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Thread: Jurassic Park

  1. #181
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    Limited Edition gift box set announced with statues of the I-Rex VS the T-Rex.

    I might have to pick this one up. It's kind of pricy at $110... But I plan on buying the Blu ray anyway, so what's an extra $80 for some bad-ass looking Dinosaur statues?

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    I saw it night before last, and i might add that it was STUNNING in the top notch 3-D IMAX format.

    one of my best theater going experiences of all time was seeing the first JP when i was 12 or so.
    the new one brought back a lot of memories.

    It wasn't Citizen Kane or whatever, but it was a pretty amazing spectacle that harkened back to JP in just the right ways.
    I also felt that it had a couple of cool "meta" jokes.
    But most of all, it had massive, realistic dinosaurs. Just like in the first one, the park is incredible BEFORE shit gets hectic, and really thrilling when everything goes sideways.

    Sure, it had some pretty big plot holes, not the least of which being "why in the hell would people keep attending a theme park where being eaten alive by dinosaurs is a fairly normal occurrence."

    But i don't go to movies like this to see incredible acting or explore fascinating themes about the human condition or to have my mind stimulated by allegorical depth. That's what the ROKU box and the tv in the bedroom are for.

    I go see movies like this to say "oh wow, look at that, oh shit, that's amazing, good god!" while i eat popcorns and swill $7 sodas with the ones i love the most.
    Reviews like this blow my mind. Jurassic World was mediocre at best. Why the general public feels the need to splash all types of praise on a movie that doesn't even depict REAL LOOKING DINOSAURS as paleontologists understand them to be now is a joke.

    You do realize we now know many of these dinos had feathers right? The whole thing is a mess. Sure, it had some nice scenes, and Prat is funny enough to carry a ridiculous character but come on. The movie was paper thin even compared to the original JP. What irks me the most is Hollywood yet again making a scientists out to seem retarded and completely evil. When is that shit going to end? Seriously? We're saved by Prat (a U.S marine wouldn't ya know) and his bone head girlfriend that was such an airhead and complete know-nothing that they HAD to show her running in pumps. Shit movie.

    But hey T-Rex was cool
    Last edited by Rabbit; 06-18-2015 at 09:59 PM.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Reviews like this blow my mind. Jurassic World was mediocre at best. Why the general public feels the need to splash all types of praise on a movie that doesn't even depict REAL LOOKING DINOSAURS as paleontologists understand them to be now is a joke.

    You do realize we now know many of these dinos had feathers right? The whole thing is a mess. Sure, it had some nice scenes, and Prat is funny enough to carry a ridiculous character but come on. The movie was paper thin even compared to the original JP. What irks me the most is Hollywood yet again making a scientists out to seem retarded and completely evil. When is that shit going to end? Seriously? We're saved by Prat (a U.S marine wouldn't ya know) and his bone head girlfriend that was such an airhead and complete know-nothing that they HAD to show her running in pumps. Shit movie.

    But hey T-Rex was cool
    but...but...hey, T-Rex was cool!

    i liked the SPECTACLE of it. real-d imax...seeing movies in this format is a whole different ballgame for me.

    and when i say realistic looking dinosaurs, i don't mean scientifically accurate. i mean that they look like they are alive.

    dude this is absolutely not the kind of movie i watch. At all. Ever.

    I was 12 when i saw JP. So nostalgia.

    And yeah, "nice scenes," like you said.

    That's what i wanted and that's what i got.

    Stunning 3-d dinos like the dinos from the first one, a few throwbacks here and there...

    honestly i didn't care much about the plot. it could have just been a collection of unrelated scenes and i would have dug the shit out of it.

    i'm not saying it should win a fucking oscar or anything.

    but was it fun to watch on a massive screen in cutting edge 3d whilst reminiscing about one of my favorite movie going experiences from 22 years ago?

    Fuck yes!

  4. #184
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    After I've had a week to digest my viewing and watch/listen to/read a ton of reviews both positive and negative over the last week, I think I gave too much praise to this film after my first viewing. Sometimes movies are hard to judge whether you liked them immediately after viewing them. It's when the film ends and someone you saw it with immediately asks you what you thought, you find of feel pressured to answer the question right then and there... This is one of those movies, and I feel I may have given it too much praise after my viewing.

    As I stated before, I believe I said it in my little review anyway, the film took a while to get going. I was kind of bored with the first half, Especially from the opening Christmas scene, I was confused with what I was watching and what time of the year it was for a moment. Did I walk into the wrong theatre?

    While I still think it's better than Jurassic Park 3, and to an extent The Lost World... and I started to ask myself... What did I ever see in those movies to begin with? When The Lost World came out, I skipped school to see it with my friend, we were in grade 9 I think... Saw it twice in the theatre and bought the soundtrack, thought it was amazing in 1997. I re-watch that movie as an adult and think it is ridiculous. Same thing with JP3, I used to be the only person I knew to fight for that movie, saying it wasn't as bad as people think... I watched it maybe, less than 2 months ago to prep for Jurassic World, and it was awful! It literally was the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3" of the Jurassic Park series... It was awful.

    Now the more I think about it, and read questions and comments about this film on the internet, I am starting to see it follow a similar formula. It seemed good upon first view, but I fear this is not going to be one of those movies that stands the test of movie time. There are movies you can watch over and over and over again and love them more and more upon each viewing, and there are films that get worse the more you watch them... I think this is one that falls in the latter category.I'm afraid of re-watching this film only to really see what it really is, flaws out in the open and all.

    Makes me wonder... Did I like the MOVIE or did I just like the last 20 minutes of it?

  5. #185
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    Is this film ok in 2D?

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Is this film ok in 2D?
    I saw it in 2D and it was fine. It wasn't filmed in 3D to the best of my knowledge.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Reviews like this blow my mind. Jurassic World was mediocre at best. Why the general public feels the need to splash all types of praise on a movie that doesn't even depict REAL LOOKING DINOSAURS as paleontologists understand them to be now is a joke.

    You do realize we now know many of these dinos had feathers right? The whole thing is a mess.
    Because the movie is a sequel and they dinosaurs look the way they did in the original, a movie that was made when dinosaurs were believed to look like that. If it was a reboot maybe they would have changed the designs, but as far as I'm concerned it's too late now.

  8. #188
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    As far as I'm concerned, I find it as relevant as lamenting that sci-fi flicks never portray credible alien life. I mean, you're not wrong, but most movies aren't interested in rational speculative portraiture, even solid facts are twisted to fit the narrative, things as simple as how physics or human anatomy work are invented or ignored in favor of cool scenes and effects.
    Bemoaning the looks of genetically altered resurrected dinosaurs, kinda missing the point of what that kind of movie is really about, in my opinion... I mean, it would be cool, sure, but everyone knows you're among the 1% of people who really care...

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Because the movie is a sequel and they dinosaurs look the way they did in the original, a movie that was made when dinosaurs were believed to look like that. If it was a reboot maybe they would have changed the designs, but as far as I'm concerned it's too late now.
    They even address this in the film.

  10. #190
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    What the original movie was about, was showing convincing dinosaurs to the public on film for the first time. They've apparently given up on that.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    What the original movie was about, was showing convincing dinosaurs to the public on film for the first time. They've apparently given up on that.
    I'd argue that it's because they're well aware that it was only partly what made it so successful... Sure, people were thrilled to see "actual" dinosaurs, but the package was much, much bigger than that. And yeah, seeing "updated" dinosaurs would have been a whole lot cooler in my opinion, and they didn't have to follow the same designs : two lines of script could have solved that, somethingsomething formula tidbittidbit genetics, and voilà.
    But it's a sequel to a hugely successful action movie. I think they cared a lot more about carrying on from established formulas than trying to reconcile with what the creators had in mind. Every sequel works that way, at least those that weren't written as part of a whole.

  12. #192
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    Jurassic World is about "selling $7 sodas."

    They address that too.

    yeah, see, idk what to say.

    to me a really GOOD movie is like, say, as far as recent movies, The Master. The Town. You know, The Social Network. Fucking Inception for that matter.

    This thing was a little different for me.

    like @Khrz says, carrying on the established formula is the order of the day here.


    and then Wait! Oh no! The fucking dinosaurs are eating everybody, holy christ, how the fuck did we not see that coming?!

    That's really, seriously all it is.


    So i judge it on how exciting the dinosaurs look.

    and @fillow , i wouldn't watch something like this in 2d if i could see it in 3d.

    i probably wouldn't watch it at home.

    i probably will never watch it again.

    but as far as showing big fucking scary dinosaurs on a screen, yeah, it does that really well.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Reviews like this blow my mind. Jurassic World was mediocre at best. Why the general public feels the need to splash all types of praise on a movie that doesn't even depict REAL LOOKING DINOSAURS as paleontologists understand them to be now is a joke.

    You do realize we now know many of these dinos had feathers right?

    I enjoyed the movie A LOT, but I understand that not everybody will like it. That said, this is a lame reason not to like it!!!

    At on point DB Wong's character (his name is Dr. Henry Wu I think) even address this, saying that his job wasn't to create scientifically true looking dinosaurs but to create animals that looked like what audiences expected! I though it was actually a nice way to acknowledge that science discovered a lot since the first JP movie, the feathers and all that.
    Did you get up to refill your popcorn during that scene or what?!

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I enjoyed the movie A LOT, but I understand that not everybody will like it. That said, this is a lame reason not to like it!!!

    At on point DB Wong's character (his name is Dr. Henry Wu I think) even address this, saying that his job wasn't to create scientifically true looking dinosaurs but to create animals that looked like what audiences expected! I though it was actually a nice way to acknowledge that science discovered a lot since the first JP movie, the feathers and all that.
    Did you get up to refill your popcorn during that scene or what?!
    i was replying to the post above stating that the dinosaurs looked real. That's all. And yeah i know they mentioned it but it's still lame to me. Here is a movie that could really inspire and spark curiousity in children (the original actually managed to do this) but instead it's just another crap hollywood popcorn flick clichè

  15. #195
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    Do the makers of these films even care about what they're making? Or are they just shit talents? There were small glimmers of some form of heart in this movie... with the first helicopter scene... and some of the lead actress's moments.

    I noticed this film had a very international/global perspective. I can guess that the makers of this film have experience travelling and living around the world.

    There was a feeling that this film's production was rushed. The references to previous films just seemed pushed in to activate nostalgia circuits.

    The Jimmy Fallon thing was just stupid (or the best thing in the movie). I mean, it was just so out of place in the movie. The acid thing made me laugh.

  16. #196
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    As a product this movie is highly successfull, no doubt. As a film it fails on so many levels, like the stock characters or their mindless decicions throughout the entire course of this film. Just as the Indominus rex, it's obvious how this movie was constructed simply as a product to entertain the masses with too much stuff thrown into the equasion. The result, as in the movie, is a mess (albeit a successfull and entertaining one).

    I've asked earlier how this one compares to Fury Road and now -as I've watched both- I've got to say: Jurassic World ain't got shit on Fury Road. The latter is character driven (no pun intended) and creative, while JW just hammers it home without a heart. The best thing it's done was to make me watch the original one more time.

  17. #197
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    Eh, I wasn't filled with love or hate for either film, and while Fury Road does have more character background, let's not go nuts. The film is 90% asplosions. I agree it has much more of a heart to it, though.

    One thing that I think really separates them is that although neither is big on smarts, Fury Road wears that on its sleave in a Dredd-like way and keeps things simple in order to compress things into a focused, intense experience. Whereas JW follows one of cinema's smarter and more research-packed summer blockbusters (and one with a lot of heart), so feels like it's being actively, provocatively dumb. If we hadn't had two increasingly drivel-filled, less-animal-more-monster sequels in between, I'd say it was letting the series down.

  18. #198
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    Wonderful. The movie made 100mill in it's second weekend. For a movie that is mediocre at best this is only bad news. This reinforces Hollywood execs to keep putting out riskless, rehashes of old franchises to appeal to the masses.

    Awful. Prepare for 2 or 3 more Jurassic World films. Wonder what they could possibly do with this franchise now. fuck. Dinosaurs with roller skates and machine guns? Maybe Prat can teach them to jump through hoops?

  19. #199
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    Funny you talk about Mad Max here. Just returned from the cinema, movie #1: Mad Max. Let us say that I just do not understand these Mad Max movies and they seem completely absurdly stupid to me, not in a good way. Did some character die? Pff, who cares. And I also hate dry hot desert environments. Btw, Star Wars are stupid too. :-)
    Movie #2: Jurassic World. Just perfect summer blockbuster! (summer started today btw) A bit more brutal than I hoped for, and I wish the final fight was a bit longer. :-) References to Jurassic Park were OK.

  20. #200
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    Watched the film yesterday. I give it 7/10.

    Things that were awesome: dinosaurs, action, action scenes with dinosaurs, Owen, Claire (second half only), did I mention dinosaurs?
    Things that sucked: humans, dialogues. Hoskins (aka the most cardboard stock character of the film). Claire (first half, pretty much all her scenes up to the point when she went all badass and knocked a pterodactyl off Owen).
    Kids were suprisingly okay, save for a couple of unnecessary encyclopedia recitings.

    Also, during the last dino battle for a second there I thought I'm watching new Transformers movie. Too much choreography for giant reptiles.

  21. #201
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    Universal Pictures today announced that Jurassic World will cross $1 billion at the worldwide box office today after 13 days – faster than any film in history.

    With Sunday’s reported actuals, Jurassic World has also secured the highest-grossing second week at the North American box office with $106.6 million. This brings the domestic cume to $402.8, which is also the fastest any film has reached $400 million at the domestic box office – after only 10 days. In addition, Jurassic World crossed $500 million internationally on Saturday, marking the quickest climb to that milestone – in only 11 days.

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Wonderful. The movie made 100mill in it's second weekend. For a movie that is mediocre at best this is only bad news. This reinforces Hollywood execs to keep putting out riskless, rehashes of old franchises to appeal to the masses.

    Awful. Prepare for 2 or 3 more Jurassic World films. Wonder what they could possibly do with this franchise now. fuck. Dinosaurs with roller skates and machine guns? Maybe Prat can teach them to jump through hoops?
    I liked the movie for what it was, but I have to agree with you here...the fact that this movie made so much money in so little time means that the studios will keep pumping rehashed stuff. I like a good summer blockbuster movie as much as anyone else but it's refreshing to get a blockbuster that's not a sequel or part of a comic book empire or a reboot, something with a unique theme to it (see Inception, District 9, Looper, Social Netowork).

  23. #203
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    Well it should be considered here that keeping fans of a franchise without a film for 14 years does pretty much set it up for a blockbuster independent of how good the movie actually is.

    I'm betting if a new Godfather sequel came out this year it would be the highest grossing film of the year even if it was worse than III.

  24. #204
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    So I have been watching the other three movies over the past two weeks and have seen JW two times more. My mind has changed quite a bit and I have to confess that I was overthrown with nostalgia, excitement and finally seeing a JP movie in the cinema again. It doesn't suck, but good god it's a lazy movie. Compared to the other flicks the CGI is quite mediocre in parts and yeah, having watched some articles online, JW suffers the same fate any other CGI-heavy movie tends to suffer. The physics are just off. While I deeply enjoyed the dino-fights in the dark, pretty much every scene out in the open did look funny.

    And there is just something about the T-rex that looks off the me as well. Is it the easy going movements or the eyes? I still don't know. I loved its entrance in the movie but it's never as powerful as it was in JP or LW.

    While I enjoyed Pratt the acting is forgettable, but that was to be expected. I would have loved the movie to highly expand on the myth behind the raptors a bit more as this was IMHO the only thing that made JP3 special. The Indominus could have used some more mystification as well. The part about it only having a positive relationship with the feeding hook gave me goose bumps but that didn't amount to anything in the end. I loved that it was an outcast, a freak and a misfit among the other dinosaurs, yet the chance to build this up way more was missed. At the end I wanted to feel sorry for it, suffering a shitty death, people realising that this hybrid is a huge mistake, but the payoff was boring as fuck. The whole movie actually was boring although so much happened. But without any gravity.

    I like it though and think it's a nice entry to the franchise, but I fear that any sequels from this reboot will fail ultimately. Going down the military route is inevitable. At least I can't picture any other scenario despite a modern Flinstones and I don't think we really want to see that.

    A thing that I really miss about JP? The awesome making-of material. I own up to ten books and documentaries about the first two films and I love looking at the Stan Winston Studio stuff on Youtube every now and then but there is close to nothing for JP3 and not anything good for JW yet. These things were a huge part of the magic for me.

  25. #205
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    I thought CGI'd dinos in JW were vast improvement over those from JP3.

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    Palaeontologist Mark Witton doodling the fine art of Velociraptor training:

  27. #207
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    Haha well...

    I seen the film today and wow, I loved it. I honestly cannot state a single flaw, mistake or issue with it at all. Best movie since the first! Day one blu-ray buy for me!

    Jurassic Park
    Jurassic World
    The Lost World


  28. #208
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    OMFG THE VERY BEST PART OF JURASSIC WORLD: The test-tube baby-momma has a quick talk about motherhood before a SEVERELY innuendo-laden chat with her bf and WHAT is the very first thing she says...?!?

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    OMFG THE VERY BEST PART OF JURASSIC WORLD: The test-tube baby-momma has a quick talk about motherhood before a SEVERELY innuendo-laden chat with her bf and WHAT is the very first thing she says...?!?

    Found the perfect place for you to post this

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    OMFG THE VERY BEST PART OF JURASSIC WORLD: The test-tube baby-momma has a quick talk about motherhood before a SEVERELY innuendo-laden chat with her bf and WHAT is the very first thing she says...?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    You're a year off the mark, btw. The film's actually rated PG-13.

    Oh, and I don't recall anyone complaining about the OTHER blatant sexual themes and innuendo within the film, while we're at it.
    Last edited by Hazekiah; 11-27-2015 at 04:02 PM.

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