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Thread: Live (the band)

  1. #31
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    "Your Favourite Band Is Supertramp" was my introduction to AC, but that's off-topic.

    On track: I forgot about Tricky on "Simple Creed." That collab came out of nowhere.

  2. #32
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    Anyone heard of The Gracious Few? It's basically Live with Kevin Martin (of Candlebox) as the lead singer. I have the album but haven't listened to it yet.

    Probably would have sold a few million if it were released in 1996.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Anyone heard of The Gracious Few? It's basically Live with Kevin Martin (of Candlebox) as the lead singer. I have the album but haven't listened to it yet.

    Probably would have sold a few million if it were released in 1996.
    Couple of good songs on it

  4. #34
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    Listening to the first Live album, Mental Jewelry, for the first time. Really cool album. It's like R.E.M. meets The Doors, with a touch of Jane's.

  5. #35
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    Mental Jewelry is a GREAT record.

    I love everything these guys put out up until Birds of Pray..from there is just went downhill. Band drama/lawsuits aside haha.

    Been following the most recent drama on Instagram where Ed said Chad (lead guitarist) was kicked out by the rest of the band...and I guess he is back in? lol. Really hate when bands put their dirty laundry on social.

  6. #36
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    "Mental Jewelry" and "Throwing Copper" are basically flawless, the rest of their career, not so much...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    Mental Jewelry is a GREAT record.

    I love everything these guys put out up until Birds of Pray..from there is just went downhill. Band drama/lawsuits aside haha.

    Been following the most recent drama on Instagram where Ed said Chad (lead guitarist) was kicked out by the rest of the band...and I guess he is back in? lol. Really hate when bands put their dirty laundry on social.
    Ed is the only original member.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Ed is the only original member.

    Negative -- Ed, Chad, Chad, and Patrick are all the original line up. They started the band together in York. That line up goes back to their pre-Live band Public Affection -- has always been that way except when they sued Ed and brought in a new singer, Chris Shinn for one album.

    EDIT: Ohhhh @GulDukat, I see what you are saying.. you mean Ed is the only original member left (my bad)... I didnt realize the rest of the band quit recently. Just knew Chat was fired "by the rest of the band". Ha. Woof... what a mess.

    Last edited by Reznor2112; 11-08-2022 at 05:04 PM.

  9. #39
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    Who Destroyed Live?

    From Rolling Stone.

    WHEN IT COMES to Nineties alt-rock bands, Live falls somewhere between Matchbox 20 and Creed on the cool meter.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 02-19-2023 at 11:08 AM.

  10. #40
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    WHEN IT COMES to Nineties alt-rock bands, Live falls somewhere between Matchbox 20 and Creed on the cool meter. Even at the peak of their popularity, when they were packing arenas, critics had virtually no use for them. “Song after song depended on the same groove — soft verse, LOUD CHORUS,” read a typical concert review in a May 1995 issue of Rolling Stone. “But unlike, say, the Pixies’ blare, Live’s volume twiddling felt as predictable as a gag in a Jim Carrey movie.”
    In recent years, I've come to accept that the cork sniffing of the nineties was pretty fucking stupid. There's a lot of music I didn't listen to at the time because of the pervasive attitude above - "Despite their enormous popularity and success, these people aren't worth your time." How interesting that a couple of paragraphs later, it talks about the band bonding over Joy Division, The Cure, Depeche Mode - and later worked with a guy from Talking Heads. Those dudes in Live would have been on ETS if ETS was a thing back then.

    What a shit show of an article though. Not the writing, but the content - just so much typical late 20th century entertainment industry predator drama. I'm still friends online with a photographer from the York Daily Record, and occasionally he posts something about this sort-of incubation space that was being put together by the dudes from live sans Ed. It was initially charming to see them trying to inject some energy back into ol' Shittown, but over the years, it just seemed to flap in the wind, and the whole concept is tangled up in lawsuits now. It's exhausting to read about.

    It's a real shame.

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