Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
To bring us back to Turtles and the questionable talking points above, I wouldn't begrudge anyone, certainly no adult, having zero interest in a film for kids, but treating "for kids" as an indicator of poor quality, or an indicator that any involvement on TR/AR's part must be a "sell-out" move, is pretty silly. They can make as many Batman movies for adults as they want but the best damn adaptation is still probably The Animated Series and Mask of the Phantasm, media created for kids more than anyone else. Doesn't mean it can't be entertaining and rewarding for adults too. And if you don't care about it or think it looks too silly for you, that's fine! I would love it if everything TR/AR scored was something I was dying to see but that simply isn't reality, and when they do something I'm not interested in my disinterest doesn't immediately make that project a simple cash-grab, nothing more.

Trent has like five kids, some very young - is it really that surprising that he'd be excited to work on a project he can show his whole family, especially after the kids movie they last worked on was met with critical acclaim and won them their second Oscar?
I'm on your side, but to be fair to the complainers, they didn't say it was surprising, just that they personally didn't like it. (They just used some dickish language to say it.)

I totally get being turned off when an artist has kids and then starts making kid stuff to appease them. The artist can of course do whatever they want, but it's not going to gel with all their fans. But in the case of TR/AR, yes we all want a new NIN album, but we're getting such a broad spectrum of stuff in the meantime that I find it weird for people to be annoyed that not everything is for them. Like, okay, sorry if you don't like TMNT, but here's a new Fincher score for you. Sorry if you don't like Soul or Mank, but here's Watchmen. It would be one thing if they were just doing one thing, but they're constantly doing new stuff, which I find pretty great.