making good music, being impressed and believing that a lot of the controversy around him was rumour and showmanship, and thinking that underneath that was a real decent person trying to make a point.

    And maybe that was just me being a naïve teenager, wanting something to be true that really never was. Or maybe he started that way, but turned into the monster he is now over time.

  30. #90
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    Manson lies as easily as inhaling and exhaling air. The stories he told in his book he has told in interviews elsewhere, and the details frequently change.

    He’s not an honest narrator, and I am not planning on taking his word seriously about anything involving Trent or anyone else. He’s clearly lying about his treatment of ERW and other women, why would we assume he would tell the truth about anyone else?

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