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Thread: The Menstruation Thread

  1. #61
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    Ugh... My skin is kind of always shitty now. But for like a week before my period, it is so, so awful. It's so goddamn depressing. I went until like 25 without ever having a zit. And now I basically have them all the time. I've tried countless soaps, scrubs, cleansers... Nothing. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry.

  2. #62
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    Hello hot flashes.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Ugh... My skin is kind of always shitty now. But for like a week before my period, it is so, so awful. It's so goddamn depressing. I went until like 25 without ever having a zit. And now I basically have them all the time. I've tried countless soaps, scrubs, cleansers... Nothing. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry.
    these people seem almost religious about the subject. Might be worth a look

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Ugh... My skin is kind of always shitty now. But for like a week before my period, it is so, so awful. It's so goddamn depressing. I went until like 25 without ever having a zit. And now I basically have them all the time. I've tried countless soaps, scrubs, cleansers... Nothing. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry.
    Ive been going through the same thing! I was on the pill from 15 - 32. I decided to get my tubes tied since I knew I didn't want kids. It's been two years and my face and shoulders are always broken out. I was prescribed Adapaline it kinda cleared my shoulders up but not my face. I break out especially bad about a week before my period. I get really depressed about it too, being in my mid 30s and having acne. It's so embarrassing and frustrating. I hope you find something that works for you!

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by JML9 View Post
    I get really depressed about it too, being in my mid 30s and having acne. It's so embarrassing and frustrating. I hope you find something that works for you!
    That's my life right there. When I was in my 20s, I was on the patch and my skin was flawless. Not a single damn pimple was to be found. Now, I'm on the IUD and even though my periods are virtually non existent, I have break outs like I'm 15 year old again and my PMS moods swings are ridiculous.

  6. #66
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    I never had a zit until I started using hormonal birth control... Like, the opposite of most people. And then when I stopped using it, the shitty skin remained.

  7. #67
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    just got the Mirena IUD put in and holy shit that was painful! and the warning of some slight bleeding was an understatement. There seem to be mixed results with it both here and on other sites online, but I hope I go the way of no periods... I know everyone is different but for those of you with it are the first six months really full of unpredictable bleeding spells or is that my doctor just covering herself for a worst case scenario?

  8. #68
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    I have the copper one, so I'm still stuck with periods. But I for sure had bizarre periods for about the first year. Now it has calmed down a lot.

    Also yes, that pain. Ugh.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    just got the Mirena IUD put in and holy shit that was painful! and the warning of some slight bleeding was an understatement. There seem to be mixed results with it both here and on other sites online, but I hope I go the way of no periods... I know everyone is different but for those of you with it are the first six months really full of unpredictable bleeding spells or is that my doctor just covering herself for a worst case scenario?
    Covering. I've had mine for 4 years and still get a little something. Though nothin like before.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    just got the Mirena IUD put in and holy shit that was painful! and the warning of some slight bleeding was an understatement. There seem to be mixed results with it both here and on other sites online, but I hope I go the way of no periods... I know everyone is different but for those of you with it are the first six months really full of unpredictable bleeding spells or is that my doctor just covering herself for a worst case scenario?
    Oh dear! I have the Mirena. It will be 3 years next month and I still get have a period. I totally wanted it to go away as a former coworker only had her period for two months on it and it went away. But no. My body is so fucked that I still have my period. Granted, my periods are virtually non existent: I don't have to wear a tampon at all. My cycle is completely goofy and it's hard to predict when I'm gonna start my period. But yeah, I still have my period.
    Sorry to rain on your parade. I've often thought about ripping it out and going back onto the patch, but I can't afford the patch and I good to go for another 2 years on the Mirena. Hopefully your periods will subside soon.

  11. #71
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    This is much more like... lady parts related than menstruation related, but it's very frustrating and I don't have too many people I can talk to about it, so. TMI ahead.

    I have OCD. My hands are generally under much more stress than most people. I take VERY GOOD CARE OF them, so they generally don't seem like it, but when you wash your hands as intensely as I do post-bathroom... yeah. So like, logic does follow that the other parts of my body DIRECTLY INVOLVED with that process that I try to wash all traces off of my hands when I'm done also undergo a similarly bad time. Now, I know how to take care of that part of my body. I don't need advice. At all. Just like I know how to wash my hands and generally still need to take it farther. I've been trying to ease myself off of some of my habits, though I'll never let go of some of them completely (I refuse to not be dry down there after using the bathroom, for instance, fuck that one-swipe bullshit as far as I'm concerned -- but at least I know how to do that way more gently now).

    Anyway, being the owner of my parts was a lot easier in a relationship -- because I had a partner who was used to what I deal with and also I didn't have to be as aware of being irritated down there in terms of it upping my STI-contraction risk. FUN EXCITING BONUS: my muscles are fucked. I know why, and it's also related to OCD. But like... getting two fingers in there currently is a really tight fit. Sigh. I'm not even that interested in penetrative sex, but I want to be ABLE TO HAVE IT. So for now I'm literally practicing dilating with my smaller dildo and ordered a bigger one off of Amazon I can move up to.

    Anyway, I thought I was going to get laid on Tuesday but it's looking like anything on my end is off the table. And, because I just had a bunch of dental work done/stuff shoved into my gums, I'm a bit wary of doing un-barriered oral, so... :/ Yay my body. And I have a lump in my breast I have to go get a sonogram for (though I'm sure I'll be fine -- 26 years old) and I've been having way more anxiety this year and ugh. My body is not on my side.

  12. #72
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    I got a surprise period halfway through my cycle because I forgot to take my pill for two days.

  13. #73
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    i must be entering the very exciting menopause, as my cycles have gone haywire. my whole life was: warning cramps up to 24 hours ahead. three days on. done.
    now it is 6 weeks of cramps with no bleeding. then a period. then another. then normal. then cramps with no bleeding. then no cramps and bleeding. my last "cycle" was bleeding for five days which has never happened before.

    i never could take birth control as i am sensitive to estrogen and the pill always had me throwing up for days on end.
    pregnancies were a riot. hyper emesis for the first five months of the first one, then hospitalized at 7 and half months. the second pregnancy was nightmare-ish. hospitalized for at least half of every week until the 7th month, then it was a picc line and permanent gravol iv bag plus liquid food through the second line, and a gravity line with zofran in it when the gravol wasn't cutting it. ugh. i remember after having him, hysterically crying and asking the nurses "when is this going to stop???" as i still had a few days of constant nausea and vomitting post birth.
    needless to say i was fixed after the second one.
    Last edited by Lew; 03-04-2016 at 11:39 AM.

  14. #74
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    anyone tried this?
    sounds hella messy.
    i think i would rather fuck around with sphagnum moss and make my own pad or something.
    done the diva cup...back in my uni days and that was a suction nightmare.
    oh, and i truly love the "idea" of parking my snatch on a patch of moss and free bleeding into that for three days...while amusing and intelligent men bring me peeled grapes, chocolate and hot stone massages. lol.

  15. #75
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    I like the woman's brave attempt at giving those a try! I already have my thick black cotton underwear for my "light" days, haha! Otherwise, I'm with the author when she wrote "Yeah, I'll just stick to my hippie-ass menstrual cup forever, thank you."

    Also, is anyone else's menses in tune with the lunar cycle? because mine has been and I feel like a pagan Goddess, hahaha! I bleed when it's no-moon and am ovulating during full moon. It's so poetic it hurts.

    Edit, I'm not on any form of birth control either so I'm not controlling my cycle at all.

  16. #76
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    I've been thinking of trying those menstrual panties but they are expensive.

  17. #77
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    I don't understand the cups. They are SO HUGE. Like how the shit is that supposed to comfortably sit in there? I have a hard enough time tolerating tampons.

  18. #78
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    There's two versions of the cup, a smaller and a larger ones. If tampons are an issue for you though, perhaps the cup would be uncomfortable as well. Worth a shot though if you're willing to spend $20 on an experiment. (That's how much my cup cost anyways.) I have had no issues with the suction aspect. I mean, part of using a cup is knowing that you just don't pull it out, you have to pinch it first so it releases the suction. Other people have issues with sticking their fingers all up in there especially when it's bloody. I've been using those tiny o.b. brand tampons for ages so it wasn't much of a transition for me. A friend asked me for a tampon once a few years back and I noticed her apprehensive look when I pulled out the o.b. tampon, so then I said "I have a pad too if you want." (She chose the pad.)

    I'm totally pro-cups, but do some research and watch some videos on techniques and such, because there is a learning curve. The first method of insertion I used wasn't very effective and caused leaks, then I tried another "fold" and that turned out better and I haven't had problems since.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    There's two versions of the cup, a smaller and a larger ones. If tampons are an issue for you though, perhaps the cup would be uncomfortable as well. Worth a shot though if you're willing to spend $20 on an experiment. (That's how much my cup cost anyways.) I have had no issues with the suction aspect. I mean, part of using a cup is knowing that you just don't pull it out, you have to pinch it first so it releases the suction. Other people have issues with sticking their fingers all up in there especially when it's bloody. I've been using those tiny o.b. brand tampons for ages so it wasn't much of a transition for me. A friend asked me for a tampon once a few years back and I noticed her apprehensive look when I pulled out the o.b. tampon, so then I said "I have a pad too if you want." (She chose the pad.)

    I'm totally pro-cups, but do some research and watch some videos on techniques and such, because there is a learning curve. The first method of insertion I used wasn't very effective and caused leaks, then I tried another "fold" and that turned out better and I haven't had problems since.
    see, we were just beginning the internet when i tried the cup, lol. it was alt.music.nin back then, so no videos how to do it. i admit i had/have problems putting my fingers inside of myself for any reason (triggers). so it was probably not the best choice for me, but i didn't know. i just could not pinch it properly to break suction and would have to haul it out (always complete with illogical visions of my uterus coming with it lol).
    i liked seeing the blood, though, in a weird way. it made me realize how little we actually (or me, i guess, lol) bleed. my plants loved it lololololololol.
    i wonder how different they are now?

  20. #80
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    Ah, yeah, if that were the case for me, I would have probably would have abandoned the cup as well! Although mine came with instructions that mentioned the different folding methods, but I don't think it said anything about pinching it to get it out.

    I watched a video of a lady who talked about using your pelvic muscles (as if you're gonna poop!) to help push the cup down when you're getting ready to pinch it to remove it, and that makes it so I don't have to stick my fingers as far up. This trick also helps when inserting it because then it ends up much higher than I was being able to get it before, which helps to avoid leaks. That's DEFINITELY not something that was mentioned in the little "manual", haha!

    I absolutely love seeing how much I bleed and I'm fascinated seeing how the blood changes from the beginning to the end of the cycle. I can already judge that by the third night, I can sleep cup-free, and by the fourth day, I'm almost done with the cycle. I would almost consider just buying liners for my fifth/sixth day if it wasn't for the fact that I say a lot of money by NOT buying it and I can leave the cup in ALL DAY without any medical worries, unlike tampons which I used to literally freak out over after four hours thinking I was going to die of toxic shock syndrome.
    Last edited by halloween; 03-07-2016 at 07:04 PM.

  21. #81
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    i've been on depo provera for a little over ten years, recently when i re-upped the nurse suggested i go on the new 'norplant.' it has the same hormones as depo, but less "match sticks." (there's only one.) has anyone had any experience with it? i love depo, and have had no problems but she suggested the shot is becoming obsolete. or maybe i should nut up and get a tubal ligation. i really (for real) don't see children in my future. but i'm a creature of habit and bad with change. if it's not broken, leave it the fuck alone.

    so my question(s) are has anyone here been on depo longer than me? or has anyone tried this alternative i described? (the trade name is beyond me right now)

    edit 2: nexplanon
    Last edited by ldopa; 03-08-2016 at 01:41 AM.

  22. #82
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    blood bubbles.
    whadda riot.

  23. #83
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    I'm back to considering sterilization again (which if I did I would 100% want a salpingectomy, I've done my research here), and weighing if I'm down to get monthly periods (uterine ablation is a big nope for me because of the long term risks) and deal with the d e p r e s s i o n pms brings on, compared to the increased fibrocystic breast problems and seemingly cranky circulation the pill creates. :/

  24. #84
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    I'm so fucking torn about getting back on hormonal bc. I've been off of it for like 5 months and all the breast problems went away, but I'm really tired of spending a week a month as an unhappy, easily upset person. And my libido has been *dead* since like winter and I'm having a very hard time with that. :/ But, the boob stuff scares me.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I'm so fucking torn about getting back on hormonal bc. I've been off of it for like 5 months and all the breast problems went away, but I'm really tired of spending a week a month as an unhappy, easily upset person. And my libido has been *dead* since like winter and I'm having a very hard time with that. :/ But, the boob stuff scares me.
    Were you ever on a triphasic hormonal pill?

    I have dense breasts, which means I have fibrocystic breast tissue, which means I'm 6 times more likely to develop breast cancer, so I not only have to have mammograms each year, I also have to have ultrasounds because mammograms can't see much in a dense breast.

    I was also on the pill for over 20 years, primarily a triphasic. My OB/GYN also advised me to watch my diet (low fat, low alcohol, and also low caffeine for pain although I guess the jury's still out on that one).

    edit: One thing I learned the hard way is that sleeping in weird positions and wearing a bra that is cute but causes pressure causes all kinds of discomfort in dense breasts; like, omg, I think I might have cancer kind of pain.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-26-2018 at 09:48 PM.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Were you ever on a triphasic hormonal pill?

    I have dense breasts, which means I have fibrocystic breast tissue, which means I'm 6 times more likely to develop breast cancer, so I not only have to have mammograms each year, I also have to have ultrasounds because mammograms can't see much in a dense breast.

    I was also on the pill for over 20 years, primarily a triphasic. My OB/GYN also advised me to watch my diet (low fat, low alcohol, and also low caffeine for pain although I guess the jury's still out on that one).

    edit: One thing I learned the hard way is that sleeping in weird positions and wearing a bra that is cute but causes pressure causes all kinds of discomfort in dense breasts; like, omg, I think I might have cancer kind of pain.
    Monophasic and would typically skip the placebos, but I'd also fuck up the pill A LOT and I think that contributed to it. Getting back on it, I'm definitely going to commit to taking it when I wake up vs. other random times.

    I also have fibrocystic breasts and did get a sonogram over the lumps a couple of years back, but the whole thing is just so obnoxious. Why do boobs need to be like this. :/ I also did *not* know that 6x fact. Christ. D:

    Also like, wait what, are sonograms more effective? I can't for the life of me understand why we wouldn't standardize that. So much less painful, I'd imagine. Just a wand + pressure vs. the clampy thing (I'm 29 so haven't done the clampy thing just yet but I am not looking forward to clampy thing)

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Monophasic and would typically skip the placebos, but I'd also fuck up the pill A LOT and I think that contributed to it. Getting back on it, I'm definitely going to commit to taking it when I wake up vs. other random times.

    I also have fibrocystic breasts and did get a sonogram over the lumps a couple of years back, but the whole thing is just so obnoxious. Why do boobs need to be like this. :/ I also did *not* know that 6x fact. Christ. D:

    Also like, wait what, are sonograms more effective? I can't for the life of me understand why we wouldn't standardize that. So much less painful, I'd imagine. Just a wand + pressure vs. the clampy thing (I'm 29 so haven't done the clampy thing just yet but I am not looking forward to clampy thing)
    There IS standardization, now, see lists of states here (it's somewhat outdated, there are more updated lists somewhere but I'm working on a home security system now, LOL, sorry). If you are determined to have “dense” breasts, they must now notify you (in writing) after your mammogram and advise you to get an ultrasound. Then, you get both the mammogram and the ultrasound automatically after that (I do same day). The new ultrasound machines are AWESOME, they’re automated, like a copy machine on your boob while you’re on your back, but they don’t hurt at ALL. Did you have that kind? The old kind was manual, with a tech using a hand-held and pushing it down rolling it on your boob, holy shit it was no fun. At the hospital I use for the new kind, they put a warm blanket on me while I’m getting it done, it’s like a friggin’ SPA. And the best part with the ACA is that they aren’t supposed to charge you a fortune for this shit, either. My insurance covers all of it. I believe this applies to you, too.

    The clampy thing (mammogram) is now digital and still required and hurts if you’re dense / fibrocystic, but learn to TELL THEM THAT and they’ll be nice. I once had a tech who was learning the new digital machine and instead of letting UP on the vice grip, she went DOWN and clamped it harder; I had bruises on my boob for days; I cried in the hospital parking lot for 20 minutes, I was so upset. The next year, I told that tech what happened and if it hurts, I’m leaving and I’m never coming back for another mammogram so they better get this shit right. She was really nice, said that should have NEVER happened; she said taking a few ibuprofen first helps women like me and she said to tell techs if stuff hurts, etc. But, really, it has NEVER hurt bad again, so don’t worry, the digital is way better than the old way; I believe 35 is the "baseline" age for your first one, then you get them annually after that, so you have a while. But, you SHOULD do monthly self-exams, natch, so you know what is "normal" for you.

    While I’m sitting there naked from the waist up, except for my pink gown, reading ancient magazines in the waiting room, wearing no antiperspirant (it affects mammograms), waiting for my name to be called, I remind myself that it’s ALL better than having breast cancer.

    I used to take my BC right after brushing my teeth at night, I put them right by my tooth brush and tooth paste; I never ever skip that, and the visual of seeing them were reminders, a daily “routine,” which really helped me, for what it’s worth.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-27-2018 at 11:48 PM.

  28. #88
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    Ooh, this is all hella helpful, thanks.

    I'm really diligent about self exams since I typically just check what's going on in the shower, and I am dense/fibrocystic -- so I guess when I see my PCP I should ask about getting on a cadence, or if I need to.

    The sono I had was with the rolly thing and a tech -- it also came with the special gowns and all that -- weird experience but once I should get used to, I suppose. And it's reassuring that they're not supposed to be painful! I'm so sorry you had such a shit experience with yours.

  29. #89
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    Before the digital mammograms, they attached these metal stickers to your nipples, it was the weirdest shit. I guess it was for a "map" in the X-Ray. In the dressing room, you'd see these nipple stickers all over the floor, LOL LOL. But, those days are gone, no longer necessary with digital mammograms. But, they still have free deodorant in little envelopes in the dressing rooms.

    It's mostly just boring and non-eventful, until you get a dreaded "callback." They say, can you come back in? Sometimes while you're in the waiting room, sometimes after you're at home. It's TERRIFYING. You have NO idea if it's for real cancer, or if it's just to double check something they're not sure about.

    I've had TWO callbacks.

    Both turned out to be nothing. I had to wait DAYS to get in after the callback each time, and it was anxiety beyond anxiety

    My PCP is my Internist, but my mammograms etc. are handled by my Gynecologist, whom I have as my specialist for these types of matters, including my prior usage of BC pills, my breast problems, my hormonal issues, and any other nether region issues I've ever experienced (endometriosis, etc.); the BCs greatly helped the endometriosis. I wish you luck in getting your issues under control.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-28-2018 at 12:34 AM.

  30. #90
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    I thought the mammograms didn't happen until you're in your 40s unless you have other risk factors.

    I had a pretty big lump removed from my boob when I was 19 or something. I honestly just assume that I am going to have breast cancer at some point.

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