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Thread: Interview With the Vampire/Vampire Chronicles (AMC)

  1. #1
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    Interview With the Vampire/Vampire Chronicles (AMC)

    I'll be damned: it's happening, and SOON.

    Pray to the Blood Gods that it's decent.
    I think AMC acquired the rights to ALL of the Vampire Chronicles AND the Mayfair Witches series.

    Good god I hope this is nice, for Anne's sake, if nothing else.

    I dig Creole Louis Pointe Du Lac, but is our new Mr. Lioncourt meant to be...Swedish?

    Last edited by elevenism; 08-03-2022 at 01:57 AM.

  2. #2
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    Well. That looks pretty bad. Hopefully it's just a bad trailer but I have no faith.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    Well. That looks pretty bad. Hopefully it's just a bad trailer but I have no faith.
    DON'T SAY IT. The first rule of IWTV trailer is you don't TALK about IWTV trailer.

    Honestly though, yeah. Fuck.

    Anne and Christopher were WRITING THE SCRIPTS for the Hulu series.
    I kind of assume that they didn't get to do that, here?

    I noticed one thing right off the bat: THIS shit isn't set in the 18th century. It looks a whole hell of a lot.more like the 20th.

    I'm an Anne Rice, have-read-every-fucking-book INCLUDING her pro Catholic manifesto, die hard.
    Idk. I'll even take mid grade.

    I wonder if Anne couldn't get creative control and sold the rights, though, for her.descendents.

    ALSO, one bad season MIGHT not be the end of the whole shit. There's SOOO much fine content, from QOTD, to Blood and Gold, to.Vitorrio, to Merrick.
    Mayfair Witches is already in production. A LOT of shows open with a not-so-great first season.
    But good god. Anne's been trying to get The Witching Hour going for.actual DECADES. Her vision was more like Masterpiece Theater.

    Anyway, I'm rambling.
    But MY fear is that this shit flops, because AMC is spending every second dime on TWD TVU, and they think they can sell cheaply made "vampire shit" without having to like...how you say...WORK very hard on it?
    And they sell the fucking rights to someone else, and we Anne Rice Devotees pray we make it to 2040 for the next attempt.

    Bottom line? It will be great, goddamnit. Fucking stunning. :/

  4. #4
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    I hope it will be, elevenism. I’ve been waiting for this series ever since it was first announced (2, 3 years ago?). Doesn’t look great judging by that first trailer, but I’ll watch it regardless and hope for the best. There’s a lot riding on a successful season 1, in terms of subsequent books getting adapted, and I fear we’ll miss our chance to get an adaptation of QOTD if season 1 flops…

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    Already renewed for a second season -


  6. #6
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    weird thing with Interview is, the movie is so homoerotic it's distracting, because it doesn't address it. The book isn't, but that original movie isn't bad, but it did not do the book justice.

    I hope I don't sound homophobic here... like if they would just fuck already, cool. But instead they just flirt for two hours. And that's not what the book is like at ALL. And I can appreciate the film for what it was, but it is not a proper representation of the novel at all.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    weird thing with Interview is, the movie is so homoerotic it's distracting, because it doesn't address it. The book isn't, but that original movie isn't bad, but it did not do the book justice.

    I hope I don't sound homophobic here... like if they would just fuck already, cool. But instead they just flirt for two hours. And that's not what the book is like at ALL. And I can appreciate the film for what it was, but it is not a proper representation of the novel at all.
    Let us remember that Anne herself WROTE the movie.
    And I know what you mean about the homoerotic nature of the film, but I THINK she was trying to imply the intense eroticism inherent in her entire vampire mythos.

    The blood IS the fucking. Remember in Tale of the Body Thief, how disappointed Lestat was with human sex? The blood has, in fact, been the fucking and sucking since Bram Stoker, imho.

    And Anne used SUCH flowery, poetic, explicit language to REPEATEDLY explain that the blood drinking was SO magnificently sexually transcendental, that it made fucking pedestrian and pointless: it was BENEATH them.
    And, this eroticism was shared between companions of the same sex, AND the opposite sex.
    Hell. Lestat drank the blood of Sexy Jesus on the road to his crucifixion in Memnoch the Devil.

    Which brings me to my fear for the show: the reviews are in, and everything I've read calls it top notch.
    I LOVE Creole Louis and Claudia. I love GAY Louis. I don't mind the time jump.

    BUT, apparently, Lestat and Louis do quite a bit of fucking.
    And for me, that takes AWAY from the majesty and transcendent eroticism for this pantheon of characters.
    I hope it doesn't fuck the show up for me. I'm currently trying to find out what hardcore Rice fans like myself are saying regarding this subject.

    Edit: seriously @Jinsai , think of the plot plot points of the book. Lestat doesn't want Louis to leave him, so he creates Claudia, to keep their, ahem, friendship together? They're co-parenting a child after several decades of spending ALL of their time together, in a toxic marriage of sorts.
    And, remember Claudia fearing that Louis will leave HER...for Armand?
    The book features seduction and lover's quarrels, and a love triangle between three men, and that's ASIDE from the subtext of the blood.
    I'd say it's fairly homoerotic.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-04-2022 at 07:14 PM.

  8. #8
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    maybe I need to read it again, it's been a long time

  9. #9
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    Reviews have been really good, I need to check it out. I absolutely loved the movie.

  10. #10
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    What did folks think of this?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by muad'nin View Post
    What did folks think of this?
    My wife and I really liked it. I loved the movie like I had said previously and the writing/acting are fantastic IMO. I feel like it needs a bigger budget but maybe that's just nitpicking.

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