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Thread: The X-Files

  1. #661
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    Currently making the most of The X Files being on Amazon Prime (who can be bothered to dig out the DVD box sets, right?) - shame the movies aren't there for free though.
    I don't really remember much of I Want To Believe, but yes Fight The Future was a goodun.
    Saying that - to be honest I don't feel I can be bothered with the mythology stuff any more. Loved it all back in the day, but just seems tiresome now - particularly with how things panned out with the later series. Give me a good Monster Of The Week anyday... especially if it's a funny one. Particularly loved Scully's responses to the camera in X Cops, and Mulder & Scully Meet The Were-Monster is super fun.

  2. #662
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChipRock View Post
    Currently making the most of The X Files being on Amazon Prime (who can be bothered to dig out the DVD box sets, right?) - shame the movies aren't there for free though.
    I don't really remember much of I Want To Believe, but yes Fight The Future was a goodun.
    Saying that - to be honest I don't feel I can be bothered with the mythology stuff any more. Loved it all back in the day, but just seems tiresome now - particularly with how things panned out with the later series. Give me a good Monster Of The Week anyday... especially if it's a funny one. Particularly loved Scully's responses to the camera in X Cops, and Mulder & Scully Meet The Were-Monster is super fun.
    Funny you say that – I was just thinking about this and I remember preferring the myth-arc episodes when I was rewatching the show around 2008/2009 (I still maintain that much of the early stuff was great). However, when I recently began revisiting old episodes, the monster-of-the-week episodes were the ones I turned to more often than not. I think the fact that the myth-arc kinda fizzled out and didn't really build toward anything too shocking or groundbreaking is the main reason for that. Also the fact that it got way too convoluted/complicated probably meant losing many casual fans of the show who had difficulty keeping up. It seems obvious in retrospect that they didn't really have a solid plan for ending the series laid out beforehand, but rather were flying by the seat of their pants and making it up as they went along, which worked fine for several years, but ultimately caught up to them.

  3. #663
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    I've been watching this show slowly for the last couple of years from the very start. I remember watching like 10 or so random episodes on TV almost 20 years ago, but now it's the first time I do it thoroughly. Currently in the early episodes of season 9.

    What can I say. The mythology stopped bothering me too much very early on. I know people usually frown upon the super-soldiers arc from later seasons, but the reality is they had no idea where they were going even since the earliest seasons. There's just so much contradicting stuff or things they introduced for some exciting two-part episode only to forget about it completely 2 episodes later. Obviously I'm not the fist to say this, but clinging too much to Mulder in his absence was absolutely fucking annoying. Let him go already, jeez. But nooo, we're gonna spend half of each episode mourning his disappearance or alleged death.

    The problem with super-solders arc is that they got rid of old recurring characters like CSM or Krychek (or however he's spelled) and the replacements were not up to task. Alvin Kersh is a fucking joke for instance. Calling him a one-dimensional character would be admitting that he actually has a dimension. What a waste.

    I love Doggett. He's easily the best thing in the seasons 8/9. Shame they didn't bring him back for the new seasons or a movie. Now, agent Reyes though... Her introduction to the team couldn't be more obviously shoehorned. I mean, "I can sense dark energies" or whatever she said that first time she appeared? This is what every mediocre syfy/horror/mystery show protagonist ever also said. How fucking original. Her writing very much improved later on, thankfully.

    One final thought, I wish they'd do a link between mythology and MOTW stories at least in the dialogues in some form, let them acknowledge each other. It's like alien conspiracy doesn't exist when they are hunting monsters and all the supernatural shit they've seen don't exist when they are chasing aliens.
    Last edited by fillow; 06-09-2020 at 03:28 AM.

  4. #664
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    One final thought, I wish they'd do a link between mythology and MOTW stories at least in the dialogues in some form, let them acknowledge each other. It's like alien conspiracy doesn't exist when they are hunting monsters and all the supernatural shit they've seen don't exist when they are chasing aliens.
    Haha, this is true.

  5. #665
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    I just finished season 6 and can only give an opinion about the mythology up to this point. I really liked how they wrapped up the Syndicate storyline and thought it was a nice conclusion, although I still don't understand Scully's child, her cancer or why the alien rebels didn't want to colonize Earth.

  6. #666
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    I am working my way through season 7 and am enjoying it, although I have to say "First Person Shooter" might be the worst episode I've yet to see at this point.

  7. #667
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I am working my way through season 7 and am enjoying it, although I have to say "First Person Shooter" might be the worst episode I've yet to see at this point.
    That episode is indeed awful. It was bad in 2000, it aged even worse now in 2020. Those effects and computer graphics were bad even for the time in my opinion. The plot is also simplistic and bad. Very one note. Season 7 has some of the worst episodes after you hit the second half and after 2000. 7 and 9 are the worst seasons in my opinion.

  8. #668
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    That episode is indeed awful. It was bad in 2000, it aged even worse now in 2020. Those effects and computer graphics were bad even for the time in my opinion. The plot is also simplistic and bad. Very one note. Season 7 has some of the worst episodes after you hit the second half and after 2000. 7 and 9 are the worst seasons in my opinion.
    I spoke too soon, because a few episodes later is "Fight Club," which wins the prize as the worst episode. Overall, I enjoyed season 7, but yeah, maybe there were more clunkers here than 1-6.

    When you say 7 and 9 are the worst, is that just for the initial run? Or does that include the revival series too?

  9. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I spoke too soon, because a few episodes later is "Fight Club," which wins the prize as the worst episode. Overall, I enjoyed season 7, but yeah, maybe there were more clunkers here than 1-6.

    When you say 7 and 9 are the worst, is that just for the initial run? Or does that include the revival series too?
    Initial run.

    Season 7 is a stinker once it hits 2000 the very episode after Millenium. Every episode in the first half of season is great up until then. There’s a few good ones in season 7 remainder but more shit than good. Have you watched Brand X yet?

    The Genie episode is top notch and I believe the last monster of the week episode of the season prior to the mythology finale.

  10. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Initial run.

    Season 7 is a stinker once it hits 2000 the very episode after Millenium. Every episode in the first half of season is great up until then. There’s a few good ones in season 7 remainder but more shit than good. Have you watched Brand X yet?

    The Genie episode is top notch and I believe the last monster of the week episode of the season prior to the mythology finale.
    Loved the Genie one, "Brand X" was pretty good.

    General thoughts on 11 and 12?

  11. #671
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Loved the Genie one, "Brand X" was pretty good.

    General thoughts on 11 and 12?
    12 >>>>> 11

    Mythology episodes in both seasons are ass. I’d state why I hate them but it’s a spoiler for you if you had not watched all 9 original seasons.

  12. #672
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    Watching "Medusa" now. I think it's funny how they change the name of the T to the "M" (the train), and how the guy in charge of the subway sounds like a Kennedy when he speaks.

  13. #673
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Watching "Medusa" now. I think it's funny how they change the name of the T to the "M" (the train), and how the guy in charge of the subway sounds like a Kennedy when he speaks.
    Oh man, you watched Roadrunners already. I love that episode. Its the best in season 8 and probably the best out of all Doggett and Reyes Era episodes.

  14. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Oh man, you watched Roadrunners already. I love that episode. Its the best in season 8 and probably the best out of all Doggett and Reyes Era episodes.
    That was a good one, that town was creepy af. I kind of wish they explained the Jesus slug a little better.

    I really like Doggett. Kind of a shame he wasn't given better material. Haven't reached the Reyes episode yet.

  15. #675
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    for some reason, sarah always called doggett "rockerfeller" when we watched his episodes. no idea why but it always made me laugh.

    also, robert patrick is fucking great. and annabeth gish as reyes is great, too.

  16. #676
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    Good interview with Robert Patrick, talks about his career and work on The X Files.

  17. #677
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    Could someone please explain "Existence" to me?

    So Scully is hiding in order to give birth, but she is found anyway by the super solders and then they just leave? It made no sense to me at all.

  18. #678
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    So I'm about 1/3rd done with Season Nine, and it's not as bad as I was expecting it to be. I'm not sold on the super solders, but it's not that lame. I think that most of the stand-alone episodes are pretty good, I rather liked "Lord of the Flies." But to me, it feels more like a spin-off of The X Files rather than the 9th season. Honestly, they could have stopped after season 7, but I'm still enjoying these for the most part.

  19. #679
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Could someone please explain "Existence" to me?

    So Scully is hiding in order to give birth, but she is found anyway by the super solders and then they just leave? It made no sense to me at all.
    It's explained in the original series finale (The Truth). Sorta. Just watched it yesterday myself.

    Super Soldiers arc could've been better if half of it wasn't actually Scully's Super Baby arc.

  20. #680
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    Whatever you think of season 10, this scene is awesome. Makes me want to go to a country bar and dance.

  21. #681
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    Seasons 10 & 11 were rock solid. I loved nearly everything about them. Mulder’s acid trip was brilliant. Of *course* he needs to drop acid to solve the riddle! And squeezing in the cameo that way was clever. The only bits I didn’t like were the bookends for season 10, which means I didn’t mind 11’s opening pissing all over them. The sex, the blatant (and self aware) mini-mulder/scully, the closing arc of season 11 story- wise, the ludicrous OTT action bit, all were top notch.

    Edit: How could I forget Mr Chuckle Teeth, which completely nailed the classic monster of the week format.
    Last edited by jmtd; 07-02-2020 at 02:22 AM.

  22. #682
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    I've just started season 11 and one thing that I really don't like is Reyes now working for The Smoking Man, it just seems totally out of character. I think the Reyes from seasons 8/9 would have rather died than align herself with him.

  23. #683
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    Any thoughts on the shows Milenium or The Lone Gunman?

  24. #684
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    Finally done with the series and am going to watch Millennium now.

    The season 11 finale, My Struggle IV was indeed very anticlimactic. The whole build up to the global pandemic, and it's not really resolved at all.

    And wtf happened to Reyes? A major protagonist just suddenly becomes a henchmen of the main villian? I really liked her in seasons 8/9 and I hate what they did to the character and how they killed her off.

    I otherwise liked seasons 10 and 11.

  25. #685
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    For me, Millennium was always 100x better than silly X-Files. :-) The opening credits, "wait... worry... who cases..." (or "the time is near...") - amazing. And "final" episode 23 season 2, "The time is now" - wow, what on earth was that.

  26. #686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance242 View Post
    For me, Millennium was always 100x better than silly X-Files. :-) The opening credits, "wait... worry... who cases..." (or "the time is near...") - amazing. And "final" episode 23 season 2, "The time is now" - wow, what on earth was that.
    I'm only a few episodes in but am enjoying it. Definitely darker than TXF.

  27. #687
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    I remember thinking the pilot episode was awesome and super creepy, but I haven't seen it in 24 years, so I don't remember much and have no idea how well it holds up after all this time. I'd consider rewatching some of it, but I have no idea where to watch it legally and I've don't really download torrents anymore.

  28. #688
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I remember thinking the pilot episode was awesome and super creepy, but I haven't seen it in 24 years, so I don't remember much and have no idea how well it holds up after all this time. I'd consider rewatching some of it, but I have no idea where to watch it legally and I've don't really download torrents anymore.
    I'm a few episodes in and it's funny to see dial-up Internet, pagers with NIN and White Zombie blaring in the background--very 90's.

  29. #689
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I've just started season 11 and one thing that I really don't like is Reyes now working for The Smoking Man, it just seems totally out of character. I think the Reyes from seasons 8/9 would have rather died than align herself with him.
    Fun fact: it was meant to be Marita Covarrubias, but they couldn’t get Laurie Holden.

  30. #690
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I'm a few episodes in and it's funny to see dial-up Internet, pagers with NIN and White Zombie blaring in the background--very 90's.
    If you don't mind me asking, how are you watching them? Did you download the series or do you own DVDs or something? To my knowledge, they aren't on any of the streaming platforms.

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