Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
I get that there are all of these systems in place to prevent federal entities from intervening. But Dems need to get creative. The last president did everything he could to plow through any system that stood in the way of his agenda. From Biden there's barely a peep
Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
THIS is what we need done at a national level. we need to get NEW laws passed to fix this shit. just because the government is "supposed" to work a certain way, and things have been done a certain way, doesn't mean it can't be changed.

again, look at all the shit trump pulled, and got away with! democrats are largely spineless cowards whose words ring hollow in the face of the threat of GENOCIDE.
^^^ exactly.

The failure of the Dems goes beyond not having the power within our political systems to directly challenge these efforts - though it is endlessly frustrating that, no matter how bad things get or how much power the Dems actually do possess at a given time, there is always a visible presence of people whose sole function seems to be telling us that Dems are doing the very very best they can Actually and that expecting more from them is unfair. It's not just that they are roadblocked from stopping this in the traditional, procedural ways - it's that they're not even trying. Like our news media, the Democrats are so much more committed to formalities and order and the appearance of being nonpartisan than any meaningful notion of justice, and like our news media, that means they are increasingly treating right wing fringe beliefs as "differences of opinion" and attempting to meet the far right at halfway compromises, even when the point they are meeting halfway with them on is something as unthinkable as "trans people shouldn't exist." It's not only wildly immoral, it's bad politics! Biden needs the slightest nudge to virtue signal how pro-cop he is (for all the limited good it does him) but he can't even do the bare minimum of loudly decrying this because the Dems have decided that trans rights are a fringe issue that alienates "normal" voters - a notion they have increasingly embraced that I have seen very little actual evidence to support. I still remember people rightfully being pissed about an SNL joke where Colin Jost quipped that Tinder's new feature giving 37 different gender identity options was called "why Democrats lost the election" and yeah, that one still floors me. Don't know how anyone who lived through that election, other than the most insulated and privileged twits, could think that Clinton/Kaine lost because they were too pro-trans or too woke but hey, anything to avoid blaming the people whose literal job was to win that election, even if it means throwing one of the most vulnerable communities in the country to the wolves.

Again, for the thousandth time, Dems need to actually stand for their principles and drop this fetishization of decorum and "norms" and bipartisanship that gives them cover to cede ground to the Republicans over and over again. This is a fight that goes beyond the "sanctity" of our systems and demands action beyond and outside of those systems but unfortunately, like the massive issue of our judiciary being wholly compromised and illegitimate in its possession by corrupt bad actors, most of our political representation are just too craven and self-interested to fight that fight the way it needs to be fought.