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Thread: The Transgender Thread

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    well i picked a great fucking time to start HRT.

    this is devastating.
    Apologies for my ignorance, but does this change mean HRT is not available, or that HRT is not covered by insurance? I read the announcement at HHS.GOV but it was not clear to me. Though I can be a bit daft at times.

  2. #842
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    Apologies for my ignorance, but does this change mean HRT is not available, or that HRT is not covered by insurance? I read the announcement at HHS.GOV but it was not clear to me. Though I can be a bit daft at times.
    It means that insurance companies under the ACA used to be barred from discriminating their coverage to LGBTQ people under the ACA; that has now been reversed, and any insurance provider under the ACA is free to deny treatment coverage to LGBTQ individuals who are covered under the ACA. It's aimed directly at transgender individuals, because "the Trump administration defines 'sex discrimination' as only applying when someone faces discrimination for being male or female, and does not protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity." See this article for details. Because cruelty is the point, the decision was announced during Pride week and on the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub massacre.

    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2020 at 09:14 PM.

  3. #843
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    Apologies for my ignorance, but does this change mean HRT is not available, or that HRT is not covered by insurance? I read the announcement at HHS.GOV but it was not clear to me. Though I can be a bit daft at times.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It means that insurance companies under the ACA used to be barred from discriminating their coverage to LGBTQ people under the ACA; that has now been reversed, and any insurance provider under the ACA is free to deny treatment coverage to LGBTQ individuals who are covered under the ACA. It's aimed directly at transgender individuals, because "the Trump administration defines 'sex discrimination' as only applying when someone faces discrimination for being male or female, and does not protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity." See this article for details. Because cruelty is the point, the decision was announced during Pride week and on the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub massacre.
    one of the scariest implications is that it allows discrimination not just by insurance providers, but also by any healthcare provider. if a trans person is having a heart attack and gets brought to the emergency room, it would allow a transphobic doctor to refuse to treat that person with no legal repercussions. or, as a more timely example, if a trans person caught the coronavirus and needed immediate medical attention, they could be refused treatment.

  4. #844
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    That latter implication in an emergency situation that is actually prevented by the hippocratic oath as well as hospital and health provider liability policies, especially due to precedent in court cases. It’s been argued and won, (previously related to racist doctors who refused to treat black people, and doctors who refused to treat AIDS patients). This comes down to corporate policy and customer service, as well as avoidance of large malpractice lawsuits being paramount.

    More importantly, AMA ethics rules clearly prohibit it:

    The AMA states: "Physicians who offer their services to the public may not decline to accept patients because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis that would constitute invidious discrimination."

    There is a pending SCOTUS decision that will settle all these matters, which was argued last year, opinion is expected in the coming months.


    Last edited by allegro; 06-13-2020 at 05:04 PM.

  5. #845
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    VICTORY!!!! Gorsuch wrote the decision. The SCOTUS site is having problems so nobody is seeing the decision, yet.

    Last edited by allegro; 06-15-2020 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #846
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    nice to have some good news for once. oy veh.

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  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    VICTORY!!!! Gorsuch wrote the decision. The SCOTUS site is having problems so nobody is seeing the decision, yet.

    I don't understand, are gay people not already protected against that over there???

  9. #849
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I don't understand, are gay people not already protected against that over there???
    nope. because we in the queer community (and especially those of us in the trans community, regardless of orientation) are seen as sub-human by many people, and a lot of those people have positions of power.

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    nope. because we in the queer community (and especially those of us in the trans community, regardless of orientation) are seen as sub-human by many people, and a lot of those people have positions of power.
    So, if someone doesn't want to hire someone because they're gay they can just not hire them?

  11. #851
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I don't understand, are gay people not already protected against that over there???
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars employment discrimination based on race, religion, national origin and sex. But “sex” did not include sexual orientation or gender identity.

    HOWEVER, it should be noted that many protections under Title VII - particularly sex or gender - are often hollow and do not totally protect employees; for THAT, we need the passage of the Equality Act, H.R. 5:

    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    So, if someone doesn't want to hire someone because they're gay they can just not hire them?
    Well, yes ... or black, or a woman, or of a certain ethnic group, etc. Which happens ALL the time. It’s REALLY hard to get treated fairly, here. Employers break these laws all the time, which is why the courts are constantly busy with employment lawsuits. But, the system has to at least have legislative protections in place to support those court cases.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-15-2020 at 05:37 PM.

  12. #852
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It’s REALLY hard to get treated fairly, here. Employers break these laws all the time
    That's what I was getting at. So there are laws? It's just no one really gives a shit that they exist?

    Sorry, I am being completely ignorant. The whole thing just strikes me as weird

  13. #853
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    That's what I was getting at. So there are laws? It's just no one really gives a shit that they exist?

    Sorry, I am being completely ignorant. The whole thing just strikes me as weird
    There is ONE Federal law, yes, from 1964. But it’s vague, so it’s open to interpretation.

    And of course laws are broken ALL the time. Employment laws aren’t criminal laws; employers don’t get arrested for violating these laws, they just get sued. And the employers often have much deeper pockets than employees. Labor unions help, but those have also been neutered by recent court decisions.

  14. #854
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    There is ONE Federal law, yes, from 1964. But it’s vague, so it’s open to interpretation.

    And of course laws are broken ALL the time. Employment laws aren’t criminal laws; employers don’t get arrested for violating these laws, they just get sued. And the employers often have much deeper pockets than employees. Labor unions help, but those have also been neutered by recent court decisions.

    Ah now I see. That's...well, it's not great

  15. #855
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    two things!

    one: after sarah trimmed my hair and beard, i trimmed my leg hair with an electric hair trimmer because i haven't actually shaved my legs in :: checks watch :: 12 years? it took me 20 minutes. i didn't even have the energy to properly shave them after that. i am also not nearly as flexible as i once was. woof. hopefully the hormones will help it not grow in as much. or i'll be able to save up some money for laser/electrolysis.

    and two: i'm thinking of changing my name to Mae (as a reference to both Mae West and Mae Borowski from the video game Night In The Woods). it would allow me to keep my initials, and it sounds similar to Max (though i've been going by Maxwell for a long time). thoughts?

  16. #856
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    two things!

    one: after sarah trimmed my hair and beard, i trimmed my leg hair with an electric hair trimmer because i haven't actually shaved my legs in :: checks watch :: 12 years? it took me 20 minutes. i didn't even have the energy to properly shave them after that. i am also not nearly as flexible as i once was. woof. hopefully the hormones will help it not grow in as much. or i'll be able to save up some money for laser/electrolysis.

    and two: i'm thinking of changing my name to Mae (as a reference to both Mae West and Mae Borowski from the video game Night In The Woods). it would allow me to keep my initials, and it sounds similar to Max (though i've been going by Maxwell for a long time). thoughts?
    1) funny, once I went through menopause, the best thing about it was not having to shave my legs, anymore! Leg-shaving sucks, ugh. But once you start, you get good at it. If not, lots of people go for waxing! Lasts a long time. I think the HRT will make the leg hair softer and sparser?

    2) Mae is a cool name! Oddly enough, my Grandmother' best gf's name was ... Max! (Grandma was born in 1907 so this is old-school.) Mark Zuckerberg's daughter is named Max, short for "Maxima." But, Mae is a pretty nice name, too.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-24-2020 at 07:46 PM.

  17. #857
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    two things!

    one: after sarah trimmed my hair and beard, i trimmed my leg hair with an electric hair trimmer because i haven't actually shaved my legs in :: checks watch :: 12 years? it took me 20 minutes. i didn't even have the energy to properly shave them after that. i am also not nearly as flexible as i once was. woof. hopefully the hormones will help it not grow in as much. or i'll be able to save up some money for laser/electrolysis.
    I use hair removal cream for my legs. It's amazing!!

  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I use hair removal cream for my legs. It's amazing!!
    OMG, yes, it's great!!! Great idea! (Stinky, but great, LOL.)

  19. #859
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    1) funny, once I went through menopause, the best thing about it was not having to shave my legs, anymore! Leg-shaving sucks, ugh. But once you start, you get good at it. If not, lots of people go for waxing! Lasts a long time. I think the HRT will make the leg hair softer and sparser?

    2) Mae is a cool name! Oddly enough, my Grandmother' best gf's name was ... Max! (Grandma was born in 1907 so this is old-school.) Mark Zuckerberg's daughter is named Max, short for "Maxima." But, Mae is a pretty nice name, too.
    i was really good at it in high school! i probably could have done it with my eyes closed (not really). but i was also skinnier and way more flexible so i guess we'll see how this goes haha

    max is totally a doable gender-non-specific name, and while i'm still going to be me, i want to distinguish myself a bit. sarah has been suggesting "mj" (my first two initials) and consistently making the joke "like from spider man!" but i don't really feel like it fits me. oddly enough, mae was also her suggestion.

    @GibbonBlack i have never used a hair removal cream or done waxing, but not a bad idea...

  20. #860
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    I haven't used hair removal cream since the 90s. Has it gotten any better? I'm kinda lazy about shaving, as it's just me and my mom in the house. I have 1-2x a week, and always on the day I wash my sheets. Fresh clean sheets + shaved legs = awesome.
    @eversonpoe I think Mae is a cool name.

  21. #861
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    happy non-binary people’s day! a reminder that i am queer, non-binary, and am currently on HRT. i use they/them pronouns. i shaved my legs this week but not my face. everyone does gender in their own way and that’s beautiful. and it also doesn’t affect anyone negatively, so hopefully the world that’s still fighting us will catch up soon and realize they’re fighting for nothing.

    <3 <3 <3

  22. #862
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    Or should stop giving a shit about stuff that does not affect them in any way whatsoever and is none of their business so they should mind their own business and leave people alone.

  23. #863
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    alright, i'm going by Mae now!

  24. #864
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    Reading through her stuff is so fucked up. You know She starts with something like "You know, women deserve a safe space free from potential abusers". Right, I'm with you. True that.

    "So that's why men transtion to be percieved as women, so they can abuse women. And we can't let them do that because then they can go into bathrooms that are meant for women and that's where all abuse happens. I don't hate trans people"


    Not true, that

  25. #865
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    I cannot imagine what this is like for the trans people who grew up on Potter. I'm so sorry this is a thing.
    it fuckin' sucks! i have a deathly hallows tattoo and, despite its many flaws, the book series is one of my favorite things and the movies are high up on my "comfort" watchlist, but now i just feel gross about it.

    in other news: i sent out an e-mail friday afternoon to family and some family friends announcing my transition and name change. i've heard back from every single family friend with something lovely and supportive. haven't heard back from sarah's parents (i'm sure they're waiting until their weekly phone call with her sunday afternoon to talk to her about it) or her sister (who i think sort of already knew, but it would have been nice to get something back from her). also haven't heard a peep from any of my three cousins (the only members of my extended family i've ever really liked) or their parents, which isn't that surprising but is pretty disappointing.

    in hilarious news: sarah keeps starting to call me maxwell and stopping herself mid-word to pivot to mae so it comes out something like "mahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaayyyyy" and it cracks me up every time. it's not like i'm gonna get mad at her so i appreciate her trying and having it be funny and not frustrating.

  26. #866
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    "So that's why men transtion to be percieved as women, so they can abuse women. And we can't let them do that because then they can go into bathrooms that are meant for women and that's where all abuse happens. I don't hate trans people"
    Where does she GET this shit? It’s just shit! It’s not REAL! It’s not happening anywhere! It’s some irrational fear based on nothing. It’s more scary for the trans person to go into a restroom. What the fuck is up with all this focus on restrooms?? In the 70s and 80s punk clubs (and even now in gay clubs), there were unisex restrooms. Her head would totally explode. BOOM.

    These are rhetorical questions. But she is just totally off the wall. And when people call her a “feminist,” that pisses me off. No, she is no different than Phyllis Schlafly. She wants ancient status quo. And now she’s bordering on “terrorist.” There is something really wrong with her. Seriously, something is going on. She’s a right wing terrorist, now.

    Although, again, I guess there were underlying hints of homophobia and stuff in her Potter characters. People just didn’t see it because they were projecting themselves onto the characters. Which I guess she knew while she was calculating her profits.

    @eversonpoe - Congrats on your new name. I was scared for you reading about your notice to family, especially with everything ELSE going on (Covid, baby). I hope it is all as stress-free as possible, because that’s what you all need right now, but that’s especially what baby needs right now. Baby’s in there cooking, and the less stress in the oven, the less anxiety-filled child you will create. :-)

    Hopefully, everyone will be really chill and support you and your family and keep everything safely calm.

    That’s the environment you all require right now. Sending positive vibes.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-02-2020 at 12:30 PM.

  27. #867
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    -_- well, fuck psychology today

    click through and read sam's whole thread on this, it's very good

  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    it fuckin' sucks! i have a deathly hallows tattoo and, despite its many flaws, the book series is one of my favorite things and the movies are high up on my "comfort" watchlist, but now i just feel gross about it..
    Maybe you could take heart that all the main actors in the films disowned her comments and were very much supportive of the trans community? Doesn’t help with the books though. But I think films deviate enough from the authors intent to be considered their own entity

  29. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    Maybe you could take heart that all the main actors in the films disowned her comments and were very much supportive of the trans community? Doesn’t help with the books though. But I think films deviate enough from the authors intent to be considered their own entity
    absolutely spot-on. i've decided that i still feel ok to watch the films and accept them as things that stand on their own (similarly to how i feel about works that borrow from HP Lovecraft's mythology).

  30. #870
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    if I may offer a solution?

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