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Thread: Lisey's Story

  1. #1
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    Lisey's Story

    I'll be damned. So a Stephen King novel- a great and underrated one, Lisey's Story, is being adapted for a limited series on Apple plus, BY Stephen King himself.
    King wrote the scripts and JJ Abrams is producing. The director is named Pablo Larraín, and, hell's bells, this looks GOOD.

    I just saw the full trailer a few minutes ago as a commercial on YouTube, but I can't find it anywhere. But it actually looks GREAT.

    It stars Julianne Moore and Clive Owen.

    King is 73. That book is supposedly very personal to him, and it seemed to, me, to be about a "version" of King himself, and his own death. This might be a big one for the constant readers among us.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-11-2021 at 05:08 AM.

  2. #2
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    Annnnd, trailer actually dropped, an hour ago. Check it out.
    @allegate @marodi @chuckrh @Jinsai @Shadaloo @Erneuert @fillow
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-11-2021 at 10:08 AM.

  3. #3
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    I actually haven't read Lisey's Story. Maybe I should check that out.

  4. #4
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    OK, it looks good, but so do a lot of trailers. Didn't people here really like new Mortal Kombat trailer?
    With a Stephen King movie, you never. ever. let yourself be excited in advance because more often than not it will end up being huge disappointment.

    Lisey's Story is probably my favorite later SK book (as in post-Dark Tower era), but I always considered un-filmable. It's just too fucking weird for your average horror story.

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    I'm interested, i liked the book, but yes, with a Stephen King story you never know ..."Doctor Sleep" was ok, but the new "Pet Sematary" was terrible, so i guess we'll have to wait.

  6. #6
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    @fillow and @henryeatscereal , this one has ONE huge difference, though. Stephen King wrote the adaptation himself, and even the scripts, for all eight episodes. This has never been done before, to my knowledge. If it doesn't come out right, HE fucked it up: this isn't someone else's take on it.

    So, I'm actually letting myself get excited for this one. Consider the pseudo autobiographical nature of that weird ass book, and King's age: I THINK he may be trying to do something really special here.

    Edit: but, trust me. I know what you mean. The last great SK adaptation was called The Green Mile. Aside from that, there's Shawshank, and Secret Window. That's pretty much it for me, at least in the past, idk, 25 years. BUT, those worked because they BARELY strayed from the source material. With this, again, King himself wrote the show.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-11-2021 at 12:46 PM.

  7. #7
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    been a long time since I read the book. Unsure as to whether I should re-read beforehand because usually all that does is make me more aware of changes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    been a long time since I read the book. Unsure as to whether I should re-read beforehand because usually all that does is make me more aware of changes.
    I'm not re-reading it. I'm with you on that.

    I DO remember "BOOL!" and "the long thing with the piebald side." That shit was genuinely disturbing to me. But, yeah, it's been about 15 years. Even if it's King making the changes his damn self, I don't wanna notice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @fillow and @henryeatscereal , this one has ONE huge difference, though. Stephen King wrote the adaptation himself, and even the scripts, for all eight episodes. This has never been done before, to my knowledge. If it doesn't come out right, HE fucked it up: this isn't someone else's take on it.
    As long as he isn't directing, all is good!, lol

    But seriously i prefer King's adaptations in the series format, actually i loved the "11/22/63" miniseries they did a few years ago, might be one of my favorite King's adaptations ever!
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 05-12-2021 at 06:54 PM.

  10. #10
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    Even cooler, Warp Records producer Clark aka Christopher Clark did the score.

    He's doing more and more film scores. He did music for the film Daniel Isn't Real and TV mini series Rellik, The Last Panthers, and National Treasure: Kiri.
    Last edited by neorev; 05-13-2021 at 11:08 AM.

  11. #11
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    I've yet to be disappointed with ANYTHING I've watched on Apple TV+ . Though I am unfamiliar with the source material, I am looking forward to this show simply because I know it will be quality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I've yet to be disappointed with ANYTHING I've watched on Apple TV+ . Though I am unfamiliar with the source material, I am looking forward to this show simply because I know it will be quality.
    I think we're getting into "final statement" territory. King wrote this thing after coming home from a lengthy hospital stay, from when that van crashed into him and nearly killed him.
    And, one VERY simple way of describing the plot of this book is that it's about the aftermath of the death of the world's most famous horror writer, and an intense examination of his marriage.
    King says it's his favorite and most personal of his books.
    He'd BEEN trying to get someone to adapt it for several years.
    And he finally said "fuck it, I'll do it myself."

    All of this together makes me think that this will be REALLY deep and moving.

    And, good god: if this works, do I dare to hope we might get an SK penned Dark Tower adaptation?

    I can't imagine a world without SK. I've read everything he's ever written, and his books are literally my favorite things in the world: they're more important to me than any album, movie, book or TV show.

    I just hope this isn't THE final statement. But I'm almost certain he's in that headspace.

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    first two are available. watched the first one. I am intrigued. what a head trip.

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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    first two are available. watched the first one. I am intrigued. what a head trip.
    I've got them, but the Mrs is on that hep c treatment, which makes her sick, AND is still sick from hep c...and she only wanna watch police procedurals, if she's even awake.

    I might sneak a peak, though.

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    hope she feels better.

    can't wait to hear your thoughts, especially since you are familiar with the material/King's body of work.

    I really enjoyed the episode. As previously said, Apple TV+ does not disappoint. Gorgeous cinematography/camera work (Ingmar Bergman came to mind), excellent acting...King has a knack for teleplay writing, I can tell already.

    Still processing the first episode, going to watch the 2nd tomorrow. Then, new episodes become available weekly, which I like!

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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    OK, it looks good, but so do a lot of trailers. Didn't people here really like new Mortal Kombat trailer?
    With a Stephen King movie, you never. ever. let yourself be excited in advance because more often than not it will end up being huge disappointment.

    Lisey's Story is probably my favorite later SK book (as in post-Dark Tower era), but I always considered un-filmable. It's just too fucking weird for your average horror story.
    They said Gerald’s Game was unfilmable, but that turned out pretty damn awesome.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    They said Gerald’s Game was unfilmable, but that turned out pretty damn awesome.
    Same with Lord of the Rings.

    SOMEONE will do The Dark Tower on the same level as LotR one day, but idk if we'll be alive for it

  18. #18
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    just finished episode 2.


    some visuals in there that were just awesome looking.

    story still has me hooked.

    looking forward to next friday.

    after watching a few episodes I'm curious to read the book but fear my imagination isn't good enough hah!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I'm curious to read the book but fear my imagination isn't good enough hah!
    I have to say some of the scenes/locations shown in the trailer (the ones involving the supernatural aspect of the story) looked pretty much exactly like I imagined them. Which I guess really means how precise the descriptions in the book were.

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    Interview with Lisey's Story series composer Clark...


  21. #21
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    This show inspired me to purchase my first 2 King books: The Shining (because I'm familiar with the film and can compare) and The Outsider. Can't wait to dig in, slowly at first, but head on when grad school wraps up at the end of this month.

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    so much for slowly digging in. I'm over 300 pages into The Shining already. finding the book to be way better than the movie. I am hooked like I've never been hooked before, wow. such a great writer. I will certainly be going down the King rabbit hole this year!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I have to say some of the scenes/locations shown in the trailer (the ones involving the supernatural aspect of the story) looked pretty much exactly like I imagined them
    *just like you imagined

  24. #24
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    episode 3, also great. getting better and better!

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    1 episode in and so far so good, a little jumbled for my partner who hasn't read the book. It's one of my favorite novels by King.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    This show inspired me to purchase my first 2 King books: The Shining (because I'm familiar with the film and can compare) and The Outsider. Can't wait to dig in, slowly at first, but head on when grad school wraps up at the end of this month.
    I'd honest to god skip Outsider, for now. It isn't AWFUL, but it's definitely one of his WORST books. For me, it's in the bottom 3 or so out of almost eighty.
    The Shining is a great pick.
    Read The Stand, The Talisman, Under the Dome, It, Misery, The Green Mile, Needful Things, Pet Sematary, Revival, Bag of Bones, Desperation, The Regulators, 'Salem's Lot, and, ESPECIALLY, The Dark Tower, if you're ready to commit to it. It's seven books, a novella, and a short story, and probably about half of his other work connects to it.
    I always tell new King fans, also, to read Different Seasons, which is a collection of novellas including Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (aka Shawshank Redemption,) The Body (aka Stand By Me,) and Apt Pupil.

    Hell, I've got copies of some of these that I'd sure mail you.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-17-2021 at 02:03 AM.

  27. #27
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    So, I'll be damned. These first two episodes really DO capture the book. It's pretty badass, so far.

    I also forgot that the book made me afraid of the word Holyoke. It says "hollyhock" or "hollyock" in the show, but I'm PRETTY sure it was Holyoke in the book, as in, "she just wants to watch the holyokes"

    So, hardcore fans: did you notice the book that Jim Dandy was reading in the library? It was Charlie the Choo Choo. That made my fucking day.
    @fillow @allegate
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-17-2021 at 02:01 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I'd honest to god skip Outsider, for now. It isn't AWFUL, but it's definitely one of his WORST books. For me, it's in the bottom 3 or so out of almost eighty.
    The Shining is a great pick.
    Read The Stand, The Talisman, Under the Dome, It, Misery, The Green Mile, Needful Things, Pet Sematary, Revival, Bag of Bones, Desperation, The Regulators, 'Salem's Lot, and, ESPECIALLY, The Dark Tower, if you're ready to commit to it. It's seven books, a novella, and a short story, and probably about half of his other work connects to it.
    I always tell new King fans, also, to read Different Seasons, which is a collection of novellas including Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (aka Shawshank Redemption,) The Body (aka Stand By Me,) and Apt Pupil.

    Hell, I've got copies of some of these that I'd sure mail you.
    check out The Stephen King thread over in the Literature board, picked up quite a few.
    I am LOVING the Outsider so far actually, haha, but that's the beauty of his work, lot of variety and favorites/least favorites. Now of course, I might not like it as much after I read some others.

    But I am hooked on all things King now!!

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    episode 4....wow....

    the first 15 mins may be hard for some to watch, I'll say that.

    loving how this is unfolding though.

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    I'm about to start watching this... and it's really one of the few times I'm checking out a film adaptation of a book written by an author I like before reading the book... feels kinda weird, but I'm hearing good things. I just generally have felt that the order of operations is "read the book -> see the movie." I've felt that the other way around can really mess up the book... and King has a weird thing going on where he just loves film adaptations of his books that just totally suck.

    But like he said "if you don't like the movie, the book's still right there on the shelf."

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