So, this lifted my spirits this morning. Target has announced that their customers can use the bathroom of whatever gender they identify with.

I have been saying for a long time that once the gay marriage fight was over the right wing would turn their sights on us and I was sadly right. It's amazing how huge the spotlight is on us now, and how we're being viciously demonized. It's also incredibly absurd, and it hurts real people, not that these idiots would understand that. The founder of the Trans Lifeline posted the other day that their call volume has doubled since these bathroom bills have taken effect. And I'm sure it's going to get much uglier before it gets any better.

It kind of makes me wish I wasn't living in Arizona. So far, thankfully, to my knowledge no one has proposed any bathroom bills here recently. But considering it seems like every time I check there are more and more states trying to pass bills discriminating against trans people (apparently Minnesota is now getting in on it, too) I think it's just a matter of time before this backward state tries its own. I'll do everything in my power to get out if that happens.

The most ridiculous part of this "won't someone please think of the children" mentality is that, by enacting these laws, they're making it MUCH EASIER for cis male predators to walk into a women's restroom. All they have to say is, "Hey, I'm a trans man, legally I have to use this bathroom." Not that I think that's going to happen but if that's what they're worried about, they are quite literally actively trying to make it happen. Not to mention all the trans guys that will now, legally, anyway, have to use the women's room. The first time a big, bearded, burly trans dude walks into the ladies' restroom we'll see how much they like their shitty bathroom bills then.

The truth is, though, that this likely won't hurt them. Because anyone who is passing is probably going to be using the bathroom of their actual gender, just like they always have. And no one will know. The trans people who don't pass will be the ones facing violence, harassment and discrimination. By trying to protect women they are throwing an entire group of women to the wolves and encouraging violence against them. It's disgusting and despicable.

This just boils my blood. But I try to remember that it WILL get better. I try to remember that there are lots of people standing with us, and lots more to come. That the more of us come out and are visible and living our lives authentically, the more the stigma around us will dissipate, the more people will be on our side. So, like, I think the bigots should enjoy it now, because their time is very quickly coming to an end.