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Thread: The Transgender Thread

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    66 Post(s)
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

    Are you being serious?
    Haha, same thing as back then in the feminist topic. Outrage, shock, etc., but nothing noteworthy. If you can't put together two comprehensive sentences as a native English speaker, then don't bother posting. Be happy you have the economy that you have, and the luxury to pay for being able to facepalm posts, and move on. I am serious, yes, but come on, challenge me. Give me, an Eastern-European guy a good argument as to why my points are ridiculous or a laughing matter. I am sincerely curious.

    1. Tell me how we are NOT uneducated on not just the topic of homo- and trans-, but heterosexuality as well. I am listening. I've sat through all the sex ed class, and to be honest, porn and more experienced people taught me more than all the hours of sex ed. combined. But let me hear it.

    2. There are people like you, who try to act superior, whenever gayness (yes, I could use the term homosexuality, but those who WANT to be offended, always get stuck at the word "gay", so it's like a system which separates those who just want to bitch and those with actual thoughts), feminism, or now, transsexuality is brought up. People like you, make no effort trying to bring awareness, you are just happy to have an attack ground. "HOLY SHIT. ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" - like really, that's all you can say in 2015 as an U.S. citizen?! Believe it or not, people are fucking slaving away here for joke money, and no, your average Eastern-European countrimen's problems are bigger than the acceptance of transexuality, and you can be shocked, but that is the turth. People are starving, the state's progapaganda is failing, and we have 0 future plan. Zero. If you want to be someone, you have to go abroad. But as I said, I'm listening t your arguments, which I hope are more advanced than what you've just vomited here.

    3. Yes, Caitlyn Jenner is whored out. I am not a transsexual, and I do not know whether she's transition is making the whole transgender case a favor, or setting it back. As I said, from one perspective, it's disgusting how someone who can afford to be a good looking female is put on a pedestal, while those who suffer just the same are neglected, just because they can not afford all those surgeries. On the other hand, she can be an icon, a hero for many transsexuals, a pioneer if you like. I do not want to take sides in this argument, I think it is very culture-dependant. Here, in Eastern-Europe, no one gives a flying fuck, trust me. But maybe in more advanced countries, like in the U.S. it IS a huge thing. I don't know. Maybe when you will be capable of writing more thang 6 words I'll be more educated on this matter.

    I love how ETS has some of the worst people from/r/askwomen, who jump on the slightest remark which they deem hurtful. Transsexuality is a very complicated topic, and if we were smart people, we could have endless dicsussions on some of the more focal points of it, but people like you just highlight some words, or sentences and try to frame the likes of me as some kind of barbarians. I have no problem with transsexuals, but it's literally impossible to start a discussion when the likes of you are around. I wish we'd have the same luxury here, that even the stupidest (or laziest, you tell me) people can pay for facepalm rights, so whenever someone says something I don't like I could just facepalm it without coming up with actual arguments, which would require to flex my brain muscles.

    Then again, I probably should not leash out as hard as I just did just because you live in a whole different world than I do, but it really annoys me, when people are so fucking lazy they refuse to put together at least three comprehensive sentences. Who knows, maybe if the tables were turned I would do the same, if my biggest problem in life was dealing with transsexuality when I'm not even one of them.

    ( Though, honestly, this response is more to the people who are just reading this topic. I remember your responses from the feminist topic, so I don't expect anything more from you than fancy words filled with utter shallowness. You are, of course, free to prove me wrong. )

    Edit: and I'd advise everyone to follow this argument, because I'm totally fine with gay people, and I'm all for supporting transsexuals, yet I am still crucified for some reason. Just shows you how fucked our modern thinking is, when two people who essentially on the same side have to be at each other's throat because we don'T say EXAXTLY wahat we want to hear.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I dunno, he's from Hungary so his responses are sometimes lost in translation, I think. Or some kind of cultural backward thing.
    Good to know you are still not tired of using your brain! Much appreciated, but if someone want to get shocked, they will get shocked. Much easier than actually discussing stuff.
    Last edited by Volband; 06-04-2015 at 02:16 PM.

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