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Thread: SM Rollinger

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    SF, SD
    49 Post(s)

    SM Rollinger

    This will be the thread for the results of my musical journey. I hope you enjoy and if you don't feel free to leave some constructive criticism because that's how I am going to learn and grow.

    I'm not sure what to call this besides electronic. Most of what I end up gravitating towards, sound wise, isn't surprising given my influences. This is from a jam session last night, a hybrid of techno/industrial/beat driven noise and samples from the greatest villain ever to grace the screen. I mainly used my DFAM patched into the Streaga w/ C/R/D and my RD-6/8/9 sub mixed and sent through a MF-101 and also chorus-ed. (Thanks to Wynonna for the video footage with her catnip banana!)

    (This is obviously different from my concert archiving project, The Industrial Retrospective)
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 07-08-2022 at 09:36 AM.

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