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Thread: Facebook

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    IG is the only social media app on my phone, and I mostly follow photography accounts and cat rescue people and chefs.
    Cat rescue YES!!!! I love that.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    Cat rescue YES!!!! I love that.
    Beth Stern (Howard's wife) is like the IG queen of feline rescue: https://www.instagram.com/bethostern/

    I also *love* Paul the Cat Guy: https://www.instagram.com/paulthecatguy/

    Also NYC Animal Rescue Girls: https://www.instagram.com/nycanimalrescuegirls/

    Also Puppy Kitty NYC / LI https://www.instagram.com/puppykittynycity

    And about 50 other ones.

    I will sometimes get a notification from Amazon that my package has been delivered and I'll look and nothing is there and then I'll realize that I sent a Wish List item to one of the rescue organizations, DUH.

    edit: I followed some peoples' leads, here, and deleted my FB account. I have IG if they need me.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2018 at 02:00 PM.

  3. #123
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    For the past several months I have been debating on whether to close my account or not. The only reason I never pulled the trigger is I am not entirely sure what is holding me back. Maybe I feel like I am turning my back on certain people? I don't know. I have stopped reading the site when I notice the pattern of items my friends post. I am weird. Heh.

  4. #124
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    There were so many times that I wanted to "Delete" my facebook account, but then realized I have so many contacts that I stay in touch with on a daily basis just on there. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is what it is at this point. I had so many photos on my account and realized I don't need every other moment of my life there along with tons of "Friends" that I had to go and sweep out at one point. Facebook has become so toxic and an outlet for many people to showoff their Facebook life compared to their actual life... especially people that you know personally that you can call out are full of shit 99% of the time. I applaud the friends that I have that have never been on the book and have no interest in doing so. As long as Facebook has been out, it still is unfathomable to me the shit that people post on there as far as telling the entire world what is going on in your life and looking for so much approval.

    I also fall in line with the media and news aspects about it as well. If you really want a blast from the past though, going on your old Myspace account can be utterly hilarious seeing all the old and forgotten photos that are on there.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    There were so many times that I wanted to "Delete" my facebook account, but then realized I have so many contacts that I stay in touch with on a daily basis just on there. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is what it is at this point. I had so many photos on my account and realized I don't need every other moment of my life there along with tons of "Friends" that I had to go and sweep out at one point. Facebook has become so toxic and an outlet for many people to showoff their Facebook life compared to their actual life... especially people that you know personally that you can call out are full of shit 99% of the time. I applaud the friends that I have that have never been on the book and have no interest in doing so. As long as Facebook has been out, it still is unfathomable to me the shit that people post on there as far as telling the entire world what is going on in your life and looking for so much approval.

    I also fall in line with the media and news aspects about it as well. If you really want a blast from the past though, going on your old Myspace account can be utterly hilarious seeing all the old and forgotten photos that are on there.
    I'm actually in a similar boat as you in regards to not wanting to cut people off by deleting it and looking like I've turned my back on them, but a little worse.

    I don't live in the same city as I grew up in. So 85% of my contacts were from where I came from. I moved away in 2006, right when facebook was coming out, it was a great tool too keep in touch with all these people. I decided to deactivate it in January 2016. Then I was planning a summer trip, with a stop in my old city on the way, so I temporarily re-acrivated it just to message people/make plans. The second I came home from my trip, I de-activated it again and have not been back on since. I honestly don't want to go back either, but there are people on there that it was my only way of contacting them.

    I only ever see these people once every 2-3 years at most. Just not feasible for me to be flying back and forth like that all the time. My girlfriend and I were going to stop off there to see people on the way back from our trip to Europe this summer. I almost want to not re-activate it and just kinda show up and see if I can track these people down without the help of facebook. That'll prove that I don't need it anymore and can finally press the "delete" button once and for all.

    The one thing I do miss about facebook though, is the ability to create a party/event/chain message with multiple people and just plan an event like that in 1 shot. It's harder now having to message everyone individually giving them invites. Just a minor inconvenience I guess.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 02-10-2018 at 10:44 PM.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I'm actually in a similar boat as you in regards to not wanting to cut people off by deleting it and looking like I've turned my back on them, but a little worse.

    I don't live in the same city as I grew up in. So 85% of my contacts were from where I came from. I moved away in 2006, right when facebook was coming out, it was a great tool too keep in touch with all these people. I decided to deactivate it in January 2016. Then I was planning a summer trip, with a stop in my old city on the way, so I temporarily re-acrivated it just to message people/make plans. The second I came home from my trip, I de-activated it again and have not been back on since. I honestly don't want to go back either, but there are people on there that it was my only way of contacting them.

    I only ever see these people once every 2-3 years at most. Just not feasible for me to be flying back and forth like that all the time. My girlfriend and I were going to stop off there to see people on the way back from our trip to Europe this summer. I almost want to not re-activate it and just kinda show up and see if I can track these people down without the help of facebook. That'll prove that I don't need it anymore and can finally press the "delete" button once and for all.

    The one thing I do miss about facebook though, is the ability to create a party/event/chain message with multiple people and just plan an event like that in 1 shot. It's harder now having to message everyone individually giving them invites. Just a minor inconvenience I guess.
    Yes! This exactly. I like your viewpoint on having to find them the old fashioned way. Thinking back now, I think I deactivated it once back in 2012, but I could be wrong on the date. I do this at work all the time with trying to find addresses the old school way with a map in hand, and nothing else since we all rely on our GPS and smartphones for everything these days. It feels good to go back to those roots and not have to use any means of modern media or what have you, so it is a bit refreshing to hear someone else say this. I have friends in a bunch of different countries, and have been in contact or years, so this outlet is definitely the easiest way to go at this point. I even thought of getting rid of my main account and just adding the people that I keep my account for to begin with.

    There have been a lot of decisions that the book has made that has made me tilt my head on many occasions, and one is by far the party chat that you spoke of above. Funny, I completely forgot that this was even an option until you brought it up. Kind of odd that they are considering adding a dislike button at this point in the game for them... When you compare Facebook next to the other means of contacting people in the past (AIM, AOL, Myspace, etc...) it really is crazy how outlets like what we used to have just faded into mediocrity and aren't even relevant anymore, and how nothing really compares to Facebook as far as keeping in touch at this point.

    Shit, remember when they used to let you post your top 5 favorite movies on your wall? Me and my friend went to post out favorite Nicolas Cage movies after having an hilarious conversation about him and realized the option was gone... we were severely disappointed.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 02-10-2018 at 11:04 PM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Beth Stern (Howard's wife) is like the IG queen of feline rescue: https://www.instagram.com/bethostern/

    I also *love* Paul the Cat Guy: https://www.instagram.com/paulthecatguy/

    Also NYC Animal Rescue Girls: https://www.instagram.com/nycanimalrescuegirls/

    Also Puppy Kitty NYC / LI https://www.instagram.com/puppykittynycity

    And about 50 other ones.

    I will sometimes get a notification from Amazon that my package has been delivered and I'll look and nothing is there and then I'll realize that I sent a Wish List item to one of the rescue organizations, DUH.

    edit: I followed some peoples' leads, here, and deleted my FB account. I have IG if they need me.

    Sorry it took me so long to respond to this, today has been absolutely crazy, I lost my job today but that is whole other story for another thread and I haven't even processed that yet. My two cats are both rescues and they have become the best pets ever. One is a tabby and I got her when she was 1 year old she lived with a foster family but never really had a home, she adjusted really easy into her new living situation with me. The other cat was two years old when I got her she is a himalayan seal point cat and looks exactly Mr Jinx from Meet the Parents. She did not adjust very well at all when I first got her Jez short for Jezebel, I believe she was abused by her previous owner, which makes me sick to think about it, but for three months straight I worked very hard with her to make her feel stable and comfortable in a very non threatening environment. Within six months she became a completely different cat, the lady I got her from came to visit after six months and couldn't believe the improvement in Jez. She asked me what I did, I said they get fed two times a day once in the morning and once at night, there is always dry food available all day long. I brushed their hair two times a day after meal time and they would get treats which Jez loved and she would then look forward to the hair brushing. The tabby didn't need it because she has short hair but she wanted to be part of the hair brushing ceremony. I would then play with them for a half hour and it was all done by a consistent daily routine which cats seem to really respond to and it worked. Jez has become one of the greatest pets I ever had she lets me carry her around like a baby and follows me around the house. They both are great pets, they didn't get along at first but now they are the best of friends. I strongly recommend getting rescue animals.

    Okay I have no intention on derailing this thread about facebook and social media, but I had to tell you my rescue story.

    I have never really had a lot of use for facebook or any social media (I may have to use linkedin now) I am very much an introvert, so reaching out to people is really not my thing. I stay home and write music and that is my passion, I enjoy doing that and I do it constantly, social media may be a necessary evil when it comes time to release the music. However I have no desire to post personal information about myself on any social media accounts for all to see.

    To me Facebook seems like an unrelenting albatross of rituals that must be performed daily in order to keep the account current. Who has the time I certainly don't, it takes away from writing.
    I have never done Twitter or Instagram, I considered a Twitter account just to fuck with Trump and say awful horrendous shit to him until the secret service knocks on my door but then common sense kicked in and I decided not to bother.

    As far as NIN goes I don't need social media to know when NIN is playing in my neck of the woods nin.com sends me emails about shows and new releases which is all I really need and all that information can also be found right here at ETS.

    I don't need Facebook or social media at this moment in time and it doesn't need me either.

    (I sent out about 50 resumes today)
    Last edited by Sister Midnight; 02-11-2018 at 03:19 AM.

  8. #128
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    I have to stay, to be visible to my future wife :-) and promote my future album, but right after I'm gone (circa 2038).

  9. #129
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    I haven't used Facebook for years now, i think it was blocked as a precaution as i'd just built a PC and tried logging on through it, but FB thought i wasn't using my usual computer and blocked it...i could unlock it but i just can't be bothered.

    That and, pretty much every friend i've ever had that were on it basically moved on with their lives and stopped talking to me well before i stopped using it. I travel down to see my family a few times a year so i don't really have a reason to use it. It's depressing but it would probably be worse if i still used it.

  10. #130
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    Funny, even Jim Carrey is urging people to delete their accounts because apparently Facebook profited off of Russian interference. Interesting nonetheless.

  11. #131
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    There is all this stuff going on in the news today about Facebook being weaponized by Russian influence with regards to the election and they are worried about the midterms. Maybe it is me, but I would never rely on Facebook as a news outlet, I am definitely not a fan of Facebook but I wouldn't trust how news gets passed around on that site.

    The only thing that has ever intrigued me about facebook was the coming age storyline depicted in the movie The Social Network, Facebook for me anyways as a site is useless.

  12. #132
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    I thought they were supposed to highlight which articles people had interacted with in the past that were propaganda - wasn't this due to launch in December? Haven't seen the slightest hint of it.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    I thought they were supposed to highlight which articles people had interacted with in the past that were propaganda - wasn't this due to launch in December? Haven't seen the slightest hint of it.
    I think Zuckerberg really needs to take this seriously because they are talking government regulation with regards to Facebook, and that can never be good.

  14. #134
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    Yeah... it's been 15 months since the election now, and at least one person I know had been spamming propaganda links for about a year before that. Silicon valley prides itself on swift movement and inventive solutions - what's taking them so long to do anything? Anything?

    Meanwhile Germany is ruling that Facebook's acquisition of personal data is illegal, quite a lot of people are leaving it, and governments around the world seem to be sharpening their forks for the big internet companies (rightly so).

    But personally... although I don't like the way Facebook stores data and pushes ads, and 90% of the site's updates have always seemed to make it a little worse, it's still my social media of choice. The others - Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat - all basically offer a more limited form of something that's already in Facebook, and with smaller userbases. I do still like to see what's going on in the heads of people I know, even if like a third of them turn out to be closet arseholes. Some public figures I follow on there churn out great stuff regularly (palaeontologist Thomas R Holtz has basically single-handedly kept me on Facebook), and the site's still a useful one-stop-shop for following the latest updates from artists and TV shows that I like.

    Got to admit though, increasingly few of my friends actively use it now.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance242 View Post
    I have to stay, to be visible to my future wife :-) and promote my future album, but right after I'm gone (circa 2038).
    Update: Gave up, I left (again). Not because some recent issues with privacy, that's nothing new and for example I had always disabled apps completely, never installed it on phone, always removed EXIF from uploaded images and such, I just had enough of that shit. I also left Twitter, Linked In and some local things, and I would leave also ETS if there was a way. No, I am not asking for deletion. :-) And it was kinda fun deleting all photos and posts one by one (I know they are not really deleted, but I enjoyed it... and I made takeout backup first, hehe).

  16. #136
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    Protect Keanu Reeves at all costs...

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