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Thread: The Transgender Thread

  1. #931
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Chicago area
    4 Post(s)
    The funny thing is I've been to Planned Parenthood two times trying to get on estrogen and still am not on estrogen.
    First time I went in so prepared to fight to justify myself that when I got no resistance I channeled that into fighting against it (and started regretting it it while I was waiting for a Metra train near Comiskey), second time I was such a mess in so many ways I ended up in the hospital for two weeks. Hopefully the third time next week is the charm.

  2. #932
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    94 Post(s)
    I've just begun a long distance relationship recently with someone who is trans fem, she's absolutely wonderful. I met her in the Nine Inch Nails discord server if you can believe it, what is it with NIN? Always the gift that keeps on giving.
    So they are not openly trans IRL however which is unfortunate due to where they live and their current circumstance; they have a long road ahead of them before they're able to be comfortable in their own skin; with time, love and support i really hope they're able to achieve their dreams and are freed from the shackles of being AMAB.

    This is a whole new frontier for me but it's exciting and i will absolutely be in their corner every step of the way where possible. Not to mention just being patient with them and learning about their struggle, since i am cisgender obviously i have some shortcomings keeping me from being able to fully understand but i will try my damnedest and I have all the empathy in the world for them. I love her so much!

  3. #933
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
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    I have spoke to you a couple times in your Discord DMs about the relationship and of it is going as of the date of this reply. I am not sure if I was the first one to know about it, but to think that I helped out a friend with another friend who is also part of my community warms my heart deeply.
    And all of it happened because we all joined a little silly server in the middle of millions of others around the web, heheh.

    I don't know how to use this (I'm a Gen Z ffs, I never participated in any forums, look at what NIN is making me do!!), but I'll be also wishing you both the best in here, as well as on Discord. I am very much glad to be able to witness the blossoming of a beautiful relation, like this one, for the first time ever, when we are all so far apart.

  4. #934
    Join Date
    May 2024
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    this week i'll be injecting testosterone for the last time, at least for a while. i'm not really voluntarily making this choice. i've been going to an informed consent clinic that seems to be taking advantage of the fact that there's a lack of trans resources in the area by severely overcharging for hrt. in a way i'm relieved to have a "break", which i'm kind of ashamed of and part of why i'm saying this here and not in the company of friends. i've never been particularly good at performing the actual injections, i almost passed out while doing last week's, an automatic twitch. it's an extremely painful process for me and i've never met anyone else who seems to struggle with it as much as i do. maybe when i secure an actual prescription i can go for the gel or pill. hopefully!

    on another note i'm sort of tempted to document any potential changes that may occur during the "weaning". it doesn't seem like there's a great amount of information about trans masculine people starting-stopping-starting testosterone, unless you want to trust reddit threads that imply your voice will default to girlish shrills and all of your body hair will fall out overnight.

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