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Thread: Jurassic Park

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    The concept art is pretty cool though.

    On the whole, just the central concept of a film is rarely enough to make it or break it, it's how it will be handled. So, genetically modified dinosaurs, sure, ok. Let's see how it goes.
    To be fair, for productions of such a level, no matter how lame the concept itself, the concept art is usually very, very cool. I tend to actually prefer those over the final product, because during that process the artists go wild in every direction in an attempt to nail it. Comparatively, what ends up showing on screen is usually pretty vanilla in comparison.

    And I definitely agree with you. Alien, which is one of my favorite movies, has a very tired trope as a basis, and one of the lamest twists ever coming out of absolutely nowhere, namely "suddenly, surprise android !".
    That's why you see so many actors trapped in shitty movies ; There is no way to know how a film will be just by the script alone. It can all feel right and end up being butchered by the film maker or the producers, or sound really stupid and end up being handled brilliantly.

  2. #92
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  3. #93
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    Quote from Colin Trevorrow about the Genetically modified dino:

    "Yes, there will be one new dinosaur created by the park’s geneticists. The gaps in her sequence were filled with DNA from other species, much like the genome in the first film was completed with frog DNA. This creation exists to fulfill a corporate mandate—they want something bigger, louder, with more teeth. And that’s what they get. I know the idea of a modified dinosaur put a lot of fans on red alert, and I understand it. But we aren’t doing anything here that Crichton didn’t suggest in his novels. This animal is not a mutant freak. It doesn’t have a snake’s head or octopus tentacles. It’s a dinosaur, created in the same way the others were, but now the genetics have gone to the next level. For me, it’s a natural evolution of the technology introduced in the first film. Maybe it sounds crazy, but most of my favorite movies sound crazy when you describe them in a single sentence. … We’re trying to tell a bold new story that doesn’t rely on a proven formula, because the movies we watch over and over again are the ones that surprised us, that worked when they shouldn’t have. I understand the risks of leaving the safe zone. We’ve all been disappointed by new installments of the stories we love. But with all this talk of filmmakers “ruining our childhood”, we forget that right now is someone else’s childhood. This is their time. And I have to build something that can take them to the same place those earlier films took us. It may not happen in the same way everyone expects it to, but it’s the way I believe it needs to happen."

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    yes yes yes

  5. #95
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    My 7 year old daughter, who loves dinosaurs and loved all the other JP movies, was like meh to this. I think I'll go by myself then.....

  6. #96
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    Speaking about children and dinosaurs, here's something from the funniest american writer:

  7. #97
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    seriously though.... this movie looks like it's going to be really really bad...
    Like, it's going to be stupid, and it's going to suck.

    You watched this trailer and didn't feel that way?

  8. #98
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    I've always felt the Jurassic Park movies don't understand themselves thematically. In both movies, science is treated as the enemy (the first in particular.) Constant preachiness and hitting-us-over-the-head that we can't play god (whatever that means), etc etc. Yet, in the movies, science and technology function flawlessly (except for the breeding, which would've been an easy fix with barely any deaths involved). It was a perfectly manageable system. Human greed is where all disaster sprung from. Greed is always the cause of all problems in both flicks, but all the characters act as if it's science and man's need/want to keep exploring new possibilities.

    All of that to say: Pratt's reaction to the words "genetically modified" -- a loaded term these days -- really made me laugh. They genetically "modified" the creatures they genetically engineered? Does that REALLY make it more scary, Mr. Dinosaur Hunter?

    Since they're staying true to science being the villain, I do at least hope they stay true to the t-rex always being the hero(ine).

  9. #99
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    I always thought that the theme was about scientists trying to push boundaries, convinced that they control the whole process, while nature and humanity are unpredictable forces that given enough time will eventually disrupt your best laid out plans. It's scientists thinking in a laboratory context which is an extremely controlled environment, forgetting that reality is the exact opposite.
    So yeah, science works flawlessly, as it usually does, until the point where it's out of the lab and into the field, where you can't control every parameter. And that margin of error is where catastrophe eventually lies.

    But yeah, in the end a GM dinosaur doesn't change much, it's not like the first ones were actually 100% genuine dinosaurs either. They were faithful to what we know of them, they had a majority of the original DNA, but the gaps in the genetic code were filled with various saurians and amphibians' genes, as far as I recall...

  10. #100
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    Trailer looked cool!

  11. #101
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    The theme of the books was chaos and entropy, the films kind of lost that and went more for the perils of science/indomitable nature thing. But the point was more along the lines of the more energy and potential is tied up in a system, the more catastrophic the collapse - and the nature of reality means it will tend towards collapse. The guy sabotages the system, but also there is a huge storm that hits the island - the problem is neither man nor nature but both - reality itself will almost conspire against any attempt at subduing it

    the books are banging and the 2nd one is very scary. New trailer looks ok, I'm sure it will be enjoyable but yes it looks very daft. Why would you make a super dinosaur, why would you give it opposable thumbs, why would you keep it in a theme park full of general public, etc etc

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    seriously though.... this movie looks like it's going to be really really bad...
    Like, it's going to be stupid, and it's going to suck.

    You watched this trailer and didn't feel that way?
    The 10 year old kid who still live inside my forty something body doesn't feel that way at all because DINOSAURS!!!

    The adult in me does see the potential for failure indeed.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    To be fair, for productions of such a level, no matter how lame the concept itself, the concept art is usually very, very cool. I tend to actually prefer those over the final product, because during that process the artists go wild in every direction in an attempt to nail it. Comparatively, what ends up showing on screen is usually pretty vanilla in comparison.

    And I definitely agree with you. Alien, which is one of my favorite movies, has a very tired trope as a basis, and one of the lamest twists ever coming out of absolutely nowhere, namely "suddenly, surprise android !".
    That's why you see so many actors trapped in shitty movies ; There is no way to know how a film will be just by the script alone. It can all feel right and end up being butchered by the film maker or the producers, or sound really stupid and end up being handled brilliantly.
    Funny you should mention Alien because that last bit you wrote sums up his experience with alien resurrection.. I seem to remember him saying they used the story, characters and lines from the script he wrote... and yet it turned out NOTHING like he envisaged/wanted it to

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    The guy sabotages the system, but also there is a huge storm that hits the island - the problem is neither man nor nature but both - reality itself will almost conspire against any attempt at subduing it
    But the island was totally prepared for a huge storm, and likewise would have totally adjusted to/fixed the breeding. All catastrophe came from Nedry's greed in the first one, and Hammond Jr's greed in the second one. All the anti-science nonsense everyone is sprouting is dumb. We can handle a zoo. The basis for the argument every protagonist makes in the first film is some pseudo-religious "how dare we do this, how dare we challenge god" nonsense. (Even when they say "nature" or "life," they clearly mean god,)

    I supposed Hammond's speech at the end of Lost World makes up for it all a little, but it's like all the characters (and maybe the writers) are blind to the fact that all their problems come NOT from the amazing science that created those beautiful creatures, but that assholes keep trying to make money off of them.

  15. #105
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    It's almost tragic how little Spielberg's name as a producer means anymore, as compared to the 80's when he produced stuff like Back To The Future, arguably the greatest "80's movie" ever. He didn't do as much of that in the following decades, focusing on his own works and getting Dreamworks up and running. Next thing we know he's backing Michael Bay movies, and I won't even go into what he's doing on TV now.


  16. #106
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    To be fair, as stupid as the trailer looked, there's potential for this movie to be a lot of fun! I know I will be there opening night.

  17. #107
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  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by howdidislipinto View Post
    We can handle a zoo.
    But animals escape from zoos all the time. I love the concept of bringing dinosaurs back but I think there could be dire consequences. And yes, I think the preachiness of the film was off-putting particularly Ian malcolm which is a problem with the script, very heavy handed

  19. #109
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    Needs a resurrected Richard Attenborough.

  20. #110
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    Looks like the Tyrannosaurus in JW is the same one as in JP1, it has the scars on its neck from where it was mauled by the raptor.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by howdidislipinto View Post
    I supposed Hammond's speech at the end of Lost World makes up for it all a little, but it's like all the characters (and maybe the writers) are blind to the fact that all their problems come NOT from the amazing science that created those beautiful creatures, but that assholes keep trying to make money off of them.
    And apparently, greed is once again the cause of all things evil this time around. Concerning the modified dinosaur :

    “There is no shortage of awesome [real] dinosaurs. We could have populated this entire story with new species that haven’t been in any of these movies. But this new creation is what gave me a reason to tell another Jurassic Park story. We have the most awe-inspiring creatures to ever walk the Earth right in front of us, but for some reason that’s not enough. We’re always hungry for the next thing, and those who profit from it are always looking to feed that hunger. The focus groups want something bigger than a T-Rex. And that’s what they get.”

  22. #112
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  23. #113
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    Well, it's here:

    They seem to really have reworked the CGI from the last trailer which is good! The Mosasaurus and the Gallimimusses all look better. I'm liking this trailer a lot more than the first, but I still have the fear that they might have exagerated a bit in places. A Stegosaurus stampede? Hmmm... And while I really like the idea of making the raptors special once more by having Pratt act as a lion-tamer somewhat I think they look a bit bulky.

    I still can't figure much of the new hybrid. The leaked images looked okay and what we see from the trailer is quite cool as well... And still, no T-Rex as of yet! Guess they save him up for the trailers before the actual release.

  24. #114
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    Yeah I think the new trailer is leaps and bounds better than the first. Back to being excited for this

  25. #115
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    It does do a better job of conveying the two 'iffy' ideas: the hybrid dino and the raptor training. The hybrid in particular seems like more of a threat. I'm still not sold on them, but the new footage is making me warm up to them a bit.

    Some of these big movies need to put out better first trailers. Try should try not to blow too much of the plot and work on building intrigue with visuals. Get whoever made that Mad Max trailer and let them go to work.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 02-03-2015 at 07:39 AM.

  26. #116
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    The trailer lost me at trained raptors.

  27. #117
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    Well, there a wild animal trainers in real life and since the park in this movie is open for several years now, that is pretty much the only plot point they could dive into to make it somewhat fresh. I just hope it's still shown in the movie that they are probably more likely to rip his head off than actually follow by foot. Either way, the T-Rex in the first movie was easily distracted into playfull behaviour aswell.

    Yet again you could argue why the I-Rex is so vicious and why one would want to keep such an animal. I hope they have a somewhat plausible explanation on why they kept him or why he becomes so furious. I've warmed up to him as a hybrid a bit with this trailer.

    And I strongly agree with @Millionaire . Just a few glimpses of neat visuals to keep people satisfied. That's one of the reasons the new Star Wars trailer did so well IMHO. It basically did not show anything. So maybe just show a few glimpses of a happy running park with all the JP logos, toys etc, and then have a T-Rex roar at the end of it and then BAMM "the park is open". People know what's up but you haven't spoiled anything actually.

  28. #118
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    Im thinking the raptors will be the "main" protagonist in trying to stop the I-Rex, but I guarantee you they bring back the T-Rex to save the fuckin day.

    Someone has already suggested that BDH is using the flare in the trailer to get the attention of the T-Rex. It wouldn't surprise me if the 3rd act of this film was very reminiscent of the recent Godzilla film. T-Rex vs. I-Rex battle and everyone in the theater cheering.

  29. #119
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    this movie = yawn

  30. #120
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    That TV spot had me warming up a bit more for the movie. I think a raptor trainer is the most badass job ever. Heck, if we're accepting the cloning of dinosaurs... why not have them trained?

    But I finally figured out what it was that had me nostalgic with the first trailer: it's the Jurassic Park theme slowly being played on the piano. Brought me right back to the first movie. They know how to get us hooked, those bastards!

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