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Thread: Trans Rights

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    Trans Rights

    y'all, i am so sick of having to defend my existence. i am so sick of trans folks being murdered simply for existing. the amount of hatred and vitriol being spewed at us on a daily basis is disgusting.

    the NY times publishing a "defense of jk rowling" literally the day after hundreds of journalists signed a letter requesting more balanced coverage of trans issues is disgusting. and their response to the letter (honestly, they responded to a DIFFERENT letter sent by GLAAD, conflating the two and basically ignoring the call by ACTUAL JOURNALISTS for integrity) was so disheartening.

    i'm at a loss for what to do in my own life. i get harassed on a regular basis on public transit going to or from work. i don't go anywhere alone at night and honestly barely feel safe doing so during the day.

    i will never, ever be able to understand someone objecting to the existence of a person who is simply "different" from themselves, despite bringing no harm.

    it is so much easier to be kind than to be filled with hatred; it baffles me that people choose the latter.

    anyway, here are some references, anecdotal and otherwise:

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    That NY Times tweet is...something. Fuck them.

    Sucked reading what you go through regularly. I've been to Chicago (are you still in that area?) enough that I would think you wouldn't have such negativity around you on a daily basis in what seems like a relatively forward thinking city, but that might be the NYer in me assuming that, b/c obviously the trans comm. feels safer here than most parts of the country.

    This issue is another reason we desperately need as many newer & younger Dems/people that would caucus with Dems in office. There needs to be much stronger top down, nat'l messaging AND direct policy coming from Dem leadership. There are hundreds, if not over a thousand, bills up all over the country right now that are anti-trans. The Democratic party certainly doesn't want to hurt trans people, but they also don't want to put the issue at the forefront. This thing where they hope it will just go away isn't working. Each bill coming out of these red states is more horrific than the ones before it. It's time to take this issue head-on. Embrace the cause. They eventually did a relatively good job of this with gay rights/gay marriage after a long period where you could tell most in the party thought it was too icky. That's the phase they're in now (with obvious exclusions of the handful of proper leftists in office): "oh, we support trans people & want them to have their rights, but also they're kinda icky so we'd rather not talk about it". That shit needs to end now b/c the right is, as usual, not fucking around with what they want to happen here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i'm at a loss for what to do in my own life. i get harassed on a regular basis on public transit going to or from work. i don't go anywhere alone at night and honestly barely feel safe doing so during the day.
    It is so incredibly sad and infuriating that you face this state of being for simply existing in the way that makes you feel happy and comfortable in your own skin, for just being who you are. It's never easy to make sense of the outright violent hostility with which swaths of the public responds to something so harmless. It's baffling and disgusting and comes down to generations of regressive right wing cultural messaging, and now anti-trans talking points have emerged as a major aspect of the right's culture war BS (with frankly mixed results for Republicans at the ballot box - their most virulent anti-trans messaging, along with their "INFLATION IS ALL BIDEN'S FAULT" talking points, was basically DOA as far as voters were considered these past midterms) so they're just constantly banging that drum now. So much hatred and evil stoked up against an exceptionally vulnerable group of people that just want...acceptance. Stomach churning. So many people are so terrified of a world where they can't be openly hostile to the trans community because they will not and cannot accept trans-ness in their own lives (whether it's within themselves or their families and loved ones) and that is just so deeply pathetic.

    All of which makes TERFs like Rowling acting like they are the endangered, oppressed party so nauseating. That vile woman clutches her pearls when she's not busy sending her high-priced legal team after critics and browbeating them into issuing groveling apologies.

    And while the NYT is dependably taking the side of the oppressors (remember when Trump was elected and they marketed subscriptions off of it by acting like supporting the NYT was some kind of act of rebellion? lmao), the hero we deserve and need is of course the fucking Onion.

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    watching that last episode of Bill Maher was really obnoxious, where he starts complaining about the trans discussion, pointing out that it is a very small minority, as if that makes a difference or means anything.

  5. #5
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    @eversonpoe I'm sorry.

    But also, like my grandma used to say, "fuck a bunch of motherfuckers." I can only imagine how it wears on you, but just, seriously... remember that anyone looking down on you is likely BENEATH you, in terms of intellect, empathy, name it.
    Our species just isn't as advanced as it seems to think it is.

    Meanwhile, you seriously don't feel safe? And we're talking about the El in Chicago? You want some Texas advice? Go get that concealed carry license. Learn to.shoot. At LEAST, take a self defense class.

    Edit: my wife says get a big KNIFE: that in her experience, knives have been helpful.
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-21-2023 at 12:21 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @eversonpoe I'm sorry.

    But also, like my grandma used to say, "fuck a bunch of motherfuckers." I can only imagine how it wears on you, but just, seriously... remember that anyone looking down on you is likely BENEATH you, in terms of intellect, empathy, name it.
    Our species just isn't as advanced as it seems to think it is.

    Meanwhile, you seriously don't feel safe? And we're talking about the El in Chicago? You want some Texas advice? Go get that concealed carry license. Learn to.shoot. At LEAST, take a self defense class.

    Edit: my wife says get a big KNIFE: that in her experience, knives have been helpful.
    there are a lot of folks in the trans community who advocate for buying a gun and learning how to shoot, but i will never do that. guns are disgusting to me and i just have no interest in ever touching one. i don't want to hurt/kill anyone.

    i have a garter with a small knife that i wear sometimes, and i also have a self-defense keychain that i carry with me everywhere. i don't ever want to use them. but yeah, with the boiling point that seems to be nearing with anti-trans rhetoric and legislation, i am literally terrified that i'm going to get murdered.

    my whole thing is that i've never really cared what people think of me; they can go suck a fuck. but when they ACT on those thoughts/feelings, and they want to hurt me (emotionally and/or physically), THAT'S when i care.

    i've been sick the last three days and i can't say i'm not relieved that i haven't had to commute to work. despite how shitty i feel physically, it has been a weight off of me at least a little bit.

    but yeah it's just baffling to me that anyone gives a shit about me simply existing as myself, not hurting anyone, just being a kind and caring person that likes to make others feel good about themselves.

    i can't wait to get FFS in june and hopefully feel slightly safer out in public, but i fear for my trans siblings out there who don't have the resources to get it themselves, and will always be at risk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    watching that last episode of Bill Maher was really obnoxious, where he starts complaining about the trans discussion, pointing out that it is a very small minority, as if that makes a difference or means anything.
    he can go fuck off into the sun. ugh.

  8. #8
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    I hear you @eversonpoe .
    I've honestly never FIRED a handgun.
    I'm just fucking PISSED, hearing you don't feel safe.
    I know a can't relate to what you're going through, but I had to watch my step in the hood in dallas,, you know?

    I still think a self defense class would be helpful. I actually did Taekwondo for years, and the basic self defense stuff at the beginning is REALLY what I've used the most, (and that's as a cis dude).

    You can learn a few moves: how to cause someone to stop choking you, how to twist away from someone grabbing you, and if things get SERIOUSLY intense, a palm heel to someone's nose will...well, it might kill the awful bastard, if done at the right angle.
    We used to practice breaking boards with that maneuver.
    And then, you'd be STUNNED at how easy it is to remove a fucker's eye with one finger.

    A hood, shades, and a straight face can be helpful, too. Again, this is coming from a cis male, but it might be worth a shot.

    You know me: my goal is to spread love in this fucked up world.
    But, at the same time, if someone wants to.hurt you, well...just be safe...please.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i can't wait to get FFS in june and hopefully feel slightly safer out in public, but i fear for my trans siblings out there who don't have the resources to get it themselves, and will always be at risk.
    I was just about to ask if you had considered or felt the desire to do FFS, and I hope it does help.

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    Donald Trump Jr's newest tweet is some sick/lame bullshit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I hear you @eversonpoe .
    I've honestly never FIRED a handgun.
    I'm just fucking PISSED, hearing you don't feel safe.
    I know a can't relate to what you're going through, but I had to watch my step in the hood in dallas,, you know?

    I still think a self defense class would be helpful. I actually did Taekwondo for years, and the basic self defense stuff at the beginning is REALLY what I've used the most, (and that's as a cis dude).

    You can learn a few moves: how to cause someone to stop choking you, how to twist away from someone grabbing you, and if things get SERIOUSLY intense, a palm heel to someone's nose will...well, it might kill the awful bastard, if done at the right angle.
    We used to practice breaking boards with that maneuver.
    And then, you'd be STUNNED at how easy it is to remove a fucker's eye with one finger.

    A hood, shades, and a straight face can be helpful, too. Again, this is coming from a cis male, but it might be worth a shot.

    You know me: my goal is to spread love in this fucked up world.
    But, at the same time, if someone wants to.hurt you, well...just be safe...please.
    i literally don't go out in public without a full face of makeup. i.e.

    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    I was just about to ask if you had considered or felt the desire to do FFS, and I hope it does help.
    thanks <3

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Donald Trump Jr's newest tweet is some sick/lame bullshit.
    still a valid gender expression! he misses the mark again :: eye roll ::

  12. #12
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    You look damn good, @eversonpoe .

    To be clear, by "straight face," I didn't mean make up. I mean DON'T SMILE...not a STRAIGHT face.

    Seriously: a hood, shades, and an expression that says "don't fucking talk to me" helped me survive Nawfghanistan in Dallas. But then, this is a man's experience.

    Still might be worth a try, though.

  13. #13
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    I don't think what's needed here is suggesting more restrictions on how trans people move throughout the world.

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    I'm sure it's because a lot of anti-trans rhetoric (largely from the anti-human GOP) is spilling over the border but a lot of Canadian media is suuuuper obsessed with creating moral panic around trans rights. I thought this podcast (which starts with stuff around the invocation of our Ermegerd-gency Act) did a good job of sniffing out what's going on.

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    another trans woman murdered

    i'm so tired, y'all; this needs to stop

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    You look damn good, @eversonpoe .

    To be clear, by "straight face," I didn't mean make up. I mean DON'T SMILE...not a STRAIGHT face.

    Seriously: a hood, shades, and an expression that says "don't fucking talk to me" helped me survive Nawfghanistan in Dallas. But then, this is a man's experience.

    Still might be worth a try, though.
    thanks for the compliment, and i appreciate that you want me to be safe, but i don't want to have to hide. i spent over 30 years pretending to be someone i wasn't; i want to be able to be myself and not have to fear being murdered simply for existing.

    also, it doesn't work for women or trans women. read all the accounts of women debunking the "you wouldn't get raped if you didn't dress like a slut" rhetoric by posting pictures of their outfits when they were assaulted - sweatpants and hoodies, conservative work attire, etc.

    people who wish to do violence on others will do so regardless of how they're dressed

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I don't think what's needed here is suggesting more restrictions on how trans people move throughout the world.
    <3 <3 <3

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    thanks for the compliment, and i appreciate that you want me to be safe, but i don't want to have to hide. i spent over 30 years pretending to be someone i wasn't; i want to be able to be myself and not have to fear being murdered simply for existing.

    also, it doesn't work for women...
    @eversonpoe I feel you.

    And, PLEASE don't think I'm on some "you dressed that way, you asked for it" or "don't be lgbt in public" bullshit. I hope to god you aren't taking it that way.

    Again, I'm just drawing on my OWN public transportation experiences. I never had a car in dallas.
    Hood, shades and staleface helped me avoid the bullshit.
    Of course, again, I know NOTHING about being a woman.

    Also, @Sarah K , I'm just speaking on not being fucked with on the bus/train in GENERAL: not how any particular group should move. My friend said she didn't feel safe. Once upon a time, I didn't feel safe being a 6ft tall cis MAN on the train, and I described what I did, that gave me a small modicum of "fuck with someone else" energy.
    Would any of this help a woman? Quite possibly not, but it SEEMED to help my wife. I'm just working with what we've personally experienced.
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-27-2023 at 10:43 AM.

  18. #18
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    Meanwhile, in Texas, (and this literally just appeared in my email), Transgender Student felt violated and dehumanized by Frisco ISD Trustee .

    So apparently the kid, from Brownsville, gave a purportedly tear-jerking talk about trans issues in HS, at a conference in San Antonio, after which a grown ass man officially representing Frisco (new, uppity part of DFW) ISD, approached dude (16) and his MOTHER, and said a bunch of terrible shit to them.
    It mostly centered on...genitalia? And this piece of shit had to be physically removed from homeboy and his mom.
    Yeah. Fuck. Asshole only won this seat by 53 votes: he should OBVIOUSLY be fired, but I doubt he will.

    Edit: SO. All of this together (murders, harassment, my own poorly received ideas)'s brought me to one question: what in the fuck can be done, here?
    I don't think it's possible to legislate hatred and stupidity. Hate crime enhancements exist.
    And the story linked to this post: this kid was only attempting to spread awareness, and was harassed before even making it out of the BUILDING.

    All I see are atrocities, but no answers, and it's frightening.
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-27-2023 at 11:49 AM.

  19. #19
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    I see nothing from Dems in defense of all the stuff that's happening not a peep from the President, nothing from high profile politicians at all. We are years into a full force legislative assault and it seems like there aren't any gears turning for a pushback or any real fucking action. It's completely infuriating and I feel like our culture is turning a blind eye

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    I look at the left's lack of response to the right's hateful rheteroic and all I think of is "silence is agreement" . there really needs to be more awareness and kindness in our country.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I see nothing from Dems in defense of all the stuff that's happening not a peep from the President, nothing from high profile politicians at all. We are years into a full force legislative assault and it seems like there aren't any gears turning for a pushback or any real fucking action. It's completely infuriating and I feel like our culture is turning a blind eye
    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    I look at the left's lack of response to the right's hateful rheteroic and all I think of is "silence is agreement" . there really needs to be more awareness and kindness in our country.
    what's confusing and upsetting to me is also, like...there has been NO statement from anyone like RuPaul or any of the various networks that benefit from drag as an art form making them a SHIT ton of money.

    silence = complicity, and that is the opposite of what we need right now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I see nothing from Dems in defense of all the stuff that's happening not a peep from the President, nothing from high profile politicians at all. We are years into a full force legislative assault and it seems like there aren't any gears turning for a pushback or any real fucking action. It's completely infuriating and I feel like our culture is turning a blind eye
    Politics is all about a sad game of chess using contingents as pawns. If the dems back trans rights now, they'll be buying into the "you're too woke" trap. Civil Rights is really at an impasse right now, it's damned if you do the right thing, and you're an asshole if you don't.

    And the democrats are hedging their bets on the side of "it's best not to touch this issue right now if we can avoid doing so," and it's sad, but I get why it's that way.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-08-2023 at 01:09 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    what's confusing and upsetting to me is also, like...there has been NO statement from anyone like RuPaul or any of the various networks that benefit from drag as an art form making them a SHIT ton of money.
    Don't expect corporations and brands (RuPaul is definitely a brand at this point) to stand up and make a statement. They're in it for themselves.

    Unfortunately, the only way things change is if you make noise, and make a lot of it. I'm not necessarily talking about violence, but it's time to make these fuckers as uncomfortable as they make others. They shouldn't get to go to restaurants or other public places anymore in peace. Fuck "taking the high road" at this point.

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    i have never thrown a punch in my life but i'm starting to feel like it's time

    a tattoo artist and fellow chicagoan i'm friends with knocked a transphobe out at a bar last week; she posted the security cam footage on her IG, and it made my heart swell

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    Oh thank goodness the president “subtly” defended drag shows while CPAC speakers have called for my genocide directly to applause. They’re bringing a nerf gun to a nuke fight. I’m sure every trans person like me stuck in states like mine (Florida) is going to be safe thanks to an assistant appointee. The dems are really doing the big work for people like me and we should just be grateful, right? “I know one side openly calls for your deaths but hey, at least we do nothing to push back at it in any vocal, clear way.” Fuck off.

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    I get that there are all of these systems in place to prevent federal entities from intervening. But Dems need to get creative. The last president did everything he could to plow through any system that stood in the way of his agenda. From Biden there's barely a peep

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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Don't expect corporations and brands (RuPaul is definitely a brand at this point) to stand up and make a statement. They're in it for themselves.
    I stand corrected, at least when it comes to RuPaul.

    A post shared by on


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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    And on December 13, 2022, Biden signed the Respect For Marriage Act, “the biggest legislative win in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality in over a decade, guaranteeing federal rights, benefits and obligations of marriages in the federal code for same-sex couples. The legislation also repealed the Defense of Marriage Act and affirmed public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states.”
    same-sex couples being able to be legally married is a minuscule concern considering they literally want to murder us. i don't (and most queer folks that i know don't) give a shit about legal marriage. we care about literally being able to exist.

    there are some politicians who are ACTUALLY putting in the work that needs to be done, like the people who filibustered in missouri:

    there's also the nebraska senator who has vowed to make this very difficult if anyone tries to pass anti-trans healthcare bills:

    and then the minnesota governor who signed a bill protecting gender-affirming care, making MN a refuge state:

    THIS is what we need done at a national level. we need to get NEW laws passed to fix this shit. just because the government is "supposed" to work a certain way, and things have been done a certain way, doesn't mean it can't be changed.

    again, look at all the shit trump pulled, and got away with! democrats are largely spineless cowards whose words ring hollow in the face of the threat of GENOCIDE.

    meanwhile, in the UK:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I get that there are all of these systems in place to prevent federal entities from intervening. But Dems need to get creative. The last president did everything he could to plow through any system that stood in the way of his agenda. From Biden there's barely a peep
    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    THIS is what we need done at a national level. we need to get NEW laws passed to fix this shit. just because the government is "supposed" to work a certain way, and things have been done a certain way, doesn't mean it can't be changed.

    again, look at all the shit trump pulled, and got away with! democrats are largely spineless cowards whose words ring hollow in the face of the threat of GENOCIDE.
    ^^^ exactly.

    The failure of the Dems goes beyond not having the power within our political systems to directly challenge these efforts - though it is endlessly frustrating that, no matter how bad things get or how much power the Dems actually do possess at a given time, there is always a visible presence of people whose sole function seems to be telling us that Dems are doing the very very best they can Actually and that expecting more from them is unfair. It's not just that they are roadblocked from stopping this in the traditional, procedural ways - it's that they're not even trying. Like our news media, the Democrats are so much more committed to formalities and order and the appearance of being nonpartisan than any meaningful notion of justice, and like our news media, that means they are increasingly treating right wing fringe beliefs as "differences of opinion" and attempting to meet the far right at halfway compromises, even when the point they are meeting halfway with them on is something as unthinkable as "trans people shouldn't exist." It's not only wildly immoral, it's bad politics! Biden needs the slightest nudge to virtue signal how pro-cop he is (for all the limited good it does him) but he can't even do the bare minimum of loudly decrying this because the Dems have decided that trans rights are a fringe issue that alienates "normal" voters - a notion they have increasingly embraced that I have seen very little actual evidence to support. I still remember people rightfully being pissed about an SNL joke where Colin Jost quipped that Tinder's new feature giving 37 different gender identity options was called "why Democrats lost the election" and yeah, that one still floors me. Don't know how anyone who lived through that election, other than the most insulated and privileged twits, could think that Clinton/Kaine lost because they were too pro-trans or too woke but hey, anything to avoid blaming the people whose literal job was to win that election, even if it means throwing one of the most vulnerable communities in the country to the wolves.

    Again, for the thousandth time, Dems need to actually stand for their principles and drop this fetishization of decorum and "norms" and bipartisanship that gives them cover to cede ground to the Republicans over and over again. This is a fight that goes beyond the "sanctity" of our systems and demands action beyond and outside of those systems but unfortunately, like the massive issue of our judiciary being wholly compromised and illegitimate in its possession by corrupt bad actors, most of our political representation are just too craven and self-interested to fight that fight the way it needs to be fought.

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    Speaking of bad actors, here are the receipts:

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