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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #121
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    I thought i'd already wasted enough of my life breeding chocobo's till i read this shit. Damn!

  2. #122
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    Can you even imagine how long the people working on this have been keeping their mouths shut???

  3. #123
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    So I was pretty much thinking abut the remake all day at work today, decided to get my old FF PS collection (or what’s left of it) out when I got home.

    It’s easy for me to get down on the idea of making changes to VII, but I suppose some changes will be necessary, maybe even good. What do any of you guys and gals think? What things would you like to see changed or added in the remake? How about the battle system, the old ATB system, in or out? Dialog boxes or voice acting? Original score or a new one? Leveling systems, linearity of world map, single player or multiplayer… any thoughts?

  4. #124
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    Well, we know the battle system is being 'evolved' from the interviews. Safe to say we're still mucking with materia, but it remains to be seen just how. Won't be Active Time Battle from the comments we've heard.

    I think voice acting and a re-recorded score are musts. Dialog boxes just won't cut it in these newfangled modern day big-budget virtual movies. As for the score, as much as I adore it, it has too much of that PSX sequencing flavour to fly; it'd clash with the visuals. They'll rerecord it for sure; I just hope to god Nobuo Uematsu is directly overseeing and directing. I'll accept nobody else.

    I don't think they need to mess with leveling at all, but they should really, really to modify stat gains and make them more character-specific. It was too easy to make everyone an all-powerful god in all ways.

    They NEED the world map to do FFVII justice. The game is about the Planet, we must see the Planet. If it goes linear, terrible FFXIII-style, I will flip desks. The last thing this game should feel like is one long tunnel.

    Keep other people out of my single-player RPG experience.

  5. #125
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    Seeing FFVIII reminded me that I really, really hated how the combat system worked in that game. It might just be because I could never get a grasp on it, but man, it sucked.

    I don't think the combat is going to see any major tweak in the remake for VII. Same with the story and gameplay progression - I think they know not to mess with that sort of stuff. I just hope that XV hasn't been derailed by this remake, because god knows XV's been derailed enough.

  6. #126
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    I have a feeling XV is close to completion. But, considering Nomura moved on to KH3, I hope it doesn't interfere with that. I also hope it doesn't matter take ten years to come out. I'm optimistic that it won't. If they can she'll out sequels to XIII every few years, it shouldn't take too long for a remake. Not a decade at least.

  7. #127
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  8. #128
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    One of the things I kind of hope they change is how weak Cloud is during the first flashback in Kalm. I get what they were trying to do but I don't believe it would make sense for him to be as useless in a modern version.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Well, we know the battle system is being 'evolved' from the interviews. Safe to say we're still mucking with materia, but it remains to be seen just how. Won't be Active Time Battle from the comments we've heard.

    I think voice acting and a re-recorded score are musts. Dialog boxes just won't cut it in these newfangled modern day big-budget virtual movies. As for the score, as much as I adore it, it has too much of that PSX sequencing flavour to fly; it'd clash with the visuals. They'll rerecord it for sure; I just hope to god Nobuo Uematsu is directly overseeing and directing. I'll accept nobody else.

    I don't think they need to mess with leveling at all, but they should really, really to modify stat gains and make them more character-specific. It was too easy to make everyone an all-powerful god in all ways.

    They NEED the world map to do FFVII justice. The game is about the Planet, we must see the Planet. If it goes linear, terrible FFXIII-style, I will flip desks. The last thing this game should feel like is one long tunnel.

    Keep other people out of my single-player RPG experience.
    Options are always a good thing. If they do overhaul the battle system and musical score, it would be cool to give players the option to play it either way, using either the new or old battle system and music. Maybe also an option for voice acting or dialog box.

    Agree with single player, and I look forward to seeing how they handle the world map.

    What are opinions on a release model for the game? I prefer physical disc games. I’d much rather not have to buy and download the game in chapters or installments. I am not a fan of buying access to something, but not getting to physically own it. Nor do I want to pay extra for special characters/items/weapons/levels/etc. I say just put everything on the discs and charge upfront what you want for the game. If you did your jobs right and the game is good, then people will flock to buy it. Even if they do make it a digital distribution game, at least make the physical purchase an option.

  10. #130
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    I'm pretty sure it'll get a physical release. It's going to be a huge game and digital distribution for anything exceeding 20GB gets to be a pain in the ass for most people.

    It would be disastrous for them to try and break this up into episodes. The concept of open-world games in general are incompatible with the episodic format. FFVII is pretty linear as far as open-world games go, but open-world nonetheless.

  11. #131
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    There isnt a lot of breathing room here. A graphical update and recorded dialogue is about as far as i think they should go.

    Maybe change the way random encounters work? Like i said, the slightest change could really hurt the game. It is a perfect , although some what dated mechanically. I just hope that doesnt convince them to tweak it too hard

    As far as the plot goes. Nothing should be removed and nothing should be added. At all. Dont fuck it up!

  12. #132
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    Judging from what I've read. It seems like they're going into it with a "go big or go home" mentality. Especially when they just ported it to ps4. If it's open world, it'll take forever to make. XV being the prime example.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Dont fuck it up!
    I wonder if that’s the official slogan on the giant inspirational banner hanging from the ceiling at the remake production facilities.

  14. #134
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    See, they say things like they're gonna be making some changes to the story, but I feel like it will only be small, otherwise unnoticed things. Things that, when you notice them, you'd probably just say "Ohhh...yeah, actually that is a little better." I mean, by and large, I can't really think of whole lot off the top of my head they'd need to change.

    I'm optimistic for it. I don't expect it to be better (mainly because FF7 was...literally perfect for the time), but I'm sure they wouldn't do something drastic. This is their crown jewel. They fuck THIS up, and it'll literally take them years to financially make up for it.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    See, they say things like they're gonna be making some changes to the story, but I feel like it will only be small, otherwise unnoticed things. Things that, when you notice them, you'd probably just say "Ohhh...yeah, actually that is a little better." I mean, by and large, I can't really think of whole lot off the top of my head they'd need to change.
    If they start dropping in references and extended plot points from Crisis Core and Advent Children, I'm gonna be sad. Crisis Core was a great game with a really convoluted and mostly forgettable story.
    @Alrea if they fuck this up, it will be the last dime that SE gets from me... but even if it's terrible it'll sell a billion copies on day one.
    I really don't think it will be anything short of amazing though. It's too easy to get it right at this point by playing it safe.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    If they start dropping in references and extended plot points from Crisis Core and Advent Children, I'm gonna be sad. Crisis Core was a great game with a really convoluted and mostly forgettable story.
    @Alrea if they fuck this up, it will be the last dime that SE gets from me... but even if it's terrible it'll sell a billion copies on day one.
    I really don't think it will be anything short of amazing though. It's too easy to get it right at this point by playing it safe.
    Exactly. They're on some thin ice with making sure this goes over smoothly, but it really looks like they know what's at stake, and they're confident in their decisions. I'll be buying it no matter what, even if it turns out to be garbage, but any bad taste in the mouths of fans is gonna kill any confidence we have for future games.

    As far as Crisis Core and Advent Children (as well as Dirge of Cerberus and any other FF7 "expansions"), I think they know better than to include toooo much of either of those in FF7 Remake. When they say they'll be making changes, I like to think they mean maybe expanding on loose ends or filling in little gaps in the story that were left unexplained or that need to be fleshed out a little more. It'd be suicide to make any drastic changes to such a HUGE story with so many people and events.

    Oh yeah, I figure I should ask this here - So is there any way to play the original FF7 on PS4 right now? Or is that HD port even still a thing for this console? I'd try googling "Final Fantasy 7 Playstation 4," but at this point, any result I find is gonna be related to Remake. I have it on disc, and my PS1 is around here somewhere, but just for the sake of convenience... :P

  17. #137
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    It'd be cool for them to fill in the missing blanks from Crisis Core. Like, Cissnei being a huge part of the story, yet the main game has zero existence of her. Or Genesis. Loved Crisis Core, but it created more than it should have. So if they're changing things around for the remake, I'd follow up from Crisis Core.

  18. #138
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    they said the HD PC port is still on its way.. should be around winter. I was actually hyped for that.. probably more so than the remake...

  19. #139
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    One thing they definitely need to tweak is Barrett's dialogue so that it isn't a hodgepodge of ridiculous stereotypes. He has great depth as a character, but you have to look past him talking like a cross between Red Foxx and Shaft to see that -- he can still maintain his tough-guy persona otherwise.

    Should also have Cid scale back on his Mel Gibson-ness toward his assistant lady.

  20. #140
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    1). A comprehensive Bestiary
    2). Better controls for the Gold Saucer roller coaster event
    3). A more "intuitive" screen for the Materia system (sorting options!)

    That's it, honestly.
    Last edited by Jon; 06-22-2015 at 01:55 AM.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    1). A comprehensive Bestiary
    2). Better controls for the Gold Saucer roller coaster event
    3). A more "intuitive" screen for the Materia system (sorting options!)

    That's it, honestly.
    I'm imagining a massively improved version of the snowboarding and bike-through Midgar segments too...

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    One thing they definitely need to tweak is Barrett's dialogue so that it isn't a hodgepodge of ridiculous stereotypes. He has great depth as a character, but you have to look past him talking like a cross between Red Foxx and Shaft to see that -- he can still maintain his tough-guy persona otherwise.

    Should also have Cid scale back on his Mel Gibson-ness toward his assistant lady.
    I think a translation that isn't a complete disaster will fix these problems. Time can fix that, too - his Advent Children dialogue was fine, much better than the game's.

  23. #143
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    yeah, even though it definitely has one of the best stories in the series, the translation was truly horrible. Kind of baffling considering.

    With regards to this remake, the best thing they can do is to make sure they listen to the fans. Treat Advent Children as a test market check... listen to what people did and didn't like about it, and let that guide and inform your decisions in how you steer the game. The majority of hardcore fans of the game know what will make the remake great, maybe even more than the current team behind the remake does. Take their feedback into consideration, but don't be too afraid to try new things, and you'll have something amazing.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-23-2015 at 12:56 AM.

  24. #144
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    Pretty good little interview with Nomura! I feel good about the way they're handling this so far. But, ya know, talk is cheap. They could just as easily be tripping over their own shit. Time will tell!

    And if I can't change the color of each corner of my text windows and menus, I'll write this off as a complete failure!

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm imagining a massively improved version of the snowboarding and bike-through Midgar segments too...
    Man, that brings back many frustrating hours of trying to find the Alexander materia. I must have blocked that snowboarding event from my mind.

    EDIT: I realize you meant at the Gold Saucer.

  26. #146
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    In the FF7 remake it could work well to give more control over game events through dialogue, via a dialogue menu system (like BioWare RPGs). It also could be cool to have a few segments where you play as The Turks on their parallel missions. Maybe something like when you at times played as Laguna, Kiros and Ward in FFVIII. Just some random thoughts.

  27. #147
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    I want a turks game! On a side note, has anyone picked up Heavensward? If so, yay or nay?

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    On a side note, has anyone picked up Heavensward? If so, yay or nay?
    I have it, but I haven't finished all the 2.x content yet, so I haven't actually started any of the new content. I'm not sure, but I think a lot of it is locked until you finish the 2.x story arc. Friends who are playing it now seem to like it though. Huge areas that you can eventually fly though, plus the new classes, new race, and the level cap bump.

  29. #149
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    I almost bought it over the weekend, but didn't. Really want to try out the dark knight though. I still need to finish the 2.55 content (steps of faith trial). Kept getting partied up with douchebags. One of the reasons I quit/took a break.

  30. #150
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    I'll just leave this here.

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