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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #181
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    Anyone try out the Platinum Demo yet?? For me, it really makes you miss the time based system, but it is definitely something to get used to, and when you do, it seems like hella fun. Tweaks need to be make for lock-on capabilities and throwing items, but then again... it's just a demo.

    Edit: Just realized you said that Piko. I found the dodging to be quite annoying at times, but it was pretty dam creative when you are shrunken in size right? I felt like I was playing Kingdom Hearts to be honest. Did you find the other hidden items at the end fight?
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 04-04-2016 at 03:09 PM.

  2. #182
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    I just kind of breezed through the first time. I plan on playing again. The dodging is iffy. The jumping is very rough around the edges. Not sure why they remapped the lock on. It was fine where it was (R1). Right stick just doesn't make sense to me. Felt ALOT like kingdom hearts.

  3. #183
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    In our massive 20-page cover story, we offer an even more in-depth look at the game with exclusive new details. We spent a week in Tokyo visiting Square Enix’s offices with unprecedented access, playing the game for hours and interviewing the creative minds making it happen. We talk to the team about everything fans want to know: exploration, narrative, combat, summons, and more. Whether your enthusiasm for Final Fantasy is new, old, or even lapsed, this story is a must-read.
    Our exclusive Final Fantasy XV coverage goes on throughout April, so keep checking our hub all month for features celebrating the past, present, and future of Final Fantasy. We dive into the characters and locations, interview the team, and get some new details out of Final Fantasy VII Remake producer Yoshinori Kitase. All that and more is on the way in the coming weeks.

  4. #184
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  5. #185
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    The demo was really beautiful but I felt like the battle controls were a bit clunky. It very well could have just been me, but the videos I've seen made it look like it just flowed so easily. I'm actually excited about this one although the characters all looking the same makes me worried I won't get attached to them as individuals.

  6. #186
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    I wonder if they wear the same bland, black outfits throughout the entire game. Usually, the characters are colorful. These ones come off as drab. And I read that they need to sell ten million to break even. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. Hopefully that doesn't hurt the series in the future. That ten year development might have really hurt them.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I wonder if they wear the same bland, black outfits throughout the entire game. Usually, the characters are colorful. These ones come off as drab. And I read that they need to sell ten million to break even. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. Hopefully that doesn't hurt the series in the future. That ten year development might have really hurt them.
    I hear that. I have a feeling that the outfits may be stock, but who knows. All I know is that if the FF VII remake is what they say it is going to be, it will be pretty freaking awesome. The only thing I cannot get over is that we finally get something that we have been waiting for for all this time, and all that people can still do is bitch and whine about the direction they are taking with all the new FF series that have an absent time based feature for battle systems. I would have loved to see a time based battle system for the remake, but I am willing to accept change and just be grateful we are getting anything at all. I cannot see not having a time based system being a deal breaker for players... it's just absurd.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I wonder if they wear the same bland, black outfits throughout the entire game. Usually, the characters are colorful. These ones come off as drab. And I read that they need to sell ten million to break even. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. Hopefully that doesn't hurt the series in the future. That ten year development might have really hurt them.
    That was exactly what I was thinking. When I recall groups they all look so different and I think that makes them all the more iconic. Perhaps they will change in the game. Maybe there is even a reason they're all in black lol I don't doubt it will be a good game though. Hopefully I can get lost for hours in it like previous games.

  9. #189
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    Oh, i'm going to lose days on this. I don't doubt that. My gripes towards the game are pretty minor. I'm probably even taking the day off for launch.

  10. #190
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    Maybe I missed this part or just didn't read through but the demo was just that right? A demo they'd put together to showcase what it was like? It wasn't actually supposed to be a chapter of the story was it?

  11. #191
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    Yes and no. I cant recall from where where I read about it but someone said in the article that although it's a demo the story that is shown is a part of Noctis childhood and the main game will not recount the story from the demo.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    Yes and no. I cant recall from where where I read about it but someone said in the article that although it's a demo the story that is shown is a part of Noctis childhood and the main game will not recount the story from the demo.
    Ahh I thought I read something along those lines but I cant' seem to find it now. Also I agree with whoever said it reminded them of Kingdom Hearts. I actually felt more like I was playing a KH game than FF. Not that it is a bad thing

  13. #193
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    For those that play FFXIV, I participated in the Heavensward music competition to reinterpret the main theme of Ishgard. Instead of doing the typical classical piano/guitar or rock/metal arrangement, I decided to do a eurodance inspired version. Here is the track and accompanying "performance" music video that I made:

  14. #194
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    Some new Final Fantasy 7 remake info.
    From here:

    Fans have been asking for a FFVII remake for years. What about the gaming landscape makes now the right time?
    The landscape was one thing, but it was more that we’d been working on the XIII series for the last 10 years. My team and I were mainly focused on that project. Final Fantasy VII Remake would be an equivalent – or even greater – project in terms of scale, and so it would have been hard to do both at the same time. After XIII ended, of course XV is currently being developed by [Hajime] Tabata-san’s team, so it presented a time when we can fully place our focus on the Final Fantasy VII Remake.
    When the remake was first announced, there was some confusion among fans about its multi-part format. Is comparing it to the Final Fantasy XIII saga fair in that regard? Will each entry have that kind of scope?
    It will essentially be a full-scale game for each part of the multi-part series. In XIII, each installment told the story from a different angle. It was kind of like approaching an unknown territory, in a sense. Whereas with Final Fantasy VII Remake, we already have a preexisting story, so it wouldn’t really make sense if that isn’t encompassed in the multi-part series, and it wouldn’t make sense to remake it if we don’t encompass that that entire story.
    With regards to the current HD capacity and volume, the idea is that we wouldn’t be able to encompass it all in just one installment. So, if we’re just looking at each of these parts, one part should be on par with the scale of one Final Fantasy XIII game.

    Have you decided how many installments there will be?
    Yeah, we do have an idea on the project side in terms of how many installments it may consist of, but unfortunately, we can’t share that at the moment. Of course, as we’re creating and developing the scenario and the stories, these are things that move in real time. So, the plan may change along the way. But, that said, we do have a vision for how many installments it will consist of.
    The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII added new wrinkles to the story and lore behind the game. How is the team approaching the integration of those new elements into the remake?
    It’s not to say that all or some of the characters from the spin-offs or other Compilation works will appear in the remake, but if there are any areas where we can use the settings or the characters, we do want to try to incorporate it in there, so it gives off that sense of nuance and those other stories existing.
    So, there isn’t any pressure to include every character and storyline from the Compilation content?
    Yes, there may be instances where the characters appear themselves, or are just referenced in dialogue. But, of course, it would be difficult to follow up on everything that happened in this universe. So, maybe some of the characters who weren’t as famous won’t appear or be mentioned. But in terms of the characters and instances that remain in the memories of our fans, we do want to try our best to integrate that in some fashion in the world.
    Some fans seem to want a remake that is mainly visual upgrades, with none of the story or gameplay altered. Was that ever considered for the project?
    The starting point was – and our executive producer [Shinji] Hashimoto-san has mentioned this – it would even be okay if we just upped the graphics to the quality of Advent Children. But, in terms of game styles and battle systems, it’s been 20 years since the original, and a lot has changed. Trends have changed, and I believed that we needed to revisit and rethink that aspect for the remake.
    What drove the decision to move away from the traditional turn-based system toward action-focused combat?
    We haven’t completely transitioned into action, but as our director [Tetsuya] Nomura-san says, Final Fantasy (in terms of action games) is best represented by Dissidia in the current landscape. In terms of the Final Fantasy action battles people have experienced themselves, that is most familiar to them these days. In terms of the image of the battle system, that’s where we’re getting the feel from. It won’t be as action-focused as Dissidia, of course, but the the visuals and how the gameplay feels in essence will be drawn from that Dissidia-esque style.

    Not many creators have the chance to revisit a previous project like this. For you personally, is there any aspect of FFVII that you’re looking forward to bringing back to life?
    That’s a difficult question. There are certain scenes that are ingrained in the memories of our fans – like Cloud dressing a female, or that impactful Aerith scene. At that time, that was the latest technology and the latest graphics, but now it does look a little bit cheap as far as how it looks graphically and how those scenes are staged. So, everyone’s probably wondering how those scenes will be brought back to life in current, realistic graphics and how they will be expressed. And I myself am interested in that, but it’s also a challenge. For all of those scenes that people remember, I’m wondering how we can meet expectations and express them properly in current-gen graphics.
    I’m sure there are areas that our fans want to see how we can change, and areas that they don’t want changed. The opinions of our fans are probably split on a lot of those elements, so determining from a development standpoint where we’ll be more true to the original versus where we change is something we hope to grasp through communicating with our fans. Also, while we want to understand their concerns, we also want to get them excited for the story and seeing how it can be revamped and refreshed.
    So, even if you’re familiar with the story, there’s still an opportunity to be surprised?
    Definitely. We have archived versions of our games, and a lot of times, people buy them and it starts off with nostalgia – but after that, you’re essentially following the story you already know. That experience starts to diminish as you proceed through the game and the interest level starts to decline. If it’s just nostalgia, it’s just a matter of following the story, and there wouldn’t be any surprises. So, in that sense, we want to balance out the areas we would like change versus the areas we don’t in order to have that nostalgia, but also the surprises.
    Do you see the larger iconic plot points as an opportunity to surprise fans, or are there things that you and the team consider untouchable?
    I, along with Nomura-san and [Kazushige] Nojima-san – who are involved with the remake – were involved with the original Final Fantasy VII. We were the people who created it, so in that sense, we don’t think anything is untouchable. That isn’t to say we’re changing everything!
    Of course, within Square Enix and across the globe, there are people who think it’s on this holy scale. That there isn’t anything we can touch or play around with. But we believe we know the balance between what can be changed versus what needs to be protected.

  15. #195
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    I think I am excited about the FF7 Remake. It looks amazing...... However that doesn't mean they can't completely fuck it all up. I'm still surprised it took them this long to actually do it.

  16. #196
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    Kinda odd that they don't want to answer how many games it's going to be.

  17. #197
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    Yeah I imagine they are deliberately splitting it up to cash in on peoples nostalgia.

    It's still unclear but, from my understanding its going to be released just like the recent Hitman game except that its going to cost more per episode?

    I actually expect squeenix to shoehorn in costumes,summons like bahamut, and music in the form of dlcs or micro-transactions.
    Its not below them to do it since they've do it before. I wont mind it as long as its not detrimental to the "full experience".
    I just hope I'm wrong about my predictions.

    Edit: Just to be clear, I'm fine with squeenix making a profit. I just don't want them to nickle and dime their fan-base to have the complete remastered FF7 experience.
    Last edited by ziltoid; 04-12-2016 at 12:39 AM.

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Kinda odd that they don't want to answer how many games it's going to be.
    Yeah I did a complete eye roll at that. Really you can't go ahead and prepare me for how many games I will probably be paying full price for? I think on of my main concerns is that they will release them with so much time between that it will hinder the experience. Perhaps I am wrong and they have an agenda set forth for it.... but seeing as how we are talking about the same company that's spent a decade working on KH3.......

  19. #199
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    I'm guessing it'll be at least three. But, seriously. You're telling people it's going to be separate full games. Not cheap. Very least you could do is say how many parts there are. Is it going to be problematic for them? Even more so than what it would be like later when they finally do say. Doesn't make sense. They're clearly going to milk this. At least be upfront about it.

  20. #200
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    Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiark Age aka HD Remaster coming in 2017. One of my least favorites of the series. But, maybe it'll give it another shot. Tried playing it again a little while back. Didn't get too far.

  21. #201
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    I only made it a few hours into XII before I gave up, didn't like anything about it.

  22. #202
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    First playthrough, I got pretty far. Never finished it though. Like I said before, tried giving it another chance but gave up pretty early on. The character progression is supposedly different, so I dunno. Might give it another shot then. Plenty of time to figure it out.

  23. #203
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    Final Fantasy XII is probably one of the the most underrated games I've ever played. It takes some time to really get into it, you have to get past some ludicrous character design, and the story is much more subdued than the other FF games, but it's incredible, and I don't think enough people gave it a fair chance.

  24. #204
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    I still need to beat Type-0 HD. T_T

    I could probably 1000 G it. I already got like 680 G and half the story to go or so.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Final Fantasy XII is probably one of the the most underrated games I've ever played. It takes some time to really get into it, you have to get past some ludicrous character design, and the story is much more subdued than the other FF games, but it's incredible, and I don't think enough people gave it a fair chance.
    My issue with XII was the story (or lack thereof) and the bland characters. Kinda cool that you could kinda shape them to be whatever you want them to be. A lot of them really added nothing to the overall story (what there was of one). Aside from Vaan, Balthier, Basch, and Ashe, everyone else was kinda out of place and added nothing to anything. The first final fantasy game had a better story than this one. Middle country gets invaded, and caught in the middle of a turf war between the two surrounding countries. A couple twists and turns, but the story doesn't really go anywhere else from that. One of the very few FF games i've never finished (2,3,5,12).

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I still need to beat Type-0 HD. T_T

    I could probably 1000 G it. I already got like 680 G and half the story to go or so.
    Another one I didn't finish. I got a little bored with the grinding. I get leveling a few guys. But 13 or however many there were was a little too much for me. Someday i'll go back to it though. Gameplay-wise, not too shabby for what began as a PSP game.

  26. #206
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    Yeah I didn't like any of the characters in XII and I remember thinking the story was really dumb. I also hated the battle system. It may very well be a great game but I didn't like anything about it enough to keep me playing. I'm not a hardcore Final Fantasy fan by any means either though, I've only ever really completed VII and X.

  27. #207
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    Almost there! I'm taking off from work to play this ALL DAY. It better be good. It has to be good.

  28. #208
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    I got my copy digitally pre-ordered with Gamestop. Can't wait!

  29. #209
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    I'm most likely doing midnight launch for this one.

    Mmmm Pork!

  30. #210
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    Saw two reviews. Both didn't like the characters or the story. They say the game is fun though. Maybe I'll be in the minority. Apparently, outfits aren't really customizable either. That's a bummer.

    Mmmm Pork!

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