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Thread: Lana Del Rey

  1. #61
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    I just heard Blue Jeans. Me gusta.


  2. #62
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    It looks like someone plumped up her lips, stuck a wig on her, shoved her onstage and said, "Go out there and sing something, honey." And she, looking like a deer in headlights, nervously warbles and men want to fuck her, so they think she's good. I'll admit that she has an unusual voice, but it takes more than a voice to be an artist.

    Nobody stuck a wig on Lady Gaga. She put it on herself. Nobody wants to fuck her, either. I think Gaga is awesome. She orchestrated her own persona and she's got talent galore. The light in her eyes comes from within, not from a headlight.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by k258
    The light in her eyes comes from within, not from a headlight.
    That's deep man, we should make that the subtitle for her thread.

  4. #64
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    Might I suggest #24 ? ?

  5. #65
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    Those quotes just seem to look for borderline amusing and witty sentences to get an unsupported opinion across. I checked out some of the full reviews (funny that only 5 were excerpted from) and they offer no real insight to their star ratings. It's just wannabe metaphors and witty descriptions to try and make it funny and as unhelpful as possible. Meh, whatever. I'm not a fan nor do I care for remarks made but published professional reviewers should be a bit more tasteful in word choices and their thoughts other than 'This sucks because it sounds like a tryhard."

    I'm guilty of such similar review tactics but I'm not a professional nor do I leave a reason for my words unsupported.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 02-03-2012 at 09:56 PM.

  6. #66
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    I like the album. It's obvious that her public image and sound is a manufactured product, but it's a good deal easier to stomach than the other seductive tramps out there shooting whipped cream out of their Terminator bras or spilling pink liquid on their breasts in slow motion in violently technicolor music videos. The vibe goes for old Hollywood, dark American disillusion and dirty urban glamour, and it hits its mark throughout the album. It's a decent pop album and a carefully plotted fiction. What else do you need to know?

  7. #67
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    I don't get it.

  8. #68
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    To me she's a bit like Fiona Apple without teeth or bite: just lips.

  9. #69
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    Personally, I've only heard a couple of her songs but I thought they were all great.

    Don't really care about any of the stupid shit anyone has to say about anything else to do with her.

    But I did find THIS recently and found it rather amusing:

  10. #70
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    I hate the fact this is one of those names i cant escape.I dont want to know about her, but its on all the websites, facebook, people talking about her, seeing that poster of her sullen face everywhere..... she will do well anyway because the record companys know this type of 20 something female singer who appeals to mothers, and young women sells. These are the only type of people who buy C.Ds today. If you take a look at Adele's record sales figures from her last record, fucking 10 million records in 2012... astonishing. you can see why the record companies need people like Lana Del Ray, there will be many more to come. I dont understand what is so special about Adele. Good voice, but i dont care! In the same way as this woman. What justifies her, when there are so many awesome acts out there at the moment.She is probably being promoted as the ' AMERICA'S ANSWER TO ADELE'......now that will sell.At the moment there seems to be a current 'it' female singer every 6 months. dates back to when Amy Winehouse exploded in 2006. Then Lily Allen then Kate Nash, (anyone remember her lol) then Adele, then Lady Gaga, then Jessie J ( by far the goofiest and the worst) then Nicky Minaj then THIS BITCH!! Before this wave of female singers in the past 5 years, majority of women had to act like total slutbags to sell records, look at just 10 years ago the requirement in the pop field was to act like a lapdancer, Christina Aguilera and Britney even late period Aaaliyah R.I.P totally adhered to this. So at least things have changed its not about using sex as much to sell female acts. Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse were the best. Amy Winehouse had best voice really overbearing and the junkie/alcoholic image sold and got her attention, Lady Gaga had best song with Pokerface and by far best image!!!I think this may be the first era when women are more important to sell more records than men.

  11. #71
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    ^ Like much of the "criticism" regarding her, that's just a bunch of non-music-based reactionary silliness.


    The new "Rolling Stone" came in the mail today.

  12. #72
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    I think a big part of my irritation stems from not just that she's a manufactured indie-styled diva, it has a big part to do with just how empty and boring her personality is when it plays out in her performance and her interviews. I guess it's a given that she doesn't write the music, and I think the jury is out on her singing being less than spectacular.... so what is the appeal here? Sure, the music doesn't really do it for me, and the push is so transparent that it borders on obnoxious, but she's shockingly dull. I read an interview with her talking about her aesthetic fit to a character in a David Lynch movie, and her meandering response was something along the lines of "I respect David Lynch as a cultural icon." She gave no indication that she'd appreciated or even seen any of his work, but she seemed somehow aware that her tailored image was intended to elicit a Lynch vibe. I cannot imagine being asked a question about David Lynch and responding with something so vague and ultimately meaningless. She's so fake she might as well be CG. I'm not saying you can't enjoy the music that's been created for a robot to sing, but that's what this feels like to me.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-06-2012 at 10:43 PM.

  13. #73
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    Lol she can't even properly start her first tour.

  14. #74
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    Well she says she's nervous onstage. Add to that all the unwarranted media venom and I'd say she's got a stressful first tour ahead of her.

  15. #75
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    I like her music, but I honestly couldn't give a fuck less about how she looks. Same for Gaga, really.

  16. #76
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    I'm glad someone's doing this kind of stuff again, it's been a while :

    Two of my favorite live Lana clips

  17. #77
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    My position on her?

    I know she's manufactured (or at the very least carefully guided in direction, shall we say), I know that however genuinely good she is there is a carefully targeted wall of hype behind her and I know she'll probably sell loads & be gone in a year or two......................

    .......but every time I hear one of her records play on the radio or whatever I really like her. They're simply really well done tracks - good pop isn't easy to do.

    Given, therefore, my initial and current background thoughts about her she really must be doing something very right indeed.

  18. #78
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    Yeah. This, so far, is still my most-listened to album of 2012. I'm Team Lana all the way and I don't feel the need to justify it to the snobs.

  19. #79
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    So what's the opinion on the Paradise EP? Since I haven't bothered to track down and listen to any unreleased tracks in the past I'm quite wowed, especially by "burning desire" which comes close to being one of my most listened tracks in 2012. I don't know what it is about her, but I genuinely enjoy most of her output. Guess I have to come up with my own tracklist these days to put on my iPod. Still I'm shocked to see that tickets for next year's concerts are at almost 50€. Jesus! And the venues seem a bit too big for her. Don't think I will go although I was hoping I could finally take my girlfriend out for a concert again, but seeing that this won't be as intimate as I had hoped my plans are pretty much shattered. Well, I guess one of heir H&M shirts will have to suffice for now. :P

  20. #80
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    She's great. I've just illegally downloaded the Paradise Edition of the album. Cola is a killer song.
    Oh, I also like her cover of Heart-Shaped Box. What I dislike is the visual presence. Her videos are boring.

  21. #81
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    I like 'Summertime Sadness' and 'Video Games', I don't know much more and don't care about the background machinations of her career, but, it's interesting how this Paradise EP/2nd version of her album mirrors Lady Gaga's Fame/Monster thing. Is this the new standard, to attach a few new songs to an already old album to milk it a little more?
    Last edited by ambergris; 11-13-2012 at 06:49 AM.

  22. #82
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    Not a really big advocate for her but her latest single Ride is fan-fucking-tastic. It has a haunting sound, I really dig that.

    Body Electric on the new Paradise Edition is also great.

  23. #83
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    Lana Del Rey

    I'm such a sucker for her voice and her haunting feeling in all the songs. I dont care what, where, how... all I know is that she is much better and has much more to offer than Lady Gaga and all the girls around like Rihanna and company which are cheap chiks... But she's got it. Something in her voice, cheesy lyrics which I would hate if they were sung by some other "popstar"... don't know why... normally I'm not into that.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    it's interesting how this Paradise EP/2nd version of her album mirrors Lady Gaga's Fame/Monster thing. Is this the new standard, to attach a few new songs to an already old album to milk it a little more?
    It's not uncommon, I think Jessie J did it, Katy Perry did with the complete confection thing, eminem did with relapse and refill, fightstar did, james blake did, and I believe current hot new singer here Emile Sande is about to rerelease too. Always about a year after,the same album repackaged with bonus tracks or a new EP added. I find it sad and a waste of cash, no wonder people pirate stuff.

    Back on topic, not a big fan, but Ride comes on the radio a lot, and I do enjoy her distinct sound.

  25. #85
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    its not a few new songs. its 8 new songs. the original album should have only been 9-10 songs. this should have been a new album. or a couple ep's. either way i think its good enough to purchase.
    Last edited by DVYDRNS; 11-14-2012 at 06:23 PM. Reason: 8 songs not 9

  26. #86
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    Paradise EP is amazing. It has a different feel from Born To Die, less sultry hip-hop and more quiet, cinematic melancholy. It should definitely be considered its own album. Tack this on as another win for Lizzy this year.

    Quote Originally Posted by dzaver
    I'm such a sucker for her voice and her haunting feeling in all the songs. I dont care what, where, how... all I know is that she is much better and has much more to offer than Lady Gaga and all the girls around like Rihanna and company which are cheap chiks... But she's got it. Something in her voice, cheesy lyrics which I would hate if they were sung by some other "popstar"... don't know why... normally I'm not into that.
    I feel the same way. There's something about her that really speaks to me for whatever reason. Her voice and style are very unique, she really stands out in the crowd.

  27. #87
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    I want some new Lana music. so I delved into the Lizzie Grant stuff... and anybody who says this chick is a fake, needs to only look back before she was anybody. Shes got some talent. The demo's prove that for sure.

  28. #88
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    I think she's gorgeous and her voice is infectious. I'm a sucker too.

  29. #89
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    I like, I like.

    I can't pin down why. I can't compare her to anyone else I listen to. But I heard Video Games on our non-profit station last year and thought it was a pretty good track, then kind of lost her again. Then I heard Off to the Races on the same station a few days ago, and I can't get it out of my head. So I fired up Spotify and gave that album a listen, and I kind of dig it.

  30. #90
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    Pretty neat.

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