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Thread: Trans Rights

  1. #271
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    this woman would rather her child die by suicide than be who they really are. absolutely disgusting.

  2. #272
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    Same legislative body, by the way... (an update)

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Same legislative body, by the way... (an update)
    yeah i adore zooey and i've been following this closely.

    i also grabbed some dialogue samples of her speaking on the floor, as well as some of the kentucy protest from a couple weeks ago, and of Loren Perkins in...i can't remember what state. i'm incorporating them into my next album and lemme tell ya, they're REALLY powerful.

  4. #274
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    It's so great to see Steven Crowder's, a big anti trans talking head, empire come crumbling down.

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    It's so great to see Steven Crowder's, a big anti trans talking head, empire come crumbling down.
    his poor wife. i watched the footage of him yelling at her and it was terrifying (and unfortunately familiar).

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    his poor wife. i watched the footage of him yelling at her and it was terrifying (and unfortunately familiar).
    Even my cousin, who is.. well, was a huge Crowder fan was so disgusted, he washed his hands clean of him. Crowder was projecting this entire time and none of his fans saw it. He has to make others miserable because he himself was a miserable piece of shit.

  7. #277
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    It's official: Minnesota has banned "conversion therapy" for minors and will shield anyone coming from out-of-state for gender-affirming care from prosecution in their home state.

    Also signed into law are similar protections for out-of-state patients seeking abortions and abortion care.

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    I always find it funny when people think the guy who dressed up in lipstick and makeup and had a whole era of gender-fuck expression, the guy whose fan club had trans options in your profile way back in the 2000’s when NOBODY else did, the guy who has time and again been up front with support for the queer umbrella as a whole… that he would turn up his nose at trans people… *checks notes* being allowed to live their lives.
    Yeah I am also impressed at the mental gymnastics of bad faith "jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs" crowd in thinking that Trent would be on their side in this thread. If there's anything Trent dislikes about this forum it's people being flippant and dismissive of the new output he puts a lot of thought and time and effort into. His opinion on the trans community should be fairly obvious to anyone who can read the room. Even besides what was already quoted above, just look at the volume of trans and nonbinary artists he has toured and collaborated with over the past few years. 100 Gecs, Yves Tumor, Fever Ray, even Halsey uses both she/her and they/them. One might think that Trent isn't just supportive of trans and nonbinary people; he is actively interested in their perspective artistically.

    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    GOP's 'anti-woke' panic is turning off voters: strategist

    There is going to be a backlash. After DeSantis's failed bid for the presidency and after he leaves office, maybe some of this hysteria will die down in Florida.
    This is an important point that our media is failing us in neglecting to explore, and it brings me to a quote from a piece that eversonpoe posted a few pages back:

    Targeting abortion is a losing issue, but targeting trans people—a small subsection of the American population—has apparently been deemed a winning conservative issue.
    Throughout the whole ecosystem of our news media, you see people and institutions carrying water for this idea that being anti-trans is a "winning" issue for Republicans, implying that trans rights and protections are broadly unpopular, and it's absolute fucking nonsense. Where is the evidence of this? The fact that the GOP's rabid dogs work themselves into such an unhinged frenzy over it? It's absurd, and the media carries water for this notion because they share this backward way of thinking. Look at the videos from Montana - the right wing shitheads' predictably cowardly response to Zooey Zephyr's bravery has done nothing except make her a rock star national hero, and the demonstrations in her state make it clear that the people are behind her. When the Republicans rant about bathrooms and drag shows it may inflame their true believers but anyone with half a brain gets confronted with that shit and all they see is a some weird freak who should mind their own business.

  9. #279
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    i love this woman so much, and i can't believe i'm saying that about a politician

  10. #280
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    my thread, my rules

    help me pay OOP costs for my upcoming surgeries!

  11. #281
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  12. #282
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    I'm kinda stunned...I had reported some tweets deadnaming Zooey Zephyr a few weeks ago and they locked the shitheel's account! So deadnaming is still a reportable offense and they are taking action on it. Small consolation but it's not not good. And i double checked the tweets, they were written in a sarcastically polite tone with the deadname being the only offensive aspect. TLDR: twitter still sucks.

    Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 5.46.15 PM.png
    Last edited by cdm; 05-09-2023 at 04:51 PM.

  13. #283
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    today is IDAHOBIT (international day against homophobia, biphobia, & transphobia)or your jewish auntie who movies to new zealand and becomes a resident of the shire

    my work did a presentation today with some queer presenters and opened up for questions/comments at the end. i talked about how important kindness is right now, especially for trans folks who are being actively persecuted. it was very well-received and i felt very comfortable sharing about my experience and my wishes for the safety of everyone in the queer community.

  14. #284
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    DeSantis signs bills targeting drag shows, transgender kids and the use of bathrooms and pronouns

    All in a doomed bid to run for president.

    The backlash is starting against these draconian measures.

    Florida Democrats flip the Jacksonville mayor’s office in a major upset

    This also has a lot to do with the restrictive abortion measures.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-18-2023 at 09:08 AM.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    DeSantis signs bills targeting drag shows, transgender kids and the use of bathrooms and pronouns

    All in a doomed bid to run for president.

    The backlash is starting against these draconian measures.

    Florida Democrats flip the Jacksonville mayor’s office in a major upset

    This also has a lot to do with the restrictive abortion measures.
    I appreciate this glimmer of hope, but holy shit, the lack of effort on the part of the Biden administration, as if there's some kind of conversation to be had with these vile people, as if this shit is still up for debate, is the worst of it. For a long time we've needed an *aggressive response* to this shit and, as in all other things, the democrat party is not up to the moment. They're on e again just allowing a fucking genocide to happen with not even the lightest touch to get in the way of it. It's entirely despairing.

  16. #286
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    Man Stops Track Meet to Accuse 9-Year-Old Girl of Being Transgender

    Very strange that this article names the parent of the child but not the man and his wife who started this...

    ...oh look at that:

  17. #287
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    It's really fucked up that there's been an obvious spike in anti-LGBT stuff in a really blatant way during pride month this year. It's like pride month has turned into a homophobic protest month. It's some kind of solidarity to normalize homophobia again, and there's a lot to unpack there, and a lot of dots to connect, but the end result is really glaring and horrible.

  18. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's really fucked up that there's been an obvious spike in anti-LGBT stuff in a really blatant way during pride month this year. It's like pride month has turned into a homophobic protest month. It's some kind of solidarity to normalize homophobia again, and there's a lot to unpack there, and a lot of dots to connect, but the end result is really glaring and horrible.
    I guess this is just a part where the culture clash that's been intensifying in the US for the past few years is showing. It's sad that trans people have to be the scapegoats.

  19. #289
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    so apparently Carlos Santana said some anti-trans shit at a show and now the right is pretending they love his music. Whatever. Santana always sucked, and then he made that Smooth song with the guy from Matchbox 20, and I had to work at a Karaoke bar, and had to hear that motherfucking song every goddamn night, so I feel confident in saying Carlos Santana can fuck himself.

  20. #290
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    and apparently Alice Cooper is some outspoken dick too now. Who would have thought some guy who got all spooky and called himself Alice would turn out to be a transphobic dork that plays golf all the time and votes for Republicans. Again, he hates trans people for being "confusing," but he dressed up all weird and called himself Alice, way back when he was relevant.

    I don't get it. This is the part where I get fucking confused. I don't even know where to start with this sort of bullshit.

    At least he just lost his cosmetics ad gig. Also, your music sucks.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-02-2023 at 11:00 AM.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    and apparently Alice Cooper is some outspoken dick too now. Who would have thought some guy who got all spooky and called himself Alice would turn out to be a transphobic dork that plays golf all the time and votes for Republicans. Again, he hates trans people for being "confusing," but he dressed up all weird and called himself Alice, way back when he was relevant.

    I don't get it. This is the part where I get fucking confused. I don't even know where to start with this sort of bullshit.

    At least he just lost his cosmetics ad gig. Also, your music sucks.
    this one bothered me too. i’m also not sure where it falls. double standard? hypocrisy? no self awareness? who fucking knows?

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  22. #292
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    Apparently, it was okay for guys like KISS and Alice Cooper and Dee Snider to dress the way they did for the shock value, but god forbid you do anything that actually helps you feel more like yourself. That's just going TOO far!

    But yeah, a lot of it is just being completely out of touch. They're rich rock stars, and despite travelling the world, it's pretty clear they have a very narrow view of it.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 09-03-2023 at 01:36 PM.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Apparently, it was okay for guys like KISS and Alice Cooper and Dee Snider to dress the way they did for the shock value, but god forbid you do anything that actually helps you feel more like yourself. That's just going TOO far!
    Gene Simmons is the worst hypocrite; proselytizing about drug and alcohol abstinence, but then he was banging 5 chicks a day, he was literally addicted to sex. And bragging that he kept books of Polaroids of all of his conquests, while telling everyone he’s a nice conservative Jewish boy from Queens. The rest is just, you know, being “a guy.” No addiction issues for Gene! That’s just his JOB!!! He’s such a dick. Ted Nugent: Same. Holier-Than-Thou bullshit artists. “It’s Rock n Roll!!” Yeah, well, so are the drugs and alcohol, assholes.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-03-2023 at 04:30 PM.

  24. #294
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    Just saw this clip of Bill Maher talking about how we're so progressive that we don't acknowledge progressive accomplishments... pointing to how Pride month is accepted and not even a big deal anymore.

    That's when I checked when this clip was made. 2021. That makes more sense. This last pride month was full of alt-right bitching and moaning.

  25. #295
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    If you want to see some insane homophobia/transphobia on full display right now, check out Twitter.

    So Biden announced that March 31st is Trans Visibility Day, which it has been since 2009. This year, it happens to fall on Easter, so the far right is going into hysterics, claiming Biden is trying to “replace” Easter with transgender Visibility Day.
    This quickly escalated into some of the most blatant and crazy stuff, calls for violence, bullying in schools, general hatred in an unhinged way, and all of it capped off with something like “HE IS RISEN!”

    So basically, the alt right is turning this Easter into a reason to bash and degrade trans people, and to a larger extent the entire LGBT community, acting as if the existence of trans people is an assault on Christianity. It’s really insane to see these people fully unmasked and going all in with the hate. They’re not even trying to disguise it… they’re being self-righteous about it.

  26. #296
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    It was all over Instagram too. A bunch of insecure hateful fake Christian fascists.

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