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Thread: Movie Theater Experiences in Covid Times

  1. #1
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    Movie Theater Experiences in Covid Times

    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    there were some loud af people in the theater
    Fuck covid. This is the real reason I'm afraid to go back to the theatre.

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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Fuck covid. This is the real reason I'm afraid to go back to the theatre.
    It is so much more glaringly obvious and annoying now after being out of the theater for so long. I had to walk out of Candyman and go see it a different night because there were legit kids in their mid 20's it seemed like using the theater as a fucking playground. I was disgusted...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    It is so much more glaringly obvious and annoying now after being out of the theater for so long. I had to walk out of Candyman and go see it a different night because there were legit kids in their mid 20's it seemed like using the theater as a fucking playground. I was disgusted...
    It was getting bad before the pandemic for me. I actually had to go over and remind some people they could just as easily sit in the lobby and talk instead of ruining a movie people paid for back in 2019. One of the last movies I saw and I had had a few in a row like this. Really kills the experience when people do that. Someone should open a chain for people who are actually there to see a film. Make rules and actually enforce them. Be quiet or GTFO. I'd pay double for that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    It was getting bad before the pandemic for me. I actually had to go over and remind some people they could just as easily sit in the lobby and talk instead of ruining a movie people paid for back in 2019. One of the last movies I saw and I had had a few in a row like this. Really kills the experience when people do that. Someone should open a chain for people who are actually there to see a film. Make rules and actually enforce them. Be quiet or GTFO. I'd pay double for that.
    I think this Matrix looks like shit and I won't be seeing this, but I DID see Shang Chi tonight at an Alamo Drafthouse in BK. As @allegate 's link shows, they really do not fuck around there. I had two 18-ish looking kids (boy and girl) sitting next my wife and I in the last row. First of all, the theater makes a BIG DEAL of pointing out the rules. They had a special little on-screen bit exclusively for Alamo Drafthouse filmed by the stars of Shang Chi telling you to be quiet and stay off your phone that ended in them breaking a bunch of cell phones Office Space-style. They had a similar bit recorded by the stars of Black Widow. Then the screen cuts to a much louder and more serious clip repeating the rules once again: no talking, no phones, no coming in late. You get one warning then you're gone.

    So the kids next to us saw all these videos I just described. Before movie starts, we have alot of talking and the picking up of a FT call. I lean over and give them THE FACE. You know the face. I make eye contact with the boy. But the movie hasn't started yet so I wasn't too pissed, and was hoping they would cut it when the movie starts. Talking intermittently continues. Then the boy gets a text and he hasn't put his phone on silent so we all get to hear the loud ding. So at Alamo you tell your server about any problems by simply writing it on your food order card. He goes and talks to them after I Karen'd it up. They're good for a little bit but then the talking and verbally responding to the characters on-screen happens. I wrote a complaint again and then a few minutes later a manager comes in and much much more sternly & loudly tells them to cut it out or they're gone. Dead silent the rest of the movie until the cut scenes. So, in short, Alamo Drafthouse is for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I think this Matrix looks like shit and I won't be seeing this, but I DID see Shang Chi tonight at an Alamo Drafthouse in BK. As @allegate 's link shows, they really do not fuck around there. I had two 18-ish looking kids (boy and girl) sitting next my wife and I in the last row. First of all, the theater makes a BIG DEAL of pointing out the rules. They had a special little on-screen bit exclusively for Alamo Drafthouse filmed by the stars of Shang Chi telling you to be quiet and stay off your phone that ended in them breaking a bunch of cell phones Office Space-style. They had a similar bit recorded by the stars of Black Widow. Then the screen cuts to a much louder and more serious clip repeating the rules once again: no talking, no phones, no coming in late. You get one warning then you're gone.

    So the kids next to us saw all these videos I just described. Before movie starts, we have alot of talking and the picking up of a FT call. I lean over and give them THE FACE. You know the face. I make eye contact with the boy. But the movie hasn't started yet so I wasn't too pissed, and was hoping they would cut it when the movie starts. Talking intermittently continues. Then the boy gets a text and he hasn't put his phone on silent so we all get to hear the loud ding. So at Alamo you tell your server about any problems by simply writing it on your food order card. He goes and talks to them after I Karen'd it up. They're good for a little bit but then the talking and verbally responding to the characters on-screen happens. I wrote a complaint again and then a few minutes later a manager comes in and much much more sternly & loudly tells them to cut it out or they're gone. Dead silent the rest of the movie until the cut scenes. So, in short, Alamo Drafthouse is for you.
    Yeah that kind of theatre sounds like heaven compared to the ones I've been to. Unfortunately where I'm at there's only a chain theatre. They don't care about any of it, they let people act a fool. They don't even have ushers come in at any point during a film to check things are going smoothly. I even once saw a film there where they didn't bother to turn the house lights down when the movie started and I had to ask. I'd go to another one but there's not one around for miles. I genuinely enjoy watching films at home more. I don't want to see theatres die out either, but when they do and everyone in bigger cities can't understand how it happened. This is why. I'm guessing my experience has become the norm throughout small town America. Chains afraid to kick people out from fear of losing customers.

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    I moved these from the Matrix thread because I think this could be its own topic. Continue here.

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    I wish anyone in AMC theaters around me have a shit. I think they’re just happy to make some money.

    I saw Candyman recently and this woman brought her three kids with her who I would guess were 8, 6, and 3. Yes, really. The two older girls talked the entire time loudly and fucked around on their phones (yes, kids this young had goddamn smartphones) to the point where I tried to play nice at first and asked them to stop. They looked at me so I know they heard me but kept talking. So I walked out and told the only employees I saw. Someone came in, saw them doing these things, plus the 3 year old saying he was scared periodically and playing musical chairs the entire time and they did nothing.

    That’s where the politeness ended and every time they’d start up after, I would tell them to shut up and stop being rude. After getting this treatment a couple times they tell their mom. I don’t hear what she says but they sit down again but continue talking loudly but no more phones. So I keep telling them to shut up. The person sitting in front of them loudly shushed them too and said pretty loudly, “Why would you bring little kids to this?”

    After the movie ended the mom finally got some courage to speak I guess and said the movie was stupid anyway so she doesn’t know why we were so mad and she can do what she wants with her kids.

    My experience seeing Malignant was much more pleasant.

    I really am looking forward to October. There’s a lot of good movies coming but maybe not as much as I was before the Candyman experience. Are there going to be dumb little kids and toddlers in Halloween Kills too because lazy parents don’t want to find a babysitter or can’t and still go to the movie?
    Last edited by Swykk; 09-18-2021 at 08:17 AM.

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    Only been to the theater twice since restrictions were lifted, but they've been good experiences. I stayed masked for the first experience in April, but I felt comfortable enough taking it off for the second a few weeks ago since it was a very small audience. Unless it's a film I have to see with a large crowd (those are few and far between), I usually go see movies at odd hours so as to avoid crowds/rude people.

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    When I went to see The Green Knight there was plenty of spacing. I mean, part of that was probably because it was The Green Knight but still, there were seat blocks from Regal. The same were in place for Black Widow, gaps where people were not sitting directly to your right/left.

    Shang Chi we found out that Regal - or at least this Regal - were not taking those precautions anymore. The three seats we selected were not near anyone when we bought them but people ending up sitting right next to us. One was already there so I have to assume they were in the wrong place? And just to introduce us to the new-old normal the lady had her big-ass purse in the seat next to her where my wife's assigned seat was.

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    Oh, I should mention almost nobody wears masks anywhere around where I live, movie theaters included. I still wear mine out in public. I have definitely gotten shitty looks but nobody has said anything.
    Last edited by Swykk; 09-20-2021 at 07:56 PM.

  12. #12
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    Working at Alamo Drafthouse for 5 years (the most abusive company I've ever worked for) already had me never interested in attending movie theaters ever again, and to be honest, the Pandemic 10000% solidified that for me. I can't, at this point in life, ever see myself returning to that situation when I can easily just wait a month or two and watch it from the comfort of my own couch in a completely controlled environment. Even in 2019 all the joy of going to the theaters was completely gone, and now that the movies are just an excuse for people to get out of the house and hang out, count me the fuck out.

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    I usually hit up a movie most Mondays if anything good is out. Here they were doing every other row with empty seats on either side of where you were. Not sure that’s still a thing but I still pick my spots with that mindset. I’ve pretty much always hated going to movies with lots of other people unless it’s not my choice. I think at most there’s been maybe 10 other people in the theater Sally about half that. Luckily I haven’t had to deal with people talking in some time. So I’m my end it hasn’t been much different from my ideal theater experience.

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    I find it absolutely frustrating when you choose a seat that is away from everyone in a movie where there aren't many people in the theater to begin with, and they go ahead and choose seats directly next to mine!

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Working at Alamo Drafthouse for 5 years (the most abusive company I've ever worked for)
    feel like expanding on this? I know there was a lawsuit iirc but I never read more about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    feel like expanding on this? I know there was a lawsuit iirc but I never read more about it.

    There was a lot more info that they left out of the article too for editing constraints, but yeah that company as a whole is a hotbed for sexual assault and coverup culture.
    And uh, the manager that sexually assaulted another employee's wife and then ran from the cops? Yeah... used to be a very popular guy on this forum back in the day. IYKYK.

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    Devin Faraci has always been a disingenuous piece of shit on top of being an awful writer/reporter. Same for League who tried to sweep all of this under the rug.

    Spill the tea on that last part, though. PM me?
    Last edited by Swykk; 09-23-2021 at 09:57 AM.

  18. #18
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    Wonder how the new 007 will do. Looks like a traditional release. No streaming.

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    First time in theaters in a long while... we just saw the new Scream (it was a blast!) and it felt really safe.

    First of all, here in Chicago we have a vaccination mandate, so they checked the cards at the door. It was nice knowing that everybody in the room got the stab!

    We also went to one of those theaters with the recliners were there is so much more room between seats, and since you have to pick your seats when you buy your ticket you can see how many are taken. We went to a weekday showing with 6 other tickets sold to the screening, so that meant 3 other couples in the entire room.

    This is as much risk as we're comfortable taking for the time being, but I'm glad we went, it was nice to watch something on the big screen again!

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