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Thread: NIN Fan Day Sept 23 with live Q&A at Rock Hall

  1. #91
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    That so great. If not for Danny, there would have been so many awkward silences of nothing. He's very captivating. Trent's coat was magnificent. Reminded me of that era where they wore a uniform, very similar shade of blue.

    Dr. Pants ��

  2. #92
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    Just got to the area and watched the recording, looks like it was a great time for folks who made it! Can't wait for the show. Anybody know if the Rock Hall will still have merch, or if these will be available at Blossom tomorrow?

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroisGreg View Post
    I'm wondering if Danny has Parkinson's....kinda feel bad for him.
    I haven't watched it yet, but Danny did just tour with Billy Howerdel, so I'm guessing he's well enough to perform.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by tucker973 View Post
    Anybody know if the Rock Hall will still have merch, or if these will be available at Blossom tomorrow?
    All that merch will be at the show tomorrow.

  5. #95
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    Danny is a lovely, sweet man. I think he's just shy a bit and he's overcoming that by being clownish. So great to see Chris, Richard and Charlie there.

    Alessandro, dear, the pandemic was hard on you. Still love you, though.

  6. #96
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    Finally got a chance to watch the Q&A. As an older fan, just got emotional seeing all these guys who were part of a band that has meant so much to me over the decades. So glad they got a chance to get together and share their experiences as a member of NIN (and to be celebrated for their contributions). I just feel gratitude for what they each brought (or continue to bring) to this band. Much love, and respect, to all of them.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    guess Jerome is still banished.
    I don't think he is. It's just he's sort of a recluse, or so it seems from his social media presence (or should I say absence) and he barely releases any music. His most recent discogs credits are from 2013 when he did a couple of c-movie scores and that's it. Trent had many fallouts with past members, including people who were in stage yesterday.
    Also maybe he's considered by TR or RRHOF (or whoever sent the invitations) less important member than everyone attending. Atticus is the only member on stage yesterday who played less shows with NIN than Jerome, everyone else played more. I don't believe that's the reason, but just saying.

  8. #98
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    It makes me sad that Aaron North has disappeared pretty much. Understandable given his mental health issues. The show I saw with him in NIN was incredible. That guy was a force of nature onstage & a fantastic guitar player. I used to really like Icarus Line, too. I know he's a blip on the overall scheme of NIN but I thought he at least deserved a mention here.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    It makes me sad that Aaron North has disappeared pretty much. Understandable given his mental health issues. The show I saw with him in NIN was incredible. That guy was a force of nature onstage & a fantastic guitar player. I used to really like Icarus Line, too. I know he's a blip on the overall scheme of NIN but I thought he at least deserved a mention here.
    He’s been doing better, he does stand up now - https://instagram.com/generic_prescriptions

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpiusdiamond View Post
    He’s been doing better, he does stand up now - https://instagram.com/generic_prescriptions
    Thanks for the info. Good to see he's doing better. That article in Spin years ago was harrowing & I hadn't seen anything since then.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I don't think he is. It's just he's sort of a recluse, or so it seems from his social media presence (or should I say absence) and he barely releases any music. His most recent discogs credits are from 2013 when he did a couple of c-movie scores and that's it. Trent had many fallouts with past members, including people who were in stage yesterday.
    Also maybe he's considered by TR or RRHOF (or whoever sent the invitations) less important member than everyone attending. Atticus is the only member on stage yesterday who played less shows with NIN than Jerome, everyone else played more. I don't believe that's the reason, but just saying.
    True about Atticus live, but he's been TR's studio partner since the recording of With Teeth, so he's been more involved with NIN than many of the people on the stage yesterday (not to mention the score work). Just saying I don't think you can look at it solely on stage time. I think the thing about Jerome is that he and Trent had a bit of a public "feud" after he was let go. I do wonder if he and TR have even spoken since then. It seemed at the time that for Trent, it was a business decision to let him go from the tour, and Jerome took it personally. Anyway, he and Richard Patrick are probably on par with stage time and studio contributions, but it's been clear for years that TR and RP are friends. Heck, Josh Freese probably played more shows that Jerome did.

    It's really nice to see Charlie up there, since he was definitely very involved between 1994 and 2000. I was just watching Closure the other night and was reminded that Charlie was doing what Atticus was doing in the studio for Natural Born Killers and probably The Perfect Drug and The Fragile since he has writing credits on those.

  12. #102
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    I am still on cloud nin(e) from yesterday.

  13. #103
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  14. #104
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    Edit: You know what, on second thought I'd rather not bring this up here.
    Last edited by Endlessly; 09-26-2022 at 08:59 AM.

  15. #105
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    that was really good to see all these guys together, it's amazing how some of them never played together yet seem to know and respect each other so well, some stories they must have to tell...
    Funny how Trent said a few times "no secrets" or something to that effect, there's gotta be a bunch of stories from the 90s that are of limits

  16. #106
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    I know this sounds crazy, but the whole "nin BAND" idea is still kind of jarring to me, even though t-rex obviously didn't make TDS alone.

    But I was young as hell, and he sure kept that TR Is NIN and NIN is TR thing going for a hot minute: at.least long enough for it to lodge itself permanently in my young brain.

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    Why does lohner always look like he just snorted a rail of coke off a strippers ass lol
    Do you have any friends from Texas, who do, maybe, a LITTLE speed or coke? Like, perhaps to loosen up at a party, or prepare for an engagement of some sort?
    I DO, and, yeah.

    That's all I'm gonna say.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-25-2022 at 06:37 AM.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroisGreg View Post
    I'm wondering if Danny has Parkinson's....kinda feel bad for him.
    He does have some kind of nerve disorder. I believe he discussed it on the Cevin Key Patreon. He most definitely is not on drugs and it is kind of rude that people suggest that. Trent would not be having him if that was the case. I personally loved his energy in the room full of pretty subdued people. I like how he isn't afraid to give his old boss shit where as the current members don't seem to want to touch that!

  19. #109
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    This was exciting, surreal, and a lot of fun to see these guys all share the stage and listen to them talk! I watched the Q&A live in my friend's back seat while we were road-tripping to Green Bay, WI for a Ghost concert and I was pleasantly surprised to see Rich and Charlie walk out when the host/moderator was announcing/introducing the band members. I had kind of expected everyone who was inducted to be present for this, but it was great to see those two be included and get some recognition. I do get the feeling that Trent gets a little nervous whenever Danny starts talking, like if anyone up there is going to spill any beans and reveal something he'd rather they didn't, it's going to be him.

  20. #110
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    Is it me or does Chris Vrenna's signature look like it says "CLAVIC"?


  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Is it me or does Chris Vrenna's signature look like it says "CLAVIC"?

    I was wondering about that too. His old signatures from the Self Destruct days do not look like that.

  22. #112
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    So when I was looking at all the plaques of the artists that have been inducted I noticed The Cure had 10 names on theirs including Robert Smith's. Why is it they got 10 and NIN only got 7?

    I think we should get a petition going to make the Hall amend NIN's induction to include Richard and Charlie b/c this whole number of people in a band getting in is complete BS.

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by SIR.LONDONCLEANLILY View Post
    He does have some kind of nerve disorder. I believe he discussed it on the Cevin Key Patreon. He most definitely is not on drugs and it is kind of rude that people suggest that. Trent would not be having him if that was the case. I personally loved his energy in the room full of pretty subdued people. I like how he isn't afraid to give his old boss shit where as the current members don't seem to want to touch that!
    That's all well and good, but I mean...WHAT nerve disorder?

    I've a specific nerve disorder, and TWO larger diseases/conditions that affect my nerves.

    Dude I'm just calling it like I see it.
    I'm trying to NOT be disrespectful.

    But as someone who worked in skilled nursing facilities for YEARS (as in I've seen and treated every neurological disorder under the sun), and who has ALSO been involved in, and around people, using certain substances, since the nineties...well...

    Look. If he has undisclosed Parkinson's, yeah. Fuck me, then.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-26-2022 at 04:54 PM.

  24. #114
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    Also, we're saying that Trent doesn't spend time with people.who use substances?

    I hate to.get into personal bullshit, but, that's not how sobriety works.

    It's not 'oh god I can't be around you if you're drinking' or whatever the fuck.

    Note that Mariqueen was blatantly and obviously drinking wine at her WEDDING.

    Recovered people.don't shun people.who still.drink and take drugs, usually.

  25. #115
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    This conversation is starting to get a little uncomfortable to read y’all. Maybe let’s not speculate about someone’s health conditions.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpiusdiamond View Post
    This conversation is starting to get a little uncomfortable to read y’all. Maybe let’s not speculate about someone’s health conditions.
    Say less.

    I'm done.

  27. #117
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    When can Trent loosen up and not be so serious all the time? I notice he smiles at other people telling funny stories, but can't bring himself to add much. He knows ALL the NIN stories, but I don't want him to be the guy who writes the memoir.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    When can Trent loosen up and not be so serious all the time? I notice he smiles at other people telling funny stories, but can't bring himself to add much. He knows ALL the NIN stories, but I don't want him to be the guy who writes the memoir.
    He has always had that reclusive, “less is more” personality. Very careful and articulate with how he presents himself. I imagine he does loosen up, only around a select few people he completely trusts and is comfortable around. Hell, even him smiling all the time is a big improvement compared to how he used to be.

    He strikes me as the type to really let loose once he gets to know you and respects you. He’s had to deal with a lot of shitty people/personalities throughout his career. Plus he has a wicked sense of humour, so you know he’s holding back.

  29. #119
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    It's his persona and nothing wrong with that compared to where is coming from. As much as I love my picture wall from the TDS era I'm glad Trent has grown up just as I have over the years. Plus, I loved hearing Charlie, Danny, Robin and Chris talk a little more. You don't really get that often these days and I did enjoy them having a little fun on stage spilling some memories from the crazy times they were together.

    Was that Q&A super insightful? No! But it was a big fan service and I really do hope we get some more footage from the show. I just love being a NIN fan for these special occasions alone. Every now and then the NIN camp is offering some really exciting and fun stuff. And it sure did get me hooked onto listening to the older records again and rewatching AATCHB yesterday night and I did enjoy it just as much as when I first saw it!

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Also maybe he's considered by TR or RRHOF (or whoever sent the invitations) less important member than everyone attending. Atticus is the only member on stage yesterday who played less shows with NIN than Jerome, everyone else played more. I don't believe that's the reason, but just saying.
    It's funny; I was thinking about whether I felt like anyone was missing, and I couldn't think of anyone who fits the bill quite as well as the nine guys on stage. I figured being an on-stage member of the band must be a prerequisite, or else someone like Alan Moulder could be in the mix.

    But of course, of the on-stage people, many of them have just been hired guns. Even Aaron North, who gets mentioned a lot, was just a live member for one (albeit extended) tour cycle. Josh Freese lasted a bit longer, but Ilan, Alessandro, and (obviously) Robin have been around for 10+ years. And over those 10 years, NIN hasn't released a ton of music, so the live show has kind of taken precedence as the main Nine Inch Nails "experience" or whatever you want to call it.

    And if you look at Wikipedia's live member chart, Danny, Charlie, Chris, and Jerome are the only ones with that kind of longevity. But then add to that the fact that Chris and Richard were there at the beginning, and Danny and Charlie were actively involved in helping to craft the actual music during their tenures.

    So I think Jerome qualifies in both those regards, being a live member for a number of years and being involved in actually making the music (Ilan has yet to play a single note on a Nine Inch Nails record, right?), but you can also see how he maybe just falls short of the mark, neither being an original member nor a current one. Charlie's kind of in that same boat, but he's such a huge part of the sound of NIN during their most notable era, so he just feels a bit more on the essential side.

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