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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #61
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    My only problem with it was only because of certain quests. Other than that, it's alright. Plus, there's an ability you get to stop time for a few minutes, which comes very helpful.

    Also, I've been using the Cloud schema. Very OP.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    As for the story, so far, it seems almost nonexistent.
    That's a nice way to put it...

    This game has, hands down, the stupidest premise I've ever encountered. It's shockingly bad.

    So... Some god (who the characters actually refer to as "god") named Benevelszlsalasdfkjasdflkj has chosen Lightning to run around and save some souls so that they can be transported to the new world after he wipes out the old one within an arbitrary time period. If she pulls it off and does enough soul-saving within that time limit, he'll resurrect her dead sister.

    That's bafflingly awful. It's like L Ron Hubbard fan fiction. I might just put this on the shelf and wait for South Park and Dark Souls 2 to come out.

  3. #63
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    Pretty much, heh. The game is growing on me some. My thoughts on the story are mostly the same. If it counts for anything, it's kind of episodic. Five main missions that kind of all go their own ways. That's how I'm looking at it at least.

    A lot of talk on how you're The Savior of God, etc. By a certain point, I'm thinking, "alright, got it...".

    gameplay-wise, it takes a lot of getting used to. Think I've finally started getting the hang of it. spamming the Chronostasis is a must.

    And if you struggle, and run through so many days while trying to figure out what to do, goodluck progressing.

  4. #64
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    Im at the end of Bravely Default. The last boss is such bullshit.... A lot of the game is bullshit. Dont play it.

  5. #65
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    I think I might have been a tad bit harsh on this one. Yeah, the story still lacks. Battle system is still awesome though. But, it must not be that bad of a game, considering, I've been playing it almost nonstop over the weekend.


    Don't think I'm gonna finish this one (for now). Hit brick wall at a particular boss fight. Been doing side missions to "level up", but it still isn't doing any good. I hate to bail on it, but it's getting real frustrating. On the brightside, I think I finally understand what Chaos is...

    Off to play FFIX!
    Last edited by Piko; 02-18-2014 at 08:19 PM.

  6. #66
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    I'm on the extra day on Lightning Returns about to attempt that dungeon thingy. I like this game because I'm a sucker for Lightning even though she has the personality of a stone but to reiterate what others have said: yeah the story is amazingly silly. I have the other XIII games and have noticed I've had to pay more attention to the technical details of my schemata to beat certain bosses/creatures which I guess is a good thing because I didn't really bother that much with it in the others which I guess makes it a little bit harder for me personally. Doesn't look too hard to platinum either.

  7. #67
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    So Theatrhythm Curtain Call comes out soon. As part of SE's promotion, they ran a contest to have fans upload a performance of their arrangement of the main theme from Final Fantasy. I decided this would be a fun thing to do, so here's my video entry . Please excuse the poor video quality, I made it in a hurry with a crappy webcam.

  8. #68
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    Where did you get the tonberry?

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Where did you get the tonberry?
    Got it when FFX came out, so I've had it for awhile. I forget exactly where I got it from back then, but you can get them easily enough from Amazon and other places now. Those are all right-handed, however, whereas mine is left-handed for some reason.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Im at the end of Bravely Default. The last boss is such bullshit.... A lot of the game is bullshit. Dont play it.
    The first half of the game is the best, most engaging old-school style JRPG I've played since Final Fantasy Tactics. The 2nd half...UGH. I'm in chapter 7 or 8, around level 80ish, and those group boss fights are killer. It's all so repetitious. I've pretty much all but abandoned it by now...which is a shame since I loved the first half so much.

    Seems like the only good form of the series or Squeenix live on in the 3DS/DS and to smaller extent the PSP. I loved playing the remakes of FF III and IV on the DS. Well, except for the fact that I got to final boss in FFIII and it creamed me, then I read online I need x,y, and z jobs to really beat him, which are 3 classes I never bothered to level up, so to beat it I would need at least another 10-20 hours of grinding. So I said fuck it and put it away and never touched it again. FFVI Advanced was fantastic. But, FFVI is still my favorite game in the entire series and I don't think they've ever come close to matching the epic depth, scope, and character development they achieved in that 16bit sprite-based game. Have all the polygons you want, but a good story, characters, and addicting gameplay are what makes a game.

    The console Final Fantasy games lost me a long time ago. I liked X, but don't do MMORPG so no XI or XIV, and I tried playing XIII, but it was just...boring. It was on rails, none of the characters were particularly compelling, and the story was a jumbled mess. It's a shame though, since there's three games of that world.

  11. #71
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    Trailer has been out for a few days now. It has won me over, I'm buying this. Haven't really gotten into a Final Fantasy since X. I played XIII but never beat it.

  12. #72
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    I'm so fucking excited for this. Last one for me was XII. I moved it and wish they'd do more with Balthier who was my favorite character in a while. I wanted to like XIII but after XIII-2 I have finally accepted that it fucking blows.

  13. #73
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    I'm looking forward to this as well. I've always wanted to see real-time combat in a FF game, and it looks to be done well in what they showed. I'm interested in the open-world aspect: maybe it will be a bigger version of how it was done in 12. Also, the character designs don't seem to be very over-the-top and androgynous, so thats a plus for me.

  14. #74
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    I wish I could still love this franchise as much as I did in the 90’s. Final Fantasy X began my steady march over the last 13 years to total disenchantment with the series. There has been nothing since the merger between Square and Enix that I care much about. Oh well, I’ll always have the good memories.

  15. #75
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    Is it worth it to buy the XIII trilogy as it comes out on Steam? By that, I mean, play XIII, then buy the second one, then the third.

  16. #76
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    They are not too expensive, and if you like the first, then maybe go on to the sequels. If you don't like the first.. particularly the story aspect, then I wouldn't touch the sequels with a barge pole.

    Edit: here is a short blog I posted last night about playing FF7 for the millionth time.
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 11-02-2014 at 01:40 PM. Reason: shameless link plugging

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Edit: here is a short blog I posted last night about playing FF7 for the millionth time.
    Ah, the power of nostalgia!

    Currently I’m starting FF Tactics again, which by the way is as deserving of a proper sequel as anything else in the franchise. Just a fucking great game.

    Also, Smooth McGroove is my hero for this,

    I was going to put that in the Video Game Music thread, but the page refuses to load.

  18. #78
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    I've been getting back into FFXIV after a bit of a hiatus. The addition of the Golden Saucer is pretty great -- Chocobo Racing and Triple Triad!

    Also, I did a freehand rendering of the Postmoogle using colored pencils:

  19. #79
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    I haven't really messed with GS yet. Animus weapon...

  20. #80
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    Anyone play the demo yet? Takes some getting used to, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I'll probably start Type 0 after I finish. Pretty decent length for a demo.

  21. #81
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    Not out till Friday here in the UK.. hoping my order ships soon! I'm actually pretty excited about playing Type-0, It looks like FF meets Persona with a real time battle system. I can get behind that.

  22. #82
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    I had zero interest in Type-0 HD but I'm wanting it in a BAD way.

    I need it for FFXV demo as well.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 03-18-2015 at 04:48 PM.

  23. #83
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    Im playing the ffxv demo and its a very mixed bag. The combat system is a tragedy. Like, it makes me wonder if their stubborn adherence to this system is responsible for all the delays, because it simply is very bad. Enemies are very hard to track, in part because character movement is slow and akward, but also because of the awful camera. Thats why they have the warp attaco, without it you basically cant fight the enemies, but it costs quite a bit of stamina, so the fight inexplicably has to stop while you crouch in a corner all the time. The weapons system is opaque and bizarre, as is exploration, since there isnt a proper map.

    All in all its clear this game is a product of ten years past, it feels like it was made ina vacuum, willfully ignorant of the last 10 years of innovation in gaming. It is just simply akward and unfun, and i hope they can fix it because the story seems interesting at least.

  24. #84
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    At first I was iffy about the battle system. It grew on me though. Can't wait for the full release. It definitely had it's problems. But there's enough time to sort those out

  25. #85
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    Well, gave Type 0 a quick spin. Literally. That camera makes me motion sick. Ugh. Shame, might persevere to see if I can get used it but its like trying to play Minecraft in third person. I'm sure it works fine on a small screen, maybe I'll give Remote play a try... but yeh.. Hurry up and install XV!

  26. #86
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    So i kick it old school most of the time when it comes to video games. I never finished ff6 and i'm finishing it up now.

    i wondered, is V any good?

    Also, i have a ps2 now. Which one (or ones) are worth getting and most like the "golden era" games, like chrono trigger?

  27. #87
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    I've not played much of V, I heard the GBA port was a good version though (the GBA version of VI is probably the best).

    As for PS2 era, that is where I found things started getting a little rough, I enjoyed X at the time, yet am worried about going back to it, and X-2 was a bit of a shark jumper.. XI was online only so ner.. XII was a big big change for the series, and the story isn't that great, but it does at least change things up with new (at the time) ideas. And its pretttyyyy.
    For me the PS2 era is when RPGs started getting weighed down by their own systems, and beyond the most accessible games (Dark Chronicle, Persona 3/4), none really stuck with me. you might click with a few odd ones though, Valkyrie Profile 2 comes to mind, Star Ocean 3, Xenosaga (I think?), Lots of odd Atlus games like Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2.. but yeah.. systems, grinding, not enough time...

  28. #88
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    I like FFV. Random battles get kinda annoying though. Camera on Type 0 is pretty bad. Got used to it though. XII is my least favorite. Boring story and characters.

  29. #89
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    Played the first mission in Type-0 and just up through the battle tutorial in FFXV.

    I was really impressed by the intro cinematic for FFXV, but I don't know how well the rest of the demo will go. I am hardwired to use both inverted axes controls with the analog sticks, and since you can't change them in the demo, I was having a very hard time with the battle sequence. Also being able to choose Japanese voiceover and then not provide subtitles??

    I agree that the camera in Type-0 got a bit jumpy at times. It almost feels like they want you to play the game more be feel than being careful with the camera... very twitchy

  30. #90
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    Earned the sumkon, and it one shotted the boss, so now i dont know what boss battles will feel like..... The summon is absolutely epic, though.

    Battle system has grown on me a little. Still, the camera is so bad especially for this day and age. The targetting system and the way the enemies move around is really annoying with howbsluggish the controls are. Ultimately, i feel like they should have went all in with the action style gameplay, or stuck to a turn based, FFXIII style battle system. Instead of heing a great take on either, its just a bad example of both, taking the worst elements from each. Its a shame.

    The svale and tone of the story seems great though. Im looking forward to seeing that play out, i just hope the game in between isnt as muvh of a chore as it currently seems to be.

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