Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
Noone is telling you how to live your life, I just meant that you shouldnt try to tell other people, in this case someone in a restaurant having a conversation between them, how to live theirs. If they want to discuss the problem with trans athletes in sports that is their right, donīt you think?

You said you had microagressions - how is a conversation between two people that donīt know you and are not even talking about you (I assume you are not a competing athlete) an agression?

Sorry but all the hormones in the world wonīt change the fact that a trans woman twice the size and probably twice the muscular mass of a woman has an advantage. So a discussion about that can be had without having it interpreted as an agression, especially when it is not about you.
Microaggression is a term used for commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups.
taking estrogen (in the case of trans women) decreases muscle mass and strength; taking testosterone (in the case of trans men) does the opposite. you're being extremely reductive in saying that trans women are "twice the size" of cis women because that is rarely the case. there is no PROBLEM with trans athletes, the problem is with transphobes trying to keep trans athletes from competing.

you're telling me that i shouldn't be offended by people near me having a conversation that is inherently transphobic. that's not dissimilar to telling a black person to just ignore an inherently racist conversation happening nearby. you're minimizing its effect and, yes, TELLING me what to do.

i'm not denying it's their "right" to have that conversation, but that doesn't make it less hurtful or harmful. and also it was a family with kids, which means those kids are hearing their dad spout transphobic rhetoric, which they are likely internalizing, which perpetuates the cycle of discrimination. how do you not see that as a negative outcome?

and i didn't tell anyone anything. i didn't interact with them.