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Thread: Trans Rights

  1. #211
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    While we all enjoy a cooling-off period to regain composure and just generally mellow out...let's check in with FLA...

    A post shared by on

    Last edited by cdm; 04-19-2023 at 07:30 PM.

  2. #212
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    Florida is (literal) hot garbage. There are good people there, but it seems like everyone I know who is from there couldn't wait to leave. My only hope is that they'll go too far and end up shooting themselves in the foot...or sink into the ocean. Either one will do at this point.

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Florida is (literal) hot garbage. There are good people there, but it seems like everyone I know who is from there couldn't wait to leave...
    Idk exactly how old you are, but I just turned 43, and Florida was a swing state when I first started looking at politics.
    And guess who (still) has the majority when it comes to dems vs republicans in Florida, as far as registered voters...
    That'd be the dems.
    I mean, Florida, and, Jesus Fucking Wept, I hate to say this...but Florida is KIND of like Texas: it's about 50/50, as far as the gvmt parties you guys support. (Edit: im pretty much done with all of it).
    It's all bullshit. I'm kind of a Weather Underground/ Carlos the Jackal fan.
    The right cheats through gerrymandering. The left promises us shit, and doesn't deliver.

    Edit: bottom line is that no one wins in states like this, unless you're in the appropriate place.
    This topic hits as close to home as possible, for me, so this isn't just semantics: I'm just saying I wouldn't blame an entire STATE for not being with it on a particular human rights issue.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-20-2023 at 02:33 AM.

  4. #214
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    While I certainly empathize with anyone leaving these cruel, backwards red states b/c of the abhorrent legislation they've been pushing through over the last few years (guns, trans stuff, gay stuff, book banning stuff), the brain drain that will ensue in these states is what the leaders of these states want. They want rational, Dem voting people to leave so they can expand their majorities. Again, I get why people are leaving (my brother is most likely leaving Florida in the next 2 or 3 years), but it is going to just exacerbate the problem unfortunately. People leaving states like Texas, Ohio or Florida are probably the worst ones b/c the Republican majorities in those states are not insurmountable. Leaving a state with a horrendous state gov't like Idaho prolly doesn't matter b/c the margins are too high no matter what & probably will never improve.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    While I certainly empathize with anyone leaving these cruel, backwards red states b/c of the abhorrent legislation they've been pushing through over the last few years (guns, trans stuff, gay stuff, book banning stuff), the brain drain that will ensue in these states is what the leaders of these states want. They want rational, Dem voting people to leave so they can expand their majorities. Again, I get why people are leaving (my brother is most likely leaving Florida in the next 2 or 3 years), but it is going to just exacerbate the problem unfortunately. People leaving states like Texas, Ohio or Florida are probably the worst ones b/c the Republican majorities in those states are not insurmountable. Leaving a state with a horrendous state gov't like Idaho prolly doesn't matter b/c the margins are too high no matter what & probably will never improve.
    This is why the electoral college makes me so angry. It makes no goddamn sense that a person in a swing state can move to an always-blue state where they feel happier/safer/more at home, and now their vote basically just doesn't matter.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    This is why the electoral college makes me so angry. It makes no goddamn sense that a person in a swing state can move to an always-blue state where they feel happier/safer/more at home, and now their vote basically just doesn't matter.
    That’s actually a reason why I was comfortable moving from NY to CO. It’s another safe state, but it’s close enough to being purple that my vote will still matter (where as in NY my vote only mattered for primaries, if NY ever goes red in numbers the country is a loss imo). Priority number one is always going to be “can I still exist if I live there” because my future votes don’t matter if I’m dead.

  7. #217
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    I had a big write up I was going to do, but everything has been said above better than I could scrawl.

    One of my closest friends is trans, and there is nothing but support from me, period. When she got married, I was her best man. That is such a funky thing to say.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    I had a big write up I was going to do, but everything has been said above better than I could scrawl.

    One of my closest friends is trans, and there is nothing but support from me, period. When she got married, I was her best man. That is such a funky thing to say.
    it's fucking insane.

    i'm not gonna out anyone, but this shit DEEPLY affects a couple members of my family.

  9. 04-20-2023 09:41 PM
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  10. #220
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    It is incredibly cowardly to hide behind an anonymous account. Speaking of being ashamed.

    Second, the "herd mentality" is people calling out bigots. Which they should. No one is giving trans people a bad name here. What we ARE doing is defending ourselves. Sorry if you don't like it.

    Third, you're a coward.

  11. #221
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    Uhhhhh...enjoy your Dischords, @Plastic Star ?

    You're talking shit that affects my KID.
    I bet you wouldn't say it to our FACES.

    This is a thread for people who ARE affected by these things: NOT for the hateful bullshit YOU'RE spewing.

    Is that what you do, here? Wait for the Return of Trent?

    "WAKE the fuck up?"

    GROW the fuck up.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-21-2023 at 08:22 AM.

  12. #222
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    Trans Rights

    admitting that you have a duplicate account will get you banned pretty quick but feel free to pm me a list of those i’ve run off from the board so i make a tshirt and wear their names to the next nin shows.

    that tampon post really struck a nerve i guess. enjoy your new bio.

  13. #223
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    I mean, I kind of know why Orestes left but go off.

  14. #224
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    Ah yes, stuff like this is why Trent doesn’t come around here anymore, unlike the Discord where… literally the same discussions are had and everyone also agrees trans rights or fuck off. Or are you a only posting here because you already got banned from the Discord for being anti-trans there too? Because I do know of a few people who got booted from there for less than the two trolls in this topic have said. But yeah, ETS is just full of trans-positive Hitlers. Fucking lol at your little tirade.

  15. #225
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    I actually have more to say because this kind of pisses me off now.

    I haven't spoken to orestes in close to ten years but if I did, I'm sure she'd be fucking annoyed and pissed that her name is being put in with a transphobic rant towards eversonpoe. You can call her a friend or not, but know that you're definitely not if you think that mentioning her in the same post as that bullshit above is something she'd be OK with.

    If you're actually trans, then there's somewhat of an understanding that part of the beauty in that is that no one person is the same as the other. eversonpoe can represent herself however she wants and you can do a general courtesy of keeping your fucking mouth shut instead of spewing out that bullshit. The fact that people like Swykk and sweeterthan make it a point to stick up for her and speak out in support should have ZERO bearing on any of this.

    So I'm gonna leave you with this - post under your actual name and stop being a fucking coward. Own your words. I won't ban you for them, but I'll sure as hell roast you for them. At the same time, if I'm actually wrong about your real identity, fuck you, but if you are who I think you are, I say this emphatically - Kick rocks, chew glass and absolutely go fuck yourself. Asshole.

  16. #226
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    Edit: Asked and answered.

  17. #227
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    DISCHORD , @sick among the pure . Not discord.

    Our Lord and Savior, T-Rex will Return, as soon as we stop supporting the LGBT community.

    Meanwhile, there's Dischord.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-21-2023 at 08:24 AM.

  18. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic Star View Post
    I wanted to post this under an anonymous account, because I’ve been a member of this community for well over a decade and I’m not going to risk having my main account get banished for having an opinion.
    Whoever you are, you're a coward.

  19. #229
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    Go fuck yourself, Geoff. Nobody wants you here. You’re a pathetic hateful cancer not to mention a stalker.

    It’s particularly bold of you to talk about Trent knowing he’d fucking despise you because you’re a dim bigot.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-21-2023 at 08:47 AM.

  20. #230
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    i think it’s pretty obvious who it is.

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    i think it’s pretty obvious who it is.
    I don't wish to talk shit to someone, if I'm not SURE.
    @Swykk said it was a Giraffe? Like, Geoff Giraffe from Toys R Us?
    @sweeterthan I propose a ban on Cartoon Animals joining the board.

    I mean, fuck it.

    If you guys know, please let the rest of us know.
    I promise I won't harm anyone.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-21-2023 at 10:37 AM.

  22. #232
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    I always find it funny when people think the guy who dressed up in lipstick and makeup and had a whole era of gender-fuck expression, the guy whose fan club had trans options in your profile way back in the 2000’s when NOBODY else did, the guy who has time and again been up front with support for the queer umbrella as a whole… that he would turn up his nose at trans people… *checks notes* being allowed to live their lives.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic Star View Post
    Hi there

    I wanted to post this under an anonymous account, because I’ve been a member of this community for well over a decade and I’m not going to risk having my main account get banished for having an opinion.

    Moreover, an opinion that doesn’t go with the herd mentality that’s become a cancer on this forum.

    @eversonpoe you ought to be ashamed of yourself. The bad name you’re giving our trans community with your selfish, narcissistic, melodramatic prima donna behavior as exhibited in this very thread is downright embarrassing. I’d almost feel embarrassed for you, if I didn’t see through the charade. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Try taking some personal accountability from time to time and grow up.

    @Swykk I’m not sure what the hell you’re trying to do in this thread, but it’s definitely not working. Nobody cares if you’re going to ignore them. It’s obvious that you’re hurting inside and you have some issues you need to deal with. Maybe devote your energy towards that instead.

    And @sweeterthan? Get over yourself. There’s a reason you’re known in certain sectors of this community as “Hitler”. Your favoritism and arrogance is well documented, believe me. Ever wonder why Orestes left ETS? You’re the reason, that’s why.

    Seriously, the level of entitlement in this thread is beyond cringe. Trainwreck threads like these are exactly why Trent won’t come around here anymore, and why he called this place out on the Dischord last year for being a bunch of whiny babies. The guy certainly has a point. That’s why a lot of other good people stopped coming around, as well. What person in their right mind wants to put up with this herd mentality bullshit that solves nothing and just works against whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish?

    Some of you really need to take a good long, hard look at yourselves before you start casting judgments on others.

    Wake the fuck up already.
    ahahahahahahahahahaahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAahahahahahahahahahaha

    ah, yes, personal accountability, a thing i've NEVER done, you're right. the world DEFINITELY revolves around me, didn't you get the memo? being defensive of a community and asking for respect from people and requesting they not spread misinformation is SO selfish. /sarcasim

    you're fucking pathetic. everything you've tried to do to fuck up my life has come to nothing. crawl back into your sad hole, honey. i'm happy and healthy and i hold my head high in the face of all this bullshit facing us, in the face of trans women being murdered on a regular basis, because i refuse to be anyone but myself. and you'll NEVER get me to stop.

  24. #234
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  25. #235
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    This makes me so fucking sick. It's unbelievable that anyone can get behind this. And we still have these spineless cowards coming in here, a thread where let's be super clear, nobody fucking wants them here, on a forum where they are pretty deeply unwanted, to come out to pull some contraction crap that ends up leading to this shit. Unbelievable. If you're coming in here on a second anonymous account, afraid to post on your normal, already pretty anonymous account, to support *this kind of hateful bullshit.* It's time to evaluate your life choices. It's sick.

  26. #236
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    But but but *I* have issues and am deeply hurting inside, @Wretchedest.

    It’s definitely me, and not the cowardly asswipe that stalked a bunch of us all over the internet FOR YEARS pretending to be someone else. And is STILL running scam accounts here. Like, how does Geoffrey keep track of all his different accounts here? And dollars to donuts, he got tossed from DISCHORD too.

    But it’s us. Not him.

    I’m the one that needs help.

    The guy is a dopey clown (wink wink) and while it feels good to stomp him out, we’re giving him what he wants, which is attention. I am guilty of that.

    Also, fuck DeSantis.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-21-2023 at 04:25 PM.

  27. #237
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    Come to Minnesota, where you can get gender-affirming care without worrying about the state betraying you to your state!

    Minnesota also is banning "conversion therapy" for minors and undoing laws that create unnecessary barriers to those seeking abortions.

  28. #238
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    this is disgusting. democracy is a fucking joke. fascism is alive and well.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    I always find it funny when people think the guy who dressed up in lipstick and makeup and had a whole era of gender-fuck expression, the guy whose fan club had trans options in your profile way back in the 2000’s when NOBODY else did, the guy who has time and again been up front with support for the queer umbrella as a whole… that he would turn up his nose at trans people… *checks notes* being allowed to live their lives.
    This is fucking priceless.

    I'm right there with you. It's fucking hilarious, and absurdly ironic.
    All i'd add is that we're talking about a dude who was inspired by, slightly mentored by, and friends with, the cat who wrote Queen Bitch.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-22-2023 at 03:25 PM.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This is fucking priceless.

    I'm right there with you. It's fucking hilarious, and absurdly ironic.
    All i'd add is that we're talking about a dude who was inspired by, slightly mentored by, and friends with, the cat who wrote Queen Bitch.
    wHeN dId NiN gEt PoLiTiCaL!?!?

    people are so willfully ignorant...amirite?

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