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Thread: 2022.05.22 Daytona Beach, FL @ Welcome to Rockville

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    2022.05.22 Daytona Beach, FL @ Welcome to Rockville

    I assume the venue looked like this tonight:

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    I assume the venue looked like this tonight:

    No that was Ministry’s set. Fortunately weather held out for NIN. Unfortunately more festival BS happened and NIN had a fairly lengthy tech delay near the beginning of the set. Otherwise they had a great show.

  3. #3
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    This show was aggressive as hell and I loved it. TR was a cool cucumber though even if freaking out with respect to the technical delays.
    We got *two* guitar throws though! :-D

    I walked in at 8pm, found a spot with the rail at my back to the right of the soundboard facing the stage. I was able to see the stage pretty well and had a lovely breeze to help make it through the humidity. Happy to have seen my friend @HeckyDee who I must give props to for managing to get through all four days of the fest, through the heat, humidity, and weather cancellations! I spent my time over the same four days inside waiting in one line or another at Megacon. :-) Then after got to say hello/goodbye as usual to @ninlive and @zeegrizzle . It was funny after the show to simply look across the T-bone and see them over there.

    Shout out to :
    - the young man who moved over and let me stand on the rail after I asked if it was ok to reach out now and then and grab it as I have wobble now in my old age; by the last few songs there was tons of space there as people left/moved
    - the merch booth lady who sold me a WTR poster while they were taking down one of the merch booths
    - the young man who took my photo in front of the TDS giant banner box
    - the parking staff who got me parked!
    - all of you kind ninnies who prayed to your deities/ketchup so there was no further weather issues :-D

    Favourite moments in no particular order:
    - the delay, sorry NIN!
    - TR asking the crowd if they went to see KISS and if they enjoyed the show, then reminiscing about dressing up as KISS when he was (I think) 12
    - Reptile (I luf u so much), TPD, MSD opener, piggy (I turned to rest my arm on the rail and saw Perry Farrell having an enjoy), shit mirror (yay robin), and burn
    - Ilan's drumming solo on TPD as always
    - NOBODY in the crowd around me started yelling 'hail satan'

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