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Thread: Jurassic Park

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    I'm not sure this particular route has got a stellar track record.
    I mean, ok. If we're talking about Star Wars, for instance, and the new trilogy...

    I'll go out on a limb and say this method worked fucking PERFECTLY with episode 7.

    I know the second one is the "dark and surprising one," but Rian Johnson, with all of his talents, subverted expectations a bit TOO much, and sort of damn near killed the thing with 8.

    It seemed to me that JJ was called back in to try to fix it.

    I REALLY think that if JJ had played it safe, and had the NT continue to somewhat mirror the OT, there wouldn't be too many complaints, EXCEPT that maybe it was "played a little too safe."

    But so, ok @Alexandros . Which of the new trilogy was the best and most exciting? I think it's 7, hands down.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    I dont get the hate with this series -- JP is my favorite movie of all time and is the stand out.

    The Lost World is a great addition -- minus the stupid Spielberg ending
    JP3 -- yeah, this one doesnt exist to me


    Jurassic World I thought was a fantastic reboot. It was a great dinosaur flick and it was so much fun seeing the park functioning like I always wanted to see as a kid. A little too much CGI (ok, alot too mcuh CGI) but really fun movie.

    JW: Fallen Kingdom had a KICKASS opening sequence and the entire beginning until the pivotal "explosive" part was great. The last half of the movie was a little bit of a bummer but it was indeed the 2nd in a trilogy. Not a stand alone film.

    I think this one will be a good closer...NOT a closer to the original...but the the Jurassic WORLD franchise. My advice is take it for what it is... a popcorn flick about dinosaurs. Just go have some fun with it.
    With you all the way. Love all the movies. Not saying they're all great movies, but I still love them all.

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But so, ok @Alexandros . Which of the new trilogy was the best and most exciting? I think it's 7, hands down.
    I probably agree, though I remember thinking back then that I was ok with the nostalgia trip for the first installment of the new trilogy but they better not keep this up.

    My original comment is my jaded self complaining about the extremely frequent recycling happening in Hollywood in the past decade(s). I'd prefer movie makers (and franchises) to try and shake things up a bit, even if they fail. I also am aware this is not generally considered to make financial sense. But this is a whole other discussion I will not inflict on this thread!

  4. #334
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    I can't stand JP3 even if Sam Neill is in it and I love him.

    Zara's death in JW is plain bad taste and gratuitous and Claire in high heels outrunning a T-Rex is plain stupid but the rest is alright. But I can't forgive Fallen Kingdom for that poor Brachiosaurus on the beach.

    I can handle stupid people dying in Dominion but no killing the heros and no killing Blue.

  5. #335
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    I enjoyed JP3 way more than Lost World or the reboots. The raptor stuff was stupid, but the movie's intimate setting felt more like JP imo.

  6. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    ...My original comment is my jaded self complaining about the extremely frequent recycling happening in Hollywood in the past decade(s). I'd prefer movie makers (and franchises) to try and shake things up a bit, even if they fail...
    Yeah, i don't wanna cause too much drift, but i DO hear you. I understand.
    Everybody come see Flatliners and Rollerball and Point Break and Charlie's Angels and Amityville Horror and Robocop and...yeah! NEW AND IMPROVED!

    I still maintain that they should have played it closer to home with Star Wars, though.
    But i understand what you're getting at, 100% @Alexandros

    Is the new JP out already? Doesn't it HAVE Sam Neil and Laura Dern?
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-17-2022 at 03:29 AM.

  7. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    JP3 -- yeah, this one doesnt exist to me
    it exists.
    I can prove that it exists.
    You could get into some deep solipsistic philosophical viewpoint wherein it's impossible to prove that ANYTHING exists outside of YOURSELF, and YOUR experiences, and i'm not sure i could logically disprove that.
    But as far as the version of extant reality upon which we, as a society, generally agree, JP3 exists.

    The kid goes parasailing, and the dinosaurs randomly eat the supporting cast, and Sam looks insanely bored and tired, and the whole thing is rushed and anticlimactic, and, exists.

    I'm sorry.

  8. #338
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    what's wrong with a randomly eaten supporting cast?

  9. #339
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    If you deny JP3 ever happened, then you also reject the existence of the greatest scene in cinematic history.

    This one.

  10. #340
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    It's all I need, really. Except for JP3 which was stupid.

  11. #341
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    As expected, the plot made no fucking sense whatsoever. It was also structured like a James Bond movie for some reason, with their wild jumps from one exotic location to another.
    Here's a pitch meeting summary for this one: "Hey, we're no longer restricted by the island, right? Let's cram as many characters, locations and dinos into this thing as we possible can!" "Great idea!" "But also let's get some 10-years old to write the dialogue, okay?"

    On the other hand, I must admit that a lot of action was pretty entertaining on a big screen. Oh, and how the ending didn't immediately set up for another sequel and just wrapped itself up super awkwardly? Kinda liked that too.

    6/10. Solid summer blockbuster experience, nothing more.

  12. #342
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    did someone say Pitch Meeting?

  13. #343
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    I know I'm crazy, but I loved JW3. I've said before in this thread how I have a huge love for all things Jurassic. I set my expectations low, and I always have fun.

  14. #344
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    So I haven't been around here much, lately, but I've been meaning to say:

    We spent a couple few weeks in Denver last month, and I went to see the new JP with the brother, sis in law, and the (6 and 8 year old) kids, on a big ass IMAX.screen.

    And fuck, me. I LOVED it.

    Part of that DEFINITELY had to do with sitting with my young nephew, who loves dinosaurs. In fact, he and I moved MUCH closer to.the screen for the third act.
    Also, keep in mind that I live about 1.5 hours from the nearest theater, and see about .75 movies per year. And I MIGHT have had a couple.of drinks..

    But good god. I'm pretty sure i would have dug it alone, 100% sober.
    I thought it was badass that the original.cast members weren't reduced to cameos. And some of those big, loud shots were like horror movie jump scares.

    More than anything, it was big,, summer blockbuster fun, for me at least.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-26-2022 at 05:16 PM.

  15. #345
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    I also liked the latest Jurassic: Impossible movie! Turned my brain off and had FUN.

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