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Thread: Facebook

  1. #91
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    I am not on Facebook for years (it was making me mad how stupid my friends are, for example liking some forwarded shit more than something original *I* posted, if you can imagine - smile, or just sitting there sucking out virtual energy from everyone and contributing NOTHING), but this was interesting read for me:

    A Teenager’s View on Social Media

  2. #92
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    While I can see why people can prefer Echoing the Sound and Internet forums in general more than Facebook and the like, I've asked around and noticed that those that prefer Facebook aren't interested in having conversations with strangers on the Internet, especially if the majority of them are anonymous with pseudonyms. They would rather have conversations with people they've known and met in real life. Despite being interested in message boards myself, I can definitely understand their desires for only wanting to solely focus on real life friends and family only, if not mostly contacting real life friends and family.

    This of course, is outside of other valid and usual reasons from simply not having enough time to use forums, or just not being interested in forums. I was just curious about this side of the "Forums versus Social Media" discussion, and those were my usual responses from those that didn't like forums, or didn't care for forums. As for the majority of people I've known and met in real life, whether they be family, friends or acquaintances, they're mostly still on Facebook and/or Twitter. Some of them have also been on YouTube, Instagram and Tumblr as well, but not by a lot.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-23-2015 at 12:06 AM.

  3. #93
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    Facebook has only allowed open access since 2006 (before that, it was college students only).

    I've been on forums and BBSs since 1985.

    I guess it's just what you're used to.

  4. #94
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    Also, if you need information about gardening, buying a boat, Airstream RVs, trees for Zone 5, knitting, etc., you are WAY better off searching forums than any shit you'd find on Facebook. I joined a few professional groups on FB only to discover they were constantly trying to sell us shit or get info from us. It was worse than LinkedIn (another shithole).
    Last edited by allegro; 01-22-2015 at 08:32 PM.

  5. #95
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    Never been on Facebook and never will.

    I started posting on the now defunct accordinglydone.com, and then moved onto cb7tuner.com and around the same time i started on herzeleid.net and there was a mushroomhead forum I used to post on too.

    Ive lurked on the toolshed.down.net and prongs.ministry.org forums forever, but this is the only place I post on anymore, because its the only place where the conversation is worth a damn.

  6. #96
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    I've used this chrome plug-in for quite awhile. No ads, no trending topics and the option to sort newsfeed by "unread stories." Makes FB infinitely more tolerable.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    But on the other hand, Facebook has become less personable as someone mentioned above. Gone are the days of your friends updating their status on how they feel or showing off something they bought etc. Now it's moreso people just sharing news links and articles and silly memes and stuff. People rarely ever post stuff about themselves anymore, which is basically what Facebook was originally designed for. It somehow morphed into an RRS feed of random news.
    I actually still enjoy posting videos and pictures, but I also still see what you mean. It was a lot harder than I thought to find actual conversations on Facebook sometimes, but at the same time I actually also get it, since some people are also not into sharing videos and pictures at all, or would rather talk in real life or on the phone. And like any other social media site, it seemed to have slowed down over the years, but it sure is holding up quite well.

    I know I'm late in my response, but it also hasn't changed that much to be at all. Aside from that, I pretty much completely agree with everything else you said.

  8. #98
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    I'm not sure what my worst type of Facebook post is, people posting needy status updates saying only those who reply and copy/paste this to their status are real friends or care about this or that disease, people posting vague updates about something going wrong trying to get sympathy, or divorcing couples posting passive aggressive dirty laundry airing posts.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    people posting vague updates about something going wrong trying to get sympathy
    I don't want to talk about it

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I'm not sure what my worst type of Facebook post is, people posting needy status updates saying only those who reply and copy/paste this to their status are real friends or care about this or that disease, people posting vague updates about something going wrong trying to get sympathy, or divorcing couples posting passive aggressive dirty laundry airing posts.
    I've noticed that vague booking is also a way for some people to vent without over sharing, which is also a serious and terrible problem when it comes to communicating on the Internet. I can't say that I blame them for that though, especially as somebody that got sincerity confused with over sharing, but at the same time, I can certainly understand why privacy and discretion are much better and practical options, especially if the post is going in a very personal and/or negative direction/territory. Sometimes vague booking also seems to be just an attempt to gain attention even if nothing remotely important, exciting or bad is actually happening.

    I also seem to still find myself lurking on the sidelines most of the time in social media though, but sometimes get involved in some conversations when I actually have something to say, even if it's just to humor whoever it is that I'm speaking to.

    And boy, oh boy did I ever learn that typing isn't always a crutch/shortcut in getting to know people, nor should it be. It would've certainly saved me a lot of trouble, and I suppose that was the case with me because I got far too accustomed to relying on the Internet, specifically social media and forums to socialize since the early 2000s. This also includes e-mail and instant messaging.

    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I don't want to talk about it
    Me neither.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-10-2016 at 01:06 AM.

  11. #101
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    edit: nevermind.
    Last edited by kel; 06-14-2016 at 03:25 PM.

  12. #102
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    ugh. i tried! come on!

  13. #103
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    edit: nope.
    Last edited by kel; 06-14-2016 at 03:25 PM.

  14. #104
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    facebook is no bueno.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    facebook is no bueno.
    yeah, i deactivated it again. so many of my *friends* are fans of donald trump. made me want to barf.

  16. #106
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    edit: nuh uh.
    Last edited by kel; 06-14-2016 at 03:26 PM.

  17. #107
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    FB has become, of all things, a pop-up hell. It's 2016: why does the internet still have pop-ups and why don't browsers have the ability to ban them completely?

    Also, that "Trending" box, on the right, filled in with old news stories? What's that about?

  18. #108
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    I guess there is a forum for everything. Why doesn't Facebook have a option for dislike?

  19. #109
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    Does anyone know how to block game invites? I used to know, but I can't figure it out now.

    Figured it out.
    Last edited by bruised; 04-03-2016 at 11:33 AM.

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    reason #1000 to get off Facebook. Filled with neanderthals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krazy View Post
    “Real people” stay off of FB. I guess they can be good for a laugh here and there, and some good causes come out of it from time to time.

    i hate social media, it’s stupid. And it helped kill off forums.

    End rant, sorry to go OT.

    EDIT: don’t take my “real people” comment seriously- it’s meant for asses that replied like that on FB, and not FB users in general.
    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    You've got nothing to apologize for. I don't have a Facebook nor a Twitter account. I just don't have a need for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i deactivated my account a few weeks ago and my stress levels have gone down significantly.
    We'd probably get our asses kicked sky high to kingdom come if we kept this conversation up in the 2018 tour thread, so I'm replying here, lol...

    But I agree, I deleted my facebook nearly 2 years ago, at least I deleted the one where all my "friends" were. I actually then created a New/Fake one just to like/follow certain pages of news. I use it for a new feed now, and it's changed my life so much.

    No longer do I see photos of food, or toddlers on swings, or dogs playing fetch or stupid memes or basically anything you would find in the "Random Stupidity" section of these forums. It got to the point where it wasn't even being used how it was originally intended when FB first back in 2007-2008. Now, it's just filled with complete garbage that tests your intellect level most of the time.

    Like I said, I cut it down to follow news feeds only, and even that is hard, because sometimes I open the comments sections and I KNOW better. I always find myself in complete bafflement of some of the things being said/argued on. That being said, Facebook is a useful tool is used as a news feed and not as a platform for sharing opinions on the internet.

    But yeah, the year I "cancelled" my "real" account, my life had improved 10-fold. I deleted the app on my phone. I made sure I never logged onto my "fake/news feed" one on my cell and only check it at home. It's a whole new world out where when you're not out there glued to your phone. I use my phone now for texting, checking the weather and maybe loading up ETS while I'm in transit, but other than that... no social media. Maynard would be proud. I managed to "Put the silicone down and disconnect" as he would say hahahahahaha.

    But no, it's amazing when you finally do. Like, you pay attention to your surroundings more. You see things you otherwise would have missed. It's awesome.

  21. #111
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    Might wanna fuck around with Instagram. It isn't nearly as infested with the stupidity you listed above unless you let it. I have alot of fun on IG.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 02-09-2018 at 10:55 PM.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Might wanna fuck around with Instagram. It isn't nearly as invested with the stupidity you listed above unless you let it. I have alot of fun on IG.
    Been seriously considering getting an instagram account for a while now. I need a new phone first though, the phone I have doesn't support the app, lol...

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Been seriously considering getting an instagram account for a while now. I need a new phone first though, the phone I have doesn't support the app, lol...
    lol Bro, IG all the way... Picture books are always better than drama novels.

  24. #114
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    I don't have any social media, but Facebook is the worst. At my former job, one of the women that worked in the office was addicted to Facebook. She did all the cliche annoying facebook activities posting pictures of food, and worse yet it would be high in calories and carbs food then the next day she would complain about why her diet isn't working. Pictures of her kids doing mundane activities and acting like they are splitting the atom, but the absolute worst was in face to face conversations with her she would say things like "LOL" she wouldn't say "Laugh out loud" (which would be bad enough) she would say "LOL". Even worse then that was when she would say "OMG" not "Oh my God" but "OMG" it makes my skin crawl just talking about it. Spending five minutes with her would give anybody reason to delete all social media accounts.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Been seriously considering getting an instagram account for a while now. I need a new phone first though, the phone I have doesn't support the app, lol...
    I second this. You can get much more out of IG compared to the other outlets that are out there. Especially if you're into video editing or photography.

  26. #116
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    IG is the only social media app on my phone, and I mostly follow photography accounts and cat rescue people and chefs.

  27. #117
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    curious anyone ever successfully delete an account?

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    curious anyone ever successfully delete an account?
    Yes. I forget the exact path to the promise land, but once you find the door, there’s a week or two-week waiting period where it opens up for you to walk through, and nothing to look back on. October 2015 I deactivated, and then permanently deleted shortly after (once I realized the difference). Recently, I tried to search for me and anything related to me on there... As far as I or anyone casual would be able to search, it would seem my tracks are all gone.

    I’m actually in the process of remaking a fake FB account, solely to follow businesses and music pages. The first fake one I made just the other month (entirely from a desktop, mind you) somehow started to integrate contacts I knew in the friend suggestions. I got so pissed. Maybe because I got the FB app on my phone and accessed the account??? This time I’m starting from the most leftfield e-mail address, location, etc. We’ll see how it goes.
    Last edited by Amaro; 02-09-2018 at 09:40 PM.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaro View Post
    Yes. I forget the exact path to the promise land, but once you find the door, there’s a week or two-week waiting period where it opens up for you to walk through. It’s been since October 2015 I deactivated, and then permanently deleted. Recently, I tried to search for me and anything related to me on there... As far as I or anyone casual would be able to search, it would seem my tracks are all gone.

    I’m actually in the process of remaking a fake FB account, solely to follow businesses and music pages. The first fake one I made just the other month (entirely from a desktop, mind you) somehow started to integrate contacts I knew in the friend suggestions. I got so pissed. This time I’m starting from the most leftfield e-mail address, location, etc. We’ll see how it goes.
    Yeah it’s looking at the contacts in your cache, it’s pretty hard to completely delete all traces of a prior FB account. What pisses me off is when it suggests my BOSS as a friend and I’m trying REAL hard to be incognito and I’m friends with a only a few select relatives or friends. But it’s looking at my frigging contacts on my computer and I didn’t ever agree that it could do that. It truly is a marketing and spying cesspool. But certain people I know don’t use anything else.

    Anyway here’s a good link to delete an account, but I’ve deleted an account and found it never “really” deleted it, the info is stashed somewhere in their system (or on mine).

    Last edited by allegro; 02-09-2018 at 11:00 PM.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaro View Post
    Yes. I forget the exact path to the promise land, but once you find the door, there’s a week or two-week waiting period where it opens up for you to walk through, and nothing to look back on. October 2015 I deactivated, and then permanently deleted shortly after (once I realized the difference). Recently, I tried to search for me and anything related to me on there... As far as I or anyone casual would be able to search, it would seem my tracks are all gone.

    I’m actually in the process of remaking a fake FB account, solely to follow businesses and music pages. The first fake one I made just the other month (entirely from a desktop, mind you) somehow started to integrate contacts I knew in the friend suggestions. I got so pissed. Maybe because I got the FB app on my phone and accessed the account??? This time I’m starting from the most leftfield e-mail address, location, etc. We’ll see how it goes.
    As explained above, this is exactly what I did. Used a different e-mail address and set it so I lived in a different city than where I am originally from. It never suggests anyone from my "former/real" Facebook account.

    I use it for the exact intentions you mentioned, just to follow news from sites and music etc.
    As long as you stay away from opening up and reading those comments, you're golden.

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