Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
I always find it funny when people think the guy who dressed up in lipstick and makeup and had a whole era of gender-fuck expression, the guy whose fan club had trans options in your profile way back in the 2000’s when NOBODY else did, the guy who has time and again been up front with support for the queer umbrella as a whole… that he would turn up his nose at trans people… *checks notes* being allowed to live their lives.
Yeah I am also impressed at the mental gymnastics of bad faith "jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs" crowd in thinking that Trent would be on their side in this thread. If there's anything Trent dislikes about this forum it's people being flippant and dismissive of the new output he puts a lot of thought and time and effort into. His opinion on the trans community should be fairly obvious to anyone who can read the room. Even besides what was already quoted above, just look at the volume of trans and nonbinary artists he has toured and collaborated with over the past few years. 100 Gecs, Yves Tumor, Fever Ray, even Halsey uses both she/her and they/them. One might think that Trent isn't just supportive of trans and nonbinary people; he is actively interested in their perspective artistically.

Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
GOP's 'anti-woke' panic is turning off voters: strategist

There is going to be a backlash. After DeSantis's failed bid for the presidency and after he leaves office, maybe some of this hysteria will die down in Florida.
This is an important point that our media is failing us in neglecting to explore, and it brings me to a quote from a piece that eversonpoe posted a few pages back:

Targeting abortion is a losing issue, but targeting trans people—a small subsection of the American population—has apparently been deemed a winning conservative issue.
Throughout the whole ecosystem of our news media, you see people and institutions carrying water for this idea that being anti-trans is a "winning" issue for Republicans, implying that trans rights and protections are broadly unpopular, and it's absolute fucking nonsense. Where is the evidence of this? The fact that the GOP's rabid dogs work themselves into such an unhinged frenzy over it? It's absurd, and the media carries water for this notion because they share this backward way of thinking. Look at the videos from Montana - the right wing shitheads' predictably cowardly response to Zooey Zephyr's bravery has done nothing except make her a rock star national hero, and the demonstrations in her state make it clear that the people are behind her. When the Republicans rant about bathrooms and drag shows it may inflame their true believers but anyone with half a brain gets confronted with that shit and all they see is a some weird freak who should mind their own business.