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Thread: The 2024 Election Thread - The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime... Again

  1. #31
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    Opinion What does Gavin Newsom think he’s doing?

    ...But all of them stood down and pretended there was nothing weird about renominating an 81-year-old man with a 39 percent approval rating. Among party members in good standing, only an obscure congressman, Dean Phillips, has offered token resistance.

    But here comes Newsom, who near as I can tell is the only serious Democrat willing to do the responsible thing. Newsom isn’t challenging Biden outright or seeking to upend the party, which is fine. He’s just setting himself up as a clear option, should an option be needed before the convention.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 11-30-2023 at 07:10 AM.

  2. #32
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    I wish I could go the entire rest of my lifetime without hearing "The Most Important Election In Our Lifetime" ever again.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I wish I could go the entire rest of my lifetime without hearing "The Most Important Election In Our Lifetime" ever again.
    I know but this next one kind of is. If Trump wins in 2024, I don't think he'd leave on 1/20/'29.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I know but this next one kind of is. If Trump wins in 2024, I don't think he'd leave on 1/20/'29.
    While I agree with what you're saying, losing in 2020 didn't get him out of the news cycle. It didn't stop his style of politics from continuing to grow, and I have a hard time picturing a loss in 2024 stopping the style of politics that he's contaminated the GOP with.

    If he loses in 2024, they *probably* won't let him run again, but that won't stop Densantis from trying to run with the same policies, plans and rhetoric. Losing elections isn't enough to make the GOP say "Hey, maybe we should do something differently now", it's causing them to double-down.

    At some point, the general population is going to grow tired of hearing "the most important election of our lifetime", and stop paying attention to the very real and necessary alarms being triggered.

    The only thing that stops every election from here on out from being the one that saves the USA, is the GOP being completely dissolved. How do we go about making that happen? Because without that, eventually they'll win, and the USA will be done-for.

  5. #35
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    Trump is now saying that if the election weren't rigged, he would have won New York and California. I'm so sick of the insanity. Is there anyone on this planet stupid and deluded enough to actually think Trump won California?.

  6. #36
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    you mean other than Trump? Probably the guys I saw while driving through this area that had a giant - like, it looked big and the building wasn't close to the road at all - "Trump Won" banner that was in the style of the 80s GI Joe cartoon "now you know".

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Trump is now saying that if the election weren't rigged, he would have won New York and California. I'm so sick of the insanity. Is there anyone on this planet stupid and deluded enough to actually think Trump won California?.
    A lot of his voters know that's bullshit, but will say "that's just Trump being Trump. What about Hunter Biden? I think the economy will be better with him back as president and things were better under his administration."

  8. #38
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    Are you all aware off Project 2025? It's BASICALLY a Republican plan to make trump a fucking dictator the day he is inaugurated.

    It includes immediately invoking the insurrection act of 1807 (so the military can be used to combat domestic crime), give near absolute power to the executive branch/POTUS, declare that any and all displays of non hetero/cis sexuality are illegal "pornography" (as in flying a rainbow flag is illegal), basically render Congress irrelevant, end or gut MOST of the "administrative branch" of the US (no more FBI, DHS, Department of Education, etc, with POTUS controlling what's left, like EPA, FDA, ), use what is left of the DOJ to go after "Trump's Adversaries," and a bunch of other more shit.
    OH YEAH. It also involves removing public college funding, and using that money to fund Trump's "America Academy.'
    They are currently using AI to determine who is loyal to (Trump), and 40,000 civil servants will be fired and replaced with 'patriots', aka Trump Loyalists, in every gvmt/civil service position, and a BUNCH of other more shit. In fact, lemme throw down this quote:

    "The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president has ABSOLUTE POWER of the executive branch — upon inauguration"

    This dovetails with the horrifying "Agenda 47," which, among MANY other Nazi-style tactics, includes a pledge to "terminate ALL WORK PERMITS for immigrants," and...wait for it..."ROUND UP EVERY 'ILLEGAL ALIEN' AND PLACE THEM IN DETENTION CAMPS.' This also involves giving anyone caught selling drugs the DEATH PENALTY, ARREST all homeless people, and 'TERMINATE THE CONSTITUTION' if POTUS finds evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, (at least Captain Asshole tried to walk THAT one back a LITTLE, but it's there in black and white), "put God back in schools," and whatnot.

    Y'all? I know this this sounds like an Alex Jones fever dream of something similar to what the "Marxist Deep State Globalists" will do, one day. I've been expecting this for 20 years: I'm a kooky, crazy conspiracy theorist.
    But, see, unfortunately, this shit is VERY real, and these people AREN'T fucking around. These people are VERY smart, VERY well organized, and VERY serious.

    THIS IS IT. This is the fucking Dictatorial Theocratic Police State that so many "truthers" have feared for decades, complete with rounding people up and putting them in internment camps.THIS is borderline Nazi Germany.

    HOLY SHIT, this is motherfucking YEAR ZERO. Did Trent have a goddamn vision from God? This plan began in 2022. I'm not sure art will be ENOUGH resistance, though.

    This is slightly old news: I missed it because of medical shit, and my addiction to geopolitics. I've been going down this hiding-in-plain-sight rabbit hole since yesterday.

    If you wanna getcha' taste of it, HERE is the Project 2025 Wikipedia Page. Getcha' pull! Get a slug of it!

    There's also a super happy fun 920 page book called Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise- it's one of the "Four Pillars" of Project 2025, and outlines the plan. (I've looked at a bit of it, and it's FAR more disturbing than, say, O9A's Big Black Book of Satan, so be careful with it).

    Edit: frighteningly, by almost all accounts at THIS point, trump WILL win. The US was cool while it lasted. It's been an honor.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-09-2023 at 12:16 PM.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    trump WILL win.
    No he won't. Our memories can't be that short.

  10. #40
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    If it comes down to him and Biden again he might though. If the kids come out to vote Biden could pull it off but as close as it was last time idk. Things are pretty wild right now.

    The fact that these two are even the main options right now is absurd. Even beyond the next election I don’t see it getting any better for a while.

    The above post about Trump people being all, “but Biden, economy etc, is stuff I hear all the time around my family.

  11. #41
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    there's a certain individual that, if Trump were to select him as his running mate, would ensure victory.
    I will not break the seal and tempt the devil by actually saying his name.
    I just hope Trump's ego gets in the way of it ever happening

    But really, who Trump picks as his running mate could make a huge difference here. Don't let your imagination run too wild.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-12-2023 at 12:19 AM.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No he won't. Our memories can't be that short.
    The problem is, old droogiwoog, is that there IS no more our/we.
    Aside from a handful of swing...fucking COUNTIES, really, it's US and THEM.
    And A.- THEY have the momentum. Furthermore, 2.-THEY fucking CHEATED.
    As far as part A, well...Trump voters are PISSED: I'd wager that the indictments are a big part of why he's in the lead. They're also mostly WOEFULLY misinformed, and at the very least, likely don't know every extant right wing think tank and hidden hand alt-right supervillain have converged to turn their useful idiot cartoon mascot into a literal borderline puppet god-king, as the people who can read good and stuff ACTUALLY restructure the gvmt to their liking, end Posse Comitatus, etc. I mean jesus, dude. And the ones who DO know...well, they fucking LIKE it. I've seen horrific examples of people who WANT us moving towards a dictatorship.
    2. Cheating:
    They've rigged the fucking swing states through years of implementation of voter suppression and gerrymandering. Hell, TX was EXPECTED to be purple by now. NOT ANYMORE.
    And @Pillfred , idk about the 18-24 crowd SPECIFICALLY, but I know Trump is beating Biden with prospective voters under 30.
    Yes, some of these kids are cool and politically literate and such, but a LOT of them are drawn to trump because he's bombastic. Like, I've a bisexual (read-gay), half Mexican (looks whole Mexican), atheist cousin in his early 20s who eats mushrooms and ecstasies, and looooooooves trump. I asked him why, and he said "well, I mean, he KICKS ASS, dude.' And I was like " yeah, but what particular policy issues draw you to him, and the right in general?" "It's that he fucking RULES, cuz!"

    All I know for GODDAMN sure is that we HAVE TO pull this off, SOMEHOW.
    And if we don't? There're fucking more of us than there are of them, irl: Republicans shouldn't have a CHANCE, federally, like, AT ALL, based on simple fucking math.
    So IF we don't ? If we don't pull this off? I've a feeling it may be My Violent Heart up in this bitch.
    And I am DEAD ass serious. They call themselves Patriots, as they try to REMOVE freedom, en masse, and drastically change our system of gvmt? I could see...well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-12-2023 at 02:20 PM.

  13. #43
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    That's the thing though @elevenism , he doesn't kick ass in any way. Forget his policies and leadership and whatever, disregard his narcissism and dangerous ignorance, grifting, blah blah blah... Let's just look at him as cool... like, someone who fucking RULES

  14. #44
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    My money is on a Trump/Haley ticket. She would provide "legitimacy" and maybe help him with women voters.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    That's the thing though @elevenism, he doesn't kick ass in any way. Forget his policies and leadership and whatever, disregard his narcissism and dangerous ignorance, grifting, blah blah blah... Let's just look at him as cool... like, someone who fucking RULES

    You know DAMN WELL that I'M a fucking borderline MILITANT leftist.
    I enjoy the Weather Underground, and have a complicated fondness for Mr. Carlos the Jackal, ffs.

    I was just Presenting, for Your Approval, what a youngster...again, a LGBTQ, Mexican, BLOOD relative of mine thinks. And, he'll be going to the polls, along with his cohort of bad know, like, upper middle class, coddled Coheed and Cambria and Ax7 fans (of which he appears to be the token Mexican-i mean, they call him Beans).

    @Jinsai , please tell me you didn't read that as me saying that I PERSONALLY have ANY sort of positive opinion of Captain Donald J. Asshole.
    Did you think i'd turned heel in the few months i wasn't here every day?

    Good god...i know i didn't finish my degree, but i'd like to think my rants and ramblings haven't become THAT fucking incomprehensible.
    Jesus, man, i'm still trying to write the Great of poems for people who like Cummings and Dickinson, combined with blatantly whiny, nihilistic sadboy nonsense (who can read good). :P
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-12-2023 at 02:37 PM.

  16. #46
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    No @elevenism , I'm not saying you've got that perspective, I just don't get how anyone could... like wear a t-shirt with his mug shot on it, get a fucking tattoo of his leathery face, wrap your car in a photo of Trump with Rambo abs and a machine gun...

    The guy is such a dork. His favorite song is YMCA, and when he "dances" he looks like grandpa got drunk and is making fun of hip hop gestures again. There's nothing cool about being a republican, full stop right there... but all the nepotism, grifting, racism, misogyny, stupidity, narcissism, whatever, but there's NO excuse for his fucking dancing.

  17. #47
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    I don't get it. I really don't get why some people think he's "the man."

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I don't get it. I really don't get why some people think he's "the man."
    A lot of blame for that goes to The Apprentice rescuing his brand from the trash heap. It repositioned him as the embodiment of what his 1980's facade was: opulence, fame, wealth. The truth was he'd ruined his empire by the time The Apprentice came along. According to people who worked on the show, all his shit was falling apart and he was a mess. He couldn't remember his lines, he would change his mind and fire the wrong person, they had to edit him together to seem coherent, and his whole portrayal of the Trump prestige was Hollywood smoke and mirrors.

    But in the 80s, Trump was all about "I'm rich so I get to do whatever the fuck I want!" and that was supposed to be this badass boss thing to aspire to. But he's not cool. He's Mr Garrison.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No @elevenism, I'm not saying you've got that perspective, I just don't get how anyone could... like wear a t-shirt with his mug shot on it, get a fucking tattoo of his leathery face, wrap your car in a photo of Trump with Rambo abs and a machine gun...

    The guy is such a dork. His favorite song is YMCA, and when he "dances" he looks like grandpa got drunk and is making fun of hip hop gestures again. There's nothing cool about being a republican, full stop right there... but all the nepotism, grifting, racism, misogyny, stupidity, narcissism, whatever, but there's NO excuse for his fucking dancing.
    Dude, i think i have an idea.
    It's HARD to grasp, i know. But keep in mind...i've found the main nerve.
    I live in LITERALLY the reddest district in the country...before the most recent gerrymandering monkeyfuckery, but, was, as such, as of a year or two ago, and i've been here since, well...since i changed from eleven11 to elevenism, so...fuck me, going on eleven years.

    AND, i did most of my growing up in Dallas: the only spot i've ever been in that spawned SOME long haired, dope shooting, guitar rockers, die hard hip hoppers, D&B bumping candy flipping ravers, and LITERAL gangbangers, who skewed to the right...and i said SOME, but the very fact that such people exist, baffles me.

    I wrote you a damn essay, but i deleted it. The bottom line, though, i'd say, is that mostly, people don't know what they're voting for.

    And as far as the KIDS? Dude, what is counterculture, in a culture with an (actually INTOLERANT) media that gives the APPEARANCE that tolerance won? That the left WON? With a presidential race wherein the dude who actually MAY give a shit appears to be a boring old fucker, and the other dude is calling people names and being as disruptive as fuck?
    What would SEEM to be the punk rock stance in that situation: to follow the cat with ethics and decorum, or the one who, ostensibly, doesn't give a fuck?

  20. #50
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  21. #51
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    I do sometimes wonder if America will be one of those short lived countries. I hope not.

  22. #52
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    I don’t trust polls after 2016 and then again in 2020.

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    Trump Is Disqualified From the 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules
    It’s the first court to find that the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment applies to Mr. Trump, in addition to affirming that he engaged in insurrection.

    Colorado Supreme Court bars Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot in 2024

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    it's so sad that even that ruling doesn't change anything in terms of the general election.

    now, if a swing state or red state ruled that, well, that would be amazing. but we know that's not happening sadly.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Trump Is Disqualified From the 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules
    It’s the first court to find that the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment applies to Mr. Trump, in addition to affirming that he engaged in insurrection.

    Colorado Supreme Court bars Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot in 2024
    They won't let me on the ballot either. Wake me up when he gets some real consequences.

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    if we re-elect Trump, we can't say "oh, let's give him a chance" or "I wonder what that's gonna be like..." You dumb assholes knew what he was all about; he's not even hiding it. We got a 4 year preview of how bad it will get, and it will be infinitely worse. He's flat out using fucking Nazi language now, and openly telling Hannity that he'll be a dictator, day one. If you ask for this guy to be president again, just fuck you.

    I know we're so used to bullshit from Trump that it feels exhausting to even point it out, but this new rhetoric is worse than shit like referring to the press as "the enemy of the people." Virmin? Poisoning the blood of America? I'm glad that Biden finally called this language out. Maybe too little too late, who knows, but at least he finally said something.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-06-2024 at 01:19 PM.

  28. #58
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    I wonder why Christie dropped out now, before Iowa? Might as well stay in another week.

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    Iowa caucus results 2024: Trump wins first race, Ramaswamy ends campaign

    According to NBC News’ projections, Trump easily won Iowa’s Republican presidential caucuses tonight, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claiming the coveted second-place finish and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley coming in third.
    After finishing fourth, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy announced that he was dropping out and would endorse Trump.

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