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Thread: Jurassic Park

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
    Ugh. I am not doing well this summer. I think I was one of the only people on the planet who didn't love Mad Max, and I came in here expecting to see people tear JW to shreds but seems as most people liked that, too.

    So yeah, I clearly don't know what's going on any more. And this is coming from someone who generally gives blockbusters a pass for being what they are. I actually don't even mind Michael Bay so it's not as though I'm a popcorn snob by any means.

    But I'm sorry this was simply Megalodon vs Godzilla with Dinosaurs, not a scientific exploration into the world of palaeontology and archaeology that I wanted or that it easily could have been. It had some cool elements sure I'll give it that, but the sum definitely did not equal the parts for me. It was a horror movie that wasn't scary, and it was a science fiction movie that wasn't intelligent. Add in mostly bad acting, and a lame duck story? As someone who really wanted to love this film I can only justifying polishing a turd so much. This film did absolutely nothing to advance the JP mythology I had come to know and left me feeling hollow and disappointed. I expected at the least, a slightly more cerebral and well thought out film from Mr. Trevorrow.

    It's a shame. Well at least it's making money. Maybe the sequel will be handled better.
    It's an action movie about/with dinosaurs. I don't know if anyone should be going into the theater to watch this expecting something cerebral or well thought out.

    I saw it today and enjoyed it for what it was. It was definite fan service. If you look deeply into it, it's a movie with a ton of issues, but on the surface it's a fun summer blockbuster. Good times to be had.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    It's an action movie about/with dinosaurs. I don't know if anyone should be going into the theater to watch this expecting something cerebral or well thought out.

    Why not? The first film was extremely well thought out. The second wasn't as much so, but at least it wasn't a "Dinosaur vs Dinosaur" battle wars movie. It wasn't until the third film where they tried to sell the Spino vs T-Rex angle and this took that aspect and exploded it into something so much more ridiculous. To me there is a big difference between action movie, and a fight movie.

    I actually saw little to no fan service save for a t-shirt and the bringing back of Henry Wu. I mostly saw dinosaurs fighting other dinosaurs and bad acting, something the first film had none of (save for about 15 seconds of Raptors/T-Rex in the end, but that was less about them fighting and more about the sheer domination of the t-rex, and the obvious loophole so the characters could escape). Dinosaur Wars is not how this franchise started. Not even close. To me this wasn't Jurassic Park, this was Godzilla. Nothing against Godzilla, but If I wanted that, I'd go watch Godzilla. I was hoping for something different. But even if I wasn't, I still feel like it failed at being a good Godzilla movie. If T-Rex is Godzilla, you only got about 4 minutes of screen time with him, and on top of that, he got absolutely owned like a bitch and nearly had his neck broken in thirty seconds. Not exactly the king of the dinosaurs there.

    Glad you liked it though. Wish I did.

  3. #153
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    This film had the biggest worldwide opening of all time, a Phenomenal 500 MILLION in 2 days of being released. Absolutely astonishing numbers.
    Even by todays standards, that is insane amount.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
    Why not? The first film was extremely well thought out.
    plugging sequence gaps in essentially avian creatures using amphibian dna? double size bald velociraptors? that weird crested spitting dilophosaur... love that film to bits but it was always hokum

    JW looks as cack as the two sequels tbh, I will watch it but I have a feeling i'll be leaving the cinema muttering "must go faster...must go faster"

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    plugging sequence gaps in essentially avian creatures using amphibian dna?
    1 - It wasn't known for sure that birds were descended from dinosaurs until around the millenium; before 1996 we didn't even have any dinofuzz to go on.
    2 - In the book, it explains that DNA from a wide array of species is used to patch unreadable gene strands, depending on what seems the closest match for the surrounding base pairs.

    double size bald velociraptors?
    The giant size is because they're not Velociraptor, in the book or film. Crichton read about very large 'Velociraptor' remains that had been found in Mongolia, and conformed to Gregory S. Paul's assumption that the find would be attributable to the Velociraptor genus - ultimately the animal took until 1999 to formally describe, and was given the name Achillobator. Sadly even the filmmakers seem to be unaware of this point. In the films, the visual basis for the animal is Deinonychus, extrapolating an Achillobator-sized animal from that basis - you can tell by looking at the skull.
    Scaly skin is because feathered dromaeosaurs weren't known until 2000. Hell, fuzzy dinosaurs weren't known until 1996.

    that weird crested spitting dilophosaur
    Well, for starters, Dilophosaurus did have two weird crests. Crichton wrote Dilophosaurus as venomous because at the time, it was thought to have such a weak jaw that it couldn't have been used to grab struggling prey, but the animal did have some extraordinarily long, fang-like teeth. The consensus has changed since then, and it's now thought Dilophosaurus' bite was capable of subduing large targets without chemical assistance.
    As for the venom spitting and neck frill, the point of it was that some features just don't fossilise. There's no telling what some of these animals could have looked like, or what behaviours and abilities they may have had. Dilophosaurus' extra features in Jurassic Park are speculative restorations, and one of the best-received and most popular dinosaur books of the last couple of years (All Yesterdays) focuses on that exact subject.

    They did get the head shape wrong, but even then, it's from using the published paper on the (incomplete) holotype, rather than being wilfully ignorant as many of Jurassic World's restorations are.

    Jurassic Park was one of the most intelligent and heavily researched summer blockbusters of all time, and as such it's in a different league to its sequels.

  6. #156
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    ok some good points but ;

    1. they talk about it in the film, and as theoretical as it was at the time, it's still more plausible than frog dna (zero links or theorised links, even then the case for birds was way stronger). The frogs are shoehorned in to help the plot along (dinosaurs breeding).

    2. Doesn't matter if it was in the book, it's not something that is really possible which is the issue I take

    As for velociraptors, they are definitely referred to as velociraptors in the film, so... end of, surely? Don't know why they didn't just use Deinonychus tbh. Fair enough on the baldness - that was a pretty unreasonable criticism, their depiction is dated rather than flawed

    Some good points about dilophosaurus but I'm afraid I have to reject the "some things might not fossilise" argument, as by that rationale they could have intelligent squid on their heads controlling their minds and it technically wouldnt be ridiculous. Fair enough if it was a going theory at the time though, I was under the impression that they just fabricated it.

    It's definitely a smarter breed of film and I'm very fond of it, but it does ask you to make a few leaps, the central premise being the main one. It would have to be set quite far into the future for the technologies on display to exist & the sequence gap plugging thing is pure bobbins, with dna that old? mapping the genome would be like attempting a jigsaw that's been through a blender and managing to 100% successfully fill in the gaps using pictures cut out from a randomnly chosen book. It rocks and I can quote it word for word but it does have this problematic bit

    I feel like I'm cussing my mum here... I love JP, seriously! Yep the sequels were awful... won't someone make a graphic novel of both books

  7. #157
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    No one in 1993 could know how much of a cultural impact this movie would have and how much it manifestaded a certain look especially for the T-Rex. It was well researched in 1993 and even in 1997. It would have been a huuuuuge and brave approach of the film makers to go on and change the established look of the T-Rex and the Raptors to what science knew in 2003 when JP3 came out. They acknowledged the feathers with a revamped look of the raptors, but I highly doubt that movie-goers and JP-fans would have appreciated a new look of the T-Rex and they certainly wouldn't in 2015 with JW.

    One aspect I have to give in though is that JP has indeed become a monster flick in certain ways with its focus on dino vs dino action. Yet that is what drives most of recent Dinosaur documentaries aswell and I guess the filmmakers know that and tried to appeal to a broader audience.

    That said, I really enjoyed JW for what it is. An over-the-top summer blockbuster and a theme park ride. I would have wished for something more like JP and JP2 but I am more than satisfied that we didn't get another JP3. I didn't really like the pteranodons and the mosasaurus actually overstayed it's presence in the movie for my taste but apart from a few other cringe-worthy scenes I really dug the Indominus Rex, some scarier and more brutal parts and of course the raptors although I still don't know what feels off to me about their proportions compared to the other movies. And for god's sake I LOVED the T-Rex!

    I sincerely hope that this will come out as an extended cut and someone would take the time to adjust the colors akin to the first two movies. I was missing a bit of eery atmossphere here and there and would have wished that the camera moved a bit slower in certain cases to build up tension. The movie could have used some quiet passages here and there and some more peaceful focus on some dinosaurs.

    Apart from Pratt and Dr Wu the characters were pretty stale though. Nothing deep but also no true stereotypes like Malcom, Grant and Hammond were in the first movie.

    It's got its major flaws but some incredible highlights and huge fan-service in parts. I'd definitely like to see it again, even if it's just for the ending.

    Favorite scenes? Spoiler: the raptors confronting the I-Rex, the I-Rex coming out of its camouflage and of course the T-Rex being released

    What did I hate? Spoiler: the pteranodons were more impressive in JP3, the mosasaurus doing it's signature jump for three times in the movie put me off, the finishing of the I-Rex could have been a bit more creepier, brutal and not so quick despite that I don't like the mosasaurus from the start

    And yes, I just KNEW what they would do as a last scene of the movie.
    Last edited by dlb; 06-14-2015 at 04:59 PM.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    It's an action movie about/with dinosaurs. I don't know if anyone should be going into the theater to watch this expecting something cerebral or well thought out.

    I saw it today and enjoyed it for what it was. It was definite fan service. If you look deeply into it, it's a movie with a ton of issues, but on the surface it's a fun summer blockbuster. Good times to be had.
    You can say the same thing about Bayformers, but those get shit all over.

  9. #159
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    Also, Spoiler: did the T-Rex really never do his signature roar in the movie?. That definitely needs to be added in a fan-edit.

  10. #160
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    Don't feel like writing a huge in depth review but if you're a huge Jurassic Park fan and want a fun, exciting movie about raptors, t-rexes, explosions and Chris Pratt this movie is a 10/10.

    If you frown a lot, look for the negative and prefer high brow resting bitch face movies this probably isn't for you.

  11. #161
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    Really fun movie. Some dumb moments but overall a nice experience.

  12. #162
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    I'll see the movie next weekend.

  13. #163
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    Loved the first half, but slowly gotten more and more absurd as the second half went on.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Loved the first half, but slowly gotten more and more absurd as the second half went on.
    Interesting. For me, it was the other way around. Half way through the movie I was worried, as I still hadn't gotten into it. It wasn't until after the Spoiler: Kids getting attacked in the Gyrosphere by the I-rex scene that I was FINALLY getting into the movie. After that, the movie just got better and better, until the end, which in my opinion was the ultimate payoff of all 4 films.

    This movie is what the original sequel SHOULD have been. The more I think about it, the lost world and JP3 are terrible terrible movies. The only thing that could have made this movie better would have been a cameo from either Allan Grant or Ian Malcolm. If I were to rate this on a scale from 1-10 with the oiriginal Jurassic Park being a 10, I'd say this was an 8/10.

    For what it's worth, I also did not watch a single trailer and had no idea what this movie was about other than it was a fully functioning theme park and they have trained raptors. I went into this movie completely blind, and I think due to that, I enjoyed it more. I watched the trailers after I saw the film and was shocked how much of the movie they showed... I mean, they should A LOT of essentials points to the plot. But, I guess that's just how trailers are these days... For what it's worth, I went back and watched the original JP trailer and... WOW, that is how a trailer is done! They barely show any of the dinosaurs or give away any of the plot points in the trailer at all. Trailers need to be more like that.

  15. #165
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    I think it was okay, definitely better than I expected from the trailers. The script was dumb as hell to the point it really took you out of the movie how none of this was making any sense. There are movies where I can forgive things not making sense and I was pretty much ready for doing this in case of JW, but my god so many things in this movie was just absolutely idiotic.

    Cris Pratt was great, in the end I liked Bryce Dallas Howard also, even though I gotta say that her acting were kinda off sometimes (like was she having an orgasm in that helicopter at the start of the movie or what?), they had great chemistry together I think. The child actors were godawful, I simply wanted to strangle the older one everytime he was on screen, could you use even more clichéd archetype of a bored millenial teenager next time pretty please? Vincent D'nofrio I love you, but his character was just awfully written and his plot was downright retarded.

    It wasn't boring though and I guess that's what counts the most, I think they captured the atmosphere really well and just had a good time watching it.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Also, Spoiler: did the T-Rex really never do his signature roar in the movie?. That definitely needs to be added in a fan-edit. did. Spoiler: Right before the end credits.

  17. #167
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    Saw this movie with my family (both parents, plus my younger brother and his fiancee) at a Thursday night showing. Speaking as a huge Jurassic Park fan, who appreciates the more cerebral, suspenseful take of the first film as well as (to a lesser extent no doubt clouded by childhood nostalgia) the misstep of The Lost World and the mindless blockbuster that was JP3, I loved Jurassic World. The previous sequels did little to advance the overall plot of the series; by contrast, JW finally gave us a fully-functioning dinosaur park, explored the greater potential of the genetic engineering via the I. rex, and gave us the most likable characters since the first film. It really is the sequel Jurassic Park deserved; all it needed to be even better was a cameo from Grant and/or Malcolm (perhaps in a TV interview expressing their disapproval of the new park) and another legit Dilophosaurus scene. Sure, JW had a few flaws in the writing (what film doesn't?), and the finale was a bit over-the-top, but none of that was enough to bring my opinion down significantly. I give it a solid 7-8/10.

  18. #168
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    Currently hold the biggest Box Office Weekend in history.


    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    If you frown a lot, look for the negative and prefer high brow resting bitch face movies this probably isn't for you.

    This is me and I still totally loved Jurassic World.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    Currently hold the biggest Box Office Weekend in history.


    This is me and I still totally loved Jurassic World.
    I think if you naturally look for things to critique when it comes to movies you'll find LOTS of things to do that with, but if you just like sitting back and enjoying things this will be one of the best movies of the year for you so far...assuming you love the franchise.

  20. #170
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    This movie was fun! I think I liked Jake Johnson's character the most. I definitely wasn't disappointed because it was almost exactly what I was expecting. My favorite moment was probably when the Spoiler: British assistant got toyed with by the flying dinosaurs and was ultimately drowned/eaten – I thought that was scarier and more effective than anything else in the movie.

    We're living in a post-Fury Road world though, so the blockbuster standard has been raised in a really big way, and Jurassic World just didn't live up to that standard. It's an extreme thing to say, but even the least interesting characters in Fury Road were better & more memorable than the most interesting character in Jurassic.

  21. #171
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    The only thing I'm concerned about is how the CGI looked? In the trailers, it looks pretty bad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance242 View Post
    So according to this sound design making of, the only pratical FX shot was the dying apatosaur scene.
    That was my main gripe with this movie, the dinosaurs didn't feel like real animals half the time.
    I think that was because a mix of TOO much special FX shots, some not looking realistic at all, as well as the dinos not feeling like animals but more like monsters in their behavior.
    Like the raptors didn't feel like they were actually there half the time, which took me out of the scene.
    The movie was ok, I loved the first half... but the last half turned downright silly at points.
    I get the fan service, but sometimes too much fan service turns into full on cheesiness, cringe-worthy fight scene.
    Too bad the movie couldn't keep the awe that the first half of the movie had.
    I did like how this movie was a bit darker than the others, but the dinos didn't feel like real animals so that kinda ruins the atomosphere.
    The dialogue and acting didn't bother me as much as other people and I didn't find the brothers annoying at all.
    As for the sequels, I think I'll find myself watching The Lost World more than this one since the dinos felt more real in The Lost World.
    Last edited by neorev; 06-16-2015 at 08:15 AM.

  24. #174
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    The Raptors in the head braces were practical FX surely.

    Am I wrong in saying the guy who worked in the control room had a book by Ian Malcom on his desk too?

    I thought it was pretty rubbish tbh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManOfAtom View Post
    Am I wrong in saying the guy who worked in the control room had a book by Ian Malcom on his desk too?
    Yes he did and so did Bryce Dallas-Howard's assistant in the beginning. Neat little quasi-cameo, although I agree with others who said it would have been nice to have an actual cameo at some point.

  26. #176
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    Someone on my facebook feed shared this photo...
    I looked around on the internet and couldn't find anything about it. So, I'm guessing it's fan made/fake.

    And to be honest... I kind of hope it is...

    This is going back to the 2004/2005 plot when the 4th installment was still in development, and it was rumored the next film was going to be Dinosaurs with guns.
    Spoiler: Taking them to war, using them as a weapon (as discussed briefly in JW) is a stupid, stupid idea. I was worried that when that whole sub-plot about weaponizing the raptors came up in JW that it was going to be the plot of the 5th film... You can totally tell that is what they were trying to set up.

    I love the Jurassic Park franchise more than any other film franchise out there, but if this is the direction they are going with for the 5th film, call me out. I'm hanging up the towel with this franchise. They should quit while they're ahead and leave the franchise alone on a high note. I think JW is the perfect film to end on. They had the park up and running, and it failed... Time to give up. Anything they do now will be stupid. But... money talks, and this film made half a billion dollars worldwide on opening weekend, sooo..... obviously they're going forward with a 5th film regardless of how bad it's going to be.

  27. #177
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    Years ago there was a scrapped idea of having half dino/half human hybrid soldiers.
    There's concept art online, this was seriously discussed as an idea for the 4th movie.
    I really hope this is not the direction they would go with for the 5th film.
    Just end it... leave on a somewhat high note
    Don't ruin the legacy of this franchise.

  28. #178
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    Saw it last night and thought it was really enjoyable. The military weapon plot was incredibly stupid, I hated it. I really hope that's not where they're taking the franchise because we're obviously going to be getting more movies after how well this one is doing. The brothers were pretty bad, the older one couldn't act to save his life.

    I enjoyed all the fan service, it might've been borderline too much but I'm ok with it. The T-Rex was awesome and the Raptors were great as always. The showdown at the end was great.

    Also, this was in the parking lot after the movie(sorry for the size, I never post pics on here and don't know how to make it smaller)
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 06-17-2015 at 06:46 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Don't feel like writing a huge in depth review but if you're a huge Jurassic Park fan and want a fun, exciting movie about raptors, t-rexes, explosions and Chris Pratt this movie is a 10/10.

    I saw it night before last, and i might add that it was STUNNING in the top notch 3-D IMAX format.

    one of my best theater going experiences of all time was seeing the first JP when i was 12 or so.
    the new one brought back a lot of memories.

    It wasn't Citizen Kane or whatever, but it was a pretty amazing spectacle that harkened back to JP in just the right ways.
    I also felt that it had a couple of cool "meta" jokes.
    But most of all, it had massive, realistic dinosaurs. Just like in the first one, the park is incredible BEFORE shit gets hectic, and really thrilling when everything goes sideways.

    Sure, it had some pretty big plot holes, not the least of which being "why in the hell would people keep attending a theme park where being eaten alive by dinosaurs is a fairly normal occurrence."

    But i don't go to movies like this to see incredible acting or explore fascinating themes about the human condition or to have my mind stimulated by allegorical depth. That's what the ROKU box and the tv in the bedroom are for.

    I go see movies like this to say "oh wow, look at that, oh shit, that's amazing, good god!" while i eat popcorns and swill $7 sodas with the ones i love the most.

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