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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #91
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    Thank you guys.

    On a PS2 i can also play ps1 games.

    Is seven good? eight? nine?
    are they anything like 4,6, and chrono trigger?

  2. #92
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    FF7 is the favorite for many. Great game. Not sure if I'd say it's my favorite though. 8 was my favorite for a long time, but that may have changed. 9 gets a lot of flack, but I love it. Possibly my current favorite.

    8 is very different from the other ones (draw system). 9 is more of a throwback to the previous games (especially the first few). It references alot of things from the older ones (the four elementals from FF1, some references to FF2), even some music from FF7.

    If I were to rank them:


  3. #93
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    7 is widely considered a classic, if overrated. Graphics have aged rather poorly (I'd say this for all three to various extents), but I'd say everyone should play it once.
    8 is the bastard child of the latter half of the series; realistic setting (For FF), extremely different and time-consuming magic/equipment system, love-it-or-hate it plot.
    9 is hailed by many as a return to form, and has a lot going for it in terms of gameplay and series legacy, but IMO the plot drops off halfway through and half the cast becomes irrelevant. A good choice if the narrative's not as important to you as atmosphere or gameplay, I'd say.

  4. #94
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    I think 9 was more of a departure point for the series with nods to the past. It's the last game in the series of its kind (I think?). Every game after became more complex and farther away from the traditional turn based formula. 7 is extremely overrated. But, it's still a great game.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    9 is hailed by many as a return to form
    This always bothered me. The people who loved IX seemed primarily happy that it did away with all the dark sci-fi stuff. For me that was the biggest let down. I grew up with the games, but it was with IV that it started getting good, with VI that it got great, and VII is still the best to date. Yes, the graphics are really horribly dated... it looks like Lego Final Fantasy now. The English translation was remarkably bad.

    But VII finally got the world right and captured something really atmospherically perfect despite those faults. The game is still great now if you can get past the graphics. The pacing at which the world unfolds and expands is really flawless, the story is actually pretty good, the characters are memorable and interesting.

    Still, a lot of the fans were split on it going in a new futuristic setting. They wanted a "return to form," forgetting that the origins of Final Fantasy were actually built around rampant fantasy trope plagiarism. The early games were plotless grinds filled with names and designs lifted directly from D&D, mythology, and Tolkien. It took a long time to move away from that towards something actually compelling... but let's throw all that away, have a "story" about a bad guy who wants to tap into a crystal, and go back to the generic fantasy setting, but this time let's update the look to be a bit more Disney.

    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-21-2015 at 03:32 PM.

  6. #96
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    Fuck yeah goddamn right mother fuckers.

    (And it actually looks super good! D: )
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 06-15-2015 at 09:15 PM.

  7. #97
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    Ugh. YES! Fuck fuck fuck. FUCK YES!

  8. #98
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    So they finally caved?! Must need the money since they've released almost nothing but shit for over a decade.

  9. #99
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    Think they were having some financial troubles a little while back. It's dumb of them to have waited this long. People have been telling them for years the game they want. Wonder how long it will take... Or how far along it is. Especially considering Nomura is working on KH3 now, I think.

  10. #100
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    Maybe it's why he left XV? Part of me is excited. Part of me feels like it's a bit too late. Part of me is afraid they my try to shoehorn their shitty new combat system or something similar. Also, I'm kind of tired of not having a true new PS4 game that isn't a port or another rehash. I tried like hell to get into Boodborne. I'm hoping Arkham Knight will be what I've been waiting for. I'll talk shit about this remake but I'm sure my inner fanboy will make me buy this on its release date.

  11. #101
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    He left XV for KH3. Maybe it's something that won't take too much work for him to hand over KH3. This game will probably not be.coming out for awhile though.

  12. #102
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    Oh, that's right.

    I was thinking the same thing about the progress so I'm not going to get too excited for it just yet.

  13. #103
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    Unbelievable... as in I literally am having a hard time believing it. I want a general release window.

  14. #104
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    All I can say is, if this remake does not allow me to put on a wig and dress and go into the Honeybee Inn, then it can go straight to hell.

    Just kidding, this is very welcome news!

  15. #105
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    I'm a bit curious about how much they're going to tone it down to please the SJWs.

  16. #106
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    20th anniversary is probably what they're aiming for, if they've already put a year and a half of work into it.

    I hope that they don't really change anything beyond updating the script and ensuring the translation isn't fucking horrible this time. Final Fantasy IV's remake was a pretty faithful remake gameplay/storywise, right?

  17. #107
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    Finally (hoho) after that cocktease that was the PC port reveal I was delighted to see this appear on the internets this morning .
    Considering they have Nomura directing, I would like to think they will remain fairly faithful to the original (I.e - same story arch, sidequests and materia etc) but will of course update the mechanics somewhat. I have had dreams where the FF15 gameplay footage we've seen is with Cloud et al in FF7 settings, maybe and hopefully that's what we'll get.

  18. #108
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    I've been wanting to replay 7 for so long now, but kept holding off in hopes this would finally happen.

    I can't believe it actually did.

  19. #109
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    Cool, I'll get it. FF isnt my favorite series so I didn't really have a heartattack like most people.

  20. #110
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    Now that I've had more time to process, I think I'm actually excited for this remake. While we're on the topic of Final Fantasy remakes: I know it won't happen anytime soon if ever, but I would really love a FF6 remake.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liquid_Bastard View Post
    Now that I've had more time to process, I think I'm actually excited for this remake.
    Cautiously optimistic feels like the right place for me to be here. The game was perfect for it’s time in 97, but obviously some things will have to change for today, and it will be interesting to see what they do with it and how well it will translate into 2016/17. There’s a million ways this behemoth could go off the rails and straight to shit. Let’s just hope that they don’t “remake” too much of it so that it becomes something that isn’t actually FFVII. Ugh, need to think positive! Can this remake possibly live up to the hype and nostalgia of the original? Let’s hope for the best!

  22. #112
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  23. #113
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    My SJW post was just me being silly. However, I'm expecting some changes to make sense with an updated version such as the button mashing during the escape from the Shinra building and such. Maybe update the battle system a little? I don't know.

  24. #114
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    I read about that on my lunch break and felt a little better about it! Time's gonna be the real judge for this one. Honestly, no matter how good it may end up looking at launch (not just visually, but story updates, mechanics, technical bullshit updated for new systems/expectations), I'll keep myself from being 100% sure about the game. But fuck, just the fact that it's actually HAPPENING now is enough to blow me away, but I won't let the hype make me think it'll just be good by default. This is a BIG project with a, a billion little things that could go wrong, and the best we can hope for is that it's at least worth existing, even if it's not 100% stellar quality.

    I am really interested to see just how much of the game is gonna be retained, though. I remember reading like, a year ago that they weren't sure whether to even start on the remake, when, evidently, they were pretty deep into production by then. But they seem really confident about their decision to remake it, and I'm glad that they were aware of their own opportunity. The big names that would have to be attached to the game ARE getting older, and moving on to bigger parts of their lives, and if they'd waited longer, could you imagine getting a FF7 remake from a team of developers that were completely out of touch with the creative process behind the original? It'd inevitably suck.

    Full visual facelift, a few little tweaks/updates to (hopefully) improve the story and backstory, and maybe some updated mechanics and whatnot. That's all I really want, so if it can meet those expectations, I'm on board.

    It'll be interesting to see how they handle the voice acting, too. Or perhaps they'll take a chance at keeping the lack of spoken dialogue? Who knows.

  25. #115
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    That's all I really want, as well. As time goes on since this announcement, I've been going full on nostalgia mode. I've been blasting Razorblade Suitcase from Bush that I also got for Christmas that year as well as replaying the Unforgiven II performance Metallica did at the Billboard Music Awards that year. I think I was in 4th grade. I'm 27 now, got medically discharged from the Navy, and back in college. Holy shit. Anyone else feeling similar?

  26. #116
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    “Again, this time, since the story is being handled by Nojima, that also means that there will be more work added to it, so please look forward to that as well.” - Tetsuya Nomura

    If all he means by that is that they will expand/supplement/flesh out the already existing story, then cool. But if they plan on fundamentally altering the existing canon in any way, not cool! We don’t need a Final Fantasy VII equivalent of this,

    Quote Originally Posted by Liquid_Bastard View Post
    As time goes on since this announcement, I've been going full on nostalgia mode. … I think I was in 4th grade… Holy shit. Anyone else feeling similar?
    Hell yeah, I was in high school in 97. I played videogames from the late 80’s on up, but FFVII was the one that turned me into a binge gamer. To the memories.

  27. #117
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    Same here. Before, I would just casually play a game. I used to obsess over the early Mortal Kombat games as a kid. FF2 (FF4) was my first and definitely one of my favorite final fantasy games. However, it wasn't until I unwrapped FF7 for Christmas of 1997 that I started the "binge gaming." I remember on my winter, spring, and summer breaks starting to spend many sleepless nights seeing how far I could progress into a game. Which is funny because at the same time I started so many new games on FF7 thinking that I could do better. It wasn't until a week later when I finally made it to the world map that I decided to just continue. Man, I was a silly kid.

  28. #118
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    The Tifa v. Scarlet slapping match would be a great opportunity for them to take a humorous meta-jab at QTE's. I'm sure they'll probably cut that part out of the remake altogether though (which I'm fine with).

  29. #119
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    Mmm dont want a secpnd coming of advent children.... Fuck

    I dont need grand scale leaping into the sky anime bullshit. This very well could turn out awful.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    If all he means by that is that they will expand/supplement/flesh out the already existing story, then cool. But if they plan on fundamentally altering the existing canon in any way, not cool!
    Honestly, I think that the news that we're gonna get cross-dressing Cloud is a pretty good indicator we'll be sticking on the same basic story path, more or less. I'm not too worried. I mean, the game's not perfect, and I kind of expect them to build a little on characters who were pretty one-note, like 95% of Shinra's Machiavellian moustache-twirling upper management. I guarantee the Turks will get more exposure and fleshing out, too. And they might make things gel a little bit more with Crisis Core (which I didn't hate).

    I could also see them actually showing off the Ancients and the Jenova crisis period, from Aerith's point of view and the knowledge she obtains (the way she said that Jenova appeared to the Ancients in the form of 'dead relatives' and initially appeared friendly kind of begs a closer look). I'd like that, to see more of their wacky seashell villages.

    Someone on NeoGAF made a pretty good point; the trailer's voiceover says that "the reunion may bring fear, it may bring joy." That's not so much about the plot as it is a message to the fans - "we know you're terrified we'll fuck this up, but we're going to try to do right by you."

    Anyway, waaaaaay too early to freak about this. They're not even ready to tell us the official full name, and this thing won't happen until 2017 earliest.

    My thoughts are with the employees who even right now I'm sure are working insane shifts, isolated from their families, to crank this thing out for us. Bless.

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