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Thread: El-P

  1. #61
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    jesus christ the beat on Tougher Colder

  2. #62
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    Some sure good songs, but too much storytelling/dialogue for my liking.

    The second half or so is the area lacking spark. The Jig Is Up is an exception.

  3. #63
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    I always really liked that appeal of his material, to be honest. For My Upstairs Neighbor and Me and You are two really awesome pieces at the tail-end of the album, although well behind the highlight of Oh Hail No/TCK.

    Did anyone happen to pick up the Killer Mike instrumentals by purchasing the Deluxe? I was too poor to afford it at the time. Haven't seen it floating anywhere, either, major disappointment.

  4. #64
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    New El-P/Killer Mike collab album is out now for free!

    Just go to and enter your e-mail.

  5. #65
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    ...and it's awesome.

    Do Dope Fuck Hope = production of the year?

  6. #66
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    Goddamn this shit is awesome. Might have to catch the Toronto show. $20 seems a ridiculously small price to pay to see these two go at it on stage.

  7. #67
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    I havent listened to El P in years, but upon downloading and attempting to make it thru the entire new Kanye West record, made me long for, and eventually listened to, the classic sounds of Fantastic Damage (and Aesop Rocks Bazooka Tooth. IMO 2 of the best hiphop albums ever recorded)

  8. #68
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    I really like Run the Jewels but it feels very similar to what was going on last year with "Cancer 4 Cure"....

    ...not that it's a horrible complaint, I liked that record a lot.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I really like Run the Jewels but it feels very similar to what was going on last year with "Cancer 4 Cure"....

    ...not that it's a horrible complaint, I liked that record a lot.

    I think if you took Killer Mike's R.A.P. Music, Cancer 4 Cure and Run The Jewels, whittled them down to 12 tracks... you could make 1 flawless record.

    Not that any of those albums are individually sub par.

  10. #70
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    Very glad they decided to make this album! A lot of the beats seemed to be rehashed from Cancer for Cure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. And for El-P, who usually releases an album once every 5 years or so, it's nice to see him come back into the forefront so quickly. They certainly make a great duo; it's lightning and thunder on a track together. El comes in with blazing speed and Mike cleans house with bombastic determination.

    Also, I hope an instrumental version appears sooner or later.

    Quote Originally Posted by exilajei View Post
    Goddamn this shit is awesome. Might have to catch the Toronto show. $20 seems a ridiculously small price to pay to see these two go at it on stage.
    Same here. I saw that they were touring together, but didn't think making a trip out-of-state to see them would be worth it. Then I saw the cheap ticket prices and was sold!

  11. #71
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    HOXTON TONIGHT! Who finna run the jewels with us?

  12. #72
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    why is Run the Jewels not on spotify??

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    why is Run the Jewels not on spotify??
    Why don't you just download it from their site? It's free.

  14. #74
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    Last night's show was EPIC. Kool AD from das Racist went on just after 9, then Despot did some of his new record and Mike & El did awesome individual sets, and then and only then: whole RtJ record front to back. We didn't split until after 1am, it was insanely good value for a $20 ticket.


  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Why don't you just download it from their site? It's free.
    A fair question, which is apparently why I got the facepalm.

    Here's why: I don't download music anymore. I pretty much only listen to music via spotify at my work computer (which I can't download files onto), or at home on my stereo, which is connected to spotify via home theater magic. I could theoretically download it to my computer and sync that up to my stereo at home, but that doesn't help me at work, which is where I do most of my listening.
    Last edited by screwdriver; 07-12-2013 at 12:46 PM.

  16. #76
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    Boo hoo, it's 2013 and I can't even download free things anymore! Call the whaaaambulance we need more tiny violins.

    This is a party album. It's a jump-around-laughing-like-an-idiot album. It's not something you should listen to on a fucking work computer.

    ps. I ordered the super-deluxe pack with the weed grinder!

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Boo hoo, it's 2013 and I can't even download free things anymore! Call the whaaaambulance we need more tiny violins.
    jesus man no need to be such a dick!

  18. #78
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    No need to be humourless, either. Spotify is the Costco of music. No indie artist will ever make a dime there with their fucked-up business model, so why not get fans to download music on your own site instead?
    Last edited by botley; 07-14-2013 at 12:16 PM.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    No need to be humourless, either. Spotify is the Costco of music. No indie artist will ever make a dime there with their fucked-up business model, so why not get fans to download music on your own site instead?
    I'm not quite sure what crawled up your ass.

    Nobody played a tiny violin or called the wahmbulance. I asked a question about why the album wasn't on Spotify and then, when you facepalmed, explained why I was interested. I get that you apparently have some gripe about Spotify's royalty scheme (which seems fair, except a) I'm a paid subscriber which actually pays pretty decently, especially considering I would never be buying/pirating/listening to even 5% of the music I'm listening to on it, and b) it's a free album), but, Jesus, get the fuck over yourself.

    Maybe you should go back to claiming to have written Kanye songs 10 years ago on Fruity Loops and then not posting them.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    I get that you apparently have some gripe about Spotify's royalty scheme (which seems fair, except a) I'm a paid subscriber which actually pays pretty decently, especially considering I would never be buying/pirating/listening to even 5% of the music I'm listening to on it, and b) it's a free album)
    I don't get how on earth Spotify would ever pay anyone "pretty decently" unless their songs got millions of plays on it. You aren't paying the artists you listen to with that subscription, you're paying the most popular 1% of artists (or rather, paying their labels/licensors). Does this address your question as to why the album isn't there? It does the artists no favours to self-license their music on Spotify.

    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    Maybe you should go back to claiming to have written Kanye songs 10 years ago on Fruity Loops and then not posting them.
    While you've succeeded in making me sound like a douche, in actual fact I didn't claim this in the Kanye thread or anywhere else.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post

    While you've succeeded in making me sound like a douche, in actual fact I didn't claim this in the Kanye thread or anywhere else.
    you're right, cool edit pro, I apologize

    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Agreed, except that I did better than this (or at least had the restraint to not ruin it with cringe-worthy vocal takes) in summer 2000, and was where I uploaded it. The backing track of "Black Skinhead" (screams and all) sounds EXACTLY like what I threw together in Cool Edit Pro 2.0 on my parents' desktop running Windows 98.

  22. #82
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    I didn't write the same track but produced something VERY similar... it's a long story but since it's tangentially related to the Spotify discussion... deleted the track when they were bought out by another company circa 2003, and I recycled part of that track into this one a couple of years later.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    I didn't write the same track but produced something VERY similar... it's a long story but since it's tangentially related to the Spotify discussion... deleted the track when they were bought out by another company circa 2003, and I recycled part of that track into this one a couple of years later.
    I saw that when you posted it before, and listened to it then, and don't hear anything to substantiate your claim.

    Listen, I've lost songs before too -- though from hard drive crashes, I didn't post my only copies to external websites -- so I get that that sucks. I just don't make subsequent claims that I previously wrote songs that sounded identical to what is now popular (and considered by some to be cutting edge) if I can't back it up. It's cheap, and that's what makes you look like a douche -- my help not required.

    As for Spotify, to take this marginally back on topic, I support the right of the artists not to participate in Spotify. But the flip side is that I'm just not going to hear their stuff because of my current setup, which I'm happy with. To trot out this tired argument, I've discovered literally dozens of new artists in the last week alone that I will now be going to their shows and buying their shit. My discretionary spending on music related stuff has, to be honest, exploded post-Spotify. I would not have listened to a lot of this before. I am not claiming to be everybody, or claiming that the "new model" works, or saying anything beyond my own experience.

  24. #84
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    Yes, my hard drive containing the original track crashed as well, I never knowingly put "the only copy" anywhere — again, long story, and not in any way related to El-P. Lesson learned! Nobody wants to look like a douche, especially when you're actually right and caught out for making a douchey argument.

    I don't manage El-P and there's no way to draw conclusions from correlative data; in my opinion, artists do not benefit from 'exposure' on Spotify any more than other streaming models that actually allow you to maybe collect a royalty some day. In the end they are all just methods of exploiting the on-demand appetite for music that has decimated the commodity-based model. But as a music artist I think you can still only make a buck by selling your own commodities directly.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    I don't manage El-P and there's no way to draw conclusions from correlative data; in my opinion, artists do not benefit from 'exposure' on Spotify any more than other streaming models that actually allow you to maybe collect a royalty some day. In the end they are all just methods of exploiting the on-demand appetite for music that has decimated the commodity-based model. But as a music artist I think you can still only make a buck by selling your own commodities directly.
    I agree with most of what you're saying, but the on-demand system didn't decimate the model alone. its just supply and demand: even without the on-demand ability for entertainment, it is now super cheap to make content, which historically has not been the case. As a result, there's an explosion of new music out there. Even if on-demand wasn't an option, the market would be way too fragmented for much money to be made.

    And I think that's the real issue: there just isn't that much money to go around, because the value of the information, the content, is so incredibly low.

    People still buy commodities, and its a good way to make money. I am accumulating way too much vinyl -- I always say I'm going to just get albums I really fall in love with, but thanks to the explosion of content, there seems to be more of these than ever.

    Maybe when I see El-P next, I'll pick up the album at the show. But, and all I can do is speak for me as a sample size of one, it would sure be a lot better if he was on Spotify. Even if the royalties from Spotify are so low as to be meaningless, it's still exposure for a free album, and I'm already following his twitter/facebook/whatever.

  26. #86
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    Haven't been around the forum in some time. But I am glad to see there's quite a few people around here who enjoyed Run The Jewels. It's definitely a nice time to be a fan of El-P, he's putting out an incredible amount of top-notch music one after another. This collaboration in particular I think is a way better pairing for El and Killer Mike. KM's solo album was real great, but there's a mutual respect combined with hearing the two of them top each other from verse to verse that's really impressive.

    And the whole album was just real fun. They stepped away from their normal talking points and just kind of put out a record full of fun shit-talking. I absolutely loved it.

  27. #87
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    New music video for Run the Jewels.
    36" Chains:

    I'm glad to see killums again.

  28. #88
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    El-P and Killer Mike, who together are Run The Jewels, released their excellent self-titled album earlier this year as a freebie via Brooklyn-based label Fools Gold. Now they’ve announced plans to re-issue the an expanded version of the album – featuring new songs and a remix by TV On The Radio’s Dave Sitek.
    The re-release will coincide with a short hop around Europe, with the duo covering Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK and France.
    Tour dates:
    20 Nov – Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark
    23 Nov – Rote Fabrik, Zurich, Switzerland
    25 Nov – Cannabis Cup, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    26 Nov – Brixton Electric, London, UK
    27 Nov – Pan Pipper, Paris, France

    BTW Co-Producer of Cancer 4 Cure, Little Shalimar is going to release a new album called emergency love and its sounds great so far check it out here.

  29. #89
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    Moving this here from the NIN-spotting:

    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    I absolutley love his mid-2000s work. Cutting edge, ground breaking and progressive stuff. You probably already have, but if you havent, check out Fantastic Damage and his album he produced for Aesop Rock, Bazooka Tooth. IMO, 2 of the best hip-hop albums of all time. His disc he did with Cannibal Ox is great too (cant remember the name of that one), as is 2 of his instrumental discs, Collecting the Kid, and the excellent High Water (that he did with The Blue Series Contimuum)
    Bazooka Tooth wasn't produced by EL (with the exception of "We're Famous", which is one of the weakest songs on there imo). But it came out on his Def Jux imprint and therefore he surely had some input there.

    Talking essential EL-P records, I'd suggest the following (in chronological order):

    Company Flow - Funcrusher Plus (1997): This is a rough edged underground rap album. His rapping and production aren't as sharp as today, but you'll catch glimpses of what was about to come later in his career. In "Last Good Sleep" this album featured the first song he touched personal topics upon with a story about how his mother got abused by his stepfather... a topic that appeared on later albums/songs as well.

    Company Flow - End To End Burners (1998): This is just a 12"/single featuring two new Co-Flow songs, but since they're exclusive to this release and also fuckin' rock I included them here. Both produced by EL as well and also the title track got an excellent video.

    Company Flow - Little Johny From The Hospitul (1999): An all instrumental effort recorded just after Bigg Jus left Co-Flow. They produced this partially to fulfill their record contract with Rawkus. This is also the album that got Trent hooked on EL's production.

    Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein (2001): The classic album EL produced in its entirety for rappers Vast Aire and Vordul Mega. This album is about life in the rotten apple from the perspective of two individuals witnessing crimes and murder, dealing with depression, all the while growing up on hiphop culture. This is a straight out masterpiece. Unfortunately those guys lost their shit in the years to follow and never recorded a proper follow up. They also fell out with EL...

    EL-P - Fantastic Damage (2002): The solo debut album. Infamous for its length, because EL crammed anything in there he could find. With almost 80 minutes of playtime, it caused him to never record an album over 60 minutes in length again. Featuring songs that initially were meant to be put on "Pain Cave", the never realised last album by Company Flow.

    Central Services - Forever Frozen In Television Time (2005): This EP is the only release by the duo consisting of EL and Camu Tao. EL's behind the boards here, only jumping behind the mic occasionally, while Camu is singing. Featuring a cover version of a Huey Lewis song as well as anthems about oxycontin and working for the government, this is a really druggy affair. Offered as a free download shortly after Camu passed away.

    EL-P - I'll Sleep When You're Dead (2007): The follow up. Now clocking in under 60 minutes. When news about features by Cat Power, The Mars Volta, Daryl Palumbo and Trent Reznor leaked, everybody got afraid, that this would turn into EL's "alternative" record. Fortunately he used those guest spots in the way the South Park guys do (Clooney voicing a dog, anyone?). In my opinion his best work to date.

    EL-P - Wereallgoingtoburninhellmeggamixxx2 (2008): Tour only disc featuring exclusive instrumentals, left overs from the ISWYD sessions and remixes (The Mars Volta, Jay-Z, The Doors). It's also notable for a song that appears to be an alternative take on the "Only" remix EL did for NIN. Also there's a song on there called "Fuck The Law" featuring the same lyrics EL would later put on C4C.

    EL-P - Wereallgoingtoburninhellmeggamixxx3 (2011): Another disc full of essential instrumentals. EL offered a free download of song "Lab Rat Escapes On Hoovercraft Just To Crash Outside Of Doors", which you might want to hunt down and put into your itunes folder of this album, because it's a great instrumental.

    EL-P - Cancer 4 Cure (2012): The third album we all know and love. I feel, he loosened up a bit on this one, which shows in the concepts for some of the songs. It features songs recorded between 2007 and 2012.

    Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music (2012): Enough said about this one in this thread already.

    EL-P & Killer Mike - Run The Jewels (2013): Also enough said about this one.

    Honorable mentions: EL-P - Wereallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx (2003): Notable for including a few Company Flow songs and demos from the never released "Pain Cave" album. EL-P - Collecting The Kid (2004): This one compiles instrumentals, random songs and soundtrack work EL did in the years prior. EL-P - High Water (2005): EL producing jazz musicians. Worth checking out for "Sunrise Over Bklyn" alone. Mr. Lif - I Phantom (2003): A fantastic concept album by this boston rapper where EL produced half of the tracks on. Mr. Lif - Mo' Mega (2006): The follow up by Lif, where EL produced most of the songs on. Cage - Hell's Winter (2005): Cage's debut for EL's Def Jux imprint. For the most part produced by EL & Camu Tao, while also featuring production by RJD2 and Dj Shadow a.o.

    Also, if you're a nerdy fan like me and can't get enough of EL's production, there are a lot of b-sides and productions outside of his own releases, that you might want to hunt down:

    Early Company Flow / Funcrusher Era:
    Company Flow - Juvenile Techniques (from "Juvenile Techniques" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Company Flow - Hit Me With That Shit (from "FuncrusherPlus" digital Reissue [2009] / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Company Flow - Corners (from "FuncrusherPlus" digital Reissue [2009] / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Company Flow - Info Kill (from "Info Kill" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Bigg Juss & EL / this one's notable for its use of Queens "Flash Gordon" score. The sample got changed for the release of "FuncrusherPlus")

    FuncrusherPlus / Pre - Fantastic Damage Era:
    Sir Menelik - Gametime (from "The Einstein Rosen Bridge" album / produced by EL, rapping by Menelik)
    Sir Menelik - Nightwork (from "The Einstein Rosen Bridge" album / produced by EL, rapping by Menelik)
    Indelible MC's - Weight (from "Lyricist Lounge Vol. 1" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Indelible MC's [Co-Flow & Friends])
    BMS - Mucho Stereo (from "Weight" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by BMS)
    Blackalicious - Deception Part 2: Turmoil (from "Deception" single / produced by EL, rapping by Gift Of Gab)
    Latyrx - Looking Over A City (from "Quannum Spectrum" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Latyrx & EL)
    Mr. Lif - Arise (from "Enters The Colossus" EP / produced by EL, rapping by Lif / uses the "Bee Aware" instrumental off "Little Johny..." album)
    Lonesome Echo Strings - Tatiana No Namida (EL-P Remix) (from "Black & Blue Remixes" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by BMS)
    Company Flow - Patriotism (from "Soundbombing II" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Roots Manuva - Juggle Tings Proper (El-P Remix) (from "Brand New Second Hand" album / produced by EL, rapping by Roots Manuva)
    Ko Wreck Technique - I Can't Understand You (EL-P Remix) (from "Ko-Wrecktion Remixes" EP / produced by EL)
    Company Flow - Simple (also from "Death Jux Presents..." / produced by Mr. Len and EL, rapping by EL)
    Company Flow - Dead Light (a.k.a. Stupid Robot) (from "Urban Renewal Program" / produced by Mr. Len and EL, rapping by EL)
    Phil Ranelin - Time Is Running Out (EL-P Remix) (from "Remixes" EP / produced by EL)
    Alec Empire - Shards Of Pol Pottery (from "Shards Of Pol Pottery" single / various versions produced by Alec Empire, rapping by EL)

    Fantastic Damage Era:
    Company Flow - D.P.A. (As Seen On T.V.) (from "Death Jux Presents..." compilation 2x12" / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Company Flow - Simian D (also from "Death Jux Presents..." / produced by EL, rapping by EL & Ill Bill, elements of this song appear on "Delorean" from "Fantastic Damage", when Bill is giving his shout out)
    Del The Funky Homosapien - Offspring (from "Both Sides Of The Brain" album / produced by EL, rapping by Del)
    Push Button Objects - 360° (EL-P Remix) (from "360° Remixes" EP / produced by EL, rapping by Mr. Lif & Del)
    Mr. Lif - Phantom (from "Emergency Rations" EP / produced by EL, rapping by Lif / this song is a blueprint for the album that was about to follow the EP, in the sense that it formulated the concept Lif would follow on the album)
    The Weathermen - Same As It Never Was (from "Def Jux Presents II" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Masai Bey, Camu Tao, EL and Copywrite)
    Mr. Lif & Murs - Sneak Preview (from "Def Jux Presents II" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Lif & Murs)
    Aesop Rock - Nickel Plated Pockets (from "Daylight EP" / produced by EL, rapping by Aesop Rock)
    Cage - Holdin' A Jar 2 (from "Movies For The Blind" album / produced by EL, rapping by Cage)
    Masai Bey - Paper Mache (from "Def Jux Presents II" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Masai)
    Masai Bey - The Beginning (from "Paper Mache" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Masai, Vast Aire and BMS)
    Cannibal Ox - Metal Gear (from "The F-Word" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Can Ox / a "The Cold Vein" left over)
    Various - Fondle 'Em Fossils (El-P Remix) (from "Fondle 'Em Fossils" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by various rappers [MF Doom being one of them])
    Murs - Def Cover (from "The Of The Beginning" album / produced by EL, rapping by Murs)
    Murs - The Dance (from "The Of The Beginning" album / produced by EL, rapping by Murs & EL)
    Slug & El-P - RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) (from "Vapers Project" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Slug and EL)
    EL-P - Squeegee Man Shooting (Original Version) (from "FandamPlus" album / produced by EL, rapping by EL / original version of the song that got remixed for Fantastic Damage)
    EL-P - Dead Disnee (Remix) (from "Dead Disnee" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by EL / remix of the song off Fantastic Damage)
    Aceyalone - City Of Shit (from "Love & Hate" album / produced by EL, rapping by Aceyalone & EL)

    Post FanDam Era / Pre-ISWYD Era:
    Cannibal OX - From The Planet Of Eat (from "Return Of The Ox" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Can Ox / this is a glimpse into what a follow up to "The Cold Vein" could have sounded like)
    Aesop Rock - We're Famous (from "Bazooka Tooth" album / produced by EL, rapping by EL & Aesop Rock)
    S.A. Smash - Illy (from "Smashy Trashy" album / produced by EL, rapping by Camu Tao & Metro)
    S.A. Smash - Illy (Remix) (from "Illy" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Camu Tao & Metro)
    Leak Bros. - Submerged (from "Waterworld" album / produced by EL, rapping by Cage & Tame One)
    Ill Bill - God Is An Atheist (hidden track on "The Green CD/DVD" by Non Phixion / produced by EL, rapping by Ill Bill)
    Hangar 18 - Beatslope (Remix) (from "Def Jux Presents III" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Alaska)
    Camu Tao & EL-P - WMR (from "Def Jux Presents III" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Camu Tao & EL)
    Babbletron - All The Way Hype (from "Space Tech Banana Clip" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Babbletron)
    Rob Sonic - Shoplift (Remix) (from "Shoplift" 12" / produced by EL, rapping by Rob Sonic)
    Nine Inch Nails - Only (EL-P Remix) (from "Only (Remixes) 12" / produced by EL, vocals by Reznor)
    Beck - Scarecrow (EL-P Remix) (from "Guerolito" album / produced by EL, vocals by Beck)
    C-Rayz Walz - Paradise (from "Year Of The Beast" album / produced by EL, rapping by C-Rayz Walz)
    Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight (EL-P Remix) (from "Goodnight Goodnight" single / produced by EL)
    Syd Matters - Someday Sometimes (EL-P Remix) (from "Someday Sometimes" Reissue / produced by EL)
    The Perceptionists - People 4 Prez (from "Black Dialogue" album / produced by EL, rapping by Akrobatik & Mr. Lif)
    The Perceptionists - Blo (from "Black Dialogue" album / produced by EL, rapping by Akrobatik & Mr. Lif)
    The Perceptionists - Frame Rupture (from "Black Dialogue" album / produced by EL, rapping by Akrobatik & Mr. Lif)
    S.A. Smash - The Harvest (from "Def Jux Teaser 2005" promo cd / produced by EL, rapping by Camu Tao & Metro)
    Slow Suicide Stimulus - Smalltown (from "Slow Suicide Stimulus" album / produced by EL, rapping by Dusted Dons & Tame One)
    The Presence - Turbo Connection (from "Common Man's Anthem" album / produced by EL, rapping The Presence)
    Head Automatica - Beating Heart Baby (EL-P Remix) (from "Beating Heart Baby" single / produced by EL)
    Prefuse 73 - Hideyaface (EL-P Remix) (from "Hideyaface" single / produced by EL, rapping by Ghostface Killah & EL)
    TV On The Radio - Hours (EL-P Remix) (from "Return To Cookie Mountain (US edition)" / produced by EL)
    The Mars Volta - The Widow (EL-P Remix) (from "2006 Remix Reel" promo cd / produced by EL)
    Vordul Mega - Keep Living (from "Megagraphitti" album / produced by EL, rapping by Vordul Mega & billy woods)

    ISWYD Era:
    Aesop Rock - Gun For The Whole Family (from "None Shall Pass" album / produced by EL, rapping by Aesop Rock & EL)
    The Mars Volta - Goliath (EL-P Remix) (from "The Bedlam In Goliath" bonus DVD / produced by EL)
    Chester French - The Jimmy Choos (EL-P Remix) (from "She Loves Everybody" EP / produced by EL)
    EL-P - EMG (Lost Demo) (online / produced by EL, rapping by EL / demo version from the song on ISWYD / Link:
    EL-P - Smithereens (Alternate Mix) (from "ISWYD" itunes version / produced by EL, rapping by EL / only a slight change in the melody here)

    Post ISWYD Era / Meggamixxx3 Era:
    Cage - Nothing Left To Say (from "Depart From Me" album / produced by EL, rapping by Cage)
    Cage - I Lost It In Havertown (from "Depart From Me" album / produced by EL, rapping by Cage)
    Cage - Eating Its Way Out Of Me (from "Depart From Me" album / produced by EL, rapping by Cage)
    Cage - Hell Oh (from "I Never Knew You" EP / produced by EL, rapping by Cage)
    Dizzie Rascal - Where's Da G's (EL-P Remix) (from "Maths + English"'s US version / produced by EL, rapping by Dizzie)
    The All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell (EL-P Remix) (from "Gives You Hell" single / produced by EL)
    Young Jeezy - I Got This (EL-P Remix) (from "ATL RMX" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Young Jeezy)
    Chin Chin - GG & The Boys (EL-P Remix) (from "Definitive Jux Free Sampler" / produced by EL)
    Blockhead - The Music Scene (EL-P Remix) (from "Ninja Tune XX" compilation / produced by EL)
    The Weathermen - Reports Of A Possible Kidnapping (from "Death Jux Presents IV" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by Aesop Rock, Cage & EL)
    EL-P - How To Serve Men (from "Death Jux Presents IV" compilation / produced by EL, rapping by EL)
    Rakaa Iriscience - Mean Streak (from "Crown Of Thorns" album / produced by EL, rapping by Rakaa & Chali2na)
    Kidz In The Hall - Driving Down The Block (EL-P Remix) (online / produced by EL, rapping by Kidz In The Hall)

    C4C Era:
    Duncan Sheik - Love Vigilantes (EL-P Remix) (from "Eighties Remixed" compilation / produced by EL)
    Das Racist - Shut Up, Man (from "Relax" album / produced by EL, rapping by Heems, Kool A.D. & EL)
    Ill Bill - Severed Heads Of State (from "The Grimy Awards" album / produced by EL, rapping by Ill Bill & EL)
    Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire - Telephuk - (from "Power & Passion" EP / produced by EL, rapping by eXquire & Gucci Mane)
    Slaughterhouse - Hammer Dance (EL-P Remix) (online / produced by EL, rapping by Slaughterhouse)

    I can't believe I just wrote all that...
    Last edited by r_z; 01-05-2014 at 05:47 PM.

  30. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    54 Post(s)
    Fuckin' hell! Time for me to spend all day off-and-on dissecting all that for new gems to listen to. Thanks!

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