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Thread: Trans Rights

  1. #241
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    Trans Rights

    it’s the entitlement of misogyny. they can pick what they like about reznor and ignore what he actually stands for. i mean, hitler was a huge supporter of the lgbtq community, right? This thread got nice and quiet when the “anonymous” (wink, wink) poster showed up. what a coincidence that two people are no longer invested in their bad opinions disguised as arguments.

    anyway, a lot of men on twitter are mad that lizzo invited drags queens on stage with her in tn. they’re saying it’s obscene. if you watch the video, these people are fully clothed, singing and dancing. there’s a twitter meme that says something like “america is the town from footloose now.” agreed. theyre are losing their minds over imaginary surgeries and a concert while ignoring gun violence that is actually killing children every day. i really hope the stokers of this fake morale hysteria reap what they sow.

    and then there’s this fucked up shit:

    we can’t wear pants now? how much energy can we waste on this useless agenda? get out your red hooded capes, ladies.

  2. #242
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    GOP's 'anti-woke' panic is turning off voters: strategist

    There is going to be a backlash. After DeSantis's failed bid for the presidency and after he leaves office, maybe some of this hysteria will die down in Florida.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-25-2023 at 10:29 AM.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    GOP's 'anti-woke' panic is turning off voters: strategist

    There is going to be a backlash. After DeSantis's failed bid for the presidency and after he leaves office, maybe some of this hysteria will die down in Florida.
    hopefully. because right now being trans in florida is essentially a death sentence.

  4. #244
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    I recently heard Florida being referred to as "1930s Germany with theme parks."

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    it’s the entitlement of misogyny. they can pick what they like about reznor and ignore what he actually stands for. i mean, hitler was a huge supporter of the lgbtq community, right? This thread got nice and quiet when the “anonymous” (wink, wink) poster showed up. what a coincidence that two people are no longer invested in their bad opinions disguised as arguments.
    What coincidence is that? And who are you to tell me whether my opinion is bad or not? I have posted arguments and facts but got to hear that it is either black or white. Well, guess what - it is not.

    You are here to back up your ever-whining buddy @eversonpoe who since 10+ years on this forum has never stopped complaining and blaming others for whatever is wrong in her life. This continues to this day and in this thread with her current agenda for which she has found a posse here that dont wnat to think about issues or facts, but follow blindly the "100% or transphobe" cult.

    Btw since this discussion started I have received private messages from members here, that are also fed up but dont want to speak up exactly because of the mob here. You should let this sink in.

  6. #246
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    I know I said I was going to ignore you PlasticStar/decadent/Geoff but I didn’t know Alex Jones was a NIN fan.

    ”Many people are saying…” Where is everybody? Show us. Or shut up.

    ”(woke) mob” Sure, buddy. Sure.

    Your “opinion” sucks shit. It’s bigoted assholery. It’s a low bar to clear to explain how and why you’re transphobic. Go away.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 08:42 AM.

  7. #247
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    Trans Rights

    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    What coincidence is that? And who are you to tell me whether my opinion is bad or not? I have posted arguments and facts but got to hear that it is either black or white. Well, guess what - it is not.
    me? i’m nobody. just a user on a message board with an admin account (which seems to bother some people in your messages, i guess. lol.) and yes your opinions are terrible because you can’t express them without being degrading to people who are affected by the topic. you feel so justified in expressing them that you can’t even see why they’re bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    You are here to back up your ever-whining buddy @eversonpoe who since 10+ years on this forum has never stopped complaining and blaming others for whatever is wrong in her life.
    Yes absolutely i will back her up. She needs support because of people like you who try to steer thread in the wrong direction. You’re here to insult Eversonpoe in a thread related to her very own life. You couldnt even respond to me without doing it. Are you trans? Are you gay? no? then shut the fuck up about anyone “whining”. her posts are personal and on topic. Her existence is scrutinized daily by our media and our government (well maybe not yours…) but instead of listening and letting her share her experience in a thread she created, you come in here and instigate with unrelated tangents while calling her unstable and hysterical. basically gaslighting her. Keep it up and i’ll ban you. I’ll truly do not give a fuck how long you’ve been here. it is not a license to be shitty. I was nice when i called you out but you can’t accept that grace and be quiet on a topic that you have no insight on. Instead you continue to double down.

    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    follow blindly the "100% or transphobe" cult.
    i’m actually going to add this to the board rules. If you can’t deal with it, feel free to see your way out.

    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    Btw since this discussion started I have received private messages from members here, that are also fed up but dont want to speak up exactly because of the mob here. You should let this sink in.
    why would i care if some cowards are messaging you about their shitty opinions instead of sharing them? oh no. their contribution isn’t missed if that’s all they have to offer. what are they so afraid of? a response? certainly if they could express their opinions with out attacking another member of the board, they shouldn’t be afraid at all. Maybe ETS isn’t the place for them. Feel free to add them to that list of names you’re gonna send me.

  8. #248
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    So you are gonna provoke me with insults about bad opinion etc. and when I reply you start threatening me with a ban?

    That is some nice work, no wonder people dont want to write here.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    So you are gonna provoke me with insults about bad opinion etc. and when I reply you start threatening me with a ban?

    That is some nice work, no wonder people dont want to write here.
    provoking you to what? get banned? your response is your own. own it.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    provoking you to what? get banned? your response is your own. own it.
    "This thread got nice and quiet when the “anonymous” (wink, wink) poster showed up. what a coincidence that two people are no longer invested in their bad opinions disguised as arguments."

    Why did you need to mention me in the post above? What do I have to do with the banned user? What coincidence are you talking about?

  11. #251
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    You were the banned user. You admitted to having multiple accounts including one you mentioned had been around for years. Then you said something very similar as decadent. And the same complaints about eversonpoe that Jeff/PlasticStar/you had.

    This isn’t Columbo level detective work. I don’t know how you haven’t been banned yet….or again, I guess, would be more accurate.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 09:02 AM.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    Btw since this discussion started I have received private messages from members here, that are also fed up but dont want to speak up exactly because of the mob here. You should let this sink in.
    "There are other bigots just like me but they're cowards" isn't the burn you think it is.

  13. #253
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    it’s just an interesting coincidence. that’s all.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    You were the banned user. You admitted to having multiple accounts including one you mentioned had been around for years. Then you said something very similar as decadent. And the same complaints about eversonpoe that Jeff/PlasticStar/you had.

    This isn’t Columbo level detective work. I don’t know how you haven’t been banned yet….or again, I guess, would be more accurate.

    Trust me, you all are not so important to me that I would create multiple accounts, stay in the forum for 10+ years and use them just now. I have no idea who Geoff is and why he was banned etc.

    Why should I post under another account if under your own logic I am saying the same things with this account? All I have to say I did already here, so...dont be so paranoid.

  15. #255
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    Sure dude.

    You already shared the reason why you’d repeat what was already said—you’re a coward that didn’t want your main account banned but it’s early in the day, you know?

    I mean, I guess we ARE important enough for you to hijack and harass someone in a thread though (and across other platforms too). And keep on posting the same garbage throughout said thread. It seems kinda important to you.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 09:17 AM.

  16. #256
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    Incredible Admin restraint by not just nuking this dumb mfer.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    Btw since this discussion started I have received private messages from members here, that are also fed up but dont want to speak up exactly because of the mob here. You should let this sink in.
    Speak up, cowards! You want to be heard? Make yourselves known! Enough of this hiding behind PMs and fake accounts bullshit.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    And who are you to tell me whether my opinion is bad or not?
    Well I’m not sure how much it matters to you (actually, I do know, it doesn’t matter) but as a trans person I agree that your “opinion” is bad. Because it’s based off falsehoods. That’s how one can have a bad opinion. Hope that cleared some things up for you.

  19. #259
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    I knew I recognized a pattern with this guy, so I’m going to share Jeff’s PM to me from right before he got banned on his PBS account.

    See if you can pick up on the similarities (Jeff was also harassing eversonpoe, hmmm):

    “I unblocked you for a few minutes and went back and read some of your more recent posts, and I can immediately remember why I would have put you on ignore in the first place..another whiny, crybaby asshole on here bitching about everything and anything, and miserable as fuck in life. What are you going to do when you’re like 60 or 70 one day, and you look back and realize you spent your entire life just being a miserable mouthy asshole on the internet? Is that going to bother you? Don’t answer that..

    Granted, I might be an asshole, but at least I’m not pontificating on a Nine Inch Nails message board about what people should think and how they should react to things. Who the fuck are you to be telling anyone what they should and shouldn’t be doing. Go fuck yourself.”

    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 10:20 AM.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    @eversonpoe who since 10+ years on this forum has never stopped complaining and blaming others for whatever is wrong in her life.
    ah yes it's DEFINITELY my fault that people want to kill me simply for existing

    it's definitely my fault that i was in two long-term abusive relationships where i was constantly gaslit and manipulated and treated like a servant instead of a partner

    it's definitely my fault that i've been sexually assaulted multiple times throughout my life

    my "agenda" is to...exist, with the same rights supposedly granted to everyone in this country, without the fear of being murdered SIMPLY FOR EXISTING. that's it. and if that "agenda" is offensive to you, then you ARE a transphobic bigot.

    i've made plenty of mistakes in my life and i fucking own up to them. just because i don't confess every single one of them publicly here doesn't mean i'm not doing the work with the people in my life who are actually INVOLVED in those situations, because those are the people who have been affected by my mistakes. i'm in couples therapy right now with my nesting partner because we both have shit to work on. i'm also in individual therapy.

    and it's also NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. i will ask again: how does my existence affect you AT ALL? if you don't like reading my posts about the fucked up shit that happens in my life, then why don't you put me on ignore? how does me posting here about these things impact you other than you maybe rolling your eyes and going "ugh this bitch again?" and that's your right! you're allowed to FEEL how you want. but EXPRESSING it outwardly in a forum where you are belittling my struggles and my pain is just asinine.

    grow up and take some responsibility for YOUR actions.

    i also have no idea whether or not you're jeff/geoff or however he spells his name, and i don't care. whether you're him and you've been repeatedly harassing me for years, or you're not and you just don't like me, i don't care. either way, leave me alone.

    oh, and if other people have a problem with me? they can DM me about it. unless they don't actually exist...


  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I knew I recognized a pattern with this guy, so I’m going to share Jeff’s PM to me from right before he got banned on his PBS account.

    See if you can pick up on the similarities (Jeff was also harassing eversonpoe, hmmm):

    “I unblocked you for a few minutes and went back and read some of your more recent posts, and I can immediately remember why I would have put you on ignore in the first place..another whiny, crybaby asshole on here bitching about everything and anything, and miserable as fuck in life. What are you going to do when you’re like 60 or 70 one day, and you look back and realize you spent your entire life just being a miserable mouthy asshole on the internet? Is that going to bother you? Don’t answer that..

    Granted, I might be an asshole, but at least I’m not pontificating on a Nine Inch Nails message board about what people should think and how they should react to things. Who the fuck are you to be telling anyone what they should and shouldn’t be doing. Go fuck yourself.”

    WOW, what a surprise - there are more than one person in the world and in the forum who dont like to read constant whining, complaining and blaming others. You certainly got a point here, mate, well done, great research.

    Are you sure you havent heard this also from others in the real world, I cannot imagine that you whine only here...

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    WOW, what a surprise - there are more than one person in the world and in the forum who dont like to read constant whining, complaining and blaming others. You certainly got a point here, mate, well done, great research.

    Are you sure you havent heard this also from others in the real world, I cannot imagine that you whine only here...
    oh really? He shared a message that was harassment but instead of insisting its not you, you agree with the message. You're making it so easy for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    oh, and if other people have a problem with me? they can DM me about it. unless they don't actually exist...
    pm me if you get any harassing messages.

  23. #263
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    Whining to you= holding bigots accountable for their shit views and harassment of my friends? The blame is well placed.

    May want to look up the definition of that word. Then find another hobby/place/band that shares your antiquated shitty worldviews.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 10:47 AM.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    oh really? He shared a message that was harassment but instead of insisting its not you, you agree with the message. You're making it so easy for me.
    How should I know what is his beef with the person who sent him the message? The way @Swykk has behaved in this thread I can well imagine it is irritating for many people and probably the person who sent him this is one of them. How should I know what @Swykk wrote to them or did?

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Whining to you= holding bigots accountable for their shit views and harassment of my friends? The blame is well placed.

    May want to look up the definition of that word. Then find another hobby/place/band that shares your antiquated shitty worldviews.
    And you should work on your anger issues.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    How should I know what is his beef with the person who sent him the message? The way @Swykk has behaved in this thread I can well imagine it is irritating for many people and probably the person who sent him this is one of them. How should I know what @Swykk wrote to them or did?
    okay. bye.

  27. #267
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    Just like Plastic St…you said, right Jeff?

    Also look up “anger” on your way out the door too.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-26-2023 at 10:59 AM.

  28. #268
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    Anyone else find it super interesting and not at all telling that the women in this thread are being labeled as having anger issues, being hysterical, and gust generally being too much? But men who make the same statements don’t get a single word of pushback? Wonder why that is. Truly puzzling.

  29. #269
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    I’m a guy but maybe some people think I’m not? It’s cool being the internet and all. Not everyone here is friends with me elsewhere (which ya’ll should add me!) and only a few have met me in person.

    I’m just a cis ally that makes trolls cry when I pick them apart and unmask them.

    With deeeeep anger issues, of course.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post

    Btw since this discussion started I have received private messages from members here, that are also fed up but dont want to speak up exactly because of the mob here. You should let this sink in.
    So brave.

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