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Thread: 2022.05.01 Franklin, TN @ FirstBank Amphitheater

  1. #1
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    2022.05.01 Franklin, TN @ FirstBank Amphitheater

    Great show! Set list was fuggin killer

  2. #2
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    Plenty of great surprises in that show, mostly The Line Begins To Blur, which I missed for a long time, and The Big Come Down!
    I was glad to finally see a little Bad Witch show up in sets, Shit Mirror is so much fun with Robin singing lead! All in all, I think Raleigh was my favourite show from this first batch, but this one had enough surprise to make me consider going to Philly!

    Also, that was to be expected, but the silver lining of the entire place selling out due to scalpers meant I had pretty much the entire second row of 204 all to myself! I was surprised so few people moved up because there were tons of empty seats all around. I got to stand up and have so much space to move, it felt almost like a private concert.

    If I don’t end up going to Philly, then next one would be Red Rocks!

  3. #3
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    Set list was solid tonight. Thrilled to get The Line Begins to Blur — huge favorite. Heresy again, too! Echoplex! The Big Come Down! Suck! I constantly was gasping with excitement when I heard the first few beats and picked up on what was about to play.

    I don’t usually go all weepy at concerts, but my eyes got watery when they began Even Deeper. That one holds so much personal meaning for me, but I didn’t expect my own reaction to it. Everyone I spoke to afterwards said they felt the same.

    This venue was very nice, new, someone told me it only opened last August. And they did something unusual in that when we came in, everyone that was ticketed and banded for the pit was held back in groups of 10-15 or so. Then they would walk each group through and down to the pit. I made a break for it when we first got in, and a security guy from the venue stopped me and told me to wait. He said “I promise you’re gonna like the way we do this better, it keeps people from running and tripping each other up and fighting to get in.” I kind of rolled my eyes, but waited politely with the group, thinking my chance at getting up front at the rail was definitely shot, and then when they brought us down — yep, it was better the way they did this. Rail wide open. No one running to push you out of the way for the same place. Then the staff & security were all super nice. Handing out waters, asking if anyone needed anything. The 17 year old first timer kid next to me said he didn’t have earplugs before Boy Harsher went on, and security went and found him some. Just all around was a great experience there. I don’t know how the crowd or anything else was like behind me all night, but 10/10 I’d go there again.

    This was a great run of shows, I’m really happy we were able to do. Think Raleigh was my favorite of these first three, energy-wise, but the setlist tonight was excellent. I feel a lot of emotions at getting to see NIИ live again after the last few years. I’m happy to have seen a bunch of familiar faces & meet some new ones. I’m going to miss out on Philly & the other festival dates this month, but I’ll see y’all in September!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    It’s a shame that isn’t the standard playbook for PIT events for other venues. It was much better than I expected and certainly a gem if you’re a local.

    I was seated on the right side of the stage and had a great time (but I’m still holding a grudge for TM’s bullshit pre-sale). The set was a brilliant compliment to Raleigh (since I skipped Shaky Knees). I really enjoyed TLBTB and Heresy was a definite treat!

    I was ill prepared for a return to concert going (no camping chair, hotel so far from the venue, etc.) but I promise to have my shit together for Philly.

  5. #5
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    Got home a few hours ago. Well what can I say finally got Heresy, I don't know if anything matters more than that,lol. Over all it was a great set. I tried my best not to see spoilers but that didn't work the best. Was kinda hoping another really rare song in the mix but finally got to see The BIG Comedown also witch is a long time favorite. I got the feeling a time or two that maybe my expectations were too high since I don't write the setlist. But really I'm just fourtunate to have head most of those songs before and it's always gonna be hard to follow the Dec. 1 2018 Vegas show. This show kicked ass my only real complaint is The Lovers was a vibe killer after Less Than, I just thought it was weird in-between that and Heresy. It should have been paired with another softer song. The area I stayed in at Berry Farms was fucking great and easy to get to and from the concert, I would definitely love to see NIN there again and didn't even mind the 1,000 mile round trip. Till next time my friends.
    Last edited by bryan_NIN65; 05-02-2022 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #6
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    First time husband and I didnt get pit, vibe was different in the stands but still an awesome experience! Copy of A with the lighting effects was awesome to witness being able to see the whole stage and was a highlight for me. Heresy, Echoplex, and Even Deeper were pleasant surprises. Rocking out to the classic favorites was, as always, a head banging time.

    I would have preferred Wish after Pinion instead of Terrible Lie. I felt like some parts of the show had a weird flow. Agree on the Lovers being placed oddly.

    Was surprised there was posters for sale and was glad to snag one and a broken jacket. Venue was beautiful and I hadn't realized it was just built last year. Makes sense, since traffic was atrocious getting out on those very narrow roads. Wasn't too upset about it though, husband and I chatted about the show while waiting the hour to be able to leave. Great time overall, so grateful they decided to play within driving distance for me.

  7. #7
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    It was a really good show; I'd missed going to concerts. It was interesting to see the lighting/effects with the stripped down production. They still managed to get the frenetic shadow duplication during Copy of A and the raster line for Echoplex.

    The yelp reviews were spot on about the parking situation... I ended up chatting with people either inside the venue or outside in the parking lot for an hour before I tried to leave. It's not a good sign when the locals show up with lawn chairs so that they can sit comfortably in the parking lot after a show waiting for the parking lot to clear out.

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