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Thread: Random score thoughts

  1. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Personally, I would like to see a NullCo Blu-ray scores box set, with everything mixed in Dolby Atmos.
    I'd sell my liver and both kidneys for this.

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by trollmanen View Post
    That would be interesting, and they certainly have enough work to make something like that, but they would probably run into the same issues they have with physical releases of individual scores; a bunch of different music studios and rights holders.

    The whole hi-res/surround/Dolby Atmos thing seems to be so fragmented that it's hard to see them doing anything physical with it. In terms of people who really care about hi-res audio, it's a niche audience compared to music consumption as a whole. And then looking at those who do listen to it, how do they comsume it? Stream from another device, Blu-ray, etc. Surround mixes seem to be a thing of the past, it doesn't seem like there's a big market for that.* They did an Atmos mix of The Social Network a few years back, but I don't even know where you can find that.

    *I'd still love to get the one they supposedly did for The Fragile, and would gladly buy a setup to play it.
    I know it's on Apple Music along with an entire section dedicated to spatial music. Tons of releases, even a lot of remasters, come out every week. Yeah some of it might be fake spatial but it exists and the market is big enough that people like Taylor Swift have redone almost all of their albums in the format. Sinatra, Marley, De La Soul, Foo Fighters, Al Green, Pet Shop Boys, The's all over the place.

  3. #483
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    There was a post about this, but I can't find it now. TSN was released on Atmos originally via Amazon Music. The link that NIN posted is now dead, but I'm sure someone else said this was attainable elsewhere, and lo and behold I've got myself a speaker that does atmos today, so I'm all ears if it's available in the UK....

  4. #484
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    It should still be available in Atmos on Amazon Music and Apple Music.

  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    It should still be available in Atmos on Amazon Music and Apple Music.
    I'm not on Apple (and never wish to be!). and it's not visible on Amazon Music as far as I can see. Not a member of it, so don't know whether that's the issue, but ideally just want to be able to buy it in a digital file format.

  6. #486
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    You can't buy it, and it's never been available for purchase. The Atmos albums (all of them) on Amazon Music and Apple Music have always been streaming-only, so if you're not a subscriber of the streaming service, you won't be able to see it or listen to it.

    Both services have free trial periods if you just want to try out your new speaker...

  7. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    You can't buy it, and it's never been available for purchase. The Atmos albums (all of them) on Amazon Music and Apple Music have always been streaming-only, so if you're not a subscriber of the streaming service, you won't be able to see it or listen to it.

    Both services have free trial periods if you just want to try out your new speaker...
    Literally just seen that, gonna have 30 days on Amazon and see how that goes...cheers.

  8. #488
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    So on The Social Network, having set it in Amazon to play HD/UHD, TSN, while being described as UHD only the final song is UHD, the rest is HD. I'm guessing the atmos mix isn't available in the UK.

    Compare this to Steven Wilson's Harmony Codex, where everything has got Atmos written by it.

  9. #489
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    I was able to verify that Hand Covers Bruise is available in Dolby Atmos here:

    Does that work for you?

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    I was able to verify that Hand Covers Bruise is available in Dolby Atmos here:

    Does that work for you?
    Track is described as HD my end on desktop, and when played through an atmos enabled phone, still says it. Certainly nothing other-worldy going on, which is what I'm expecting!

  11. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by trollmanen View Post
    I was just coming to check on this after seeing the old post on the Hotline. If there hasn't been any announcement from Milan, then I guess it isn't happening sadly.

    If Trent wanted any of these films to have phyical releases, they would. It's a easy stipulation to choosing to do the work in the first place. Why bother selling CDs and vinyl for $15 - $30, when you can sell T-shirts and shoes for $50 - $300. Trent's not interested is selling his music anymore. Not when he can pull in a significant higher payday with fashion cash grabs! At least the welcome stuff looked good.. The shoes look like actual dog shit. lol

  12. #492
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    If Trent wanted any of these films to have phyical releases, they would. It's a easy stipulation to choosing to do the work in the first place. Why bother selling CDs and vinyl for $15 - $30, when you can sell T-shirts and shoes for $50 - $300. Trent's not interested is selling his music anymore. Not when he can pull in a significant higher payday with fashion cash grabs! At least the welcome stuff looked good.. The shoes look like actual dog shit. lol
    So this thread is going to turn into complaints about the Dr. Marten's collaboration too? Awesome.

    Whatever fee Trent and Atticus would potentially get from sales of physical releases is probably a rounding error compared to the fee they get for their composition work in the first place. The truth is, none of us know why these scores aren't getting physical releases. I'm sure there's a reason, but clearly Trent isn't going to loop us fans into all his decision making on this, so it simply it what it is.

    With regards to collaborations with other brands, I doubt he’s getting rich off those either. Looking at the Dr. Martens collaboration, the NIN boots are $30 more than the regular pairs. That is probably to cover the cost of R&D to make the collaboration happen to begin with. I really doubt Trent is receiving a substantial sum of money from each boot sold. He likely makes more money from playing one concert or from his investment portfolio in a week than he's making off some collaboration with Welcome or Dr. Martens.

    I’m just tired of hearing it called a “cash grab” when all signs point to Trent Reznor being a very wealthy person who doesn’t need to peddle collaborations with other brands to make ends meet. He probably does it because he thinks it’s a cool idea that some of his fans will enjoy. I’m also sure he knows his fanbase well enough to know that the other half will complain endlessly. Whatever your opinion of the collaborations is, it bears no relevance to the release of music in physical formats.

  13. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    If Trent wanted any of these films to have phyical releases, they would.
    Anyone with a casual understanding of licensing rights knows this isn't true. ANYTHING bearing the title/branding of a movie requires the studio to sign off on it. If the studio doesn't feel the benefit of a release outweighs the cost, they won't do it. There are exceptions to this, of course, where they might allow the composer to self-release or release through a third party, but nine times out of ten, the studio is the bottleneck keeping physical releases from happening, not the composer.

    If TR/AR really wanted to, I'm sure they could bake some requirements surrounding physicals releases into their contract and/or only take gigs with a guaranteed physical release, but that is super low on their priority list. They take a job scoring a movie because they want to score the movie; not so they can press a record.

    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    Why bother selling CDs and vinyl for $15 - $30, when you can sell T-shirts and shoes for $50 - $300.
    I don't understand why you think these are mutually exclusive. It's like saying why would Target bother selling candy bars for $1 when they can sell TVs for $2,000. It makes no sense.
    Last edited by Toadflax; 07-25-2024 at 10:04 AM.

  14. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    If Trent wanted any of these films to have phyical releases, they would.
    Incorrect. It's not his decision to make. It's up to the studios. Some of them are all over it, some of them don't give a shit. It's just luck of the draw based on who he and Atticus are working with.

  15. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by trollmanen View Post
    So this thread is going to turn into complaints about the Dr. Marten's collaboration too? Awesome.
    There's this weird tendency people have to get mad at a creator for doing anything that isn't the thing they've been waiting for, as if they couldn't possibly work on two things at once. A collaboration with Doc Martens must mean they chose to do that instead of releasing their latest score on vinyl, or working on new music, or making Deviations 2, or whatever. If an artist is silent, no one says anything, but as soon as they announce like a 10% sale on their site, suddenly the comments section is full of WHERE'S THE NEW ALBUM?! as if having their marketing team click the 10% promo button and send out a post on social pushed back work on their new material by six months.

    (And that's not even mentioning the sheer balls people have to think an artist owes them fucking anything in the first place.)
    Last edited by Toadflax; 07-24-2024 at 05:16 PM.

  16. #496
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    "Anyone with a casual understanding of licensing rights knows this isn't true. ANYTHING bearing the title/branding of a movie requires the studio to sign off on it. If the studio doesn't feel the benefit of a release outweighs the cost, they won't do it. There are exceptions to this, of course, where they might allow the composer to self-release or release through a third party, but nine times out of ten, the studio is the bottleneck keeping physical releases from happening, not the composer."

    "Incorrect. It's not his decision to make. It's up to the studios. Some of them are all over it, some of them don't give a shit. It's just luck of the draw based on who he and Atticus are working with. "

    Incorrect. A creator of ones own content has 100% control over their art, and how/where it gets released. Trent broke away from that intellectual property bullshit long ago. He doesn't have to create anything he doesn't want to. Pretty obviously. If they want him, they would need to do it his way. It's HIS choice to half-ass the releases of all his content. Otherwise we'd be getting these soundtracks much like TS. Self released. But, as Trent has said... There's too much involved with bothering with it.

    "If TR/AR really wanted to, I'm sure they could bake some requirements surrounding physicals releases into their contract and/or only take gigs with a guaranteed physical release, but that is super low on their priority list. They take a job scoring a movie because they want to score the movie; not so they can press a record."

    As Toadflax says... It's just not a priority to release physical releases any more. There's just not enough money in it to work it into the contract, so why bother.

    "I’m just tired of hearing it called a “cash grab” when all signs point to Trent Reznor being a very wealthy person who doesn’t need to peddle collaborations with other brands to make ends meet. He probably does it because he thinks it’s a cool idea that some of his fans will enjoy. I’m also sure he knows his fanbase well enough to know that the other half will complain endlessly. Whatever your opinion of the collaborations is, it bears no relevance to the release of music in physical formats."

    Trollmanen, while I normally prescribe to your perspective, I think you have this wrong. Trent's changed from the guy that was telling everyone to steal his music in the 00s to the guy selling $$62 (with S&H) T-Shirts and doing "limited edition" fake outs. (Remember when the beach towel and umbrella said they where limited edition, and they sold so well they just said forget that, we'll just mass produce them? lol) There is also a classism to all this that Trent intentionally plays into. Much like Taylor Swift, (XD giggles and this amount hysteria and backlash that name will cause) Trent has begone pushing this limited edition collectors bullshit, one after another, each getting more expensive then the last, and now with $300 price tags. As you said. Trent is a wealthy guy. Forbes has him worth nearly 100 million dollars. If it isn't about money, then why $62 T-shirts and $300 shoes... While the music... you know, the stuff that is actually his art, doesn't get enough priority to even get a physical release. It's about the money. Don't kid yourselves. Trent is in my opinion one of the most talented musicians in the history of the world. And I've spent my lifetime collecting his entire works. But money changes people. How much is enough? How much money would it take to inspire any of you to do your art for free? How much money do you need before you can feel safe? One-hundred million dollars and still following the profitable path... The answer is... It's never enough. For most people it's never enough...

    And I expect the typical ETS radicals to lose their minds and go on a head hunting campaign for talking about ideals like enlightened behavior, and that's fine... I know, I've spoken heresy against the god. lol That cognitive dissonance is strong in the fandom world. So feel free... Put my head on a pike... lol Some one once told me, "You know, just because your right, it doesn't mean they have to like you for it".

  17. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    Incorrect. A creator of ones own content has 100% control over their art, and how/where it gets released. Trent broke away from that intellectual property bullshit long ago. He doesn't have to create anything he doesn't want to. Pretty obviously. If they want him, they would need to do it his way.
    Film score work is work-for-hire, which is why you'll see on those releases that the copyright is owned by the film studio or production company. So, Trent does not have ownership or control over the music he is writing for these films. Now, Trent might have a provision or clause in his contract that says that he can license out the soundtrack for his own release if the studio is not going to do its own release. He has enough industry clout that he could probably require that in his contract. That's just my speculation though, but it seems reasonable given that all their soundtrack work has been released in one form or another, and anything that hasn't been put out by the studio was released by Null Corp, mostly on Bandcamp (or the NIN Store before that). If such a licensing provision exists, there are for sure limitations on what/how he can release it since, again, he is not the copyright owner.

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    "Incorrect. It's not his decision to make. It's up to the studios. Some of them are all over it, some of them don't give a shit. It's just luck of the draw based on who he and Atticus are working with. "

    Incorrect. A creator of ones own content has 100% control over their art, and how/where it gets released. Trent broke away from that intellectual property bullshit long ago. He doesn't have to create anything he doesn't want to. Pretty obviously. If they want him, they would need to do it his way. It's HIS choice to half-ass the releases of all his content. Otherwise we'd be getting these soundtracks much like TS. Self released. But, as Trent has said... There's too much involved with bothering with it.
    hmm...looks at Ghosts V and VI

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    Incorrect. A creator of ones own content has 100% control over their art, and how/where it gets released.
    Unless you're a 100% independent artist who self-distributes their own work, that's not true at all. Sorry, but no amount of whining or falling on your sword is going to make what you said less wrong.

    And in case anyone is curious how I know this for a fact, I'm currently going back and forth with a company about getting the rights to a film score I did five years ago so I can put out a digital release. Not even a physical version, just a digital version. Unfortunately, even small companies like to drag their feet and hem and haw about these things, so I can't imagine all the nonsense that goes on with the big studios.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 07-25-2024 at 06:28 PM.

  20. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Unless you're a 100% independent artist who self-distributes their own work, that's not true at all. Sorry, but no amount of whining or falling on your sword is going to make what you said less wrong.

    And in case anyone is curious how I know this for a fact, I'm currently going back and forth with a company about getting the rights to a film score I did five years ago so I can put out a digital release. Not even a physical version, just a digital version. Unfortunately, even small companies like to drag their feet and hem and haw about these things, so I can't imagine all the nonsense that goes on with the big studios.
    You don't seem to comprehend what I'm saying, so I'll attempt to better communicate further. Trent Reznor chooses what work he's putting in on what project. If he wants to take on a project, he either can negotiate the terms of said project, or not do it at all. As a artist, he can choose to be all in for that cash, and sign those rights away as he has apparently on countless films, or he could simply not do the work if he can't do it his way... Does anyone remember TVT? It's simply his choice to do it the way he has been.

    I don't mean to be offensive or abrasive. I apologize if I come off that way. I'm just sick to death that somewhere along the way the actual music and the artistic expression of the music in the real world has fallen to the side of the road and it's become about Gucci, and wonder woman, and skateboards, and shoes, and a endless supply of limited edition merch, while we can't actually get a single release for the music itself anymore! It's pathetic in my opinion. I've been holding my tongue on the issue for a while now, but the god awful, ugly and expensive "NIN" boots are just the final straw. I'm sickened by being reduced to gobbling up limited edition merch instead of the actual music itself. Trent should be embarrassed by how far to the wayside he's allowed these production companies to dispose of his work. I'm embarrassed for him.

    Anyways, I'm no one special, and what I think means jack shit to a talented multimillionaire like Trent Reznor... lol He's going to keep cashing those checks, and I'm going to keep buying digital files rather then an actual artistic physical release and the worlds going to keep on turning. But I'm never going to be happy about just how sick, sad and disposable the experience has become. End rant.

  21. #501
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    ...Trent has begone pushing this limited edition collectors bullshit, one after another, each getting more expensive then the last, and now with $300 price tags.
    I can think of a few other things with $300 price tags: Ghosts I-IV Ultra Deluxe Limited Edition package, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 6LP Box Set, and the Cargo In The Blood book. Some fans complained about those too, but maybe because it was more directly related to the music, it gets a pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    Trent Reznor chooses what work he's putting in on what project. If he wants to take on a project, he either can negotiate the terms of said project, or not do it at all. As a artist, he can choose to be all in for that cash, and sign those rights away as he has apparently on countless films, or he could simply not do the work if he can't do it his way... Does anyone remember TVT? It's simply his choice to do it the way he has been.
    I think the point that you're maybe missing is Trent and Atticus aren't signing up to do film score work solely to release that music independent of the film. They sign on to a film because they think it will be an interesting project or want to work with a specific director, or any number of other reasons. Sure, I bet they could make it a stipulation in their contracts that the music must get a physical release, but at the end of the day, they're not going to let that get in the way of doing the work on something they want to do. Like it or not, physical media is in decline, even if vinyl sales are up over the last decade. As much as I love buying physical products, it's simply not how most people consume music now. At least we're getting full digital releases in high quality. Lastly, I would rather them focus on the Definitive Edition vinyl reissues of Year Zero and The Slip than worry about releasing film scores on vinyl.

  22. #502
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    If cashing the check is the main goal of all this and if they have 100% autonomy when it comes to releasing the music as they see fit (I do not believe either is the case) why wouldn't they just...release on vinyl and cash that check? "Kraw, design this so we can get the bag." If it's that easy why don't they just do that? And the fashion stuff...Trent is clearly interested in it, Mariqueen is interested in it...and some of us think it's our business how they spend their time and effort? That's some shit.

  23. #503
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    Quote Originally Posted by All_The_Spoils View Post
    You don't seem to comprehend what I'm saying, so I'll attempt to better communicate further. Trent Reznor chooses what work he's putting in on what project. If he wants to take on a project, he either can negotiate the terms of said project, or not do it at all. As a artist, he can choose to be all in for that cash, and sign those rights away as he has apparently on countless films, or he could simply not do the work if he can't do it his way... Does anyone remember TVT? It's simply his choice to do it the way he has been.
    Eh, this is the same old "it should only be about the muuuusic, man!" bullshit we've heard countless times around here. That is not how this shit works. Could Trent & Atticus put it in their contracts that their music HAS to be put out on vinyl/CD/etc? Sure, they could do that, but the film studios also have the right to tell them to fuck off too. It is ultimately not their call, even if it's what they want. I'm sure they have to weigh working on projects with what they get out of it at the end of the day. They clearly desire to work with who they want to work with, but doing so may come at the expense of not getting every single thing they want. In a perfect world, I'm sure they'd want everything out there for everyone, but that's not how the film business or the record business works, especially not now. It's always about compromise.

    As for their other endeavors at the moment: nobody is forcing you to buy them. I frankly don't give a shit about them myself, but if they want to put stuff like that out there, more power to them I guess. I feel the same way about vinyl. It's nice, but I really don't care to own it. I don't take offense to it like some fans do though. Don't like it? Don't buy it. It's as simple as that.

  24. #504
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    It came out that Fincher will do a remake of Hitchcock's Strangers On A Train. This site is only one mentioning TR/AR are going to score it.

  25. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0reta View Post
    It came out that Fincher will do a remake of Hitchcock's Strangers On A Train. This site is only one mentioning TR/AR are going to score it.
    The writing on that site needs some editing. I can't tell if it's English as a Second Language, or genAI.

    Also, that news is what, nine years old?

  26. #506
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    Yeah, that site doesn't look reliable at all.

  27. #507
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    Hope they get Gregg Araki's next movie

  28. #508
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Hope they get Gregg Araki's next movie
    that’d actually be interesting! gregg is awesome and his old stuff have amazing soundtracks (which also include nin)

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