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Thread: The Downward Spiral - 30th Anniversary

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    The Downward Spiral - 30th Anniversary

    The Downward Spiral is 30! I was six and had no concept of who or what NIN was, but I do remember seeing the logo on a magnet at my aunts house, so at least that was ingrained at an early age lol

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  3. #3
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    From Discordance today:

    “Spending too much time looking backwards feels dangerous to me, but this day on the calendar caught my attention. Has it really been that long, old friend?

    I just spent an hour listening to this time capsule of what 28 year old me had to say, and it still excites me and breaks my heart.

    Be kind to yourselves. Hope to see you soon."

    TR 3.8.24

  4. #4
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    Really hoped for a deviations or something to tie in with the 30th but glad to see it acknowledged by the man himself. Soon indeed.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgalbraith View Post
    From Discordance today:

    “Spending too much time looking backwards feels dangerous to me, but this day on the calendar caught my attention. Has it really been that long, old friend?

    I just spent an hour listening to this time capsule of what 28 year old me had to say, and it still excites me and breaks my heart.

    Be kind to yourselves. Hope to see you soon."

    TR 3.8.24

    Gorgeous picture! I wonder if he has had that picture of Wound for a while or if it’s new? Either way I want one. Inception vibes with the black border within a border.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Gorgeous picture! I wonder if he has had that picture of Wound for a while or if it’s new? Either way I want one. Inception vibes with the black border within a border.
    That's not a picture, that's the original art.

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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    That's not a picture, that's the original art.
    Oh, duh. Don’t mind me.

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    Speaking of original art...Rob shared some additional insight / images of the original artwork yesterday.

    A post shared by on

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    And thoughts from Kraw:

    A post shared by on

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    I felt Trent's TDS post extremely touching.

    It felt good seeing him connecting with this album. Especially, reading that he sat down to listen it. Which I actually just did myself, tonight, on a relaxed Saturday evening. (Unplanned, but halfway through Mr. Self-Destruct I thought to myself: "Am I really gonna do this?" Well, I did.)

    Listening to TDS made me think of who I was at the time the album came out. And about who I am right now. And how the two are the same, but still very different. And of course, what an amazing masterpiece the album is.

    Not the album 47 year old myself puts on every day. But still my favorite, or most important album ever.

    So, there has been a lot of "connecting" around this album anniversary. Connecting with the album. Connecting with myself. Connecting with this board here, where I haven't posted in forever.

    I also felt connected to Trent via his post. And seems he also feels connected to us. And hopes to connect with us again. In whichever way.

    Surprised that there weren't more posts or sentiments around this photo here. But I'm sure many of you had similar feelings. I was kinda in the mood to share them here.


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    Quote Originally Posted by opal View Post
    I also felt connected to Trent via his post. And seems he also feels connected to us. And hopes to connect with us again. In whichever way.
    A listening party of sorts was organized on the Discord last night...both Trent and Kraw dropped in. I wasn't in the voice channel so I didn't hear it but apparently TR said "Hello, my children" which got a lot of laughs. Saw some familiar screen names from the board in there. I don't pop in there much but it can be fun when there is stuff going on. I hope there's more...stuff............soon.

  13. #13
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    NIN’s The Downward Spiral at 30
    "When researching my 2019 book, Into The Never, about the making of The Downward Spiral, I was able to dig deep on the past, present, and future of Nine Inch Nails. For this article, I combined the extensive background I covered in my book with new, exclusive interviews with Flood, Alan Moulder, Sean Beavan, Brian Pollack, and Andy Kubiszewski to discuss their memories of working with Trent Rezner."

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    Adam Steiner writing for Spin! That's pretty rad to see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    New pseudonym?

  16. #16
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    I heard TDS before it came out & was blown away. I knew it was going to be huge that first listen.

  17. #17
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    My first exposure to TDS was showing up to a weekly geek meet one night and a friend of mine telling me to put on her headphones to listen to what was going on... just the briefest of a moment... but yeah, that started it for me.

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    Friday ended up being a busy day for me (and I forgot that the Deluxe Edition CD I brought in the car to listen to as I worked had been played to the point of non-functioning) so I took out my Definitive Edition vinyl on Saturday afternoon and listened to my favorite album from front to back, and as always (especially experienced in its entirety as intended) it holds a primal, brutal power I cannot overstate. It wasn't the first NIN material I ever heard when I first listened to it at around 12-13 years old, or even my first NIN obsession, but hearing that album was a transformative listening experience. I remember hearing Mr. Self Destruct for the first time and it was like fireworks in my brain. The sound was intoxicating and feverishly addictive but just as importantly, I was hearing my own thoughts and most painful, vulnerable feelings vocalized. I was hearing myself in Trent's own struggles and as anyone who has dealt with those feelings knows, hearing them echoed back to you from someone else does more to make you feel less alone than the most traditional well-wishing ever could. As for so many others out there, as desperate and ugly and agonizing as The Downward Spiral is, it was a pivotal lifeline for me and it will always have a special place in my heart. To this day it is still my all time favorite album and seeing it unexpectedly performed in full at Webster Hall will always be one of the most special memories of my life.

    Trent's "be kind to yourselves" message definitely got to me. Obviously the mastermind behind this album knows the painful headspace the material occupies more than anyone, and is intimately aware that the people who respond to it so strongly very frequently have dealt with or are in the process of dealing with such internal struggles themselves. I'm glad to see Trent and so many others find themselves in a better, happier place now. I wish I could say the same but in many ways I feel as close to that miserable teenager now as I ever have, and (at the risk of going TMI) find it increasingly difficult to have an overly positive view of myself. So I find being kind to myself a challenge. But I deeply appreciate the sentiment from someone who has been there and knows how difficult that can be.

    Happy anniversary, The Downward Spiral. <3
    Last edited by Deacon Blackfire; 03-10-2024 at 04:06 PM. Reason: typos

  19. #19
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    My first NIN album ever, the one that changed my perception of music, forever!

  20. #20
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    1994 was such a great year for music--Dookie, The Downward Spiral, Nirvana Unplugged, Superunknown, Purple, Live Though This, Vitalogy, etc.

  21. #21
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    This masterpiece is still in rotation, many times listening to it with headphones in it’s entirety, it has definitely taken me out of many dark places for reasons that I really don’t understand, I hope we can experience one more really intense masterpieces from him, I really think the world needs his kind of chaos…

  22. #22
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    I kinda bounced off TDS the first time! It was ‘96, I was a quake fan and had an older friend who was a metal head who loaned it to me. I liked Ruiner. I sought out a few other tracks on FTP sites, and remember liking Last. But it wasn’t until 2001 and hearing bits off the fragile that I really got into NIN.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    FTP sites
    I forgot about those.

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    To celebrate the 30th anniversary of their iconic album, ‘The DownwardSpiral’, we have collaborated with award-winning documentary and feature film writer/director Jonathan Rach,who captured Nine Inch Nails’ era-defining photography during their 1994-97 extensive global tour.

    • Where: 524 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC
    • When: 6th - 10th March 2024
    • The Downward Spiral’ Album Release Anniversary Friday 8th March
    • Artist Talk on Saturday 9th March 12:30-2pm
    • Opening Hours
    • Wed: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
    • Thur: 10:30 - 6pm
    • Fri - 10:30 - Late
    • Sat: 10:30 - 4pm
    • Sun: 10:30 - 3pm

  25. #25
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    I still remember my friend sending me the album on MSN Messenger in 2007 and my initial reaction being that it was a boring album (with the exception of March of the Pigs which I loved immediately). I'm glad the other music held my interest enough for me to give TDS another listen as it quickly became one of my favorite albums of all time as NIN became my favorite band.

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    Quote Originally Posted by leftshoe18 View Post
    I still remember my friend sending me the album on MSN Messenger in 2007 and my initial reaction being that it was a boring album (with the exception of March of the Pigs which I loved immediately). I'm glad the other music held my interest enough for me to give TDS another listen as it quickly became one of my favorite albums of all time as NIN became my favorite band.
    “2007” and “MSN messenger” makes your recollection feel simultaneously old and new to me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaps View Post
    Really hoped for a deviations or something to tie in with the 30th but glad to see it acknowledged by the man himself. Soon indeed.
    hes an old man now, let him collect his bag in peace.

    I hope he tours again tho

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    “2007” and “MSN messenger” makes your recollection feel simultaneously old and new to me
    I still think of myself as a "new fan" despite the fact I've been listening to them for close to half the band's existence.

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  30. #30
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    Holy God. I was quite precocious, musically, as I grew up with both parents always having a band, and learning to play from both of them.

    I saw Wish on MTV in 92, at age 12, and was slightly horrified, but couldn't look away. Naturally, I immediately bought Broken and Fixed. I was obsessed, and, as you do, scrambled to get hold of PHM, Sin, and Down In It, from the local CD Warehouse (which we affectionately called CD WHOREhouse).

    I thought Trent's name was RENZOR at first. I went to the fucking library on a regular basis to see if any articles had mentioned NIN on their super early internet computer. As I've said here, before, my middle school compatriots called me "Nintendo Boy" because of my NIN shirt, worn once a week- although some of those people would have the same shirt a couple of years later.

    Then came March of the Pigs. I had it with me at church camp, and the pastor wanted to use it as the alarm for the next morning. I said NO no no, do NOT do that. He was like "hey, man, I still like rock and roll"
    I was like, ok motherfucker, I warned you.
    The next morning, March of the Pigs was blasting in a fucking dorm full of 13 year old boys, to get us ready for morning prayers. It was so fucking funny.
    It was an "AHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD NO, WHAT IN THE HELL is THIS TURN IT OFF, HOW DO I TURN IT OFF?!" moment for that preacher, and, naturally, I took my sweet time "figuring out" how to turn the stereo. I treasure that moment.

    And then, Jesus God, FINALLY, THE. DOWNWARD. SPIRAL, 7 days after my 14th birthday. I had ONE NIN buddy, and we'd been waiting FOREVER. Time moved slower then, of course.
    TDS took the promise of the MOTP single and just expanded on it, exponentially. Our jaws dropped at Mr Self Destruct.
    I mean, JESUS. Ruiner, IDNWT, Eraser, fucking The Becoming, Reptile, Hurt etc...the COMPLEXITY of those songs. Oddly, i've been thinking about, and revisiting them, lately.
    The amount of WORK that went into that record, and the BRILLIANCE of creating something SO different, that felt self contained...well, I think it's a perfect album.

    And then, Jesus God, the shows and the EPs. Closure. Rumors of the Broken movie floating around. It was the perfect era and the perfect record for a damn near perfect band.

    I was diagnosed Bipolar 1 a little over 3 years later, and did (my first) stint in the mental hospital. And that album, and all the associated media, from Dead Souls from The Crow, to the INSANELY cathartic shows, to Closer to God...I mean, it wasn't just teen angst. There was SO much I RELATED to, SO FUCKING DEEPLY.
    And it HELPED.

    I know this story is hardly unique, HERE. YES, the production and songwriting were amazing, YES it was unique.
    I can listen to that record on a happy fun time sort of day and smile.
    But, to me, TDS was ALSO there for those of us who DID hurt. It went FAR beyond mere teen angst.
    It felt like it was about a hyperbolic version of me, not Trent.
    And it still is here, when we hurt again,
    Fuck me. My eyes are watering up a little..

    I apologize for the flood of memories, but...THIRTY FUCKING YEARS. Jesus.

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