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Thread: 2022.09.09 Bend, OR @ Hayden Homes Amphitheater

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    2022.09.09 Bend, OR @ Hayden Homes Amphitheater

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
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    Fantastic show last night. I'm so glad I kept going after Troutdale. I think that was the best summer venue I've been to. Very nice & super well organized. The band was on & Trent commented how nice it was. Perfect night. I got three of my favorites that I didn't get in Portland. Something I Can Never Have, The Wretched & Somewhat Damaged. Show started with March of the Pigs which is a first. Banging way to start! I've got a long ass drive back to Seattle today, will post more later.
    Last edited by chuckrh; 09-10-2022 at 07:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN
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    This was my 12th NIN show and the third show I attended this year (Red Rocks night 1 and Edgefield being the others). There weren't any songs in this setlist I hadn't seen before, but it was a strong setlist, nonetheless! Busting into March of the Pigs right out of the gate was unexpected and got the crowd dialed up to 11 right away! I found a spot 20-25 people from the stage right in the center while Yves Tumor was still performing and waited there until NIN came on. Literally 2 seconds before the lights went out and they came onstage, a guy standing two people to my right exploded projectile vomit into the ground and the person standing in front of him, so that was wild! As soon as he was done, he stumbled away and NIN came on, so the crowd started that push toward the stage and I made sure to avoid that area like the plague, but you know people were stomping and moshing in it all night (gross!!). A few songs in, I probably got closer than I'd ever been at a NIN show (2 or 3 people from the Stage), which was pretty amazing and exciting. Something I can Never Have was a welcome surprise, as I'd only seen them play that once before (Riot Fest 2017) and that sexy version of Sanctified never gets old. The Becoming is one of my all-time favorite NIN songs and I'd only seen it once before (in Chicago in 2018), so I loved every second of that, too! The Perfect Drug is another one of my all-time favs and I got to see it at all three shows this year, so that was awesome every time! Me, I'm Not was another pleasant surprise. I'd seen it once back on the Lights in the Sky tour, but it's been a while. I saw Heresy at Edgefield, but it was definitely nice to see that again, as I'd never seen it before this year. What an amazing string of shows! They were all a blast in unique ways and while I'm thrilled I was able to go and nothing (like getting COVID or the shows being cancelled, etc.) came up to ruin my plans, I'm hoping they do more touring in 2023! I need MORE!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The tape of this show on ninlive is amazing!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I sent an email to the customer service manager of the amphitheater thanking her for a bunch of help she gave me when I got a last minute ticket & needed ADA. She totally took care of me. Also told her how great I thought the venue was. Evidently, Trent made a great impression on the staff there. She said he was amazing & she was still excited from the show along with the rest of the staff. Before the show she had said NIN was the biggest show of their season. You can hear Trent comment on how much he liked the venue on the tape. I'd go back there in a heartbeat for a band I liked.

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