Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
I'm definitely in the minority here. Absolutely uninterested in this.

It feels like he's making all the cash grab end of career moves. Definitely diluting his legacy.

First Disney cartoons, then Halsey pop albums. Now this. I'm just not interested in any of it.
Trent & Atticus are doing work that interests them and challenges them. Calling it a cash grab just because it's not your cup of tea just makes you sound bitter.

I'm so tired of people whining about a new film score at this point. It's like whining because Danny Elfman hasn't made a new Oingo Boingo album. They've been in the game for over a decade now. They're established, and they obviously like doing it and they enjoy the challenge of doing something that doesn't have to fit into the Nine Inch Nails mold. You don't have to listen to it. You don't have to watch the films they score. It's your choice to get upset about them doing film scores though.