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Thread: The Transgender Thread

  1. #661
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    ^^I've been meaning to watch that @Sarah K but haven't had the chance to yet. It's been a really busy week. I will try, I promise.

    In the meantime, I thought this was great. Like, seriously great. And spot on.

  2. #662
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    So, this lifted my spirits this morning. Target has announced that their customers can use the bathroom of whatever gender they identify with.

    I have been saying for a long time that once the gay marriage fight was over the right wing would turn their sights on us and I was sadly right. It's amazing how huge the spotlight is on us now, and how we're being viciously demonized. It's also incredibly absurd, and it hurts real people, not that these idiots would understand that. The founder of the Trans Lifeline posted the other day that their call volume has doubled since these bathroom bills have taken effect. And I'm sure it's going to get much uglier before it gets any better.

    It kind of makes me wish I wasn't living in Arizona. So far, thankfully, to my knowledge no one has proposed any bathroom bills here recently. But considering it seems like every time I check there are more and more states trying to pass bills discriminating against trans people (apparently Minnesota is now getting in on it, too) I think it's just a matter of time before this backward state tries its own. I'll do everything in my power to get out if that happens.

    The most ridiculous part of this "won't someone please think of the children" mentality is that, by enacting these laws, they're making it MUCH EASIER for cis male predators to walk into a women's restroom. All they have to say is, "Hey, I'm a trans man, legally I have to use this bathroom." Not that I think that's going to happen but if that's what they're worried about, they are quite literally actively trying to make it happen. Not to mention all the trans guys that will now, legally, anyway, have to use the women's room. The first time a big, bearded, burly trans dude walks into the ladies' restroom we'll see how much they like their shitty bathroom bills then.

    The truth is, though, that this likely won't hurt them. Because anyone who is passing is probably going to be using the bathroom of their actual gender, just like they always have. And no one will know. The trans people who don't pass will be the ones facing violence, harassment and discrimination. By trying to protect women they are throwing an entire group of women to the wolves and encouraging violence against them. It's disgusting and despicable.

    This just boils my blood. But I try to remember that it WILL get better. I try to remember that there are lots of people standing with us, and lots more to come. That the more of us come out and are visible and living our lives authentically, the more the stigma around us will dissipate, the more people will be on our side. So, like, I think the bigots should enjoy it now, because their time is very quickly coming to an end.

  3. #663
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    It really pisses me off, too. The predators aren't passing in drag; the predators don't look like the people on "I am Cait." The predators look like Jerry Sandusky and Dennis Hastert and Father Jones.

    I wonder if this stupid NC bill addresses all the boy children who go into the ladies' room with their respective mothers to avoid male predators in the men's room; will those little boys now be forced to enter the men's room alone because their birth certificate says MALE? Hey, our female privacy is often disrupted by these little boys peering into the stalls to watch us pee, but we don't really call them predators; we just call them annoying. But, we certainly don't want to throw them to the wolves of potential danger by requiring them to enter the mens' room alone. So that's why many facilities now have "family restrooms."

    Caitlyn Jenner changed her birth certificate to gender female, which is legal in California. So, Cait can pee in the ladies' room in NC. Pttthhht.

    Meanwhile, in my city, many new buildings must have gender neutral restrooms beginning May 1st.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2016 at 12:22 PM.

  4. #664
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    That's part of the reason why I plan on changing my gender on my birth certificate shortly before I go full time (and my name as well). Not that it will help much but it makes me feel better knowing that's in place (not that I'm going to N.C. anytime soon).

    Also, gender neutral bathrooms are a live saver! I went to a movie a couple months ago in girl mode and I didn't feel even remotely comfortable going into the women's room yet, and I really didn't want to go into the men's if I could avoid it, so fortunately they had a gender neutral bathroom I could use. I went to another theater about a month later and there was no gender neutral bathroom so I had to go into the men's...again, in girl mode. And my boobs were, like, super obvious, so I wouldn't be surprised if I got some odd looks. I was trying not to pay attention and just focus on getting out of there as fast as I could. It helped that I was dressed somewhat androgynously and left my purse with my friend (I was wearing a unisex t-shirt and jeans). I am kind of hoping that dressing somewhat androgynously, at least for now, will help me blend in a little better and avoid harassment.

    Hell, I went to Pride earlier this month, the one place where I should have felt completely safe using the women's room and I still couldn't bring myself to do it. Ugh. It shouldn't be this difficult.

  5. #665
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    Funny and true. (Trigger warning for the babies: he says PUSSY omg gendered insult clearly a woman hating misogynist etc)

  6. #666
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  7. #667
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    (Trigger warning for the babies: he says PUSSY omg gendered insult clearly a woman hating misogynist etc)
    could we not do this

  8. #668
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    I kind of did a double take when I read that yesterday. Like, I agree with Donald Trump on something? Wat?

    Ted Cruz's remarks were transphobic and gross but I didn't expect any less from him. He just gave me another reason to hate him.

  9. #669
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    i mean, a "facepalm" is the act of a child

    the point "wolfkiller" is that you feel so resentful about people trying to create spaces for themselves that you must go into them and throw around bullshit reddit bro nonsense

    what about any of this is particularly threatening to you

  10. #670
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    Lol wut? Facepalms are hilarious. Trust me, I've gotten plenty and I laugh every time.
    I, too, long for the day when trigger warnings aren't necessary. We'll get there, comrade!
    The point "emptydesk" is that you are so resentful about people trying to create lulz for themselves that you must continue commenting bullshit a week later

    What about the word pussy is so threatening to you? (No seriously. You're acting like the babies I was poking fun at in my supportive pro transgender post and proving my point.)

  11. #671
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Lol wut? Facepalms are hilarious. Trust me, I've gotten plenty and I laugh every time.
    I, too, long for the day when trigger warnings aren't necessary. We'll get there, comrade!
    The point "emptydesk" is that you are so resentful about people trying to create lulz for themselves that you must continue commenting bullshit a week later

    What about the word pussy is so threatening to you? (No seriously. You're acting like the babies I was poking fun at in my supportive pro transgender post and proving my point.)
    it was 72 hours ago.

    the word "pussy" isn't threatening. it's disconcerting that you would use it as an insult. your mindset is threatening.

    it's annoying that you're so oblivious that you think you're some sort of vanguard for disregarding your innate privilege in the face of the struggles of others.

    like there's some baseline south park world of normal that everything is in opposition towards.

    in other words, time to grow up bud. "immensely tedious shitbag" is no longer a good look.
    Last edited by emptydesk; 04-24-2016 at 07:33 AM.

  12. #672
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    It's called exaggeration.

    I didn't use it as an insult, the good fellow in the video did. You do realize the magic moving picture box I posted wasn't me, right?

    It's annoying that you're so oblivious that you think you're some sort of vanguard for disregarding common sense and reality to pretend like it's a struggle to see/hear "pussy" being used as an insult.

    Like there's some baseline tumblr world of special that everything outside is problematic.

    Getting told I'm tedious and need to grow up from the likes of you is both immensely funny and a badge of honor, thank you for making my day. Your tears are mucking up the thread, perhaps a PM would have been a better option. Oh but then how would anyone know you're a brave social justice warrior if you weren't publicly crying about your struggle against privileged shitbags who dare to use words like pussy in 2016?!

  13. #673
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    i read enough to see you said "social justice warrior" which kind of says it all about you.

    as if the very idea is an insult.

    i do take pride in being a force that says you are never welcome here or in places like this until you change.

    have a nice day at church.

  14. #674
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    That's the second time I've gotten that "all I need to know about you" response here in less than a month. Hive mind black and white dogmatic thinking, much?
    I don't need your approval, but thanks all the same.
    Church? How did you know I was planning on walking my dog? Have fun in your safe space! <3

  15. #675
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    or a typical response to how shitty you are

    maybe take it as a learning moment

  16. #676
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    Omg take it to the shit list you pussy

  17. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Omg take it to the shit list you pussy
    charming, to the last

  18. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Omg take it to the shit list you pussy
    There isn't a shitlist so stop acting like a troll.

  19. #679
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    There isn't a shitlist so stop acting like a troll.
    Maybe there should be so brave souls like emptybrain can virtue signal elsewhere and not waste an entire page taking issue with a sarcastic trigger warning (which evidently was necessary) and a facepalm?

  20. #680
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    no im more comfortable exposing you here

  21. #681
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    Expose me? Oh baby don't bother flirting, you aren't my type.

  22. #682
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    Does this belong here?

    Fuck everything.

  23. #683
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    Wow. Just fucking embarrassing but it's a cop so it wasn't unexpected.

  24. #684
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    That doesn't surprise me at all. This is going to affect cis women, too, unfortunately.

    The people who make these laws are so unbelievably short sighted. They're so blinded by their ignorant hatred that they don't even know what they're really doing or what kind of damage they're actually causing.

    I really think that this whole "won't someone please think of the children" is just a smokescreen for blatant hatred. They don't understand trans people, it challenges their worldview, so they have to try to get rid of us any way they can. They want to sweep us under the rug so they don't have to reconsider their simple, black and white notions of the way the world works. It's sick.

    Also, just to illustrate how scary it can be for a trans person, I saw this on Facebook the other day in a vigorous discussion about this bathroom law. A lot, and I do mean a LOT of blatant bigotry, name calling ('freaks' seems to be their favorite) and even a couple of threats of violence. And then this (pretty violent language so, you know, just a warning).

    I have seriously started to give thought to the idea that I just won't use the bathroom in public after I go full time. I'm not even kidding. It just seems like it's only a matter of time before I am going to face some serious violence. I'm becoming more and more scared for my safety. It shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't be worried about using the bathroom in public, and even leaving the house, for fear that someone is going to put me in the hospital or murder me just for being who I am. I already know I will very likely face stares (already happened), rude comments and general harassment, which is all bad enough and all completely and utterly unacceptable, but on top of that you have people with serious mental and/or emotional issues like that guy who are just looking for an excuse to murder a trans person. And the more this idea spreads that we are some sort of weird, sick predators out to hurt women and children the more the fires of rage are going to be stoked and people are going to be blood thirsty.

    I don't think I really understood just how much hatred there was for us in the world before. Like, I knew it logically but I don't think I fully accepted it emotionally, I don't think I really got the full scope. Ever since this bathroom bill came out I am really starting to fully get it. And it's really depressing.
    Last edited by theruiner; 04-27-2016 at 08:37 PM.

  25. #685
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    It's sad but there is a TON of violence against cis women, too. On epidemic levels. And I think all of this, coupled with the awful comments on that page about how that woman "should have expected it" because she was not dressed "like a woman" just demonstrates the discrimination and victimization that cis women continue to face every day, and the trans issue is really just an extension of that treatment of women. Battered women centers are full, there aren't enough centers. Sexual assaults are at the highest levels in history. Add "men becoming women" and they're just more women to batter.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-27-2016 at 08:49 PM.

  26. #686
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    My old hometown :

    My new town:

    Hurts my head

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  27. #687
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    Very glad that the DOJ has stepped in.

  28. #688
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    There's been an update:

    North Carolina leaders show no sign of surrender on LGBT law

  29. #689
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    My old hometown :

    My new town:

    Hurts my head

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The Observer is one of the things i miss most from the D town.

  30. #690
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    This is why I hate people:

    Coworker: [goes on tirade about how stupid it is that someone with a penis wants to use the women's room]
    Me: [starts explaining calmly that it's not exactly that simple]
    Coworker: [starts getting angry about it]
    Me: [asks if he has questions, calmly counters / refutes his factually inaccurate statements]
    Coworker: "Whatever, I mean, I really just don't even give a fuck what they want to do."
    Me: "So then why are you so vocally opposed to it?"
    Coworker: [silence]
    Coworker (two days later): [ranting about it again to someone else]


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