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Thread: The X-Files

  1. #481
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    Fox are obviously going to throw truckloads of cash to make this happen. I've heard that it's BOTH the leads are dragging their heels on coming back, so I imagine they'll buy out any other contracts the actors have. I know lots of people are saying Gillian will clash because of The Fall, but I know she finished filming on that about two weeks ago - my sister got a role on it and was trying to meet her, but no.

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    well, like i said, duchovny said he was down, fox is down, and carter has written more episodes.
    the only problem is anderson, who doesn't want to be away from london. she was raised there and calls it her favorite city in the world.
    so let's hope they decide to shoot in Europe.
    i was thinking about this post. i didn't mean to sound like a tool or as if i had some insider information.
    i spent about 4 hours reading articles and interviews-sorry i didn't link them.
    but this IS what i learned.

    and @eversonpoe , when i asked ryan where to get episode 5, i meant the leak

  3. #483
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    'The X-Files Origins' series to follow Mulder and Scully as teenagers

    Fans will be able to get their hands on two new YA novels next January

  4. #484
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    “As a die-hard fan of the show, the opportunity to work with incredible authors on original stories about these characters is a dream come true for me. Why did Mulder become a believer?”

    We all know why. Please stop reinventing the wheel.

    ... to be fair, though, there is a chapter in one of the tie-in novels, "Ruins" by Kevin J. Anderson, in which Mulder remembers the days following his sister's abduction, focusing mostly on the pain, frustration and helplessness he was feeling. It was surprisingly touching (mind you, I read it when I was like 12 or 13, a kid, just like Fox in that chapter), and I wouldn't mind reading a longer take on that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    People might not hate Doggett and Reyes as much anymore?
    I think Doggett is remembered fondly by the majority of people, it was easy warming up to him. Patrick was great and the show needed a character like him at that point. Reyes not so much, I got used to her by mid-season 9, the fandom is still 50/50 on her as far as I can tell.

    Agent Einstein is just bad. I don't believe that one element can "ruin" a movie or a show, but both the way the character is written and Lauren Ambrose's performance really hurt the episode. For me, at least. I'd rather not see her ever again.

  5. #485
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    "This is the end"
    Last edited by neorev; 02-22-2016 at 08:01 PM.

  6. #486
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    ...or not.

  7. #487
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    Yeah, they CLEARLY intend to come back. If not that was the most idiotic open ended finale I've ever seen.

  8. #488
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    Do we get another six episodes? Or a third and final movie?

  9. #489
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  10. #490
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    I was happy to see the opening sequence show the full length montage with the scary face - first time they showed it all this season.

    Quite a bit of cheesy dialogue. I want more though.

  11. #491
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    Well, that's a cliffhanger...

  12. #492
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    Maybe a very little spoiler, beware, but the finale (?) reminded me of second season closing episode of Millennium - but that was much, much better back then. (And I was much younger and easier to impress, maybe.) Millennium was always better. :-p

  13. #493
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    Just finished watching the finale.
    So what in the actual fuck?

    I guess they left the door wide open on purpose. It certainly gives them options.

  14. #494
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    On the brightside, it looks like the show's probably coming back at some point. No clue when though. And Carter claims to keep track of the feedback and criticisms. So maybe, the mythology episodes will be a little better next time. Imo, the mythology episodes were the weak points of the season. I loved everything else.

    Spoiler: I'm a little aggravated they've built up the inevitable appearance of William ALL SEASON, then we get nothing but "we need him, but have no idea where he is", season over. Meh.

  15. #495
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    What a terrible ending. If they don't plan on doing more episodes or a movie then that was just plain mean.

  16. #496
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    the final episode should have been a two-parter. they tried to jam WAY too much into the first and last episodes, with (pretty much) NOTHING ABOUT THEM AT ALL in between. they needed more time to flesh out the story, and to fucking RESOLVE it in case they don't make any more episodes.

  17. #497
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    finally saw the finale last night.
    though it seems financially foolish, i am thinking it is done.
    yes, plenty of room to add on to, but i just get this feeling scully is going to be face melted on the bridge and that is that.

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    the final episode should have been a two-parter. they tried to jam WAY too much into the first and last episodes, with (pretty much) NOTHING ABOUT THEM AT ALL in between. they needed more time to flesh out the story, and to fucking RESOLVE it in case they don't make any more episodes.
    also shocked that it was a one parter. wtf???
    they did jam shit in, but personally i found it enhanced the hysterical mood...
    i went back and forth with my husband, and then myself, lol, and after discarding multiple scenarios, reckon that WAS the way they are resolving it. bam. done. fox dies. dana gets incinerated.
    i know this is illogical in light of the potential for money making, but i just can't shake the feeling she cops it on that bridge.
    now in fantasy fan land, she shifts and saves him. or csm, whose obsession with fox mulder makes legions of fan girls look lame lol, sent the injection (whatever he had for fox).
    wild. lol. i was livid. my husband was laughing at me, as i danced around with rage. "wtf???? are you kidding me???" etc etc.

  19. #499
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    I reckon William has hijacked the saucer and has come to save the day. That would keep in line with how stupid that whole episode was

  20. #500
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    It'd take a miracle to survive all that. It's going to take a miracle for the writers follow it up and make sense doing it.

  21. #501
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    I feel like they left it so open, all I can say is "what the fuck." And, the better follow that up with something. In my mind it will be a 3rd movie with Mulder, Scully, Miller and Einstein, and if that is perceived well, they will re-launch a new series with just the two new agents. Much like they did with however many different versions of CSI they made. That is what I think WILL happen. What SHOULD happen one more movie with the four of them, bring back Reyes and Dogget for a cameo, as well as Skinner and the smoking man, have William make an appearance. answer some questions, and leave the world on a post apocalyptic chaos. (No more series, no re-boots. Done)

  22. #502
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    After this "season," we're left with 50 percent genius and 50% garbage.

    I would rather have a continuing story throughout instead of shoehorning it all into the last episode. We had 2 episode of story with 4 episodes of meandering. Episodes 1& 6 felt like Part 1 of a 2 part movie if they could have stretched at least another 30 minutes or more out of Part 1 to make it feel less rushed.

    If we get another 6 episode season and My Stuggle III and IV are episodes 1 and 6 of that season... ugh.
    Last edited by neorev; 02-24-2016 at 12:09 PM.

  23. #503
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    These are not the kinds of events you fucking shoehorn into an hour-long miniseries finale. That was far too much happening far too fast; the material the second X-Files film should have been made of. Should have been two episodes minimum.

    Ugh. At least we got Reyes back and confirmation that the apache helicopter missile strike really did nearly kill CSM. It requires a certain suspension of disbelief that he survived, but I'll take it over having him cloned or something, I guess.

  24. #504
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    Did Sully just really fuel anti-vaxxers? Are you fucking kidding me? Goddammit. Every time they bring this Alex Jones fucking bullshit I start to hate this show. Stick to aliens and werewolves.

    I'm still working my way through arduous last episode. Such garbage, what happened? It's bad at every stage.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 02-25-2016 at 01:31 AM.

  25. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Did Sully just really fuel anti-vaxxers?
    Not just that. They went into full current conspiracy mode.
    We had depopulation, chemtrails, NSA spying, FEMA camps, 9/11 as a false flag, weather manipulation, name dropping Edward Snowden, militarization of police, a shadowy group of "multinational elites" bent on world domination, and the idea that the "aliens" fucking with human dna in the original mytharc were humans POSING as aliens, among many others. And Chris Carter admitted that the Tad O'Malley character is, in fact, based on Alex Jones.
    THis is nothing new for the x files, however. See Blood (season 2,) Wetwired, 731 (season 3,), Conduit (season 1,) Deep Throat (season 1,), Zero Sum (season 4,) the Lone Gunmen, etc etc etc
    All they did is update some of the conspiracy theories.
    This show has ALWAYS been about conspiracies and cover-ups, with one foot planted in reality and the other planted in the realm of "what ifs." Alien abduction and whatnot falls into the realm of conspiracy theory too, man. It doesn't make the evening news, but there are tens of thousands of people who will tell you that it isn't science fiction.
    Although i DO wish that vaccines hadn't played such a prominent role. YES, it makes for an interesting plot device as it's a way of disseminating a contagion en masse, and you would THINK that no one will use this as a way to connect contamination from actual extraterrestrials to actual vaccines-except they will.

    That being said, if you are vehemently hateful of all conspiracy/cover-up theories, why are you watching the x files? Don't the words "government denies knowledge" flash across the screen during the opening theme?
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-26-2016 at 01:14 AM.

  26. #506
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    Maybe I'm being naive, but perhaps conspiracies were more harmless in the 90s when people weren't failing to vaccinate their children and harassing the victims of school shootings.

  27. #507
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    All of that being said, i fucking LOVED these new x files episodes, and i kinda think we'll get more.

    A word about conspiracy theories: they used to come from the left. It really sucks that they are associated with right wing politics and gun nuts these days.

  28. #508
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    this whole x-files return has quite underwhelming for me, this last episode was absolute crap, totally rushed and implausible, they come up with this super antidote in a matter of minutes and save the whole world??? and mulder has become some sort of kung-fu fighter??? wtf, this looks like one of those lame Hollywood blockbusters with absolutely no brain. The story-line was interesting but so poorly handled it makes me wish they never rebooted the show. And on top of that the camera work was quite annoying, all the one on one dialogs had no flow, it felt like a bad cut and paste editing (which it probably was) with no interaction nor chemistry between the characters. Call me an old fart but I miss the 90s, music and movies/tv wise things were a lot more genuine then.

  29. #509
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    So, due to time restraints I put X-files on hold after finishing episode 4. I was really happy with the show, every single episode in the season was good in some way. Then I made the grave mistake of watching the last two episodes...

    I won't even comment on episode 5, one of the worst episodes I've seen in television history, especially if you add the blatant propaganda to it. Okay, little Mohammad is innocent and good in his heart. Great, Now I can sleep at night.

    But what the fuck was that last episode?! First of all, why did they have to introduce those two new agents? The guy is OK, I can kinda see him explored, but that woman?!?!?! If it wasn't that blatant cliffhanger at the very end, I would have canceled the series just for that annoying idiot. Hint to the writers: if you can't even write two proper characters, then maybe don't force it. She's annoying, not funny, whenever she actually helps, my screen had a flashing "FOR THE SAKE OF PLOT ADVANCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!", and she's not even an eye candy. I'd rather they had Agent Thrashman instead. He didn't say a single word but he was still more likeable than... Einstein. Heh, Einstein.... I don't even...

    But the misery of the 6th episode was not just on her bad writing and bad acting (though it's hard to act good, when you are given a shit script). The episode was all over the place and not in a good way. I wish they had just stopped a bit (like in the Mulder+Smoking Man scene) and actually did something other than chasing their tails. And what did they do to Jeff Winger? He was a pretty cool character in episode 1, and now all of his scenes reminded me of Command & Conquer. The first one. Yes, the one which was released in 1995. Or was that the goal? To make something goofy with a B-movie feel? Then why waste all those resources in episode 1 to make it look like the main story will be amazing with high.production value?

    I don't know, maybe The X-Files were always this bad, I never actually watched the old seasons, so if that's the standard then I guess fans will not complain, but to me, these last two episodes were really hard to stomach. The first three was so good, and the 4th one was a nice MotW episode, so I don't understand what happened.

  30. #510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I don't know, maybe The X-Files were always this bad, I never actually watched the old seasons, so if that's the standard then I guess fans will not complain, but to me, these last two episodes were really hard to stomach.
    There are some bad episodes in the original run, especially after Duchovny left, but the last two episodes were worse than all of them combined.

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