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Thread: The 2024 Election Thread - The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime... Again

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    It really is scary watching this guy.

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  3. #183
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    And now Trump is pimpin' Bibles:

    According to the website, it's the only Bible officially endorsed by Trump, as he gets a profit. It can be yours for only $59.99.

    Chris Hayes ran a good piece on this.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-27-2024 at 12:38 AM.

  4. #184
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    full circle to Stephen King's "Dead Zone" , where the main character starts off as a con man Bible salesman before becoming president.

  5. #185
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    Trump "endorsing" a singular version of the bible is so fucking funny to me.

    "These are great! I have so many! I love this book! Its my favorite book!" motherfucker up there sounding like he's trying to squeeze through a book report for a book he didn't read.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Trump "endorsing" a singular version of the bible is so fucking funny to me.

    "These are great! I have so many! I love this book! Its my favorite book!" motherfucker up there sounding like he's trying to squeeze through a book report for a book he didn't read.
    I actually said this as a fucking joke… like “I wonder what lame grift he’ll come up with next… Trump bibles? He can say ‘hey, this is a patriotic Trumpy bible! It’s the King James Version, which is the best version, of course, MAGA bibles, because Christians are under attack and you’ll need a Trump bible to protect you from the godless liberals!’”

    Trump: grand destroyer of satire

  7. #187
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    I saw that it's apparently not just the bible but also the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Oh and it's large print, good news for all the old people.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I saw that it's apparently not just the bible but also the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Oh and it's large print, good news for all the old people.
    Hold on! That's not all:

    This Bible also features a copy of:

    • Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood
    • The US Constitution
    • The Bill of Rights
    • The Declaration of Independence
    • The Pledge of Allegiance

    Here is the website

  9. #189
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    Is Biden on track for defeat? The debate, explained.

    If we are reading the tea leaves, the special election in Alabama could tell us something. A House pickup for the Dems in Alabama is a good sign that the real "silent majority" doesn't want Trump or MAGA.

  10. #190
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    do we have a 2028 thread yet?
    Trump 2028
    The Twenty-second Amendment is an arbitrary restraint on presidents who serve nonconsecutive terms—and on democracy itself.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    These "intellectual conservatives" are the worst.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Ugh goddamn it, what an article to start the day with.

    I made it through about half of that and gave up before I got pissed. You know what anachronistic system is screwing things up lately, in a way that it really hasn’t in the past, and is not the 22nd amendment? The fucking electoral college. This guy… talking about how it’s unfair for MAGA people because they won’t get to elect Trump to a third goddamn term… all this talk about how Trump is proof of democracy and the will of the people (despite never winning the popular vote) is absolute partisan noise.

    The problem is, if Trump does win in November, they’re absolutely going to push for this. It’ll get tied up in the courts, and they’ll hear it just like they’re hearing his presidential immunity plea. Then, after he wins in 2028 (despite losing the popular vote for the fourth time), they’ll talk about how, since we’ve already done away with the 22nd amendment, he should run again… and then he’ll win a fourth term despite losing the popular vote for the fifth time… and then he’ll live forever, and they’ll be dragging him around like Weekend at Bernies, because this whole thing is an insane nightmare that makes no sense, and it just never ends.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    These "intellectual conservatives" are the worst.
    I read it as a sarcastic comedy piece, but then realized afterwards the dude was serious. there are tons of idiots that would want Trump in for the rest of his life, and even after he passes, they'll wheel out his dead body and praise him and think he's running a country.

    he's up there with Jim Jones as an American cult leader. now, selling bibles.
    if only he'd take all of MAGA to a remote jungle somewhere...
    (I am not saying I want the Jim Jones ending for all of them. just...get the fuck out of here)

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Ugh goddamn it, what an article to start the day with.

    I made it through about half of that and gave up before I got pissed. You know what anachronistic system is screwing things up lately, in a way that it really hasn’t in the past, and is not the 22nd amendment? The fucking electoral college. This guy… talking about how it’s unfair for MAGA people because they won’t get to elect Trump to a third goddamn term… all this talk about how Trump is proof of democracy and the will of the people (despite never winning the popular vote) is absolute partisan noise.

    The problem is, if Trump does win in November, they’re absolutely going to push for this. It’ll get tied up in the courts, and they’ll hear it just like they’re hearing his presidential immunity plea. Then, after he wins in 2028 (despite losing the popular vote for the fourth time), they’ll talk about how, since we’ve already done away with the 22nd amendment, he should run again… and then he’ll win a fourth term despite losing the popular vote for the fifth time… and then he’ll live forever, and they’ll be dragging him around like Weekend at Bernies, because this whole thing is an insane nightmare that makes no sense, and it just never ends.
    The part of this thought piece that gets me is that the amendment was suggested - and passed! - by the Republicans.
    In the midterm elections 18 months later, Republicans took control of the House and the Senate. As many of them had campaigned on the issue of presidential tenure, declaring their support for a constitutional amendment that would limit how long a person could serve as president, the issue was given priority in the 80th Congress when it convened in January 1947.
    But as we all now know they have no need for precedence. or decorum, but I get ahead of myself.

  15. #195
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    This is great:

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  17. #197
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    As far as 2028, i keep trying to tell y'all about the fucking Project 2025 thing, which, again, "would perform a swift restructuring of the executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration."
    It also involves immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807- i mean, for REAL: these fuckers aim to, quite literally, end the US government, and the US, as we know it.
    That shit from wikipedia is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Read some of their 900 page manifesto, or their 180 day plan. I did. It's fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up.
    Trump, in this case, seems to be the useful idiot to accomplish the goals of theocrats and authoritarian lunatics.

    BY THE WAY, internet pornography is currently PRETTY much banned in Texas, even through fucking TORRENTING.
    Don't sleep on this shit. These people CAN and WILL do these things.

    also, HEY!
    did you guys catch the Bible loving christian's Easter message, which is, you know, the HOLIEST FUCKING DAY OF THE YEAR in Christianity?

    if not, here it is! (except it was in all caps. Imgr is down and i am NOT retyping this fucking insanity).

    “Happy Easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges that are doing everything possible to interfere with the presidential election of 2024, and put me in prison, including those many people that I completely & totally despise because they want to destroy America, a now failing nation, like “deranged” Jack Smith, who is evil and ‘sick,’ Mrs. Fani ‘Fauni’ Wade who said she hardly knew the ‘special’ prosecutor, only to find that he spent years ‘loving’ her, long before the Georgia persecution of President Trump began (and thereby making the case against me null, void, and illegal!), and lazy on violent crime Alvin Bragg who, with Crooked Joe’s DOJ thugs, unfairly working in the D.A.’s office, illegally indicted me on a case he never wanted to bring and virtually all legal scholars say is a case that should not be brought, is breaking the law in doing so (POMERANTZ!) was turned down by all other law enforcement authorities, and is not a crime. Happy Easter everyone!”

    So first off, are y'all familiar with the rant of Francis E Dec? You know, "CIA GANGSTER POLICE ZOMBIE FRANKENStiEN MIND CONTROL TELEVISION THERE IS NOOOOOO ESCAPE" and all that? If not, look it up.
    It's THE single most unhinged, batshit crazy thing i've ever seen. And THIS reminds me of it.

    Secondly, as a (VERY moderate) Christian, this shit...and the bibles...i just...i mean,
    FUCK. I don't have words. I just don't.
    This is one of the most fucking disgusting, offensive things i've ever seen in my LIFE.

    I don't believe in the "rapture," or the "antichrist."

    But if The Apocalypse of John IS literal, and i'm wrong, well...yeah.
    This fucker may well be the literal antichrist.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-07-2024 at 12:13 PM.

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  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I mean, if we're being honest, the economy got fucked off under trump, and, CONTINUED its downward spiral under biden.

    In my mind. there are clearly two economies: there's the "look at the unemployment rate! Holy fuck! Look at the Dow and the Nazflack and such. Everything is GREAT! Fuck yeah!"

    And, THEN, there's he part where, of COURSE unemployment is low, because it takes 2.5 jobs to raise a traditional family. And, btw, how come we're having trouble feeding our families? Why must we choose. between food and medicine?
    This is the REAL.economy, wherein 9% mortgage rates are on the rise , Americans hold more credit.card debt than at any time in us history, and we've already PASSED the woes of the Great Recession, with no sign of any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

    Biden won't fix it. Trump can't, either.

    We place WAY too much emphasis on presidential power wrt economic issues,, as, there are just SO many moving parts:domestically and globally. One man isn't responsible for all of it, nor does he have much power to CHANGE it.

    Also, a lot of his shit moves SLOW..."Trump's economy" was good, due to policies enacted by OBAMA. Biden is having trouble due to policies enacted by TRUMP...many of which, he continued but that is another post altogether.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-17-2024 at 01:09 PM.

  22. #202
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    Donald Trump 789,046 82.8%
    Nikki Haley 156,568 16.4%

    Joseph Biden 926,633 88.2%

    Joe wins regardless because this was a closed primary so only Republicans could vote for Trump and Democrats could only vote for Biden. Over 137,000 more people voted for Biden, never mind the 156k who voted for someone who dropped out quite awhile ago. I have a feeling the 156k aren't "protest" votes either.

  23. #203
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    Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in Every Battleground State: Polling Averages

    Most of these polls are within the margin of error, but still...

  24. #204
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    I’ve stopped keeping up with the polls. It’s discouraging and it just stresses me out, and I don’t need it.

    I’ll vote, but my vote doesn’t matter, because I don’t live in Pennsylvania or Michigan. The electoral college system is broken. I hate to say it, but I think Trump is going to win, and it’s going to suck. I expect that he’ll lose the popular vote for the third time in a row, but that won’t matter.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I’ve stopped keeping up with the polls. It’s discouraging and it just stresses me out, and I don’t need it.

    I’ll vote, but my vote doesn’t matter, because I don’t live in Pennsylvania or Michigan. The electoral college system is broken. I hate to say it, but I think Trump is going to win, and it’s going to suck. I expect that he’ll lose the popular vote for the third time in a row, but that won’t matter.
    It's like your vote is useless in 43 states. It's not right.

    I'm hoping that a conviction in this trial will turn off even more voters on the fence.

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    it’s going to suck.
    That's an understatement. Having read Project 2025 and Agenda 47, the impact another Trump presidency will have on PoC communities, women and the LGBTQ community is catastrophic. There's a huge push by GenZs to either not vote or to vote third party. It's fucking insane. Latinos aren't helping right now, either. A large chunk of them have joined the cult of MAGA because of the machismo that's ingrained in the culture. Like speaks to like.

  27. #207
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    From tonight's correspondents dinner:

  28. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baphomette View Post
    That's an understatement. Having read Project 2025 and Agenda 47, the impact another Trump presidency will have on PoC communities, women and the LGBTQ community is catastrophic. There's a huge push by GenZs to either not vote or to vote third party. It's fucking insane. Latinos aren't helping right now, either. A large chunk of them have joined the cult of MAGA because of the machismo that's ingrained in the culture. Like speaks to like.
    I've lost track of what gen is the one doing the most blowhard bull shit on any given day. That any of them can look at the last couple decades and still think "nothing bad will happen to me" is so annoying. Is Biden perfect? most emphatically no but compared to Trump and what he will bring to the fore? How is that even a choice?

    I understand if you're under the sway of the sunk-cost of Trump but everyone else is a complete fool. I was watching the video for "Under Pressure" and it has all these scenes of food lines and people out of work and that's us right now. The only thing keeping it from looking that bad now is the sheer amount of debt people are riding. It won't help anyone if the Project 2025 people get their way.

    Which, about that.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    That any of them can look at the last couple decades and still think "nothing bad will happen to me" is so annoying.
    The majority of people saying that are white. They'll be the last group affected. I've also been seeing a lot of, "We survived Trump before. You'll get through this." which has to be the most entitled shit I've read in awhile. Most of the idiots posting that crap were 11 or 12 when he was elected. What the fuck do they know about his presidency since they were still living with their parents and not having to worry about anything? I lost a cousin in one of those heinous immigrant internment camps and we still don't know where they buried him. I've gotten to the point where I just want to punch the whole word in the fucking face, to quote Eminem.
    Last edited by Baphomette; 04-30-2024 at 12:04 AM.

  30. #210
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    Believe it or not, this is one of the more tame images of the endless slaughter and tragedy that has been taking place for the last seven months in Gaza. Our tax dollars are funding this.

    The only thing that seems to spark Biden’s sentience into political action is the erection he gains at the sight of dead Palestinian women and children. His administration circumvents Congress regardless of votes to fund this — all the while allowing our civil rights to be eroded under a Democratic majority no differently than if Bush or Trump were still in power.

    If we’re making moral appeals to vote for a dementia-riddled ghoul who takes glee in facilitating genocide, we’ve already lost. You can’t blame the voters when an endorsement will only be read as a stamp of approval for the death of even more innocents.


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