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Thread: Slam Bamboo/Trent Reznor tracks officially released!

  1. #1
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    Slam Bamboo/Trent Reznor tracks officially released!

    An EP of 1980s Slam Bamboo music was released to Download sites back in 2015, and I just found this today! It's a 6 track EP and contains both tracks that Trent contributed to (Cry Like A Baby and White Lies). The other 4 tracks are from an earlier EP before Trent joined them. These are officially released by the same label (Slack) that released them originally. I just bought them on Qobuz in CD quality!

  2. #2
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    Yeah, it's been available for a while, years actually. The EP doesn't have any involvement from TR, and he is not mentioned anywhere in it. This is the OG band without TR releasing the tracks.

    To reiterate, these are new recordings.


    "Scott, Tim & Ron are currently at Wildwood Studios CLE recording new versions of old Slam Bamboo songs including "House On Fire", along with some new songs!!"

    "PHOTO: Ron recently recording drums tracks for a new version of "House On Fire" at Wildwood Studios CLE"

    It's cool. Scott Hanson is cool.

    FYI: Even in the original, it's heavily debated if TR even did anything in the band (Scott Hanson openly says TR didnt do anything). He was a live keyboard player, and he has credit in the album, but his involvement always was absolutely minimal.
    Last edited by shagg_187; 03-03-2024 at 06:25 PM.

  3. #3
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    I think you missunderstood my post. Yes, I know it's been available for a while, years ago. That's why I said it was released in 2015. And regardless of what the group claimed in a Facebook page, not all the tracks are newly recorded. Maybe they changed their mind, maybe they don't want to give credit to old performers. Regardless, this 6 track EP consists of 3 new songs (which were obviously recording around 2015 based on the clean sound). The old 3 songs (including the 2 tracks that Trent plays on) are in fact the original old recordings. If you compare them to the original vinyl singles, you will clearly hear that. Also, those 3 old songs were sourced from vinyl and you can hear faint vinyl pops, especially on House On Fire and White Lies. And it hasn't been "heavily debated" if Trent had anything to do with those. He is officially credited on the original single. You must be thinking of The Innocent, which Trent later said he didn't play on, but since he is credited and received payment for it, my best guess is that Trent is embarrased about that big-hair band.

    So yes, House on Fire does not feature Trent on the recording, though he did appear pretending to play to playback audio. And I don't doubt that they "maybe" attempted to re-record the original 3 tracks, and they obviously
    did record 3 tracks they never had released before. But again, the 3 old songs on this new EP are the original tracks taken from vinyl.

    Quote Originally Posted by shagg_187 View Post
    Yeah, it's been available for a while, years actually. The EP doesn't have any involvement from TR, and he is not mentioned anywhere in it. This is the OG band without TR releasing the tracks.

    To reiterate, these are new recordings.


    "Scott, Tim & Ron are currently at Wildwood Studios CLE recording new versions of old Slam Bamboo songs including "House On Fire", along with some new songs!!"

    "PHOTO: Ron recently recording drums tracks for a new version of "House On Fire" at Wildwood Studios CLE"

    It's cool. Scott Hanson is cool.

    FYI: Even in the original, it's heavily debated if TR even did anything in the band (Scott Hanson openly says TR didnt do anything). He was a live keyboard player, and he has credit in the album, but his involvement always was absolutely minimal.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    God, we are desperate for new music

  6. #6
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    I really liked "House on Fire." I think it just came out a little too late. It's very New Wave and could have been a hit had it been released five years earlier.

  7. #7
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    @atomobile understood. Thanks for responding.

    My comment comes from reading old posts of Scott Hanson and believing what he says being true. Maybe he's not being truthful. I remember reading comments by him that TR was planning on writing PHM and he helped Scott record the album prior to it, but he had zero influence on the music, and is never credited as the official member of the band. Not doubting TR didn't help them. Yes he is 100% given credit for programming, keyboard and additional backup vocals on White Lies single, but again I doubt that he did anything beyond helping them record the tracks, playing the parts already written, and playing live with them.

    You're right, of course. Maybe I am confusing the timeline.

    Anyways, I'm glad we are talking about Slam Bamboo. Will someone please sell me the White Lies single? Lol.
    Last edited by shagg_187; 03-06-2024 at 12:13 AM.

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