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Thread: The 2024 Election Thread - The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime... Again

  1. #121
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    The most confusing part of that poll is that it’s 50/50 if he’s a threat to democracy, but it’s 48/42 in Trump’s favor to win. That means some people are openly voting for what they perceive to be a threat to democracy? Great. That’s just great. I guess that’s the “undecided vote,” who are undecided if they want a president who threatens democracy. Woo hoo.

    I feel resigned to it all. I’ll still vote against him, but it doesn’t matter because I live in California, and we’re a foregone conclusion.

    The fact that he even has a chance is bad enough. Even if he loses, this country is fucked up.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

    I feel resigned to it all. I’ll still vote against him, but it doesn’t matter because I live in California, and we’re a foregone conclusion.
    I'm in MA, same deal. There's like six states that determine who wins the election, every time.

  3. #123
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    And with the amount of people leaving those six states because the leadership is passing all of those draconian laws...shit, that's depressing.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    And with the amount of people leaving those six states because the leadership is passing all of those draconian laws...shit, that's depressing.
    I keep holding out hope for Texas to surprise me and stop voting for people like Ted Cruz. What happened to that Beto guy? Wasn’t he a big deal for a weekend or something? Wasn’t he supposed to have a chance?

  5. #125
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    This country's been fucked up going back to when 40% of the people living in the colonies still wanted to live under the rule of King George during the Revolutionary War. We've been divided since day 1, so everything that's going on now doesn't surprise me. We are a very uneducated country, and we are seeing the results of that with how many still support Trump.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I keep holding out hope for Texas to surprise me and stop voting for people like Ted Cruz. What happened to that Beto guy? Wasn’t he a big deal for a weekend or something? Wasn’t he supposed to have a chance?
    I keep hearing that Texas is trending purple, but the state seems like fool's gold for Democrats. Maybe someday.

  7. #127
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    Some levity:

  8. #128
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    Nikki Haley would have been a MUCH better candidate. I mean, yeah, i don't agree with her, but at least her goal isn't to become a dictator, with FRIGHTENINGLY smart and effective people pulling the strings (Roger Stone, Steve Bannon).

    I've been WARNING you fuckers about Project 2025.

  9. #129
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    McConnell will step down as the Senate Republican leader in November after a record run in the job
    McConnell said he plans to serve out his Senate term, which ends in January 2027, “albeit from a different seat in the chamber.” Aides said McConnell’s announcement about the leadership post was unrelated to his health. The Kentucky senator had a concussion from a fall last year and two public episodes where his face briefly froze while he was speaking.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I keep hearing that Texas is trending purple, but the state seems like fool's gold for Democrats. Maybe someday.
    Dude, this is sad, because, irl, texas IS purple, irl, and has been for fucking decades. Some of my GREAT UNCLES and my GREAT grandparents were die hard leftists until their deaths. It isn't new.
    They lived through the depression and loved FDR.

    And as of late, look at how close Beto came to ridding the US of Ted Cruz: it was like 51 to 49.
    ( @thelastdisciple , @botley... please buy him a Tim Hortons and remind him that he's from Canada. We need an intervention).

    The problem is, we have a ridiculously well rigged, republican supermajority at both the state and federal levels, because the Trumplicans keep doing shit like THIS. We are gerrymandered to fucking right wing HELL.
    So yeah. Texas will remain a "republican stronghold" as long as the cocksuckers are in power. And they've BEEN in power since Ann Richards lost to GWB in the super fun right wing revolution of 94-95. So i wouldn't hold my breath on Texas turning purple, although, if people were properly represented, it would be the ULTIMATE swing state. Alas, the game is utterly rigged.
    Ugh. It makes me sick.

    BTW: I just saw some numbers that had trump winning in a landslide, were the election held today.
    Fuck biden for funding genocide, but at least he's, you know, kind of a "regular" president, rather than a useful wannabe dictator like DJT, (which he WILL become, as long as he does the will of Steve Banon, the Heritage Foundation, Roger Stone, etc).
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-28-2024 at 01:44 PM.

  11. #131
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    Oh dear sweet mother of god, @allegate

    I mean, that's great for Mitch. But i wonder who trump will install? (and he can clearly install people whether he's president or not- see the resignation of Ronna McDaniel, former head of the RNC).

    Look at this lead. I mean, for FUCK'S SAKE, this is pure Hitler:
    "Ronna Mcdaniel...will step down as charwoman of the RNC following former President Donald Trump's endorsement of a new slate of leaders to direct The Party."

    I just...the motherfucker isn't even president, and he's facing, what, 91 felonies? This isn't even hitler: it's something stranger.

  12. #132
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    And looking at the timing, he was in talks to support Trump as their next candidate.

    I suspect he was told he had to support Trump as their candidate, and he did this instead.

    Too little too late for Moscow Mitch though, and even still, he hasn't started explicitly that's his reason for doing so either.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    it's something stranger.
    We’ve been completely normalized into accepting something completely insane. Trump just got up in front of a crowd of black conservatives and said “my favorite color is black.” He actually said that. Kid Rock is back in a political way. Ben Shapiro is rapping. Nothing makes sense.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    We’ve been completely normalized into accepting something completely insane. Trump just got up in front of a crowd of black conservatives and said “my favorite color is black.” He actually said that. Kid Rock is back in a political way. Ben Shapiro is rapping. Nothing makes sense.
    Normalized...absolutely. Shit just gets crazier and crazier, and i guess we're extremely adaptable species?

    Also, the at the black conservative event, he said something about how black people like him because they've been mistreated by the US, and so has he (Trump).
    -He said they liked him because he had a mugshot on a t-shirt, like, implying that all black people have mugshots.
    -He also said he "knew black people, because they built his buildings."

    And, yeah...this was at a fucking Black Conservative Gala.

    Jesus GOD, i hoped he flipped some of those people back to reality with those comments. Yes, i know, the left makes promises to black people and rarely delivers, but the right, and ESPECIALLY the NEW right, is just fucking openly racist.

    but, yeah, @Jinsai ... nothing really shocks me these days.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Marianne Williamson suspends her presidential campaign, ending long-shot primary challenge to Biden

    I was told that a suspension is so that they can keep accepting money to pay off debts. Who would still be contributing to someone after they dropped out?
    well shit, I guess I have my answer.

    Marianne Williamson re-enters 2024 race after besting Dean Phillips in Michigan

    Take your crystals and go home, Marianne!

  16. #136
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    This SNL sketch is funny, but beneath the humor it's actually pretty scary. The skit isn't too far removed from reality.

  17. #137
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    Trump leading Biden in 7 swing states: Survey

    What the hell is wrong with people?

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Trump leading Biden in 7 swing states: Survey

    What the hell is wrong with people?
    i'm afraid it's that, this is what america is, dude.
    Somehow, WE'RE the intelligentsia...the sophistos, even with our long hair and tattoos and Downward Spirals and shit.

    The real america is men screaming "SHOW ME YOUR BUTTHOLE" at Nascar after shotgunning 16 keystone lites, and listening to Kid Rock on the way home before they beat their wives.
    They don't understand the POLICIES at play, at all, but they relate to...Donald Fucking Trump, of all people, because despite his Richie Rich impersonation, he, too, would likely scream "SHOW ME YOUR BUTTHOLE" along with them, and wave a confederate flag.
    This is my fear.

    Also, they aren't aware of Project 2025
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-29-2024 at 02:12 PM.

  19. #139
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    'twould be a great time for Yellowstone to blow these days, I reckon

  20. #140
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    good message near the end to calm anxiety down a bit.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    good message near the end to calm anxiety down a bit.
    Some other commentators have made the same point, and that's a little reassuring. Still, the fact that Trump is beating Biden in all the key swing states (in that one poll) is alarming. The fact that a majority of Americans polled think Trump will do better handling the economy is alarming. I'm not the smartest guy in the room, but my goodness, how can so many people STILL be duped by the guy?
    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-01-2024 at 11:39 PM.

  22. #142
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    Reading these stories and watching the news and scrolling reddit and everything makes it sound so fucking dire. I was thinking this must be what it's like to watch Fox News except, you know, it's actually happening and isn't a 'migrant caravan' storming the border or some other grade-A stupid. Honestly I'd rather it was that because this whistling past the graveyard that too many people are doing is going to be the end of a lot of things.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Reading these stories and watching the news and scrolling reddit and everything makes it sound so fucking dire. I was thinking this must be what it's like to watch Fox News except, you know, it's actually happening and isn't a 'migrant caravan' storming the border or some other grade-A stupid. Honestly I'd rather it was that because this whistling past the graveyard that too many people are doing is going to be the end of a lot of things.
    How much different is this though?

    The internet isn't always indicative of the rest of the world, and profits on from keeping us clicking. One way to keep us clicking, is for the algorithms to keep feeding us information about impending doom that our brains want to pay attention to.

    It's hard to know whether or not to believe these polls that show him beating Biden or not.

    Is Trump a real threat to win, or is this just the algorithms keeping us engaged by showing us something terrifying? As you said, Fox news has played that game for years with stupid shit, I wouldn't put it past any of the tech companies to be doing the same to us.

    The important part is to show up and vote, and to encourage others to do the same.

    Anyone who was awake during his last term knows how bad Trump is, and anyone who thinks he could be a good president couldn't be convinced anymore, no matter how much evidence you can share with them.

    For my own mental health, I'm reducing the amount of articles I read about him and about how the election is expected to go. I have no control at all over what the outcome will be, and reading is just making me anxious. Maybe for good reason, maybe not.

  24. #144
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    Also, the NYT is polling Trump at 4 points ahead right now. I'd say "I don't get it," but I do. I expect that at this point, Trump supporters are as fully decided as I am to vote against him. NOTHING is going to change my mind, and I get it, that's probably how they feel too.

    Still, fuck them.

  25. #145
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    From my experience it is exactly how they feel.

    Now my moms is gone and I’m not exposed to Fox all the time I don’t hear it much anymore that and I’ve moved. But I used to hear random comments at home about Biden etc and yeah best I can tell is both sides are pretty equal in how they view things and feel about their guy.

    I’m very cynical when it comes to these types of things but even I can admit Biden is the better choice. I can’t honestly say I care at this point but that’s a fully me choice. That said I’ll be voting in a see of shit heads because despite myself if for not other reason than to trigger some Maga tool. I do however think king shit head has a pretty decent chance. Being hit close it was last time I’m not sure things will go the same way.

  26. #146
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    make it make sense: you can't enlist in the army if you have felonies, but you can be a presidential candidate.

  27. #147
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  28. #148
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    The unanimous part surprised me at first, until I read the reasoning.

    As much as I don't want Trump to be on the ballot, a state court probably wasn't the right place to enforce this. It probably should have been a federal court making this ruling.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1ke View Post
    The unanimous part surprised me at first, until I read the reasoning.

    As much as I don't want Trump to be on the ballot, a state court probably wasn't the right place to enforce this. It probably should have been a federal court making this ruling.
    If the Republicans in the Senate had done their job and voted guilty after his failed coup, Trump would now be ineligible. Thank you, Mitch.

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