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  1. #1
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    Timeline bugs the crap out of me. I hid some activity from my profile thinking it was just going to hide that one post, but I still want future postings from that same app to get show on my wall. How do I go back and let that show now?

  2. #2
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    Over on News Feed to the left there's an Edit button (pencil). That should bring up a list of all blocked feeds. If it's on there just hit the x to remove it from the block/hide list.

    On the subject of Facebook, the whole thing is starting to just feel empty lately. It was fun when I started adding old friends and family but that has worn off and it's just an empty shell of a "here's what everyone is doing now" report. Maybe I'm missing something but there's just not much in there for me.

  3. #3
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    Ya i was all but deleted and decided that since some of my family has started to add me i would stay on it. I am over FB, though too much garbage. I just use it anymore to keep in contact with my family peoples and some friends. Otherwise it just become is vacuous pit akin to a bad late night infomercial.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Over on News Feed to the left there's an Edit button (pencil). That should bring up a list of all blocked feeds. If it's on there just hit the x to remove it from the block/hide list.

    On the subject of Facebook, the whole thing is starting to just feel empty lately. It was fun when I started adding old friends and family but that has worn off and it's just an empty shell of a "here's what everyone is doing now" report. Maybe I'm missing something but there's just not much in there for me.
    Yeah, the day i realized that was the day i disactivated my account; I got two people asking me "WHY AREN'T WE STILL FRIENDS?!" afterwards, and my reply "we are, i just disactivated my account." Most people never even noticed, heh.

  5. #5
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    So, I just deleted my facebook account over this, it's getting kinda scary. From my perspective, here's what happened:

    A friend of mine (Karl) posted a link to this article on his profile. I read it, realized it had happened to me too, changed my email back and shared the link, along with comments about having to check the address book in my phone, because it was set to sync with facebook too.

    Then I went to my phone and sure enough, all my contacts now had @facebook.com email addresses added to them. So I turned off syncing, edited all my contacts and thought I was done with it.

    Today, another friend posted a link to an article about the same topic on a different site (this time it was on canoe.ca), and I decided to write a blog post about the changes. I went to my timeline to pull the original link and reference it in my blog post, but I couldn't find it there at all, it was just missing.

    I went to my notifications because I know a couple of people shared it and in my notifications I can see that they shared it, but the link itself is completely gone, it's just not showing up in my notifications anymore either. If I click on those two peoples profiles I can see the link, they're not on timeline and the link still shows in their profiles. I then went to the timeline of the person who originally posted it (Karl) and he has deleted his facebook account, so I can't see it there anymore either.

    So, as I was writing my blog post, I was thinking even further about it, and realizing that while people complained about timeline, timeline only changes the presentation, this time they actually changed the content on peoples profiles. And it seems like the link is gone from my timeline as well, but not from the pages of people not on timeline.

    So that was unsettling enough for me to convince me that it was time to say goodbye to facebook and I deleted my account.

    I sent texts to a few friends to let them know that if they need to get ahold of me they'll have to do it some way other than facebook, and was talking to one of them who told me that last night he posted a link to yet another news site talking about the email address change, and that he is on timeline and it's still up for him. Oddly enough, he shared it from a mutual friend, and neither one of those articles ever showed up in my news feed, so I never saw them to know that they were talking about this.

    This is all sounding way too Orwellian for me. Without being able to know why some things are being seen and not seen, and with facebook making changes to the content of peoples accounts this is just screaming "stay away" to me. So anyhow, I'm off of facebook now.

  6. #6
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    ^ I don't think that's such a big deal. I always have all personal shit hidden on facebook anyway, just went and changed it so that email address doesn't show in my timeline either. I don't know about the things being seen/not seen, sometimes it seems like I'll see something in the news feed, look later and it won't be there, then even later it will be back at the top of my news feed. All their "improvements" just make the service shittier.

  7. #7
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    You're probably right about things being hidden from my news feed unintentionally, but when we know for sure that they are changing the content (email addresses) and we have no idea why they're showing some things and not other things that sounds really dangerous to me.

    I've seen multiple apps on the site pop up and say things like "your friend recommends this app, try it today" and I've used apps that posted that on my profile too. The worst one was when I was at a concert and they had a screen that said you could post pictures from the crowd that would show on the screens before the show, so I downloaded the app, took a picture of the wife & I and uploaded it.

    It never showed up on the big screen at the show, but it did ads for concerts on my facebook wall 3 times before I got home and realized it had done that. All of them that I was recommending they download the app and go to the show because I was having such a good time using their app, when in reality I was testing the app out and it didn't work.

    I stopped installing apps because of that because it made it clear you can't trust the app company to not put words into your mouth. Today facebook told all my friends that my email address was one that it wasn't. When companies start misrepresenting me that becomes enough for me to stop dealing with them.

  8. #8
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    Yeah I never do any apps on there because of the way it posts shit to your wall. I've always looked at Facebook as the less things you use on there the better.

  9. #9
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    I've toyed with the idea of deactivating my Facebook profile for months now. It's a huge time waster, it's packed with embarrassing mementos of my early 20s, and the news feed has become a burst sewer line of lurid articles, copypasta status updates, and unfunny images from 9Gag and Memebase. The brand has been diluted so much now that Facebook has started to look a lot like the "Funny Stuff LOL!!!" emails you perhaps used to receive from a goofy old relative. Still, my account remains. I'm involved with a local theatre troupe that does all of its organization through Facebook. I rely on its Events function to get the word out whenever I host a party or gather a crew for a club. I use its Messenger system more often than text messaging, email, or IM - it effectively combines all three. I only have a few close friends who don't use Facebook, and I've seen that their social lives have suffered for not being on it. I've also had tons of friends deactivate their account for various reasons only to come crawling back days later. I don't want to be that person. Facebook is massively annoying, but I'm not quite ready to phase it out just yet.

    That said, does anyone have any tips for getting off Facebook and staying off? How do you keep yourselves from using Facebook as a procrastination mechanism? Have any of you found a way to keep using the functions of Facebook that you find useful whilst minimizing the noise?

  10. #10
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    I have thought about closing my Facebook quite a few times over the past few weeks. I want to have more time to do things, since it's summer. I thought about making a bare bones version for when I get back to school, since everyone has a Facebook.

  11. #11
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    It's much more fun to keep your facebook open and openly post about the more controversial aspects of your life to people who still go to church.

  12. #12
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    Facebook: It's almost as good as ETS for passive aggressive ranting.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCalx View Post
    That said, does anyone have any tips for getting off Facebook and staying off? How do you keep yourselves from using Facebook as a procrastination mechanism? Have any of you found a way to keep using the functions of Facebook that you find useful whilst minimizing the noise?
    Blocked it on my computer and only use it on my iphone. that way I get all the updates I need (invitations, tour dates, messages sent to me) without staying there too long, because it gets annoying pretty quick to stay on their for a long time using a mobile device IMHO. So that'w what I do in private. At work they already have it blocked by default.

  14. #14
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    The FB iphone app is a pile of shit.

    I wish I could block that cat somehow. I already hid the page, but friends keep sharing the pics. Enough already.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    The FB iphone app is a pile of shit.
    The android FB app is a pile of shit as well. It force closes for no reason, pictures don't load half the time, sometimes when I like a picture or a status, it will unlike it the second after, comments don't go through sometimes as well. It's fucking awful.

    There's a new problem I saw recently too. Instead of there being a '10+ new stories" button at the top of the page, it says "no internet connection" even though its connected to my wi-fi which is completely fine.
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 04-17-2013 at 02:00 AM.

  16. #16
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    The FB app has been a pile of shit since I have owned an android for all these years. Force closes, you are very limited to what you can do which makes no sense, and when they update it it always crashes and doesn't work. I just use the regular desktop site on my phone through wi-fi.. works every time.

  17. #17
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    Ive had decent luck with the app but this last update is downright horse shit on my end. Being as i don't have nets at home or on my phone anymore the only time i use it is at work, or wherever i find wifi. That said, it still really really shitty.

  18. #18
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    I rarely use the iPhone app at all anymore. Are there any decent unofficial apps, kind of like AlienBlue for Reddit, or Echofon for Twitter? After a bit of Googling I came across MyPad. I'll use it for a few days before giving a legitimate review but I can already say it's WAY faster than the Facebook app, and you can use it for Twitter and Instagram as well. Even if it doesn't turn out to be that great I'll probably end up using it over the official app full-time, as long as it doesn't crash every 5 minutes.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 04-17-2013 at 03:56 AM.

  19. #19
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    I haven't really had many problems with the app on my iphone 4 or now with my 5. It's crashed a few times but other than that it seems perfectly fine.

  20. #20
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    I disabled mine a few weeks ago, it's been great. I was spending too much time on there.

  21. #21
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    The latest iOS Facebook app is much better than how it was before.

  22. #22
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    I've always had some sort of love/hate relationship with Facebook ever since mid 2008. And even when it worked for me, I'm still not fond of having to give out a cell phone number for verification. I'd also have to agree with those that say it's become sort of like Myspace since 2010 or 2011 in some ways. I'm also somewhat fascinated, yet dreadful of ways people can get fired for using Facebook. (As in things that seem harmless, or even are harmless unless your employer still begs to differ. But of course it still depends on how you act, look, and who you add, etc., as it's still a matter of common sense.)

    And dare I say, I'd still use Facebook more than Twitter though, but that's only because I know far more people in real life that are on Facebook than Twitter. Ironically enough, I never had any love/hate relationship with Twitter, but that's also because I barely had anything to tweet about. Conversation seemed to always come easier to me on Facebook.

    Oh, and on the bright and rather flippant side, I happen to love Angry Birds on Facebook.

    -Edit: Because it seems so right to put the URL to the actual site being discussed within the first page of the thread.-

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-04-2013 at 03:46 PM.

  23. #23
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    I hate the way profiles are organised now, particularly the 'likes' section. It's virtually illegible, and has had functionality removed as you can't manually sort them anymore. And why don't they show total likes for a band/film/whatever on mouseover anymore if one of your friends is among them?

    #Firstworldproblems... but if Facebook is so concerned with retaining their 'cool' factor, they've done a lot to squash it in recent years. To their credit, though, the advertising isn't too intrusive.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    To their credit, though, the advertising isn't too intrusive.
    I get push notifications to my phone because "Facebook suggests you play ____!" even though the only game I've ever played on Facebook was Zynga Texas Hold 'Em like 5 years ago. Not even friend invites to games (which are enough of a pain already), just notifications because Facebook is arbitrarily suggesting them to me.

  25. #25
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    Ouch. That's some bullshit right there.

    I've noticed a lot of my friends have lessened or flat-out stopped posting on Facebook over the last year or two, is anyone else experiencing this?

  26. #26
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    Well the buzz has worn off and I find myself not posting too much anymore either. Mainly because no one clicks that shit anyway and even if it's usually the same kind of people I'm around with in RL anyways. That's my experience for the last year.

    I'm even thinking about shutting it down all the way but I like to stay connected with bands and be invited to group chats so I might delete everything I can from my current account and leave the messenger app on my phone and get a new account for all the updates I want. You know, no friends but some kind of comprehensive newsletter. That's why I liked Facebook in the first place. To have all things on one site for me to scroll through.

    EDIT: Wow, one thing that freaked me out in February just came to my mind. I just broke up with this great girl and I went out with a friend on Valentine's day to be miserable together. So while sitting at that bar all of a sudden a message pops up "[she]'s at a place near your location". da fuck?! She went to the theatre and tagged it on Facebook, but that place wasn't even remotely near where I was at. That's when things got creepy... Kind of like FB wanting to tell me more that I don't know about. And that hasn't happened with any other of my contacts ever. And I don't think I activated something to keep track of her more than others. I don't even now if that's possible...
    Last edited by dlb; 09-13-2013 at 04:15 AM. Reason: creepy anecdote added

  27. #27
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    It doesn't seem like anybody here has overlooked it, but this is the URL to go to in order to delete your Facebook. I can't believe that I forgot to post it here. I also noticed that lots of people are actually unaware of this feature even until now. (But not on ETS from the looks of it.) I also never understood why Facebook didn't make it a more conspicuous option. (And well, the posts about deleting accounts just reminded me to post this, in case some, or even a lot of you haven't come across this. It's far better than just de-activating your account if you're actually leaving IMHO.)


    And yeah, as ironic as it really seems, it's hard to get a conversation going in Facebook sometimes, but in the meantime, I suppose ETS will do. Oh yeah, and I never got into the idea of having to show a picture ID like a driver's license in as a security check either. And to think that you still need to submit a phone number in order to name your URL. Good thing Twitter doesn't resort to any of that.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-13-2013 at 02:27 PM.

  28. #28
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    The time has come to take a closer look into why Facebook annoys the fuck out of us.

  29. #29
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    @sentient02970 - That was a very good read. I'm still in the middle of though. It really is no wonder why it's like there's absolutely nothing to talk about on Facebook sometimes. I also might've been guilty of talking about loneliness on Facebook before, but that was in an actual conversation only to leave me ridiculed by somebody. So, yeah, if it doesn't make people feel shitty, it also encourages people to take potshots at you.

    I also had a crush that seemed to exhibit just about all of those traits in her statuses, and I think she unfriended me for questioning them. I didn't call her out for those things, but it really is frustrating when somebody posts something, but then doesn't really want to talk about it. And it's even worse when the statuses are ambiguous, vague, and suggestive.

    And then of course you have the people that seem to post about every single detail of their personal lives, and the people that seem to troll you and flame for you no reason even if you're supposedly cool in real life. And when I say trolling, I'm also talking about people that on your account to make you look bad as a joke, or intentionally piss you off just for kicks. Some of them don't even bother to say that they're kidding. (Who are supposedly your friends.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-17-2013 at 09:25 PM.

  30. #30
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    Haha @Kris ...I think we're all guilty of a few if those. No worries.. My personally favorite and most annoying status has to be "Ughhhhhhh" lmao

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