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Thread: Mike Patton

  1. #691
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    Spent some time with Angel Dust recently after a couple of years and that album is absolute bonkers. Nothing about it should work but it's a sublime experience nontheless. Perfect marriage of FNM & Bungle! Wish the rest of the albums were that experimental.

  2. #692
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    "Sol Invictus" was great, i hope they record another album again!

  3. #693
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    The Disco Volante post from last week is for a NFT auction of Disco Volante improv sessions and accompanying animations.

    The winners get a vinyl of the sessions. Hopefully they release it elsewhere.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #694
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    FNM is my favorite band and I am friendly with Billy so sometimes he gives me inside scoops on things.....I think SI is a solid album. Not great and certainly not on par with the previous 4. Dinosaur Jr is probably the only band that has reunited and released albums that are on par with their early material

    The songs on SI are basically everything they recorded. Theres no treasure chest of B sides. There are instrumental parts written for other songs that never went anywhere and are just laying around. During the AOTY era they wrote like a dozen instrumentals and when Patton came in to check them out, he trashed 95% of them and refused to record vocals for them because he thought they sucked so those songs got disposed of never to be heard from again. Most likely same scenario with the extra songs written around SI era (although this time it had nothing to do with Patton refusing to record them). If they didn't record them during the SI sessions, its most likely because they didn't think much of them in the first place
    Last edited by Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell); 07-29-2021 at 05:38 PM.

  5. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    FNM is my favorite band and I am friendly with Billy so sometimes he gives me inside scoops on things.....I think SI is a solid album. Not great and certainly not on par with the previous 4. Dinosaur Jr is probably the only band that has reunited and released albums that are on par with their early material

    The songs on SI are basically everything they recorded. Theres no treasure chest of B sides. There are instrumental parts written for other songs that never went anywhere and are just laying around. During the AOTY era they wrote like a dozen instrumentals and when Patton came in to check them out, he trashed 95% of them and refused to record vocals for them because he thought they sucked so those songs got disposed of never to be heard from again. Most likely same scenario with the extra songs written around SI era (although this time it had nothing to do with Patton refusing to record them). If they didn't record them during the SI sessions, its most likely because they didn't think much of them in the first place
    Woah, that's pretty interesting - thanks for the inside info! Have you ever had any hints of info on whether or not they foresee recording anything else in the future?

  6. #696
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jord View Post
    Woah, that's pretty interesting - thanks for the inside info! Have you ever had any hints of info on whether or not they foresee recording anything else in the future?
    They never share that info with anyone, including their wives. Everything is top secret in that regard so I have no clue.....I would hope so but who knows.

  7. #697
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    I just got tickets to see Russian Circles + FNM* in October in Oakland, woo hoo! Super pumped about this, now here's hoping that the Delta variant doesn't ruin this show.

    *SOAD are the headliners, but don't care too much about them. It should just be Russian Circles and FNM.

  8. #698
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    Double post: FNM cancelled their tour dates, Mike Patton’s going through mental health issues. I wish him the best, we don’t want to lose him like we lost Cornell. I hope I can get a refund, I’m not that excited about SOAD.
    Last edited by cahernandez; 09-14-2021 at 01:28 PM.

  9. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    During the AOTY era they wrote like a dozen instrumentals and when Patton came in to check them out, he trashed 95% of them and refused to record vocals for them because he thought they sucked so those songs got disposed of never to be heard from again.

    This is an interesting insight. It makes more sense when considering that he said the reason they broke up was because they started to make bad music. I wonder what direction they were initially going with that album. Looking at the writing credits, he appears to be the sole writer of some of the more aggressive rock songs. It is a little strange to hear that he trashed a ton of material and then wrote a stinker like "home sick home".

  10. #700
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    The issues I have with sol invictus, is the lack of the usual FNM keyboard sound, the strings pad or whatever Roddy uses. I think it is on Superhero (one of the weakest on the album imo, not really into the vocal delivery) and then at the end of matador. That combined with some slappy or funky bass, is the FNM sound. It also sounds like Pattons vocals were phoned in at times and it is audible that they were tacked on at different time than the music. Maybe the mix is just off. But the title track is one of my favorite FNM songs ever. Dark shit.

  11. #701
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    Faith No More just canceled the entire 2022 tour.......Fuck

  12. #702
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    Didn't want to derail the Tool thread but wow wtf
    @cahernandez I never saw that before, the video of Mike abusing his stage technician that's disappointing as hell.

    These performers get it in their heads that they're gods and just push people around. Fuck, check your ego Mike!

    Maybe his mental health issues have something to do with it, i don't know but i sure hope this isn't a recurring behaviour for him. Has he said anything about this publicly or apologized at all?

    Definitely needs help or anger management or something. Unless it's drug or alcohol related, i don't know his history with substance or if he's sober.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 12-16-2021 at 01:33 PM.

  13. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Didn't want to derail the Tool thread but wow wtf
    @cahernandez I never saw that before, the video of Mike abusing his stage technician that's disappointing as hell.

    These performers get it in their heads that they're gods and just push people around. Fuck, check your ego Mike!

    Maybe his mental health issues have something to do with it, i don't know but i sure hope this isn't a recurring behaviour for him. Has he said anything about this publicly or apologized at all?

    Definitely needs help or anger management or something. Unless it's drug or alcohol related, i don't know his history with substance or if he's sober.
    Yeah, it's not a good look. Stage hands/venue staff are the unsung heroes of the concert industry, we owe our gratitude to them, so it's whack to see him treating that stage tech like that. It's my understanding that the only substance he has problem with is caffeine (hence the FNM song). But I can be wrong. It's telling that they cancelled the entire 2022 tour, let's hope that MP recovers from whatever is suffering at the moment. It's more serious than what I originally thought.

  14. #704
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    During Mr Bungle tours Mike would always be helping the stage hands and carrying equipment with them. The only video of him "abusing" a stagehand was the 2012 FNM show when his mic cut out a bunch of times and he smacked the guy. Theres plenty of video/audio of Trent screaming and cursing at stage hands and kicking equipment over that they were about to handle as well. Mike's been known to demand perfection w stage setups/sound etc (mostly this started after the mid 90s when Mr Bungles old sound engineer was on meth and fucked several shows up then stole a bunch of their equipment after MP fired him but thats another story)....but pretty sure that 2012 incident is an isolated incident as far as him getting physical. Homme is kicking female photogs in the head and people seemed to forget all about that
    Last edited by Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell); 12-16-2021 at 05:18 PM.

  15. #705
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    I didn’t forget about Homme at all. I just hadn’t heard anything problematic about Patton until today.

  16. #706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    During Mr Bungle tours Mike would always be helping the stage hands and carrying equipment with them. The only video of him "abusing" a stagehand was the 2012 FNM show when his mic cut out a bunch of times and he smacked the guy. Theres plenty of video/audio of Trent screaming and cursing at stage hands and kicking equipment over that they were about to handle as well. Mike's been known to demand perfection w stage setups/sound etc (mostly this started after the mid 90s when Mr Bungles old sound engineer was on meth and fucked several shows up then stole a bunch of their equipment after MP fired him but thats another story)....but pretty sure that 2012 incident is an isolated incident as far as him getting physical. Homme is kicking female photogs in the head and people seemed to forget all about that
    I remember reading that during a Tomahawk show he once took his dick out and pissed on a security guard in the front row years ago. Patton and crew claim it was a prank and not real but the photos I've seen certainly look like a real penis. Not sure if there was beef with the security or what, I think he got in an argument with Chino Moreno backstage prior to this and was upset.

    My personal observation on Patton is that he's had a fair share of WTF moments but they were in the early days of his career when he was young like with Trent. They would act out because they weren't comfortable with the fame. Doesn't excuse it but that's where they were coming from. Patton has mellowed out alot since the 90's and I'm glad even if the Angel Dust is my favorite era of FNM. There's a difference between having a crazy stage presence and being a dick, you don't wanna do the latter.
    Last edited by nooneimportant; 12-17-2021 at 01:59 AM.

  17. #707
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    I mean, Axl Rose? Salvador Dali? The Cult? Busta Rhymes? Don Henley? Buzz Melvin? Frank Black? Lars Ulrich? Oasis? Kanye? Dr. Seuss, ffs? Jimmy Page? John Lennon? Charles Dickens? Michael Jordan? Mozart? etc etc etc
    GHANDI waz a terrible bastard, by most accounts.

    Massive egos and dickish behavior are just part of it.
    My brother, for instance, has done lighting for MULTIPLE artists where "at no time should any employee make EYE CONTACT with Mr/Mrs so and so" was part of the job. Also, Bernie Sanders was pretty damn rude to him.

    You DO have your Lil Waynes who always make a point of coming out and personally thanking the local crew, and shaking everyone's hand.

    But yeah, assholery and big egos are just a MASSIVE part of the whole celebrity world, period. I don't get upset over it. I just dig the music and read the books and watch the games, unless the person does HORRIBLY egregious shit. I'm not trying to be FRIENDS with these people.

    I honestly think it was better pre cell phone cam/social media.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-17-2021 at 03:33 AM.

  18. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by nooneimportant View Post
    I remember reading that during a Tomahawk show he once took his dick out and pissed on a security guard in the front row years ago. Patton and crew claim it was a prank and not real but the photos I've seen certainly look like a real penis. Not sure if there was beef with the security or what, I think he got in an argument with Chino Moreno backstage prior to this and was upset.

    My personal observation on Patton is that he's had a fair share of WTF moments but they were in the early days of his career when he was young like with Trent. They would act out because they weren't comfortable with the fame. Doesn't excuse it but that's where they were coming from. Patton has mellowed out alot since the 90's and I'm glad even if the Angel Dust is my favorite era of FNM. There's a difference between having a crazy stage presence and being a dick, you don't wanna do the latter.

    The piss story w Tomahawk was totally a fake dick and fake piss.......He used to carry that fake dick around on that entire Tomahawk tour and prank people with it lmao. That Chino story was also a goof. He used to troll the media A LOT. The Tomahawk camp leaked to the press that Chino and all these "nu metal" singers were begging him to reunite Faith No More before that show and that there was this big meeting and that Mike was very "upset" about it lmao. He has actually always been on good terms w Chino. He was the one who got Chino drunk backstage at Waldrock in 01. Sung on a Team Sleep track around that time and eventually signed Palms to Ipecac a decade later. MP has always been the ultimate troll. I am friendly w one of the members of FNM so I have heard stories that haven't really been out there. Heres a goodie since it shows MPs character. During the 1992 tour when FNM toured w GNR, one of GNRs crew guys pulled him into a tent where Axl, Slash, and a bunch of GNR crew guys were gathered around with 3 or 4 girls and they were giving the girls drugs and having them do lesbian acts on eachother in front of everyone and egging them on and Patton was the one who started screaming at what a bunch of scumbags these guys were and stormed out. Ironic since all the GNR crowd are woke these days and posting up how they support womens rights. ERrrrrrr okkkkkk....But Mike has def had ego issues here and there (he even admits that) but he's never gone off the deep end into rock star asshole behavior. His issues usually were with guitar players (Trey and Jim specifically) and the media
    Last edited by Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell); 12-17-2021 at 12:29 PM.

  19. #709
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  20. #710
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    That was most excellent, thanks for sharing! I love how Matt chokes up at the end when he's talking about people being so touched by music that they decide to 'live another day', I can tell he really loves his job and loves music. I wish they would had done the entire album with individual analysis, and not stop at The Real Thing (the song). This video made me want to see them live again so bad. Hopefully Patton is doing better these days.

  21. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    That was most excellent, thanks for sharing! I love how Matt chokes up at the end when he's talking about people being so touched by music that they decide to 'live another day', I can tell he really loves his job and loves music. I wish they would had done the entire album with individual analysis, and not stop at The Real Thing (the song). This video made me want to see them live again so bad. Hopefully Patton is doing better these days.
    Igor Cavalera posted some photos of Patton on Instagram pretty recently and Bungle is on the bill for Knotfest Brazil & Chile later this year so it seems he’s made progress.
    Last edited by Merriweather; 07-04-2022 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Double quoted on mobile

  22. #712
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    The Ipecac IG posted a teaser for what it seems like it’ll be Dead Cross 2. So Mike Patton is back!

  23. #713
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    The Ipecac IG posted a teaser for what it seems like it’ll be Dead Cross 2. So Mike Patton is back!
    Hell yeah. Love the first album, and they were awesome when I saw them live. Looking forward to more!

  24. #714
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    II (out 10​/​28​/​22)
    by Dead Cross
    Yellow & Black Swirl 140gr LP in leather-type jacket with printed inner sleeve - Limited to 500 for the world.
    Gold 140gr LP in leather-type jacket with printed inner sleeve
    CD Digipak
    Only 400 made of this limited edition black cassette with gold text in a clear case. There's also a Limited Gold Cassette available only on the Ipecac webstore.
    Unsure why it says 10/28 when everything else says releases October 14, 2022.

  25. #715
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    Limited vinyl is sold out on bandcamp, but still available on the ipecac site!

  26. #716
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    According to his interview with Rolling Stone, Patton developed agoraphobia which resulted in him not feeling like he could perform in front of a crowd, which is why the FNM and Bungle dates were cancelled last year. He says that he's doing a couple Bungle shows later this year to see how things go, but the FNM cancellations created some tensions with the rest of the band.

  27. #717
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    I'm glad he's opening about this and i hope he's better, mental health is important and we forget how this pandemic affected so many people.

  28. #718
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merriweather View Post
    the FNM cancellations created some tensions with the rest of the band.
    If true, kinda makes the rest of the band sound like assholes. I'm glad Mike took care of himself and cancelled the shows. I can't help but think about all the musicians we've lost because they didn't take that time off when they should have.

  29. #719
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    If true, kinda makes the rest of the band sound like assholes. I'm glad Mike took care of himself and cancelled the shows. I can't help but think about all the musicians we've lost because they didn't take that time off when they should have.
    I think your being a bit harsh on the other band members, if I remember the tour was cancelled 2 days before starting, I’d imagine a lot of people including the crew who had no work during the pandemic lost out big time. Anyways fair play to him for doing what was right for him. Patton is such a legend and glad we’ve still got him. He mentioned that no one from FNM reached out to him but I read a few months back that Roddy was back in SF for a wedding and reached out but didn’t get a response. Really hope they all make amends and we get a final tour. I was stoked that they were coming to Australia, I really wish Trent would head over sometime soon.

    Edit- also it’s crazy to think Patton could suffer from agrophobia, he has such a huge presence on stage and always seemed to love interacting with audiences, just goes to show that no one’s safe from mental health issues.
    Last edited by Elrickooo; 07-19-2022 at 10:38 PM.

  30. #720
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    I'm glad he opened up. Agoraphobia is real and it sucks- my gf's uncle has it and we like, rarely see him. My gf even has a tinge of it sometimes too and she fears it'll get worse as she gets older. Glad he opened up about being in AA too. The pandemic really fucked with a lot of people's minds (myself included) .

    I get why FNM would be pissed, but at the same time, they shouldn't hold it against him forever...they should be over it by now. It's really unfortunate if they're not. It sounds like the ball is in their court. Maybe they can record an album if he can't tour?

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