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Thread: The 2024 Election Thread - The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime... Again

  1. #271
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    Biden looked/sounded great today. Why couldn't that Biden have showed up last night?

  2. #272
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    I switched over to CNN for like 3 seconds and saw what appeared to be some sort of Red Carpet while all the anchors acted like the Oscars were getting ready to start or some shit. I literally said "man fuck this shit" out loud and then rented the new Mad Max movie instead.

  3. #273
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    I watched two minutes to try and distract me of the horrible day I've had and it only made it worse.

    Today, I remembered this:


  4. #274
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    I miss Bernie

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Did Biden really challenge Trump to a golf-off? I thought he was trying to kick the impression that he was too old… that’s got to be the most geriatric thing I can think of
    That was one of the stupidest parts of the debate. I couldn't believe Biden took it on. Like, it would have been so easy to just say, "Look, my opponent over here is so concerned about his golf game. Remember, he spent more days golfing in his first term than any other president. I'm focused on working hard for the American people. Donald, if you want to drop out of the race so you can work on your golf game seven days a week to be a better golfer than me, please have at it."

  6. #276
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    2028: No Old, Senile White Guys Please

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Time to call Newsom?
    Honest question. Why is everyone so gung ho on Newsome? California has a rampant homeless problem, not mention DAs that don't prosecute any serious crimes other than murder, which that is even a stretch.

  8. #278
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    Huffington Post having a full blown headline: "Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump" this morning is a full on fucking FLEX. God I wish the fucking Dems had the guts to take this opportunity to really fuck shit up for the GOP. ~But wHeN tHeY gO lOw We Go HiGh~

  9. #279
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    How does Madam VP Harris fit in to all of this DEFCON 1 stuff?

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cookster426 View Post
    Honest question. Why is everyone so gung ho on Newsome? California has a rampant homeless problem, not mention DAs that don't prosecute any serious crimes other than murder, which that is even a stretch.
    The state of California doesn't have a "rampant homeless problem." The country has failed to fund a series of safety nets and welfare programs that would protect people from homeless and has instead engaged in the repeatedly failed practice of criminalization. California has the largest population of any state and the nicest weather, so homeless often come here from other states out of a need for survival. Per capital, we are not on the top of the list for homeless population. They are not the problem. They are in need of protection

    Your second of two Fox News talking points is also bullshit. California eliminated a three strikes law. That's it. The three strikes law over crowded prisons, saw people imprisoned for life over incredibly minor crimes, permanently breaking apart families and ruining lives. Nothing about this policy *reduced* crime. You don't fight crime through police and imprisonment. That's not how that works.

    Newsom is a proactive and outspoken governor who is very articulate and has a lot socially forward and progressive policies he immediately lead us to a fairly large surplus and then used that surplus to create housing for the homeless and start manufacturing our own insulin so we could get better prices. That's just a few examples. If Biden isn't up to the political moment, which he isn't, Newsom certainly is. Newsom is also the sort of milk toast centrist that the establishment might not push off the ballot. I also like Ro Kanna

    That said, all this "replace Biden on the ballot" stuff is sheer, baffling idiocy. We have 4 months until the election, we do not have the electoral infrastructure to run *another* primary just because the guy performed poorly in one debate against a convicted felon. He's not my favorite choice but he is the only choice. We don't live in this fantasy land where these other people have a chance.

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cookster426 View Post
    Honest question. Why is everyone so gung ho on Newsome?
    Who else for plan B?

  12. #282
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    Y'all I don't know what other states' are like, but the fucking Campaign Commercials being run here in Missouri for the Governor's Race are fucking I N S A N E. One talks about how if he is elected governor of MISSOURI he'll stop "illegal Chinese" from crossing the Mexican border in TEXAS, because China apparently is in South America, and being governor of Missouri will somehow give him jurisdiction over a whole other ass state. Another one has this asshole saying "In Missouri, we believe in Boys and Girls not It's Theys and Thems. We believe in duty to God and Guns. Not duty to Government. And where do the illegals belong? THE HELL OUTTA MISSOURA"

    Parsons is a big ol flaming pile of pure liquid dog shit, but Jesus fucking christ.

  13. #283
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    Kamala is next in line to the presidency, I say run her as the candidate.

    Then again, nobody cares what I say, so…

  14. #284
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    How I wish Clinton had won in '16.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Kamala is next in line to the presidency, I say run her as the candidate.

    Then again, nobody cares what I say, so…
    I care. I say go with her too. But I'm Canadian so my opinion is moot.

  16. #286
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    I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
    "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

    Biden may not have wanted the ring of power to come to him, but if he doesn't cast it into the fires of mt doom, then we're all going to be destroyed.
    Last edited by M1ke; Yesterday at 01:12 PM.

  17. #287
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    The Biden Campaign has pretty much lost control of the narrative here to the press and a lot of it has to do with how they're NOT putting the President out there for interviews, appearances and events. They need to have him out way more than he has been and that's causing a lot of this concern.

  18. #288
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    The Heritage Foundation president is out there saying even more deranged bullshit than usual today, which is shocking.

    But the fact that he's doing it to distract from the explicit details of what Trump did to some of Epstein's victims (which were released in court documents recently) is even more disturbing.

    Like, we're not wrong to talk about the threat to democracy, but we should also be talking about Trumps paedophilia. It's such an overwhelming amount of horrific activity that I don't even know which one to focus on.

  19. #289
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  20. #290
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    Biden could resign.

    If Biden decides to exit the race, he might as well resign now. A sitting President Harris would be a stronger candidate than she would if she were running as Biden's VP. Whatever happens, Biden would exit his presidency on a positive note. Also, if Harris wins, 1/20 might come easier.

  21. #291
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    100% delusional.

  22. #292
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    hmm..can Biden, as president, now with this new immunity BS, declare, as an "official action" that to win an election, you must win the popular vote now and not the electoral vote?
    probably not, but that's one way to do things.

    maybe he can at an extremely accelerated rate pack the Supreme Court and then overturn this immunity thing.
    probably not.

    it's sad I am thinking about things like this, because I lack the confidence that he will win in November.

  23. #293
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    From the official site of Project 25. It's their manifesto.

    Year Zero was supposed to take place in 2022, so Trent was only off by three years.

  24. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    hmm..can Biden, as president, now with this new immunity BS, declare, as an "official action" that to win an election, you must win the popular vote now and not the electoral vote?
    probably not, but that's one way to do things.

    maybe he can at an extremely accelerated rate pack the Supreme Court and then overturn this immunity thing.
    probably not.

    it's sad I am thinking about things like this, because I lack the confidence that he will win in November.
    Couldn't he just have secret service send Trump to the colloquial farm as an official action?

  25. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    From the official site of Project 25. It's their manifesto.

    Year Zero was supposed to take place in 2022, so Trent was only off by three years.
    he was on point; covid just pushed it back a bit.

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    The Biden Campaign has pretty much lost control of the narrative here to the press and a lot of it has to do with how they're NOT putting the President out there for interviews, appearances and events. They need to have him out way more than he has been and that's causing a lot of this concern.
    I hate to say it, but i think there’s an obvious reason why they’re not putting Biden out there more right now, everywhere. He’s not performing well. That rally after the debate showed that he can still pull it off with a teleprompter, or maybe this is a sporadic thing that crops up but… I think his campaign knows they can’t rely on him to keep it together at this juncture, especially after that debate.

    This goes back a little further of course. It’s not like people just suddenly started talking about Biden’s decline; it was the fear we all had, that he would freeze up during the debate. And he didn’t just do it once.

    For me, this even goes to the State of the Union speech, which everyone seemed to think was great. I thought it was fine. He still meandered, looked old and frail, and did a piss poor job of shutting Marjorie fucking Greene down when she opened her stupid mouth. That was a huge opportunity, they obviously prepared for it, and it should have been a home run smackdown… and it wasn’t. It was pitiful.

    We’re not just talking about him being passable here. He should be kicking the shit out of these fringe nutjob idiots. And then that “I shall out-golf you!” horseshit during the debate? We’ve already talked about what a missed opportunity that moment was to control the narrative, and he…

    We don’t just need a candidate who can make his way through public appearances without utterly eating shit. That’s not good enough. We need someone to completely destroy these motherfuckers. When Marjorie Taylor Greene jumps up and makes a fool of herself, humiliate the living shit out of her, and then tell her to shut her mouth and take a seat. As has been said here, when Trump bashes your fucking golf game, turn around and say you have better shit to do than golf, but hey Donald, you look like you could use the exercise so go nuts.

    We need somebody who is quick-witted and savage, and while we’re at it, has good policies and is amazing at articulating them in language that makes sense to the voting public and gets them energized behind those ideas. But really, on the optics front, there’s already a crew of comedians, thinkers, strategists they could assemble… come on, the next time Marjorie Taylor Greene interrupts you during a prepared speech to the American people, shut that shit down, and if you can’t think fast enough on your feet, you need, I dunno, Seth Meyers and David Cross to feed you lines to get this done.

    Or we could just go with someone who can do it on their own
    Last edited by Jinsai; Today at 05:34 PM.

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