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Thread: A thread about Courtney Love on ETS, oh boy

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    A thread about Courtney Love on ETS, oh boy

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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

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    Do you know what in a weird way I'm glad this is getting dragged out into the open, I've been feeling really shitty lately thinking at some point NIN could be cancelled and some bad shit could have gone down and this looks like it will be some sort of resolution one way or the other!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

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    What was this? It was removed?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    What was this? It was removed?
    It’s discussed in this Reddit thread which has links

    until somebody comes forward who doesn’t have personal 90s beef against Trent comes forward I’m not buying it
    Last edited by WorzelG; 06-13-2021 at 04:45 PM.

  5. #5
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    what the fuck?? what does she mean by "want to discredit me?"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    what the fuck?? what does she mean by "want to discredit me?"
    Doesn’t it all stem from that Details interview when he said he didn’t fuck her - which was pure bullshit IMO but from the video I posted in random NIN comments, her setting a PI to spy on him is certainly reason to be like that.
    this is the Details interview
    Last edited by WorzelG; 06-13-2021 at 06:56 PM.

  7. #7
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    She's making some pretty heavy accusations there, and she's someone who has shown themselves to not be credible in the past.

    I'm in the camp of believing any woman who comes forward and says that they were assaulted, because I know how hard it is for someone to come forward and say that they were assaulted.

    In this case though, Courtney Love is not saying that she was assaulted herself. She's saying others were assulted, and that she and others witnessed it.

    Courtney Love has (in the past) been shown to be an unreliable witness. I want to hear from other witnesses, or victims, before I'm believing what's said here.

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    I believe women, but I definitely don't believe her, and that's not because I'm some fanboy who puts Trent up on a pedestal either. Trent was an addict, and that possibility has always existed, as uncomfortable as it is to think about as a fan. That said, she's shown herself to be petty and emotionally manipulative many times, and if it's true that she's sticking by Manson, that gives her even less credibility. Let's be honest: those posts were more about her than any alleged abuse, hence the Starfuckers references. I don't know if she was seeing it for the first time or what, but those posts felt very impulsive. Whatever her reason for posting it, it was definitely not to shed light on past transgressions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    She's making some pretty heavy accusations there, and she's someone who has shown themselves to not be credible in the past.

    I'm in the camp of believing any woman who comes forward and says that they were assaulted, because I know how hard it is for someone to come forward and say that they were assaulted.

    In this case though, Courtney Love is not saying that she was assaulted herself. She's saying others were assulted, and that she and others witnessed it.

    Courtney Love has (in the past) been shown to be an unreliable witness. I want to hear from other witnesses, or victims, before I'm believing what's said here.
    Pretty much echoing this. If it was literally anyone else, I'd be believing it in a heartbeat, and if anyone does come forward, I would believe it. But it's Courtney Love who's saying this, someone who abused Kurt Cobain so badly that it almost certainly contributed to his suicide, defended Brian Warner after people came forward about him, is known to blame rape victims for their trauma because they have 'victim energy,' admitted that she told a rape victim 'what did you think they would do?' after the victim told her she'd been raped, sexually assaulted a trans woman before giving her money to make it look like she'd paid her for it, and many more instances of really yikesy shit.

    Like, if her allegations are true, it's blatant hypocrisy from Courtney considering everything she's done. Again, I must stress, if people do come forward about it though, I'm believing them.

  10. #10
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    Look I have no delusions that Trent was some kind of chivalrous prince back in the day, but I have a hard time taking this seriously for the same reason I thought it was insane that Sady Doyle's response to Marilyn Manson's abuse victims was to dig up an offensive passage from the book he wrote with Neil "The Game" Strauss after a bitter falling out with Trent and act like it meant Trent should be canceled too. Not only did it totally gloss over the actual victims (MANSON'S victims) but irresponsibly framed a significantly unreliable account (one that Trent has consistently disputed since its publishing) as verifiable reality.

    As far back as the pre-With Teeth / With Teeth era, I can recall Trent distancing himself from both Marilyn Manson's book and anything that Courtney Love says. I'm not going to buy her as a reliable source now, especially when she has such nice things to say about the fucking piece of garbage who actually has over a dozen women accusing him of unspeakable abuse. Any allegations like this are serious but there is very legitimate reason to doubt this is being raised in good faith.

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    I hate the suggestion I see here and often that an addict is somehow capable of pedophilia like Courtney is claiming. She’s a terrible source, someone who if anything reduces credibility of claims, and just because someone was a drug addict doesn’t mean they were somehow happily raping children. I’ve had many friends experience addiction and I myself in the past year had to recover from some serious addiction and sure, I did and said many things I regret over the years, but that level of exploitation and violence were never in the cards. I don’t believe any of this because the only person claiming it is a complete lunatic who defends other rapists, bases their views around personal standing and is a documented liar. This is a perfect example of why it’s stupid to treat every claim as equally honest no matter the speaker.

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    If this is true I’m gutted and prepared to erase nin and Trent from my life the way I did Manson.

  13. #13
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    Courtney isn’t talking about sexual assault or “pedophilia.”

    She’s talked about this before, a long time ago.

    What she described was more, I don’t know how to categorize it; typical abhorrent “rock n roll” behavior that the world grew to accept as “normal,” which was abusive and degrading toward females.

    Edit; it seemed to mostly involve the roadies, from what I recall.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-14-2021 at 10:03 AM.

  14. #14
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    This is from a NIN Fan Facebook group I'm in:

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    This is from a NIN Fan Facebook group I'm in:

    How many voices are going on inside that woman’s head at once?

  16. #16
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    I'm pretty sure Courtney Love defended Marilyn Manson earlier this year.

    I think that tells you all you need to know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I'm pretty sure Courtney Love defended Marilyn Manson earlier this year.

    I think that tells you all you need to know.
    She worked with him in 2018 and has said nothing about all the allegations against him. lol at it all.

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    I do not believe anything Courtney Love says about anything, including this.

  19. #19
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    Google “Trent Reznor Courtney love news” - it’s certainly making the rounds.

  20. #20
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    Remember that Courtney Love was the Cassandra of the Weinstein allegations - i.e. she was talking about it in 2005 and nobody believed her. It's more than easy to see how she was fabricated to be a fuck-up as a result.

    I'm ready to throw NIN in the toilet if needed.
    Last edited by icklekitty; 06-14-2021 at 11:03 AM.

  21. #21
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    Why is she remaining silent re: Manson though? Seems very picky-and-choosy to me.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Why is she remaining silent re: Manson though? Seems very picky-and-choosy to me.
    She even accused Grohl of seducing her daughter back in 2012, both of them denied it. There just seems to be a lot of hate in her heart towards Dave and Trent.

  23. #23
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    Being called a creep by Courtney Love.
    Sweet irony.

    Entire structure of that post (if that's the original from her account) has "multitude of substances involved" written all over it. Hence the deletion once her management got her under control, I assume.

  24. #24
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    We all saw Closure. Debauchery happened.

    Do I think well known liar and relisher Courtney is inflating the details of this up (now it’s underage girls, for example) like fucking Brian did in his book? Absolutely. She does so a lot. Basically whenever she speaks.

    If more credible folks come forward? I’ll rethink my position, obviously.

  25. #25
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    Is TR even going to bother to address this whack job? Shes also the one who claimed Grohl was trying to fuck her daughter and Frances came out afterward and said it was total bullshit

    My guess as to what happened

    1. She witnessed crew members doing sketchy shit w girls at shows. Thats not on TR. A lot of crew members are wannabe rock stars and do stupid shit. Mike Patton used to tell stories about how skeezy the FNM crew was in the 90s and make fun of them constantly for chasing after groupies

    2. Back when she was stalking Trent after he dumped her, she knew he was going around with random girls (LEGAL) he met immediately after their "breakup" and poor Courtney got upset

    3. This woman had Kurt murdered and got her daughter addicted to heroin. OJ is a better source of information than her

  26. #26
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    I think there are a few things to consider here going forward.

    1. If this story gains credibility -- i.e. someone comes forward saying they were abused, specifically by Trent -- then their voice should be heard, and Trent should respond. That doesn't mean Courtney Love's voice shouldn't also be heard, but as you guys are pointing out, her track record makes it impossible to differentiate truths from half-truths from all out lies.

    2. If Trent was in fact involved or complicit in any kind of abuse, he should have the balls to admit it and apologize rather than issuing some mediaspeak statement that doesn't admit to or apologize for anything.

    3. If all of the above comes to pass, the question not enough people ask is, "do we think this person is the same person they were back then?" Do we think the soft-spoken, 56 year-old family man we know today is the same person as the twenty-something depressed alcohol and drug abusing wreck of the mid-90's? to be clear, I'm not saying someone getting their act together excuses anyone of bad behavior in the past, but if they admit to that bad behavior and accept any repercussions, and we feel that person would be incapable of similar behavior now, then that person should be allowed to be forgiven, and we should be willing to forgive them.

    P.S. To be extra extra clear, I'm not saying men who are accused of abuse should be given a pass or anything remotely close to it. I just think there's a world of difference between people who exemplified horrifying behavior for decades and people who were fuck-ups in their 20's and have shown themselves to be nothing but clean and respectable for the majority of their adult lives. Again, the latter should absolutely still be held accountable for past behavior, but it doesn't mean that in 100% of cases they automatically should be wiped off the face of the cultural map.

  27. #27
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    ets, you need to focus.
    what do we know about trent reznor?
    what do we know about courtney love?

    the truth should be obvious here.

  28. #28
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    She isn't even clear about what type of abuse. Psychological? Sexual? Manipulative? Her accusation is so vague, it could be almost anything.

  29. #29
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    I wonder who she's "saving her 1 up" for lmao

  30. #30
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    I agree with @sweeterthan, some of yall need to focus and ACTUALLY think about this for a second. "Info" from someone about as reputable as Rudy Guiliani and some of y'all seem genuinely excited about the prospects of abandoning your favorite band already.

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